The Candle: Stories of Confession

Part One
—No one’s going to smile today

By James

Usually it’s not that a person with something to hide has to talk to someone about it—it’s that they want to.
Just about everyone in the room however, was busily convincing themselves it was the other way around.

They sat in chairs. They sat in a circle. They sat in silence. Four of them were called Jeff, Ness, Paula, and Poo. All of them had one way or another heard of this new therapy session. The fact that it was free seemed rather peculiar, but proved too tempting for most to turn down.

So they arrived. Little by little they entered the building, walked downstairs, and took their seats in a wide room until the circle was completed. No one said much of anything during the waiting period. Everyone was too busy staring at the floor while thinking about what had brought them. A few waves, a bit of chatter to the side, and that was it.

Someone was finally about to break the tension with a friendly outburst. Oddly enough that was when a distant door opened…and a servant walked in. A few eyes moved and a few heads turned. A few others didn’t bother. Those others were correct in their assumption that whoever it was could make it to the crowd just fine without their attention.

Although it wasn’t necessary, a few chairs scooted out of the way as the servant entered the circle and walked to the center. Quietly, the man turned in place. Everyone around him returned the stare. And out of his pocket came exactly what a few were expecting. Slowly, he revealed a long, thick candle, placing it in the holder he held. Out of his other pocket came a lighter, which did its job only a few seconds later. Of course, the small flame in the room held, lost, and recaptured everyone’s attention like they had never seen one before. The man sat the lighter down on the floor, then spoke while again turning.

He informed everyone of the unexpected process: They would be left alone to speak with each other about what they had each come to discuss. Everyone would take a turn, holding the candle as they said what they had to say. Nothing revealed by someone else was to be revealed beyond the room. Helping discourage this a little was the weird part. According to the man, the flame would burn out during a story the moment the person telling it was untruthful. Besides this, simply blowing it out would also mean forfeiting one’s turn.

Many people in the room began having second thoughts, especially due to the idea of talking out of privacy. The man sensed this, and said something that reminded all of them why they had bothered coming, and challenged all of them to stay. After a short while, the returning cold stares on their faces indicated that it had worked.
He looked around the room, until his eyes met those of someone he decided should begin things.

“Me…” said the boy named Ness, almost as though he wasn’t surprised.

The man didn’t react to the reaction. He simply walked over and extended the candle.

Apparently not in a much better mood than most around him, Ness didn’t budge.

The man sat the candle down on the floor. A few eyes were on him and a few weren’t.

The man turned and walked.

Ness sighed…then leaned forward in the chair, resting his wrists over his knees. His head shook a little as he looked down at the flame.

The man paused, looking back a moment…then exited the room. The lights dimmed a little a few seconds later.

Ness was holding just one hand on one knee now. The other was just before the candle, but not moving to pick it up.
Most eyes were on him now. Other people were stretching or thinking of how they were going to deal with their turns.

“Are you going to start Ness?”

The boy by that name heard a girl he didn’t know say this.

Ness looked up, searching the room a few seconds.

“Me,” said the girl.

Ness was quiet.

“…‘Cause I mean if you’re not…” she spoke as though she didn’t care.

Everyone else’s eyes drifted back and forth about the room, almost showing a sense of caution as though they now had to be on guard incase they were somehow chosen.

Ness’s eyes remained on the one who had spoken to him…then his hand grasped the holder and lifted the candle. He held it with both hands before his lap.

Everyone looked at him, taking comfort in their eagerness to hear what he had to say.

“All right, well…I guess some people recognize me,” said Ness.

A few people in the room made subtle, silent movements while staring.

He cleared his throat, “I guess most people…know about me.”

Still an aura of silence and uneasiness.

Ness chuckled under his breath. “…That’s the whole reason I’m here after all.” He shifted a little. “So where do I begin?”

“…At the beginning,” called someone with their head down.

“…” Ness didn’t think he was going to feel any better. “Yeah well…we usually don’t know the beginning when it happens.”

“So, it should be easy for you now.”



“Oh, oh I see what you’re saying…” Ness paused.

The room was quiet.

“…” Ness shook his head a little while looking downward, “Well I’m still not exactly sure where it began, so…”

* * * *

…so I’m going to present it here the way it was presented to me. I remember…I was at home, lying in the hammock out back when…” The screen door swung open and smacked the wall it was a part of.

Ness pulled up with surprise and concern.

“Are you ready for this?” asked an excited Tracy.


“…Dad’s coming home. He’s visiting.”




Tracy began running over.

Ness was so excited while getting up that he fell out of the hammock.

Tracy let out a quick, loud, teasing laugh.

Ness giggled a little on the ground, then extended his hand as she arrived.

Tracy helped her brother up and began the hug.

“When? When did he call?”

“Just now.”

“Oh…oh I love you,” said Ness.

Tracy smiled.

“Wait a minute…” he said pulling away and facing her. “If it was just now why didn’t you let me talk to him?”

“Hey man he’s the one who said not to wake you up.”

“Oh…oh all right, I still love you,” said Ness as he hugged her again.

“I love you.”

“Wait a minute…” said Ness as he pulled away and faced her, “when, is he coming exactly?”

“Well that’s the part that sucks.”


“He said he won’t be here ‘till around midnight.”

“Aw man…”

“Yeah…he’s staying for a few days though.”

“Well…I still love you,” said Ness as he hugged her.

“Yeah me too.”

“Wait a minute…” said Ness as he pulled away from her. “Does mom know?”

“No,” Tracy began whispering, “she’s still not back from the market. I was thinking we could…”

“Make it a surprise.”

“ ‘S, what I’m talking about,” Tracy gave Ness a high five.

“All right, all right,” nodded a carefree Ness.

“ ‘All right, all right,’ ” Tracy nodded.


“See, I told you you do that.”

“I do not,” he giggled.

“Yes you do,” she said chuckling and falling on him.

“…Midnight huh?”

It was then that I remembered something.

“Just enough time for what?” asked Tracy.

“A friend of mine is having a little road trip, he asked if I wanted to come.”

“A trip?”

