Here's the 5th one!

Beware Of Fern!(5th Episode)
By: Moondoggey and CATAPUTL19

(Ness wakes up in his bed and looks at his clock,which says 10:00AM)
Ness(Sitting up,screaming): Mom! I overslept!
(Ness's Mom walks in)
Ness's Mom: I didn't wake you up because school was cancelled!
Ness: Why? Is it a snow day?
(Ness looks over at his calendar which says May)
Ness(Smacking his own forehead): Doh!
Ness's Mom: No,it's a plant day!
Ness: A plant day?!
Ness's Mom: Yes,a plant day,just turn on your TV and you'll see.
(Ness turns on his TV)
TV: Swing your arms from side to side-We interrupt the Super Mario Bros.Super Show to bring you a very important message. I'm here at town hall,where plants are everywhere and are spreading fast-ah..AAAAIIIEEE!!!!
(Suddenly the Newsman is engulfed in plants)
Ness: I better check this out.
Ness's Mom: Oh no,the last time I let you go out,I didn't see you for months,but you will sneak out anyway,so go ahead.
Ness: Thanks mom! Bye!
Ness's Mom: Make sure to change out of your jammies before you go.
(Soon,Ness is in his regular clothes,heading to the Town Hall)
(Ness sees the plants and ducks into the Library)
Library Lady: Hello! Would you like a book?
Ness: Uhhhh,sure. Do you have a book on plants?
Library Lady: No,sorry. They're all checked out. Everyone seems to want one for some reason.
Ness: Doh! Oh well,thanks anyway! Bye!
(Ness runs out)
(Ness runs to Burger Place)
Burger Man: Hello! Would you like to try our new Vegetarian Burger? We are having a sale!
Ness: Let me guess,there are a bunch of those plants in your kitchen.
Burger Man: Correct! You win 20 million free Vegetarian Burgers!
Ness: Thanks,but I'm not hungry.
(Ness runs out)
(Suddenly,the Burger Place is engulfed in plants)
(A bush with legs walks by)
(Ness lifts up the bush,Frank Fly is under the bush)
Frank: Oh,hi Ness,I was just,uhhhh,well...
Ness: Avoiding these man-eating plants with a pretty good idea.
Frank: HEY! I DON'T NEED YOUR INSULTS! Oh,I mean,uh,thank you.
Ness: Want to help me with the plants?
Frank: Well,I don't have anything better to do,so sure.
Ness: OK. Come with me.
(Ness and Frank go to the secret tree house and find Tommy,one of Ness's friends)
Ness: Hi Tommy!
Tommy: Oh,hi Ness! Hi Frank! AHHHHH!!! FRANK!!!
Ness: It's cool. He's with me.
Frank: Wanna' help us beat up the plants,dork?
Tommy: Plants? Oh,those man-eating plants. Sure!
Ness: All right! Let's go!
(The 3 kids go to the town hall)
(There are two Demonic Petunias gaurding the enterance)
(3 bushes with legs enter the building and take off their bushes,revealing Ness, Tommy,and Frank)
Ness: I bet the reason for all of these plants is upstairs.
Frank: Let's go!
Tommy: I'm scared!
Ness: You guys like mushrooms?
Tommy and Frank: Yeah!
Ness: Good.
(Four Ramblin' Evil Mushrooms approach)
(Frank takes out a knife and a large pizza,then chops the mushrooms up,and the pieces land on the pizza)
Frank: Here you go! Dig in!
Ness: Good one Frank,we'll eat it later! Now,let's get upstairs!
(The 3 kids run upstairs,while the pizza becomes covered in veggies)
Frank: Uh,let's throw away the pizza,eh?
(The kids are outside the Mayor's office)
(Ness opens the door,and they burst in)
(They find the Trillionage Sprout inside the office)
Sprout: Finally,you made it.
Ness: YOU?! But,Paula,Jeff,and I defeated you!
Sprout: You were strong.
Ness: I still am.
Sprout: Listen,before you took me out with that fireworks show from your brain,I planted a seed. I am reborn!
Ness: Get ready to plant another seed.
Frank: Ha! Plant this,salad bar!
(Frank runs over to the Sprout,brandishing a knife)
Sprout: Ness,remember what I did to Jeff?
(Suddenly,the Sprout glares at Frank,who becomes diamondized)
Sprout: So,your friend is a rock,while your other friend is scared. Remind you of anything?
Ness: Grrrrrrrrr...
(Ness uses PSI Rockin' Omega)
Ness: That is what it reminds me of,salad bar.
(The Trillionage Sprout is a burning pile of weeds)
(Plants begin to dissappear from everywhere)
Ness: C'mon Tom. Help me carry Frank out.
Tommy: OK Ness,but what are we going to do with him?
Ness: I dunno,it's too bad that the Stoic Club isn't around anymore,because they would have payed big bucks to use him as a conversation piece.

                                                    THE END