Blue, Blue! Blue is the color our leader has selected. We will follow orders as directed. This little world will be corrected! Pink wearing maidens will be collected. Doing as you are told is expected. This little world will be perfected! Trashcan Man There is a dirty man. He never talks to anyone. Living in a trashcan. With has odor that can stun. Like the bottom of a drip can He never seems to get anything done. Ghosties and Ghoulies In every shadow, In every corner. Things seem lurk, And murmur. Unseen by many. Unwanted by more. Ghosties and Ghoulies Hide unheard. Some with purple visors, Others with punkin heads. Zomibes and bats! Under your beds! Zombie Sundays Waking up late. In hurry. Zombie Sundays, Make things blurry. You put on a striped shirt. A cap covered in dirt. Walk outside do things. Act like a puppet on strings. Wandering and moaning in an urban graveyard. You surely act like some kind of retard. THREED Welcome to our city! Lined with the dead. Make your buisness fast. And mind your head!