“Don’t worry it’s just a few hours. We’re coming back at like, 8.”

“You’ll be back at 8 or you’re coming back at 8?”

“…Tell you what—I’ll just teleport back at 11:59. How’s that?”

A stern look came over Tracy’s face.

“Kidding. Man…”


He gave her a quick hug. “I’ve actually gotta get going or I’m going to be late. Thanks for waking me up. Love you. Bye.”


He turned at the door.

“…Be back on time, all right?” Tracy spoke quietly.

“All right. You’re talking like I don’t care about this.”


“Nah, nah forget it. See you later.” Ness ran through the house, grabbed his keys, left his red cap behind, adjusted the jeans he was wearing below the long sleeved shirt, and locked up after exiting.

It was a minivan they were in. Makes you feel all comfortable when you get inside one of those. Especially one with air conditioning…one of the latest tunes on the radio…a sweet scent from one of those air fresheners…and someone you know.

“ ‘Sup man? I was starting to think you bailed on me,” Frank Fly was holding the steering wheel.

“Naw no way man no way,” said a chuckling Ness fitting into one of the middle seats. He put on his seatbelt as he eyed the five others.

“Now! Told you I knew him. This be my main dog Ness from up north,” said Frank, slipping on his shades and looking backwards as the van backed out. “…Heh, I like that. ‘Ness from up north.’ ”

“You live up north?” asked another boy like he really wanted to know.

“Yeah,” smiled Ness.

“What are there like, two, houses…up north?”

Laughter was heard in the van.

“Oh, well I…” Ness’s answer was being drowned out by the music and the laughs. This very fact became embarrassing for him seconds later.

“What’d you say?”

“Nothing.” Ness looked at his lap for a moment.

Frank spoke, “The wise, *ahem*, the wise guy there is Steve. That’s Sam, Scott, Stan, and Shawn.”

Frank put all of his fingers back on the steering wheel and the van pulled away from the arcade.

“Oh, all with ‘S’,” Ness chuckled, “heh…heh…”

No one said anything.

Ness cleared his throat.

Frank noticed a green light turn yellow, and calmly ran it.

“You all aren’t brothers or anything…?” asked Ness.

“Man, what is he talking about?” said Shawn up front. “Do we look like brothers?”

“No, I…”

“Okay then.”

“…Right,” said Ness.

“I mean don’t get your feelings hurt dog,” said Shawn. “I mean I don’t mean to sit you down but…you practically asked, for me to sit you down.”

“Shawn…” said Frank.

Ask,” he pointed his hands in one direction, “and you shall receive,” he pointed his hands in another.

“Shawn…” Frank glanced at him, “shut up please…”

“Naw it’s okay,” said Ness with a smile, slowly throwing his eyes from side to side. “I hear you Shawn.”

“All right,” Shawn replied, reaching his hand back.

Ness slapped it.

Scott chuckled, “…Ohhh, man…” he said quietly, looking out the window.
Suddenly his expression became a bit more serious. “Frank…”


He sat up. “…Frank!”


“Look in the rear view mirror.”

“What’s…?” Frank quieted down.

Sam and Stan turned and looked out the back window. So did Steve from the middle seat.

“…Aw man is that them?” asked Stan.

A black van was trailing behind.

“Who?” asked Ness.

Frank’s jaw lowered just a little, then he turned his attention back to the road.


“Some guys we…had some problems with,” said Sam. “…I think it is them.”

“That looks like their ride,” said Stan.

“…Tss,” said Frank.

“…You want to stop?” asked Stan.

“Stop…?” said Ness.

“Don’t worry,” Shawn glanced back at him.

“No I mean I’m…I’m not worried it’s just…”

“Hey, hey!” said Frank.

Ness and the others looked at him.

“What are you all doing? What are you getting worried about? That could be anybody. Probably nobody. We’re not stoppin’. Not now anyway. We’ll wait. If they’re still following us when we get on the highway…then we’ll do something.”

Stan spoke, “Good idea Fra...”

“That’s why I’m the leader.”

Ness was looking at Stan as he asked the first few words, “And…what if it’s not who you’re thinking?”

“…Accidents happen.”

Ness’s eyebrows flinched…then narrowed. “Frank…”

“I’m just kiddin’. …Juuust kiddin’.”

By the time we got on the highway the van seemed to be far behind. Frank and the others chitted and chatted like they didn’t care anymore. I joined in. It began raining. Everyone complained, not that it does any good. Frank turned on the wipers. Kind of like a picnic, you know. Everything’s cool until those ants show up. Then the rain washes them out of sight, but your plans seem ruined. Then when you’re really getting upset it lets up. Then you go back to what you were doing. …And then those ants come out again.



“It’s them!” said Sam.

A black van was following very closely.

Ness turned and stared.

“Oh there ain’t no doubt about it this time,” Shawn pulled up a bat.

Ness nervously turned to Shawn and then back to the van.

And when I say ants I don’t mean those cute, cartoony ones with the smiles that you see carrying away people’s food. I mean a kind of an opposite nature. Big, mean…and aggressive.


The black van rammed the one it was following.

“Those…” Frank turned, then swung his head back to the road.

Ness clung to the seat beneath him…then noticed that all of the others had weapons as well. “What’s…”


Everyone was shaken about.

“…Crap!” Frank turned off the radio. “I find one scratch back there…”

“Frank…” said Ness.

“Hold on,” said Frank as the wipers moved across the windshield.


“No I mean hold, on. We’re making a turn.”

They made a turn.

Ness clung to the seat again as the vehicle sped and twisted down an incline, which took them off the main highway, and onto a lane which appeared to be rarely used, because they were alone.

Frank kept driving.

“…We lose ‘em?” asked Shawn.

Ness and the others in the middle and back seats turned.

It began raining again.

Just as lightening flashed, the black van sped down after them.

“Screw this running stuff,” said Shawn, lifting an item that looked similar to a gardener’s pick. He unbuckled his seatbelt.

Ness was about to speak when he felt a sudden hand grip his shoulder.

“Hey! Don’t you have special powers man? Now would probably be a good time to use them…?” said Stan.

