Chapter 12: Hacking the System
The Starmen Federation HQ in the central kingdom is where we are now. All but four Starmen have completed their missions. Since there was nothing better to do, all the Starmen swarmed Emet Raed and his computer. General Naiot and the computer were the only things Emet concentrated on.

"So, Emet. How far are you?"

"I just made the anti-firewall software. I am ready to get the file needed!"

At that moment, Samuel de Amigo entered the room.

"General Naiot, I am back from the opposite kingdom. I have learned some new PK like the mission described."

General Naiot grabbed Samuel de Amigo's folder and returned to Emet.

"Very good Emet. Now, hack!"

"I will!"

Emet started typing. On the screen, text appeared.


Emet pressed the enter button and the program began uploading.

"Now, this program will let me see all hidden files and folders in this server. If there is no firewall security, this will work fine."

When the file finished uploading, Emet typed even more.


Emet hit enter, which caused a loading screen.

"Now, I have uploaded the hack file to the server, then ran it from the server. That is the only way to display these files, because the hack program only reveals files in the directory it is in."

When the file finished loading, Emet typed a command on the computer to view the files. This caused even more text.


Emet opened up the directory PK. Suddenly, King Ochun appeared. He grabbed Samuel de Amigo's folder from General Naiot and then vanished as soon as he came.

"I have accessed the part of the server where the information on psychokinetics is stored. I'll have to upload the hacking program yet again."

"AGH! This no make sense! DOING!"

Emet continued typing. He tried to upload the hacking program once again, but it was overridden by a firewall.

"This server here has a firewall, so I'll need to disable it. This file can be uploaded to the server even though there is a firewall due to the fact that it is a firewall in terms of similar programming."

Emet began uploaded the anti-firewall program.


After a long while, the file finished uploading.

"The file finished uploading, so now I must load it. That will disable the firewall. I then will upload the hacking program yet again, load that yet again, and then extract the file needed."

On the computer screen, there was a huge jumble of text that resulted from Emet's hacking. But only the most recent text mattered.


After the file loaded and ran, Emet began uploading the hacking program.


Emet pressed enter. The file began uploading. After that finished, Emet ran the hacking program, then viewed the hidden files.


General Naiot coughed.

"You want 5253."

"What these numbers? DOING!"

Emet answered.

"These numbers correspond to the five levels of psychokinetic power. 5253 is an informational document on the final level, Olym. I read this in the packet."

General Naiot nodded. Emet began uploading the extraction file.


"Now, I am uploading the extraction file. The reason why I'm uploading this is so it can actually access the file I need to extract."

After a long while, the file uploaded. Emet immediately started typing to extract the file.


Emet pressed enter and continued typing.


Emet pressed enter.

"I am now extracting the file from the server to this computer. This will take a while."

Shortly after Emet said that, a flirty Starmen known as Nachina Shinako entered the room.

"General Naiot, I have finished my mission, which was to flirt with the princess of the eastern kingdom. All I can say is that I might become king of the eastern kingdom."

King Ochun suddenly appeared and grabbed Nachina's folder, then disappeared. Shortly after that, the file was successfully extracted. Emet started typing more, deleting all the files he uploaded. He also enabled the firewall once again. Then, he deleted all his temporary SM.DOS.TF cookies and files. SM.DOS.TF is the Internet the Starmen use. It only supports text and very basic images. On the computer, new text appeared.


Emet hit enter. Out of the computer came a picture that was pure black. The label said the filename. Emet held it up in the air with pride. The other Starmen cheered. Emet had completed his mission. King Ochun suddenly appeared and took the picture, along with Emet's folder. Emet quickly shut off the computer while King Ochun made an announcement.

"Great! All Starmen have completed their missions, so that means-"

"Your Majesty, if I may…"

"Huh? What is it, General Naiot."

"There is one Starmen who is not back yet, and that's Nem Star."

"Oh. Young Starmen, wait here until Nem arrives."

King Ochun walked up to General Naiot. They both conversed in a quiet way.

"General Naiot, where is Nem?"

"On Earth, I hope."

"You hope? He better be there and he better be alive!"

"Don't worry, King Ochun. I'm sure Nem is in perfect condition."

Unknown to General Naiot, Nem Star was not in perfect condition. He was just struck by a huge bolt of lightning. But what happened after that was a mystery. Nem was on a planet full of Earthbound creatures. As we learned from Jeff, Starmen invaded the planet ten years ago. And clearly, there were those who remembered what happened.

How is Nem? What happened to Nem? All these questions shall be answered in the next chapter.