Earthbound 202X: The Chosen Eight, Part 28
Earthbound 202X: The Chosen Eight

Part 28:  To the Desert

"A bit messy" didn't BEGIN to cover the state of Apple Man's house.
Kyla looked around the house's single room, eyes wide in astonishment. She had never seen her father's house before. From what Apple Man had told her, he and Kyla's mother, Nana Quinn, had moved into an apartment together in Fourside, the large city to the east of Twoson. After Kyla's mother passed away, Apple Man took Kyla and moved to Jeff's laboratory in Winters instead of returning to his old home.
The room was so tiny that it felt crowded with everyone in it. The floor was covered with various, random bits of machinery and other junk. Discarded blueprints littered the table in one corner, and the chair nearby was covered with scattered notes. In another corner, a stack of science books had been thrown into a pile, while the bookshelf that was supposed to hold them stood empty. In the third corner, there was an old garbage can with nothing in it. Everything in the house was covered with a layer of dust.
Kyla looked for a bed, but there was no bed in sight. Instead, her mouth opened in surprise as her eyes locked on a park bench that sat against the wall. Most of the dust had been brushed off of it, and Zain now lay on it, still unconscious. Sasha sat on the floor next to the bench.
As the others walked off and found places to sit in the room, Kyla turned to her father, her green eyes staring at him, not knowing what to think. Apple Man noticed, and he looked away shamefully. "Yeah... This is how I used to live, Kyla," he said. "I used to be really poor. It was through sheer luck that I had a house to live in." He looked around the room. "After your mother died, I couldn't bear to try and raise you in a place like this, but the only place I could go was Jeff's lab... And then I couldn't raise you anyway." He sighed and turned away from her, hanging his head. "I must be the world's worst father..."
Kyla shook her head. "No, you're not, Dad," she told him. "You always did what you thought was best for me; there are a lot of fathers who can't say that about their children." She walked around Apple Man and faced him. "I don't care how much money you have, or how you lived." She smiled at him. "The only thing that matters is that you loved me enough to do what you thought was right." Kyla hugged him. "I love you, Dad."
Apple Man hugged her back, and Kyla could tell that he was doing his hardest to keep from crying. "Oh, Kyla..." he said. "Those words make me richer than any amount of money ever would."

"So here's the deal," said Jeff. Everyone was facing him, listening to what he had to say. "Before we had to escape the lab, we managed to find seven of the Sanctuaries with the scanning equipment. The problem is, three of those seven were the ones that we've already found: Lumina Pillar, the Tranquil Zone, and Lode Spire. This means that there's still one more out there, and we have no idea where it is."
Kato, who sat cross-legged in front of Jeff, spoke up. "That is fine," he said. "We can worry about the final Sanctuary when the time comes. In the meantime, we should focus our efforts on finding the four whose location we DO know."
>From where she sat next to Zain's body, Sasha interrupted. "The Sanctuaries can wait," she declared. "First, we have to find a way to help Zain."
"I concur," Guy agreed. "Not only is he our friend, he is also our leader. He requires our help."
Karen looked at Jeff. "Jeff, before we had to leave your lab, you said you knew someone who might be able to help Zain," she recalled. "Who were you talking about?"
Jeff sat back and adjusted his glasses. "Oh, that's right," he remembered. "In all the commotion, I'd completely forgotten."
He looked at all of them. "30 years ago, during our journey, we ended up in Fourside after crossing the Dusty Dunes Desert. It was before we met Poo. While we were in Fourside, Paula was abducted by the servants of Giygas, leaving only Ness and myself."
Jeff sighed. "I'm not going to go into everything that happened during that time, but eventually, during our search for Paula, we met a man named Talah Rama. He was extraordinarily wise, and he knew all kinds of things. It was because of his help that we were finally able to find Paula again and continue our journey."
Sasha leaned forward excitedly. "So he might be able to help Zain?" she asked.
Jeff shrugged. "I can't say for certain," he replied. "In fact, I don't even know if Talah Rama is still alive; he was an old man 30 years ago. But he's the only one I can think of who might be able to help us now." His gaze shifted to Kato. "The only other person I can think of is the Star Master, whom Poo studied under, but I wouldn't know where to even BEGIN looking for him, even if HE'S still alive."
Kato nodded. "The old man who raised me sometimes spoke of the Star Master," he said. "It is said that he was the first to master the power of the Starstorm, which he taught to my father. But I know nothing of how to find him either; from what I was told, the Star Master appears when he chooses to."
Jeff smiled slightly, remembering. "He certainly did."
Sasha stood up. "If Talah Rama might be able to help Zain, then we have to talk to him," she stated. "Where can we find him, Jeff?"