“I…I can’t use them on…”

“What are you doing?” asked Frank.

“Just keep driving,” said Shawn. He paused…then slipped something to Frank. “Careful…that’s my engagement ring.”

“Shawn what are you doing?”

“…Slowing them down.” Shawn opened the door and jumped out.

“Shawn! You crazy?!” Frank reached after him.

“Oh man,” said Scott, as he, Ness and the others looked back.

Shawn rolled on the ground with a few grunts.

The black van kept approaching.

“Frank!” yelled Ness. “Stop the van…” he spoke as though he were warning him.

“Forget him,” said Frank. “He chose his own crazy path. Who knows how many of those punks could be in that van.”


Shawn pulled himself up, with pick in hand.


“Ness! Let it go,” he replied.

“Listen to him man. If you’re not going to use your powers then trust me…we don’t want to mess with those guys,” said Stan.

Ness looked back.

Shawn stood his ground.

The van sped towards him.

Frank glanced at the rear view mirror.

Shawn jumped out of the way.

The black van continued…then stopped.

“Stop the van…”

“What?” said Frank.

“Stop the van let’s do it.”


“Stop the van!”

Shawn stood up and ran to the black van. Repeatedly, he began striking one of the tires with the pick, but not hard enough to puncture it.

One of the doors to the van opened.

Frank’s minivan stopped. As Ness made it out, he and the others saw someone strike Shawn with the bottom end of a bat. Frank and his comrades began running.

Shawn dropped the pick and was soon carried into the back of the van.

“Aw crap,” said Frank.

The driver of the black van tossed something out the window towards the boys.

“Watch out!” said Frank.

They scattered but Ness came to a stop, cautiously spreading his arms and standing his ground, as though ready to protect them somehow.

It ended up not being necessary, as the object was only a small paper pad.

The van turned and drove away.

Frank and the other’s ran past Ness’s arms and chased after it.

Of course, it didn’t take long for them to give that up. The pad had a phone number written on it. It also had strict instructions on when to call, and a strict warning not to contact the police. Since it was a local number Frank said they must have friends in the area. So he also decided we were checking into a motel in order not to be spotted. He paid for us all. There, we waited. Yes “we”. I couldn’t just teleport back to Onett and leave all of them to deal with it themselves. I mean I actually could have, but…

“Sorry man,” said Frank, upon hearing of Ness’s situation.

“…Look, let’s just finish this so we can all leave,” said Ness.

“All right.”

“I am not, going to miss this chance to be with my dad Frank.”

“I know. I know that.”

“He’s on business all the time so he…”

“…I know how you feel.”

“Frank!” called Sam. “It’s time.”

Everyone gathered around as Frank started dialing.

“Back up, all right please…? I’ll do the talking.”

Ness looked at the time. 10:37pm. He was a bit worried, but not too much so.

“And no big outbursts or anything,” said Frank.

Ness walked over to a window and played with the blinds.
He’d force a plastic strip to bend under one finger…then gently brush down a few more of them. He did this over and over as Frank spoke.
It became annoying and Steve threw Ness a look that asked him to stop.

Ness did.

Moments later the sound returned. Steve looked at Ness again, then realized Ness’s hands were in his pockets, and the sound was coming from Scott at the bathroom window.

Frank hung up. “Okay…”

“…” Ness swung around from the window, “What’d they say?”

“Well, it’s a fight they want.”

“A fight.”

“…Said they’ll bring Shawn to a place around here I know how to get to.”

“All right then,” said Sam, readying his bat.

“…You guys really want to go through with this…” said Ness.

“Well you were right. We can’t—or at least shouldn’t—leave him behind,” said Frank.

“Yeah but…but…” Ness looked around and chuckled. “Guys come on…”

“No other way.”

“There’s got to be another way,” said Ness. “Violence is always the last answer.”

“…What planet is this guy from again?” whispered Scott.

“I mean there is one other I was thinking of but…”

“What?” asked Ness.

“I didn’t want to ask you…” Frank stopped.

Not too long after that Frank presented an alternative—one that would be a little risky where he was concerned. The altercation was scheduled for a little after 11 that night. …Frank suggested we start things a bit sooner.

A black vehicle drove down a quiet road barely lit by street lights.

Suddenly, a figure dressed in red ran out into the street before it and fell down on the road.

The vehicle screeched.

As this was happening, Ness ran out in front of Frank and quickly activated Psi Flash.

The driver and his companion held their eyes in agony, coming to a complete stop.

Frank stood up, “Now!”

Steve, Sam, Scott, and Stan rushed the vehicle, breaking windows and unlocking doors, then pulling the two passengers out into the dark.

Frank let out a deep breath. “Good job Ness.”

“You all right?”

“Yeah. Thanks.” Frank began moving. “Come on I need your help.”

“What for?” asked Ness as he followed.

“Just incase they really do have backup. You can use that move to…”

“Oh. …Yeah…”

“And shouldn’t your face be the first Shawn sees rescuing him? Imagine the humiliating thank you you’ll get.”

“Oh yeah,” Ness smiled boldly.

The others were slipping cuffs on the two from the front seats. Stan brought a key around back and gave it to Frank.

“They’ve got a lock on it,” said Frank. “…I don’t like the looks of this.” He passed the key to Ness.

Ness paused, then walked up, leaning on a back door while fiddling with the lock. He soon managed to make the key work, and slowly pulled both doors open, ready to launch Flash again.

“…But I do now,” said Frank.

Ness’s eyes widened.

“Frank!” called Steve. “What do we do with their weapons?”

“Um…see that drain over there, behind you? Throw them in there. …There’ll be extra charges if we take those.”

Ness was looking between Frank and the vehicle in confusion.

If, for some reason you think there aren’t any unmarked armored cars in the world, think again.

“…Frank…” Ness blinked, “what’s going on? This isn’t…”

There was no back up. There was no Shawn. There was just cash. Just a lot of cash.

“…This is an armored car Ness,” said Frank. “It comes by here every week around this time.”


If the whole thing had been a movie that probably would’ve been the part where the camera would start zooming in. …The spooky part where the guy figures out what’s going on.

