Zenith, Book 2: Raltise; Chapter 21: The Null Gate
Zenith, Book 2: Raltise; Chapter 21: The Null Gate

Raltise strode through Null, approaching the altar with great confidence. He reached out gingerly to touch the Nightmare Rock, but pulled back. He turned on heel to face the onlookers, and grinned.
"Do you mortals have any last things to say before the world as you know it dies?"
Out of the Group, Cirra strode forward. She glared defiantly at Raltise.
"What?" Raltise called out, puzzled.
"Yunba nahr aph!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "Yunba nahr aph!"
Raltise froze on spot. "Stop Saying that!"
"Yunba nahr aph! Yunba nahr aph! Yunba nahr aph!" She yelled continuously. During a break in her cries, she turned to the others.
"He's stronger than the Apple predicted! I need you guys to help, in any way you can, while I hold him!"
Cirra faced Raltise again, and cried out the three words of Null over and over. She seemed to be holding Raltise, but her grasp was weakening.
Harsemhin turned to the others.
"I have an idea! Perhaps if we combined our strenghts, and the power of the world around us, we could seal him together! Everyone, help Cirra!"
One by one, the people came forward to say the words of null. Cirra could felt the power rushing through her, and as she spoke, she prayed.
""...Please give us strength, if it is possible...Please...Somebody help us..."

(In a distant Universe, the Altus Royal advisor hunched over her desk, with a small gold coin in hand. Looking at the symbol, She felt a new, starling feeling that she had never experienced before, and started to pray for the saftey of the Altus family, and their friends.)

Cirra felt a new energy well up within her, and she cried out to the others.
"Pray! For the love of your planet and the people on it, pray for help!"

Siris prayed fervently... for the safety of his friends, for the safety of Fourside, for the safety of the world... and for the end of Raltise.
He clasped his arms in front of him, and slowly he began to shine with a bright golden glow. He closed his eyes and continued to pray...
For the well-being of the planet... for the well-being of my dear friends and loved ones...
Harsemhin Aberfydd; so much like Anthadd, yet so different at the same time. Siris had found a friend in the Sugemo-user from a millenium in the past.
Cirra of Altus; whose Stellar abilities completely surprised Siris.
Cyan; the formidable fighter with whom only Siris could relate on an interdimensional level.
TsuramiSea; another magic-user... Siris really needed to get to know this guy better.
Skulryk; whichever form of him he met, Siris could be sure on meeting a friend.
And Luna; 'Just friends'... maybe they would stay that way, but Siris knew he had a deep affection for her. She probably knew it too. She was such a caring and understanding person, it was for her that he prayed most fervently.
"Yunba nahr aph..."

TsuramiSea himself focused. Cyan and Siris and Luna and Matt and Kyle and Ness and Harsemhin and Cirra and Dan and Skulryk and Mike and RG and Joe, I believe in all of you. We can't let Raltise mold the world to his needs, for whatever reason. All together now, let's combine our power. TsuramiSea prayed fervently for the success of all of his allies.... his friends.

In another universe, various people suddenly felt strange. They remembered TsuramiSea, and felt that something was wrong.
Tsurami's mother and father, his sisters pezmaster and Babylou, and his brother Sabata all wished strongly for his safety.
SulamiTea, with the power of his Third Eye, saw the EarthBound universe transparently overlapping his own. Seeing the struggle of his alternate self and his friends, SulamiTea prayed that they would keep their universe the way it was.
Craig Vaughn, Skate94807, Person #66349 1/2, and Clone all inexplicably remembered Tsurami for no reason they could discern. However, they felt that he was in trouble. All four boys wished that no harm would befall TsuramiSea.
And TsuramiSea's other friends, wherever they were, all prayed or wished that everything would work out for the best.

Harsemhin began to pray.
Let those both before and after me be safe. Please let them be safe. I beseech them, pray for our victory.

(Harsemhin's prayer reached across the time stream, into a new dimension. Two connected to the Aberfydd family felt something they had never felt before, and began to fervently pray for the well-being of Harsemhin and his friends. "Please succeed, forbear," they whispered.)

Harsemhin felt invigorated by the prayers entering his body, and his own prayers became even stronger.
"Yunba nahr aph..." he chanted. "Yunba nahr aph."
"What are you trying to do?" Raltise demanded.
But Harsemhin was silent.

("Please succeed... yunba nahr aph," came another prayer. And then another. "Please succeed.")

Mike, seeing that others were fervently praying, decided to start praying himself. He knew that his attacks would prove futile against Raltise.
Hmm, now didn't I see this somewhere before? The prayers of the world helping to bring about victory? Oh well, it's time to pray, to reach out to my friends, I suppose.
Mike lowered his head and closed his eyes. He started to concentrate on all those whom he held dear. He thought of Chaz, he thought of Joe and how he came to meet him, and he thought of his closest friends. He thought of his parents although he had no idea of where they were at and he also thought of his girlfriend, who was so far away, yet always so close because of the memories that they have.
Oh, please let us be triumphant today. All this work going to nothing would really be disheartening.

