Disclaimer: I do not own Ed, Edd n Eddy or Earthbound. Danny Antonucci and Nintendo own them. Also, this story is in no way related to Port-Ed.

Chapter 1: The Chosen Ones

It was a calm day in the cul-de-sac. In a way. Eddy is still scamming. He figured he learned his lesson when he went to see his brother. Eddy just got Earthbound and was going to sell it for the kids.

– Step right up and get your free copy of Earthbound! Complete with SNES! Only 25 cents!

Eddward (a.k.a. Double D) asked Eddy where he got it.

– From my brother, Double D.
– You’re still in touch with him?
– So what if I am?! – Eddy was starting to get angry.

The kids came up to see.

– Where’d ya get this, dork?
– I thought you were through with that “dork” thing.
– Well-

Before Kevin could finish, a giant meteor crashed in the playground.

– HOLY COW! – said Ed.
– Yes, I believe you’re right, Ed. – Edd replied.
– Let’s go see! – Ed’s sister Sarah said.
– Where did you come from? – Eddy was surprised to see Sarah here.
– My house – Sarah’s best friend Jimmy came to protect her.
– Whatever. Let’s just go!
– You know, this reminds me of that one time when Rolf’s house was invaded by aliens. – Edd just remembered.
– Oh yeah! Didn’t we win an Emmy for that episode?
– Hardly.

As the gang was heading towards the playground, all Eddy wanted was... you know - cash. Jawbreaker cash. He was gonna sell the meteor for cash. The three took the shortcut through the woods and went to the construction site. But when they got there, a bunch of cops got in their way.

- Back off, dummies! We gotta find out what this rock is and if it’s some alien life form. SO BACK OFF! - the cop said.

- Listen, jerk. We got to get to the rock so we can get that jawbreaker money! So let us through!- Eddy said. Edd tried to talk Eddy out of it, but the cop smirked at Eddy.

- Well, looks like we gotta do this the hard way. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! - The cop punched Eddy and knocked him into Edd. - Gentlemen, must we resort to violence? Let’s politely leave Eddy. - Eddy ignored Edd, and pulled out a bat. He blocked the cops punched and struck him on the head.

- Back up, I need back up, repeat BACK UP! - As the cop said this, Eddy wacked him with the bat, but more cops appeared. Bullets began firing, and Edd jumped for cover. Ed sat there stupidly, and Eddy began striking the army of cops. Then Eddy was shot in the leg, and he was hit by a car, knocking him onto the wall. The cops grabbed Eddy, and handcuffed him. Edd was grabbed, and they were forced into a cop car.

- Ooops, we forgot the lump. Let’s cuff him boys!

Suddenly, Ed eyed the cops with a dark stare on his face. Rage flared in his eyes and suddenly he began glowing. Ed let out a giant yell, and then suddenly, he turned quiet. Then, a giant blast of fire shot out. Cop cars ignited and exploded, and cops ran. Suddenly, Ed returned to normal.

- Neat lights, huh guys?

Edd and Eddy didn’t say a word, but continued to the strange glowing rock. Suddenly, a faint buzzing noise started following the Eds.

– Hey sockhead! Do you hear a buzz?
– Oh my. I do, Eddy.
– I actually thought that was Ed’s head.
– Hello! – Ed always knew when people were talking about him.

Suddenly, a giant blast of green light shot out, and began pulling the Eds in. Eddy grabbed on to a rock, but fell in. Edd was sucked in, and Ed just grabbed on to a pole.

- Please don’t take me magic toilet! - Ed said. Then, Ed was yanked off the pole and thrown in the light.

The boys screamed as they were sucked through the meteorite. Then, the light stopped, and everything turned quiet.

– Choice! The dorks are gone! – Kevin said.
– Dude, you seriously need help – Nazz replied.

1 hour later…

Home of Ness

Eddy woke up and fell on the ground.

– Ow, my acking head… Where the hell are we? Hey sockhead! Lumpy! Wake up! – said Eddy.
– I don’t think we’re in Peach Creek anymore, Eddy. – answered Edd.

Suddenly, a small little bee appeared and floated around the Eds.

– Pretty bee. – said Ed.
– A bee I am not. I am from 10 years in the future, who has brought you here to warn you three of a dark power. Giygas, the universal cosmic destroyer, has sent his army here.
– Giygas? Intriguing.
– This very world, along with your dimension as well, could be destroyed by his seemingly infinite power. However, there is hope. An ancient prophecy tells of 6 boys and two girls who have the power to stop Giygas and free the world. You are three of those boys, so I summoned you to this other dimension so we can stop Giygas before he destroys the world along with yours as well. I brought you to this home, because this is the home of Ness, another chosen one. Please, when Ness returns, we must begin our quest to save the world. If you can realize the hidden powers that you possess, Giygas will be destroyed, and the world will be free. Please heroes, we have little time, make your decision.
– HOLD IT! – Eddy interrupted. – You think I’m going to let some little bug thing drag me away from my life of money and jawbreakers? No way! Go find some other hero!
– But it’s true. And you have proof.
– …what? – Eddy was confused.
– I think he means that Earthbound game your brother sent you, Eddy.
– Damm you brother of mine!
– Eddy! Language!

To be continued…
Next time: the Eds meet Ness and their adventure begins.