In any normal circumstance, Ness and Buzz Buzz would have destroyed the Starman Jr. with no trouble. Unfortunately, this is not normal. Lying on the ground near the home of Ness, lays the charred body of the boy, a small insect close by. On the wall of the hill, the Starman Jr., a DX, and a Super have crowded around Porky, Ness's overweight next door neighbor.

“P-p-please don't hurt me, I didn't do anything, I just lost my brother, that's all!” Porky said, cowering in fear. His brother, Picky, had perished as well during the battle.

“He is not aware, shall we explain?” The Starman DX suggested.

“Yes. -whirr-” The Jr. replied, “We are not going to hurt you. We bring an offering from Master Giygas. He wishes you to join him, and bring this world to it's knees.”

“W-why should I join you, you killed Ness and Picky!” Porky yelled, some fear leaving him.

“We had to, -beep- he and the three others that infernal insect informed him of would destroy Master Giygas. The -whirr- Apple of Enlightenment foretold of it. Your brother was a needless -boop- loss, though. We apologize.”

Porky was now beginning to fear more. “I-I-I-I don't believe you! Prove that this would happen!”

The Starmen looked at each other. “One way or the other.” The Super said. The Starmen and Porky were teleported in front of the Apple of Enlightenment. It wasn't even shaped like an apple at all. It looked more like a giant orb on a stand of guts. “Great Apple of Enlightenment, prove to this boy you're premonition!”

The Apple whirred, and made a few demonic noises, until an image appeared. It showed Ness getting the Sound Stone, Paula being freed, Jeff crashing the Sky Runner, and Poo teleporting into Summers. Finally, it showed them having their minds transferred into robots, and them defeating Porky and Giygas. The Apple finished with Giygas disappearing from existence.

“Convinced -whirr- yet?” The Jr. said with an attitude in his voice.

Porky just gulped. “Y-yeah, but I ain't doing it! You already got Ness, just get the others and leave me out of it!”

“We thought you'd say that.” The Super replied. The Starmen and Porky were suddenly teleported to the Devil's Machine, where Giygas waited. “The boy refuses! What do we do?”

The Devil's Machine whirred, and the face of Porky appeared in the center. Giygas's voice started talking in Porky's head.

So you refuse me,” it spoke in a low pitch voice, “I would kill you for such insolence, but I need you. I do not have a physical body, making things difficult for me. I cannot simply destroy the Chosen Four myself, and my Starmen were lucky to kill Ness and Buzz Buzz. You _ must _ join me. When you and the rest of your race perish, you don't want to think “I could've avoided this.” do you? Just kill the other three, and you'll survive as my right hand man.”

Porky was overcome with fear. He didn't know what he was staring at, and it wasn't apparently talking to his mind. He had a choice: join whatever the hell this thing was, or perish with humankind. When it came down to it, he _ really _ didn't have much of a choice. “I-I-I'll join you.” He said, a hint of worry in his voice.

“Good,” Giygas said, his voice still the same “I'll have my Starmen create something for you to kill those children! What would you prefer-no wait, don't tell me...ah, a Spider-Mech. Good choice.” It seemed the Starmen got it, because they left.

“Wait, I'm killing them? Why can't you?” Porky asked.

“I have no body, and my Starmen are incompetent. I told you that.”

“Oh yeah.” Porky said back