“You…you…” Ness was cut off.

“All, right…” said Scott as he and the two others approached with bags.

Stan was tossed one and he joined them inside the car.

“Be quick all right?’ said Frank, still standing on the outside with Ness.

“Frank…what’s going on?! You…this whole thing was a setup?”


Inviting me on the trip. Waiting for me after I was late. The chase. The capture. The note. The call. Those guys in the black van were also friends of Frank’s. Shawn got himself “caught” because they needed me in order to take the car, which looked just like the van they used. And that wasn’t the end of it…

“…You jerk. I thought we were friends!”

“Ness hold on…”

“No! I’m so out of here.” Ness prepared to teleport.

“Wait!” Frank grabbed his arm.

“You better get off me Frank.”

“You’re in this ‘till the end now just like us Ness.”

“Frank, I will…”

“You don’t want to pull that disappearing act. You don’t want to disappear…” Frank lifted Ness’s arm a little, “because whose fingerprints are they going to find all over those doors?”

“…” Ness was speechless. He pulled away from Frank.

“You ever had a house party Ness?” Frank asked with squinted eyes.

The others were listening in with bland stares.

“Maybe you’ve seen it on TV. That’s what we call it when the cops bust down your door and bring vests, weapons, helmets, and attitude with them,” said Frank. “If you go back to Onett now what’s going to happen? You’re the town hero. Someone will notice you.”

Ness threw a tense stare at Frank.

“Then when the authorities here figure out who you are and where you live, they’ll come looking, and people in Onett will tell them yeah, you’re in town all right.”


“You really want to get arrested in front of your family? Especially now…when your dad’s visiting?”


“Or, you could stay. Don’t interfere. Lay low with us. Help us get out of town. Then…” Frank cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. “Then whenever they catch up…I promise…I’ll give them my word that you weren’t aware of any of this—that it was all me.”

“You think that’s going to make a difference?!”

“It does. It does make a difference. Ness, look at your reputation. Look at your record…and look at mine. They’ll believe it Ness they’ll believe it.”

Ness’s right fist was shaking.

Frank noticed. “…You want to hit me Ness? Well go ahead. Hit me, blast me, beat me up, do whatever you want to do. …But don’t, leave.”


“For your sake, and ours.”



Ness relaxed.

“…Okay,” said Frank. “Guys, we gotta…” A fist suddenly slammed across his face and cut him off. Frank stumbled to the ground.

Stan, Sam, Steve and Scott turned their attention to the outside.

Ness rubbed his right hand a little and began walking back to the hidden minivan.

Frank tried talking to me during the ride back to the motel. I advised him not to. So we returned. They had the money, and although they hadn’t expected it, they had an opportunity to leave. A pretty decent one actually, since due to another disturbance that night, the authorities would be too busy to do that thing where they stop and search every car leaving on the highway. The problem was, they weren’t willing to leave without their friends. Shawn and those other guys with a degree in acting. The little ants. The three of them were supposed to be waiting outside of the motel by the time we got back from the heist actually. But they weren’t. And in the morning we began to find out why.


The door to the motel room was cracked partially open.

Almost instinctively, Frank grabbed the four bags and ran for the bathroom…quickly followed by a nearby Ness.

“HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! G’DOWN!” screamed one of many cops sporting vests, weapons, helmets, and attitude.

Stan and Sam held their hands in the air and dropped to their knees.

Scott, Steve, Frank, and finally Ness had escaped through the bathroom window.

Frank breathed heavily as he ran without his jacket or shades, and only two bags now.
The others had been picked up by Steve and Scott, who were dripping shaving cream on the street.
Following right alongside them was Ness, saying all kinds of things to the air as he moved.

They reached the minivan. Scott, Steve, and Ness got in the middle seats.

Frank threw the two bags on the passenger’s chair up front, one of which fell to the floor. He turned the key and began driving.

Suddenly shots were heard from behind.

“Aw crap!” said Steve as he, Ness and Scott covered their heads and ducked.

Frank didn’t look back at all as the minivan pulled away.

Although we didn’t know it at the moment, Shawn and the two others had been arrested during their “free time” the night before, for getting involved in that other disturbance I mentioned. Turns out they ended up striking a deal for their freedom. We were it.

“Ohhh boy Frank,” said Ness without really looking.

“Look Ness I didn’t know…”

“Ohhh boy Frank,” he repeated a bit louder.

“Look I don’t know where Shawn and the others are,” said Scott, but it’s too late to wait for them now. We gotta get out of this town.”

“No crap,” said Steve, spitting a bit of shaving cream out of his mouth. “But hey,” he managed a carefree smile for the moment, “this means more for all of us. Now that the other five guys can’t get their cuts.”

Frank glanced at him through the rear mirror.

“I mean…” Steve said it quickly, “after we get Chuck what we’re supposed to be giving him.”

The name rung a bell with Ness. “…Who’s Chuck?”

“Nobody,” said Frank.

“Yes he is,” said Ness.

“…You want me to tell him…?” began Scott.

“No. I need to concentrate now. I’m driving.”

“…You have a rival named Chuck don’t you?” asked an accusing Ness.

“Aw great,” Frank sighed under his breath. “Look, Ness…”

“A rival. So…no…so that’s what this is about?” asked Ness.

Scott began, “Listen…”

“No. I’m talking to Frank. Frank—is that what this is about? You owe somebody money and you dragged me into all this for that? You used me to clean up your mess?”


Ness slapped the back of the driver’s seat, “Frank!”

“Ness, I’m driving man!”

“Could you answer me?”

“Could you mind not doing that?”

“Aw man Frank…” Ness threw his gaze through the window.

“You gotta calm down for a minute Ness. You’re so angry.”

The minivan passed a palm tree.

“…When you’re angry the world isn’t as simple as you want it to be…whether you’ll admit it or not.”

Ness looked out at the gray sky.

Scott was quiet.

Steve began, “Ness, you should try remembering…”

“Please, stop,” said Ness. “Frank…you deceived me, you played me, and since we were friends you betrayed me too didn’t you?”