In Fourside, Chaz was busy cleaning up his warehouse, looking for his stuff. He cursed under his breath, when suddenly he felt odd. He decided that something was wrong with Mike, and started to pray for his safety.
"The fool still owes me."
Although he always thought business first, deep down he cared for the well-being of Mike.

On another continent, Mike's parents were together. They had been sad when they were separated from him when he was so young. Mike's mother, feeling something, gave a yell of surprise.
"Honey! I think that Mike's in trouble!"
"Oh, we put him in trouble when we lost him. I still feel bad for that."
Mike's mom and dad started to pray for Mike, for his return and for his safety.

Mike's girlfriend, who was sitting in a room by herself on yet another continent, suddenly thought of Mike.
"Oh, I haven't seen Mike in so long. I miss him dearly." She lowered her head and started to pray for him, to pray for him to see her once again.

In another dimension, Mike's look-alike started to feel something.
"Oh no, Mike must need help. The only thing that I can do is pray for his victory over whatever troubles him."
Mike's look-alike started to pray as well.

Mike continued to pray, hoping that this would help to accomplish the goal at hand.
Oh, please, let us emerge victorious. Thoughts drifted into his head shortly after he was done praying. He left his eyes closed, though. I need to see my girlfriend again. I must find my parents, for I know that they're out there...
"Please, let us succeed," Mike uttered quietly.

Dan closed his eyes and prayed silently.
Dan's parents knew he was okay, wherever he was. The bowed their heads and spoke silently.
A complete stranger by the name of Anthony Williams, who previously was of no consequence to this story, prayed to himself for the safety of whoever it was he saw in his mind's eye.
All the people in the arcade Dan had beaten in Parkway Fighter 2 super ultra hyper mega champion's edition prayed for the safety of Raltise in his quest for evil.
The kids in the school at Fourmoon, who were too busy acting popular to notice Dan was gone, suddenly prayed as much as you can in a public school.
Miss Fake, who somehow had a sense of deja vu when she heard of this final battle, prayed for the safety of all involved.
Dan was jarred out of his trance when he noticed something shaking in his pants pocket. He pulled out a shard of pink ribbon, which seemed to glow in response to the prayers spoken and thought by almost everyone in Eagleland...

Joe, rather confused, looked around. He saw everyone on their knees praying. He looked straight ahead of him and saw Raltise cackling evilly.
"Hey dude!"
Raltise glared at Joe. "Dude?"
"Yeah, man, I've never really been properly introduced to you. I'm Joe. You're Roll Teeth or something..."
"Riiight. So you say you're a god?"
"And that I am."
"Well I am, too."
"Poppycock! If you're a god....Perform a miracle!"
Joe grinned. He knew this was coming, and he had prepared for it. Joe clenched the rod and thought hard.
Suddenly, a monkey with a fez on popped on Raltise's shoulder.
Joe chuckled, while Raltise mentally turned the monkey into ashes.
"HEY! That monkey was neat."
"How did you do that, mortal? It was a trick. Wasn't it? You have some sort of device."
Joe smirked not realizing what Raltise had done. He put his hand in his pocket only to find the rod not there. He looked around bewildered.
"Looking for this?" asked Raltise dangling the rod back and forth. "You heroes and your rods....Now. What will I do with you?"
Raltise grabbed Joe and crunched his neck.
"Let's see how you like this rod now," shrieked the yellow-toothed foe.
After the statement was said, Raltise rammed the rod up Joe's nose. He convulsed a bit, then fell limp.

Inside Joe's Head
"Welcome, Joe," a voice greeted. "To the inside of your head!"
Joe stood there and looked around.
"Is it always like this in my head?"
An Italian biker cycled by.
"Buon giorno!"
Joe lifted an eyebrow.
"No," the voice boomed. "The rod is releasing everything that was once in your brain. The rod releases things from you. That's its coveted power. In your hands, it releases your wishes. But only your wishes! It does not follow commands. In your brain, it releases all of your memories. You don't lose your memory. You didn't lose your wishes did you? Of course not! You have access to your memory now! Just like you had access to your wishes."
"How do you know this stuff?"
"This is the rod speaking."
"Oh...You sound more like George Carlin."
"Eh....Well, I will not hold you back. Explore your memories. You're in a battle, remember? Talk to all these people. They will bring you tidings of comfort and joy."
"Comfort and joy?"
"Oh! Oh tidings of comfort and joy."
Joe blinked and walked around the village type place. There were lots of houses, but Joe only entered the important looking ones.