Jeff looked at her. "30 years ago, he lived in an underground cave in the Dusty Dunes Desert, to the east of here," he answered. "If he's still alive, and if he hasn't moved since then, that's where you'll find him."
"Then that's where I'm going," said Sasha decisively.
Guy stood up with her. "I shall accompany you, Sasha," he said.
"Me too," Kyla said, standing up as well.
Everyone else started to stand up, but then Kato spoke. "It is true that we must help Zain, but it is also true that we must continue to acquire the Sanctuaries," he explained. "I suggest that we split into two groups. One group will take Zain to find Talah Rama, while the other group will seek out the next Sanctuary."
Everybody looked at him. "...That's actually not a bad idea," said Apple Man.
Karen, however, was not thrilled by the prospect. "What are you talking about?" she asked Kato. "Every Sanctuary we've been to has been guarded by a powerful monster! If we split up, we won't have our full strength to fight those monsters!"
Deckard answered her. "I think we can beat those monsters," he said. "We've been growing stronger with every battle. We're already stronger than we were at the last Sanctuary we visited." He turned to Jeff. "My only question is, who would form each group?"
"That's simple enough," Jeff replied. "Those of you who have already found their Sanctuaries would take Zain to Talah Rama, and the others, who still have yet to find their Sanctuaries, would go to the next Sanctuary. That would split us in half."
Karen still wasn't convinced. "That doesn't guarantee that the next Sanctuary is for one of that group, though," she reminded them. "There's only seven of us; the next Sanctuary could be for the eighth member whom we haven't found yet." She looked at Zain's body. "Or it could be for Zain, even. Without them, going to the next Sanctuary might all be for nothing."
Kato was getting tired of this argument, which someone seemed to bring up every time. "Karen, it was you yourself who told everyone before that we cannot afford to hesitate," he snapped sharply. "As we sit in this house arguing, Giaguo comes closer and closer to achieving his goals. I, for one, do not intend to allow that." He looked at everyone. "Now, our topmost priorities are to find some way to help Zain, and to acquire the remaining Sanctuaries. It will be fastest and most efficient to do both at once."
Karen averted her eyes, stung by the truth of Kato's words. Back in Troisemburg, she had scolded everyone for being uncertain, and now she was being a hypocrite. "...You're right, Kato," she finally answered. "We're going to have to split up."
"Very well," said Kato. "I am going to mostly follow Jeff's recommendations on who should be in each group. However, the group that continues to search for the Sanctuaries will be in greater danger, so that group should be larger." He looked around at everyone. "Therefore, the group that continues to search for the Sanctuaries will consist of: Karen, Deckard, Kyla, and Guy."
Nobody seemed to have a problem with this, so Kato turned to Sasha. "Sasha, you and I will take Zain and seek out Talah Rama," he stated.
Sasha nodded slowly. "Okay."
Jeff looked at Kato in a new light. The boy was only 12 years old, but he had confidently stepped forward to fill the position of leadership that had been left vacant by Zain. He will make a good emperor someday, Jeff thought, just like his father before him.
Standing up, Jeff looked at Apple Man, then at everyone else. "Apple Man and I are going to stay here," he said. "Since we lost our lab in Winters, this house will be our temporary base of operations."
"That is a wise choice," Kato agreed. "It will be good for us to have a place to come back to, should we encounter any trouble."
"Exactly," said Jeff. He turned to Kyla. "Kyla, where is the Sanctuary that's closest to here?"
"I'll find out," replied Kyla. She took out the device with the Sanctuary locations on it and looked for a moment, browsing the map. "...It's... It's near Fourside," she announced. "There's a small island just off the southeastern coast of Fourside. The Sanctuary is there."
Apple Man blinked, surprised. "Near Fourside?" he repeated. "One of the old Sanctuaries was in Fourside... Magnet Hill, I believe."
Jeff nodded. "That was the one," he confirmed. "We had to go through an old sewer to find it." He scratched his chin, musing. "It's strange that two Sanctuaries would be so close to one another, but then again, I guess there's no rule stating that they HAVE to be far apart from each other."
Karen closed her eyes, trying to remember if she had ever been in Fourside. After searching her memory, she discovered that she hadn't. "I can't teleport to Fourside," she told them. "I've never been there."
"That's no problem," said Apple Man. "It should be a cinch to drive there."
"With what?" asked Deckard. "We don't exactly have any vehicles, other than the Phase Distorter III. And we probably don't want to use THAT, if it's going to break down soon."
Jeff shook his head. "Transportation's no problem. The Greyhand bus line runs from this town to Fourside."
"Well, that may be fine for us, but what about Kato and Sasha?" said Deckard, presenting another problem. "If they get on the bus with Zain's body, there's bound to be a few questions."
"Look, no one has to take the bus," Apple Man cut in. "I have a vehicle we can use."
Everyone turned to look at him.

