We find ourselves under Stonehenge, What a surprise... I never would've thought there is a secret base down here. What's this? Paula just gave word that Jeff found something interesting. On Jeff's laptop, there was starmen.net displayed. They learn about Stonehenge Base and its famous treasure... They call it the Sword of Kings; Poo's only equippable weapon, And It's down here. How convenient. We only have to fight a few Starman Supers, What's the worst that could happen? And so we fought. We Smaaaash!ed Starman Supers, We destroyed regular Starmen, We crushed Military Octobots We asploded Atomic Power Robots, We fought until we couldn't fight no more. Then suddenly, I decide to give it another shot before we move on. As my bat smashes my final Starman Super, I notice a shining object drop from it's airbourne body! Poo picks it up... The Sword of Kings is finally his. Now what?