Chapter 2: The Removed Helmet
We now move on to the present day in Planet Starmen. Nem Star is now 13 years of age. However, since he has no parents, he does not know what love is. He only knows to follow his dreams of becoming a soldier in the Starmen Federation, and his dream was soon to become a reality.

Every year, General Naiot takes up a handful of the skilled Starmen to become soldiers. And tomorrow, General Naiot will begin a new training session, with new Starmen who will become soldiers. And Nem Star was one of them, for he was finally of age to become a soldier trainee.

But, let's not get anxious about the future. Let us stay in the present. Nem Star was at his house with his only three friends. His friends were his age, and were also becoming soldiers. They are named Emet Raed, Ajuni Geka, and Rimia Lageu. Emet Raed was the smart one of the group. His skills with the Starmen Computers are unmatched in his hometown, and he knows a good deal of information that many never would have dreamed of knowing. Ajuni Geka was the strong man of the group. He is a ninja at heart. He moves swiftly and stealthy, not being heard or soon by others. That, and he can turn invisible using psychokinetics. Rimia Lageu is the one to go to for psychokinetics. Her potential with psychokinetics is very great. In fact, it is so great that she is the first female Starmen to become a soldier. She wears a red ribbon on her head, for there is no way to identify the gender of a Starmen without psychokinetics.

Nem and his friends were playing a card game called Intergalactic Eagle. The rules are confusing at first, but simple to master. And the game is addicting to play. And now, we begin observing our Starmen friends at a closer perspective.

"Emet, it is your turn."

Emet looked around. To his right was Nem. To his left was Rimia. And in front of him was Ajuni. Emet looked at the card in the center of the table. It was a two of diamonds. Emet flipped a card over from his facedown pile and placed it atop the other card. The new card was a jack of hearts.

"Yes! Jacks are the best cards!"

Emet turned to face Rimia.

"Your go."

Rimia drew a card from her pile and placed it atop the jack. It was a queen of clubs. Nem commented.

"Lucky draw. Ajuni…"

Ajuni had one card in his pile.

"Aww, man…Last card. It has to be a jack or queen if I want to survive…"

Ajuni placed his last card into the pile. It was a jack of spades.


Ajuni then looked at the pile to see that Nem smacked the pile. He then took the cards. Ajuni knocked his head into the table.

"Crud! I lost! Nem, you're too lucky!"

"Heh. Thanks!"

The game continued. Eventually, Rimia got out, and it was a game between Emet and Nem. One was a genius. The other was just lucky. After five minutes, the game ended, and Nem won.


Emet sighed.

"I'll beat you one day, Nem!"

Rimia chuckled and spoke with a voice much higher-pitched than the other three.

"You can't beat Nem, Emet. He's too good at this game."

A bowl of gray mush crashed down on the table. Ajuni talked with a deep voice.

"Food is ready."

Immediately, Rimia, Emet, and Ajuni teleported the food from the bowl into their stomach. However, Nem just looked at the food. Rimia became a bit concerned.

"Nem, aren't you gonna eat?"

"I've been thinking about something. I know I have a mouth, but I never use it. I don't want to teleport the food into my stomach. I want to actually eat it."

Emet sighed.

"You're too much like those humans, Nem."

Ajuni added on.

"Don't be Earthbound, Nem!"

Nem chuckled.

"I'm not Earthbound. I'm just experimental."

Nem put his hands on his hips. The helmet he was wearing disappeared off his head and appeared on the table. Nem's friends all gasped. For they did not expect to see what they saw.

Nem's head was shown to them. He was pale, and bald. He had no ears, but he had slits in the sides of his head. Much to Emet's shock, Nem had a nose. A very small nose with no purpose at all. His mouth was small as well. He had no teeth, for he did not need teeth. His eyes were in the shape of a circle, opposed to an oval like humans. He did not have whites in his eye. Instead, he had blacks. And his eye color was a red, but it was not the red that was scary. But that was not what surprised Nem's friends. Across the top of Nem's bald head, Nem had a huge scar, which was stitched up. Rimia was the first to speak up about Nem.

"Nem…That scar on your head…How'd you get that?"

Nem was confused.

"What scar?"

Nem looked at the food. He picked up a small bit and shoved it into his small mouth. He swallowed it.

"Hmm…It tastes better than it looks…"

Emet and Ajuni backed away from Nem, but Rimia approached. She touched Nem's bald head.


Rimia backed away, because she had received a painful electrical shock from Nem's head. Suddenly, a small bolt of lightning blasted out of Nem's head. Emet screamed to Nem.


"I'm not doing that! I can't control this thing!"

More lightning bolts appeared out of Nem's head. Suddenly, the helmet was on his head. Ajuni pointed to Nem.

"Nem, look behind you."

Nem turned around and saw General Naiot, who was very angered.


General Naiot smacked Nem to the ground. He then put one foot on his stomach. Rimia screamed.

"Nem…DO NOT REMOVE ANY PART OF YOUR ARMOR! This armor helps control your psychokinetics. Without it, your psychokinetics will go out of control and can seriously injure someone. You are lucky your friends didn't get hurt. DO YOU UNDERSTAND, NEM?"

"Ye-Yes sir, General Naiot!"

General Naiot removed his foot from Nem. He looked at the entire group.

"Tomorrow is the first day of your training to become soldiers. You all need sleep. Ajuni, Emet, Rimia, go home to your parents and go to bed. Nem, you go to sleep here and now. DO NOT-"

General Naiot took a deep breath.

"Do not remove your armor without order from me or King Ochun again, got it?"

"Ye-Yes sir!"

"Good! Go to bed, all of you!"

And with that, General Naiot was gone. Ajuni, Emet, and Rimia walked home and fell asleep. But Nem Star laid awake thinking about what just happened, not realizing that General Naiot only wanted the best for Nem Star.