“You’ve also kept me from seeing my dad, and you know how important that was to me.”

“…I didn’t know that would be going on.”

But it is!”


“Soon as we get some privacy—no—as soon as we get out of this car…”

“Look Ness…”

“Soon as we get out of this car—and you probably think I’m going to change my mind—but as soon as…”


The minivan was rocked about.

“What in…?” Frank glanced backwards.

“It’s them!” said Scott.

They were being followed by the same black van from yesterday—boarded by the same people, plus Shawn, who sat next to the driver.

“…Now I get it,” said Steve. “They must have betrayed us. That’s probably why they didn’t show last night. That’s how we were found.”

“Crap. Frank, can you outrun them?” asked Scott.

“I…I don’t know.”

“…Well, Frank,” said Ness crossing his arms. “Guess now you know…”


Ness’s head was thrown into the window on his side.
The same happened to Frank. The vehicle slowed and stopped.

Ness felt woozy.

Well, Frank and I were too out of it to fight, and Scott and Steve…let’s just say they ended up getting a bit more red stuff than usual mixed with that cream on their faces.
Shawn and the two others kicked butt and took the money. All of it. It wasn’t pretty. It was big, mean…and aggressive.

About 20 minutes later, outside this well-known gas station, an icepack was helping me clear up the wooziness. The pack came from one of those little stores. We didn’t exactly have any cash on us of course…but those places almost always have ATMs. So anyway, Scott and Steve were eating breakfast in the restaurant next to the store. I had gone back to the van to sit with my icepack.
…It was only a few minutes later that I saw Frank walk out of the restaurant.

The door closed as Frank returned to the front seat. “…Took a pretty hard one huh?”


“Yeah, me…me too.”


“…I’m sorry about all this Ness.”


“…This is probably the second biggest mistake of my life.”

“What was the first Frank?”

“…The first was…”

“No wait—I don’t even care,” said Ness extending one hand and holding the pack to his head with the other.

“The first was making the attack on Chuck that started all this.”

“Oh…” Ness nodded.

Frank paused. “…See it’s just, this normal day, you know? A day full of energy, full of pride…full of opportunity.”


“So on this very normal day, we take our energy, and our pride for a walk.”


“And then later…we catch sight of someone. Chuck. He’s just sitting there, in the park. Alone. Unprotected. Unaware. Unprepared.”


“So the slow motion sequence stops, and we snap back into reality. Back into real time.”


“And we take a brief look around…and we begin moving in from behind…”


“And we jump him…just as he stands up suddenly for some reason.”


“And as you know, Shawn and the others know how to give someone a beat down when their guard’s not up. So imagine that plus me, a few of the other guys you’ve met…and a couple others.”


“And we’re pounding his butt man,” Frank was whispering a little.

Ness was getting disgusted.

“But then…turns out he was there for a reason…”

Ness’s mouth opened slightly.

“There’s a playground in that park.”


“He had brought his little sister there. I didn’t even know he had a little sister.”


“I guess he had taken his eyes off her for a little while, ‘cause she…” Frank paused. “…She had made her way pretty high up and I guess she…she did something wrong. She climbed off of something a way she wasn’t supposed to.”


“And Chuck’s yelling for us to get off of him. Yelling about her suddenly.”


“So we slow down, he breaks loose and starts running…”


“And she fell, Ness.”


“Broke things.”


“I know.”


“We suck for that. We’re all horrible little scum who should probably be in jail. I’ve gone over it with myself many times.”


“…Anger…hatred…it’s all wrong Ness. My second biggest shame is that I betrayed my beliefs. I lost the ways of peace and love, and gave into my heart’s other temptations.”


“All I can do in the meanwhile is try to make my wrongs right.”

Ness slowly lowered the icepack. “…You mean…that’s, what this is all about?”

Frank was rubbing his chin as a tear rolled down his face.

“Frank. The money. …You’re trying to get it to Chuck because his sister’s…in the hospital?”

“…Mm hm.”

“…That’s why you…”


“Oh, man Frank….” Ness leaned back in the seat and looked at the ceiling. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I tried to a few times.”


“You were angry, I know. I can understand where you’re coming from.”

“How many…” Ness brushed the thoughts of his dad away, “how many of your friends here knew about this?”

“All of ‘em,” said Frank with disgust.

“Even the ones…?”

“Who stole the money just now? Yes.”

“Oh man,” Ness whispered.

“See we actually had more money than what’s needed. About half of what we collected would do. The other half…we were all going to split up after we reunited.”

Ness was quiet.

So was Frank.

“So now it’s gone.”

“…Maybe not,” said Frank with a bit of excitement.


“There may still be one chance to get it back.”



“Well how’s that?”


Ness sort of smiled a little.

“…When they took the cash, Shawn was checking me too. Looking for something else.”


“His ring. He took it off and handed it to me earlier. To make sure it wouldn’t get damaged during…you know…”

“Yeah, yeah so…?”

“Well I didn’t have it on me. I had put it in my jacket pocket. …And I left my jacket back at the motel.”

“You think he’ll want to stop by there?”

“Yeah. I do. Maybe.”

“I mean he could just buy a new one.”

“No, no why waste the money? Besides, the girl…that ring is special to him.”

“But the cops are probably still hanging out there. And if they’re not they probably took all the stuff for evidence, you know?”

“But there is a chance Shawn would wait around ‘till they leave just incase. Trust me. I know the guy. He wants that ring back.”

Ness was quiet.

“I know you gotta go,” said Frank. “I know you want to see your dad.”

“Well I can’t yet. Unless…”


“Frank—if I help you guys get the cash back…then we go back to town immediately to pay for the operation, and you clear my name like you said.”

Deal. I mean, she’s not at the Onett hospital. It and the one in Twoson have been crowded…”

“Immediately Frank. I need you to clear my name.”

“Ness, just help me do this for that little girl, just help me end it and I’ll fulfill my end.”


Steve was coming towards the van from the restaurant.

Frank rolled down the window. “Hey where’s Mark?”

“…Mark?” said Ness.