"I didn't know you had a van, Dad," said Kyla from where she was sitting in the front passenger seat.
Apple Man, from behind the wheel, grinned sheepishly. "I bought it when your mother and I got married," he said. He decided to leave out the fact that he was only able to buy it thanks to an ample wedding gift from Jeff. "We thought we'd need it for all of the kids--" He cut off and looked at Kyla. "Well... You know what happened after that."
Kyla nodded, and her father continued. "Anyway, I couldn't take it with me to Jeff's lab, because there aren't any roads to drive it on out there. So I left it back at my house in Twoson."
Kyla looked at the old-fashioned instrument cluster and dashboard; a layer of dust covered most of the interior. "It looks kind of old," she commented.
"It is," her father confirmed. "This van was manufactured back in 199X; I bought it used. I think it's considered a classic now."
Guy, who was sitting directly behind Apple Man and had been listening, spoke up. "It is a marvel that this vehicle still operates," he remarked. "Especially if you have allowed it to remain in one place, unused, for sixteen years."
"Well, it's not that much of a marvel, Guy," Apple Man replied. "About once every few months, I would take the Phase Distorter III and go back to Twoson, and I'd work on it. You know, give it a tune-up, drive it around a bit, change the oil..."
Deckard grinned. "Well, at least it solved most of our problems," he said, feeling in high spirits.
"I'll say," Karen agreed; she was sharing the seat with Deckard and Guy.
Looking at Karen, Deckard said, "Actually, this is the first time in a while that we've been able to go somewhere without being flung around in a tornado."
Karen elbowed him. "Don't get used to it, Deckard," she warned, trying hard not to smile. "Once we find the Sanctuary, we'll be teleporting back to Jeff in Twoson."
Deckard groaned jokingly. "Aw, crap..."
In the back of the van, Kato and Sasha sat with Zain propped up between them. Even though the others were in a good mood, Sasha was unable to share it. She could not be happy... Not as long as Zain was trapped in unconsciousness.
Kato noticed the somber look on her face. "Do not worry, Sasha," he said. "We will help him, one way or another."
Sasha nodded slowly. She turned to check on Zain... And then she suddenly realized something. "Kato... Why did you want to come with me to help Zain?" she asked. "You have another reason besides wanting to help him, don't you?."
Surprised, Kato turned and met her sky-blue gaze. "...Your intuition is uncanny, Sasha," he said, folding his arms. "You are correct; though I want to help Zain as much as you do, I do have... ulterior motives, if you will."
Seeing her unspoken request to elaborate, Kato went on. "Recently, I have... seen things," he said. "Things that continue to trouble me greatly. If the sage Talah Rama still exists, I wish to speak with him about these things."
"What sort of things, Kato?" asked Sasha.
Kato shook his head, remembering the vision he had seen at the Tranquil Zone. "They are of a personal nature. I would rather not speak of them."
Sasha nodded. "I understand." She sighed. "You know, it's strange... You're only 12 years old, but sometimes you sound older than my dad."
Kato shrugged. "Dalaam is not a place for children," he said. "In my country, the young mature early, that they may take their place in life."
Sasha tried to envision what it must have been like for him. "It must be hard," she said. "Having to grow up so fast. Don't you wish sometimes that you could just be a normal kid?"
At this, Kato turned to her and raised an eyebrow; his stare radiated more ice than Sasha's PSI could ever produce. "Sasha, my culture's definition of 'normal' is far different from yours," he said coldly. "My people do things differently, and we are stronger for it. Even at your current age, there is no way that you would have passed the test of pain, as I have--"
He cut off, realizing that he had said too much; the training of Mu was not a thing to be discussed with people who were not of Dalaam. But not only that; he had also allowed his pride to get the better of him. It was for but a moment, but I forgot the teachings of Mu, he thought in self-reproach. To forget such a lesson is inexcusable.
But even before Kato's rebuttal, Sasha had realized what she had said. "I'm sorry, Kato," she said. "That didn't come out right at all. I'm sorry if I offended you."
"I accept your apology," said Kato. "I am at fault as well. For a moment, I allowed my pride to control me, and I apologize for that."
Back in the middle seat, Deckard looked out the window of the van as it entered a tunnel, and everything went dark. When the van finally emerged from a tunnel, they were in a town. "What town is this?" asked Deckard. "Is this Fourside?"
"No, it is not," Guy replied. "We have just arrived in Threed, which lies between Twoson and Fourside."
"So how much longer will it be until we get to Fourside?" asked Karen.
Apple Man answered her. "Quite a while, I'm afraid," he said. "After we pass through Threed, we have to drive through the mountains, and then we have to pass through the Dusty Dunes Desert." He glanced at the back of the van. "That's where Kato and Sasha will get off with Zain. After we get through the desert, there's a long bridge, and then we'll finally be in Fourside."