“I mean ah…Scott?” said Frank after glancing backwards.

“He’s coming,” replied the young man.

“So we’ll go and be done with it,” said Ness.


If, they’re there.”


“Frank…if any of what you’ve just told me isn’t true…”

“It’s true Ness. Oh man I wouldn’t make up something like this. …It’s the truth.”

“…” Ness rubbed the icepack against his face and through his hair a moment.

As Steve approached, his eyes widened. Quietly pulling into the station from a distance were two cop cars.

“…” He turned and yelled, “Mark!” He turned again and started running, “Frank, get the van started!”

“Huh?” Frank turned around with Ness.

Tires screeched and the cars began advancing faster.

“Ness get the door!” Frank started the engine.

Mark—or Scott—ran out of the restaurant and towards the van.

As Steve reached the side door, one of the two cars pulled up behind him. Ness and Steve paused.

Two officers got out on Scott’s side, pointed their weapons, yelled, and convinced him to get on the ground while holding his head.

Frank looked on the other side of his vehicle, and saw that the other car had pulled up, blocking his van with part of its front end.

“…” Ness pulled Steve into the vehicle, and after just a little more hesitation, launched Psi Hypnosis at the other cops from the car. “Frank pull the windows down!”

Steve pulled the door shut.

Ness crawled to the other side quickly, and launched Psi Flash at that car’s officers.

Out of caution, the cops stumbled away while holding their eyes.

Another car was advancing from behind.

Frank stepped on the pedal.

The van’s acceleration pushed the cop car aside, turning the back of it into the area where the front had just been.

Ness looked back at the scene.

The third car was stalled, then halted by the one in the way and the dazed officers lying about.

Ness let out a silent breath, then turned back around with his arms crossed.

Stepping out of the third car was a senior officer, wearing shades and chewing gum. The younger ones around him lowered their weapons.

That was close, but it’s not like I could’ve just hurt them or anything. They weren’t robots, aliens, or zombies. They were cops. Okay, not much difference in some cases. But anyway, Mark or whatever his name was got caught. Frank, myself, and whoever the other guy was arrived back near the motel a little later. About two hours of waiting passed. Frank mentioned what hospital the girl was in, but most of the waiting was in silence. I was about to break it with a little off-the-subject chit chat. Oddly enough, that was when we saw a black van approaching down the road.

Shawn and one of his companions managed to quietly break the glass, then crawl in through the room’s bathroom window after sliding it open. They began searching.

“…Like I said, I don’t think it’s still here.”

“Man, it’s gotta be,” replied a frustrated Shawn. “I saw Frank put it in his jacket. So where’s…his jacket?”

“That’s something we’d both like to know.”

Shawn and the other young man turned…and found Frank Fly and Steve standing there, having just crawled in through the window themselves.

“Well, well…” said Shawn.

“Well, de well, well…” said Steve.

Frank let a quick, silent giggle while grinning. “I always had my suspicions Shawn. Should’ve known not to trust you.”

“Excuse me? Come again. Is that Frank Fly talking to me?”

“You’re about to find out.”

The Frank Fly…who setup and betrayed his longtime friend?”


“The one who’s got the powers right?” asked Shawn’s companion. “Or the one from 5th street? Or is it the other one? Knowing Frank here you never can be too sure which one you’re talking about.”

“Shawn!” called a voice from outside.

The young man by that name and his companion turned…and saw that Ness was busy dealing with their wheel man.

Shawn and his friend ran outside, worried about losing the money.

“Hold it!” said Frank, soon chasing after them with Steve.

Reaching through the van’s window, Ness managed to unlock and open the front door, giving himself a better grip on the boy in the driver’s seat.

The young man clung to the steering wheel with one hand and a few shopping bags with the other, all out of nervous desperation.

Frank and Steve tackled Shawn and the other boy from behind, bringing them all to the ground.

Soon they weren’t the only ones on it. With shopping bags in tow, the driver was pulled out of the van, spun, and slung to the pavement.

Frank and Steve began getting a bit of payback from earlier.

Ness had noticed two of the moneybags on the floor of the front end. “Where’s the rest of the cash?” he asked as he approached the boy on the ground.

“…No man.” The driver hid his face, turning and reaching towards the bags. “Leave me alone!”

Ness kept advancing.

Frank and Steve kept pounding.

Ness began leaning, “I said…”

Suddenly the driver turned and—reaching from one of the bags—flung a handful of brownie mix at Ness’s eyes.

“Ahk” Ness turned away and fell to his knees.

The driver jumped up and reached into the van.

Ness was busily, nervously rubbing his eyes.

Pulling out a bat, the driver turned towards Ness.

Ness had managed to get one eye open, and saw the young man drawing back.

…The bat didn’t move forward though. It was caught. Stopped. Held in place…by Frank Fly.

“…That’s my buddy jerk,” said Frank.

A look of nervousness came over the driver, soon knocked away by a fist across his face.

Ness stood up and stumbled away, again rubbing his eyes.

Frank swung again, sending the driver down.

A few feet away, Shawn and his other partner had managed to recover and overwhelm Steve, before advancing towards the van again.

Frank reached into the vehicle…and pulled out two bags full of cash. He turned towards the driver on the ground. “Where’s the rest? Huh? In the back?” He was holding the bat in a threatening, backhand fashion.

“Yes, yes!” replied the boy.

From the corner of his eye, Frank noticed just before Shawn’s companion nailed him with a forearm, sending him stumbling a few feet and tripping to the ground.

“HEY!” yelled Ness.

Fearing the Psi powered boy’s wrath, Shawn and the two others began bunching into the front seats of their vehicle.

Ness was jogging over while still wiping his eyes in the process.

The three used this small delay to fit in, close the door, and start the van, driving off just as Steve was approaching again.

The young man watched the van drive away with clenched fists.

Frank lay on his side hugging the bags.

“…” Steve silently pointed to Frank, “…Frank!” he said seriously. “I’m running around back to get your van. If we hurry we can still catch ‘em. Throw me the keys.”

Frank paused, catching his breath on the ground…then slowly pulled keys out and tossed them to Steve.

Steve ran off.

“Hold on…” said Ness. “Frank?”


“Frank we got half the money back,” Ness rubbed one eye a bit. “…That’s enough, right?”

“…” Frank looked at the bags in his arms.

“Frank come on. Let’s head for that hospital. I mean we still got a long way to go Frank.”


“Let’s head to that hospital, and give the money to Chuck. You said you were sure his family didn’t have enough yet right?”

Frank slowly stood up.

“Family…” whispered Ness to himself.

Frank looked in the direction the black van had gone.

“Come on Frank. Now I fulfilled my end,” Ness was extending one arm.


“I help…” Ness’s head turned as the minivan pulled up.

Frank eyed it.

“I helped you here. That was the plan, for me to help you get the money back. I helped you get the money back. Now I need you to help me Frank.”

Frank looked towards Ness.

“Come on!” yelled Steve. “They’re getting away with out stash.”

“…Oh come on Frank,” said Ness with a face that screamed for sympathy. “You’re not going to let greed control you. Now, of all times?”


“You’re not going to let greed control you…?”


“Frank,” Ness slapped his hands together, “Frank! I need you to clear my name! I need, to-see, my-dad!”



Steve was looking at both restlessly.

Frank began walking towards Ness.

Ness stood still.

Frank stood in front of Ness quietly.

Ness was silent.

Frank’s eyes blinked.

“…Frank…I won’t force you, to help me here.”


“I believe you will…because we’re friends.”


“And deep down you have a decent heart. That’s why you started this whole thing.”


“Of course I’m still ticked at you for it…” Ness smiled.

Frank did as well, soon facing downward and chuckling a little.

Steve watched the two calmly.

“…Come on man,” said Ness. “My dad’s only in town for a few days. I can’t go back to Onett like this. I can’t see him ‘till the charges against me are cleared.”

Frank looked up again.

“My dad can probably get you a good lawyer Fr…”

Frank extended the two moneybags.

Ness looked him in the eye.

Frank nodded.

Ness took them.

“Go,” said Frank, just above a whisper. “Use that teleport thing. Get to the girl’s hospital. Pay for the operation. She can’t stay on that treatment that makes the pain go away forever.”


“I’ll fulfill my end of the bargain Ness. I’ll turn myself in and clear your name.”


“…After I find a hiding place…for the money I’m about to get back.” Frank turned and walked.

“Frank!” yelled Ness.

“Come on,” said Steve.

“Frank I can’t go home ‘till you clear my name!”

Frank got in the van, sitting on the passenger’s side.



“Frank don’t drive away. If you’re my friend don’t you let him drive off. Don’t you do this to me…”


“I can’t go back like this. Not with this following me. Not now.”

Frank turned, “…Ness…” he said with an almost sad look.


“What’s more important: You seeing your dad…or the way he sees you?”


The engine hummed louder.


The van pulled away.


Moments later it was gone.

With his hands clenched around both bags, Ness stamped his foot in the lot, tears forming in his angry eyes.

A breeze picked up, blowing through his short black hair. He stood there…nearly motionless.

What I did next was what most people would do: I did what I thought was best at the moment.
…Or is it in the moment?
Anyway, I hit the road. No teleporting. I traveled using old-fashioned methods. I couldn’t go back to Onett. By then I was pretty sure Tracy and my dad…and my mom, would have the whole town on the lookout for me. I figured if I stayed away then just maybe the authorities searching for me would do the same with my house. If they were going to search it anyway, then like I said, I didn’t want to be there when it happened. I didn’t want to be arrested…in front of my dad. I moved from area to area. Motel to motel. The days and the nights, they came and they went. So did the close calls. House parties. Near sightings at fast food places. Figuring out that they could use my ATM account to track me. I bought backpacks for the cash and various caps to hide my face. I also checked the newspapers, to see how the others made out.

Seems an eyewitness saw Frank and Steve get the money back from Shawn and another guy. Then both sides ran before the cops could catch ‘em. Guess Shawn had to go home empty handed AND without that ring of his—if he ever got the chance that is. Wonder if the engagement’s still on.

Frank’s apparently still on the run, now too afraid of getting caught.
I eventually made it to the little girl’s hospital. Having never been in that area before, I was unable to simply teleport there like Frank said. And that reminds me of another thing Frank said. The question regarding my fear of what would happen if I went back home. Even if it would eventually be the most embarrassing, humiliating experience of my life, wasn’t the rare opportunity to see my dad still the most important thing? Wouldn’t he have believed in me? Wouldn’t he have understood?

…Although it made me angry, part of me began to think that Frank was right.

* * * *

Ness was still holding the candle.

Most people in the room were still calmly holding their eyes on him.

There was a bit of silence hanging about the heads forming the circle.

The candle’s flame danced about gently.

“…When I was younger,” said Ness, “my dad used to read me this book full of stories at night. All sorts of tales.”

The crowd remained quiet.

“I remember one in particular—‘No one’s going to smile today.’ I mean, I don’t remember what it was about, because we never read it. I didn’t want to.”

A few seconds passed.

“…The title seemed so sad that…I didn’t want to know what it was about.”

A few heads rose and looked at Ness as he was talking.

“Last time I saw my dad, when he was leaving for business again, I noticed something. He said that he was giving it away, the book. He and my mom had just offered it to this old friend of theirs, who had had a kid a few years ago. So I remembered and reminded him of the story we never read. He paused for a second, then said he’d just give the book away next time he visited, so that we could get a chance to read it together when he got back.”

Everyone was quiet.

“So I never touched it. I waited for him.”

A few eyes knowingly dropped downward.

“…My dad’s come and gone. I never heard or read the story. …But I think I can imagine…a good deal of what it was about.”

No one had the heart to say anything for a while.

Ness’s head hung low.

“Ness…” called someone quietly.

He looked up.

“So what happened after you did it? How’d the little girl end up?”

“…” Ness slowly sat the candle down.

Everyone waited for an answer.

Ness closed…then opened his eyes. “I have a confession to make,” he said reaching for something. “My journey…it never ended. I never paid the hospital bill,” he said unzipping a bag and exposing something, “I kept the money.”