Karen sighed. "Ugh, that's going to take forever," she lamented.
"Yeah, you have it so rough," Deckard mocked. "Just because you can't teleport somewhere for once."
Guy looked at Deckard. "We cannot insult Karen's teleportation ability," he reprimanded. "It is the only reason why we are still here, rather than being dead or prisoners of Giaguo."
Deckard sighed. "Yeah, you're right," he conceded.
As they talked and joked, Apple Man looked at the town around him as he drove through it. Twoson had changed a lot over the years because of the rise of Orange Enterprises, but Threed remained mostly unaltered since the events of 199X. It was simply a quiet town in the mountains, and the people were content with it the way it was.
Kyla asked him a question. "Dad, during the war against Giygas, wasn't this town overrun with zombies and ghosts?"
Apple Man nodded. "It was, Kyla. One of Giygas' servants caused the undead to rise from their graves and attack the town. It caused a lot of fear and suffering here. Luckily, they were stopped before the damage became irreparable."
Kyla knew that there was more to it than that. "When I was in Snow Wood, Dad, Professor Tony told me that you invented a way to stop the zombies."
Her father sighed. "So you know about that." He shook his head. "I did create something to stop them: a variety of paper that was similar to fly paper, but it stuck to zombies instead. But I only made it; it was Ness, Paula, and Jeff who actually used it to trap and stop the zombies. I didn't do all that much."
"That isn't true, Dad," Kyla argued. "Your invention saved people's lives. You need to give yourself more credit."
Apple Man shrugged. "Even if what you say is true, Kyla, that's just not the way I am." He glanced at her. "I invent for the betterment of humanity, Kyla. I invent to help people, not just to help myself. If I invented for myself, just to say that I was the one who did it... Well, I'd be no different from Guy's father."
Guy nodded. "I agree with you, Apple Man," he said. "My father only invented out of avarice, to become wealthy. He has never invented anything that actually helps others."
"And what about you, Guy?" asked Deckard, who couldn't help pointing it out. "You invent weapons. Weapons don't improve humanity."
Guy could not think of a response to this. "I... Well..." Deckard merely smirked, and folded his arms triumphantly.
Kyla wiped the smirk off of his face. "He invents weapons in the hope that someday people won't need them," she shot at Deckard. "Besides, you have no business berating someone for making weapons when you carry a weapon yourself. Somebody made that sword of yours, after all."
Deckard didn't speak again for a long time.

As the sun began to set, they finally reached the Dusty Dunes Desert. It was a wasteland of sand that stretched as far as the eye could see, broken only by the road in front of them and a multitude of uninviting rocks. "So this is the desert..." Kyla remarked.
After driving for a while longer, Apple Man pulled off the road and parked in front of a lone ramshackle log building. A large sign attached to the building's roof had the word "DRUGS" painted on it in very faded letters. The building was abandoned; the door hung on one hinge, and the glass in the windows was smashed in.
"This used to be a general store," Apple Man explained. "It went out of business more than 20 years ago. There's nothing in there now, but the building still stands."
"I presume this is where we part ways," stated Kato.
Apple Man nodded. "If Talah Rama is still alive, and if he still lives in the same place, you'll find him to the north of this building." He indicated the abandoned store. "If you go north from here, you'll find a hole in the ground with a ladder leading down. Follow it, and you'll be in Talah Rama's caves."
"Okay," said Sasha.
Kato opened Zain's backpack and brought out the Sound Stone. "Since you are going to the next Sanctuary, you will need this," he said.
Karen took the Sound Stone. "I hope you and Sasha find a way to help Zain," she said. "I miss him."
"As do I," Guy added. "It was he who brought us all together. It is simply not the same without him."
Sasha nodded. "I know what you mean."
Apple Man looked at them. "You'll have Zain's Receiver Phone with you, Sasha," he said, "so you can call Jeff at my house if you need to; the number is saved on the phone. After I take the others to Fourside, I'll come back here at this same time tomorrow. If you need me to pick you up, then wait in front of this building then."
"Very well," said Kato.
Apple Man looked at them for a moment. "Okay then," he said. "Be careful, both of you. There's no telling how many Madness creatures could be in this desert."
"We will," Sasha promised.
Carrying Zain's body between them, Sasha and Kato got out of the van, and it drove away into the eastern horizon, leaving just the two of them standing in the wasteland. The sun had set farther, and night was beginning to overtake the area.
With the absence of the sun, Sasha felt a slight chill. She looked at Kato. "...It looks like it's just the two of us now," she said.
"Yes," Kato agreed. "But if luck is on our side, there may be three of us here in the near future."
Sasha nodded, looking at Zain. "I hope so..."

To be continued...