A few eyes widened at the sight and the revelation.

There was silence, until someone asked “Why?”

“Not out of greed,” said Ness. “I don’t care about it. …But if I were to pay that bill now…” Ness was speaking deeper, almost under his breath, “if I spend this cash now…”

“The authorities…” mentioned someone knowingly.

“Whenever they catch me, they’ll believe I’m really guilty if it’s gone.”

Everyone silently understood.

“This cash is the only evidence I have in my defense, to help prove my innocence. But I…”

“Why haven’t you just turned yourself in then?” asked someone else.

“…Because part of me wants to help that little girl. I’m tempted to everyday. Everyday it’s like I can feel it eating away at me. I need to go help her but…but this isn’t fair for me. I’m innocent, you know besides that incident at the gas station.
…But that was just about wanting to help someone. I mean it’s not like the government needs this money. …But then I’d guarantee that this life on the run would not end. I’d be ‘guilty’ then and they wouldn’t listen and I’d keep running ‘till I was caught. I’m caught anyway. Caught between trying to figure out what to do.”

Ness looked around the room after he said that.

No one could offer him any advice.

Ness sighed and looked down again. “…I think I know now. I don’t know, I think talking about it helped me reach a decision.”

They watched him, waiting to hear it.

“Thanks everyone,” Ness said calmly. “Thanks for listening. …I know it’s been a long story.”

Ness picked up the candle…and blew it out.

Afterwards, he sat it down on the floor, glancing at the lighter in the middle of the group, wondering for a moment who’d go next.

Ness stood up, stretched just a bit—because too much would be embarrassing—picked up his two bags, put on a cap…then moved his chair aside and left the circle.

“What are you going to do?” called someone.

Ness stopped. “…What I think is best at the moment.” Then he continued.

The servant from earlier was waiting by the exit as he approached. The man nodded, holding the door for Ness.

Ness nodded back and said thank you, then made his way out the building…and teleported.

* * * *

“Excuse me…?” said Ness at a reception desk of the hospital.

He said who he was there to see, and was soon given a room number. He was also told that the girl’s mother was up there.

“Great,” murmured Ness, eyeing the packs he held.

When he reached the room, Ness peeked in first, noticing a mother sitting with her daughter while talking to her with enthusiasm.

“…Hi,” said Ness after he was seen.

“Oh. Hi,” replied the mother.

“I um…I know you don’t know me but…”

“You look familiar.”

“Yeah…I tend to get that a lot.”


“Anyway I um…” he clutched the straps a bit tighter, “I’m here about the operation.”


“I…heard about your daughter so…” Ness sighed.


He pushed his worries away. “I wanted to offer some support, somehow?”


“Just tell me what you need. I mean, how I can help. I know it must be a rough time for you.”

“Yes, it was.”

“…It was?”

“Yes. Right before the operation especially.”

“…You’ve already…I mean, she’s already had, the operation?”

“Yes,” the woman nodded.

“…Oh. …Oh. Oh, I’m glad then,” said Ness.

“Oh so you didn’t know?”


“Well aren’t you sweet?” said the mom. “It’s very nice of you to be so concerned. You must have quite a heart in there.”

“I…” Ness noticed something as the woman shifted a little.

“What? What is it?”

“…That book,” said Ness.

“Hmm?” she turned.

“…I used to have one…just like it.”

“Oh. Well we were just about to start a new story. You can join us if you’d like.”

The little girl on the bed was staring at Ness.

“Oh I…that’s okay thanks.”

“Really. When’s the last time you heard one of these?”

“…You sure?” he asked.

“Sure,” she said comfortingly.

Ness slowly let himself in, took his cap off, and took a seat.

“Is there one you’d like to hear?” she asked him.

“…” He was speechless at the situation for a moment. “…That one, would be fine,” he shrugged.

“Okay…” the mother and her little girl glanced at each other as the title was read, “ ‘No one’s going to smile today’. Spooky.”

“…Yeah I know,” said Ness, noticing a familiar mark on the book.

As the story began, Ness realized what had happened. This little girl—Chuck’s sister—was whom his dad had given the book to. That was also how his dad had probably heard of, and helped pay for the operation.
As the story progressed, Ness focused on what was happening. He discovered that it was slightly different than he had expected. It was sort of like…
And as the story ended, Ness figured out what was going to happen next. And then he thought about the tale he had finally heard…and Ness smiled.

* * * *

Hours later, Ness was a passenger once again, looking out at the night sky as the car moved. “…Thanks for the help again.”

“Of course,” replied his dad. “You know I’ll be there when you need me.”

“…Sure hope so.”

“All right what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Dad…we need you now. Or more often at least.”

“…I know.”

“Tracy, mom…me…”

“I told you I’m working on that Ness.”


“And, I hope this teaches you that you don’t have to hide anything from me.”

“I was just…”

Ness had turned himself and the money in, then chosen his phone call very wisely. His father flew in with a few of those lawyers Ness had mentioned, and with a bit of legal effort—helped by the fact that Ness had actually returned the money he was holding—had gotten the charges suspended, with a greater chance than not that they would be dropped in the coming months.

“I don’t want you hanging around Frank anymore.”

“Don’t worry.” He paused. “…Sure he’ll be okay without me.”

They were nearing Onett.

“Well this will give your mom and sister a relief.”

“…Guess they were pretty mad huh?”

“They were more worried than that.”


“I figured you ended up on another quest or something and told them you’d just teleport back when the time was right. …But I was a bit concerned since you didn’t have your cell phone.”

“Glad you had yours.”

“Me too.”



“I ah, didn’t tell you one part. I heard the story today, when I saw your friend’s wife at the hospital.”

“What story?”

“You know.”


“Yeah,” Ness grinned.

“So,” he chuckled a little, “…what was it about? I always wondered you know but…you know.”

“Yeah. I know…”

“…What’s it about?”

“Well it’s about…courage,” said Ness. “Finding courage…then facing a fear…and getting a due reward.”


The Candle: Stories of Confession