As he walked down the sidewalk, he stopped at a rusty ol' house. It looked kind of neat, so he entered it. Inside, was a very large man sitting at a table eating Golden Grahams.
"Hi...Do you know me?" asked Joe politely.
"Ah!" the man got up and gave Joe a huge bear hug. "S'been so long! Dontcha remember me? Good Golly Miss. Walaby on a stick! Ah'm yer ol' pop! Th' dad ya nevah met!"
"Oh gosh... DAD!"
Joe would have hugged his father if he could move his arms.
"Wait a second...Did you abandon me?"
"Nat relly. Ah leftcha to yer mummy for th' caring an' th' sort. Ah wasn't cut out fer it. Ah was a sailor fer a long tahm. Thin ah started workin' at a preschool. Ah thought mebbe ah'd find ya there! Din know you were so big! How old are ya?"
Joe shrugged.
"Ah dunno mah age either! Isn't that sumptin? What brengs ya here?"
Weird music started playing.
"Dontcha worry ya bran li'l head. Happens all th' time!"
"Heh..." Joe shifted his eyes around. "Well, I'm in a battle, and I'm knocked unconscious. George Carlin told me to start getting help or something from you guys."
"Lak prayin' uh sumptin?"
"Yeah! Everyone was doing that! Good idea!"
Joe knelt down.

Joe prayed for his father and the well-being of his beard and the...

Joe looked up.
"Ah ment that Ah shud be prayin!"
"Oh...Knock yourself out..."

Rusty, Joe's father, prayed for the well-being of Joe and his friends.

"By the way, Dad...Why didn't you try to find me?"
"But ah did! Ah was on a bus from Twoson when...when...."
"When what?"
"Ah died..."
"You're dead?????"
"Yeah...This'll be th' only time ya will meet me. I'm only a memory, remember? This is how ah was ya were a wee lad. But I have all the knowledge of everything after that."
"Wait...Were you with Paula?"
"Yes! Ah worked wither. She was such a good friend."
"Well, dad, I must be going. Lots of memories to visit."
"Bye son! I'll miss ya!"
"You too!"
Joe walked out of the house and walked down the porch steps. Suddenly, Joe stopped.
"Where'd he get THAT accent?"
Joe crunched over some flowers on his way to wherever he was to go.

"Not you again!!!" screamed the person on the house's porch.
Joe, recognizing the face, ran as fast as he could until he fell in a manhole.
"Welcome, warrior. State your name and the purpose for your being," stated a voice.
"My name's Joe and this is my mind."
"I know. I scanned your brain. I just say that stuff to sound professional."
"Welcome to the shrine of Golentix_M."
"Yes. The powers of four warriors were combined here to create me. The ultimate hero. You are much like these warriors."
"How are you one of my memories?"
"I unno."
"Um....pray for me or something."

Golentix_m prayed for the well-being of Joe and his friends.

"Thanks, Golentix_M. I have to be going now. See you."
In a flash Joe warped to the room where he had started.
"Welcome back, Joe," the voice said. "It is now time for me to pray for you."

George Carlin prayed for the well-being of Joe and his friends.
Joe started convulsing again.
Joe opened his eyes to see the rod in his hand again.

Skulryk stared up to the spectacle above him. He watched Cirra and the others, then knelt down himself to pray. He prayed in his heart for the safety of all his friends, for himself, and for good to conquer the evil.
Love is all and love is everyone, It is knowing, it is knowing.
Please, whoever can hear this... give us strength. Help us defeat the evil.
Inside his coat, Skulryk felt something pulsating. He shook it out and found his dagger glowing a bright light. Wha... Skulryk grasped the dagger, then threw it up in the air.
Quickly going back into a state of prayer, Skulryk watched the dagger in his eyes. It turned a pure white, and shattered into a thousand pieces, snowing shards of light over the battlefield.
Please... Please help us.

How did I know a battle here would come down to a prayer? wondered Cyan to himself, rhetorically. It may not be my own world, but I must protect it, still. The powers of the Heart; Courage, Friendship, Love, Purity, Knowledge, Faith, Hope, Light, Kindness, Honour and Loyalty! Hear my call and give us your strength!

"I still can't find him anywhere on the map," said the oldest. Though similar to one Cyan had met many times during his travels, he was not quite like any Cyan had met after him.
"Maybe he's not there at all," suggested the younger of the two girls - the one Cyan had seen when he had "died" - before a strange feeling came over her. "I just had the feeling Cyan needs our help, very badly."
"Maybe we can't find him, but our hopes and prayers can," declared the blonde boy - the other person Cyan had earlier seen.
"May our light lend him the power he needs," added the girl.
The group prayed earnestly for Cyan's safety.

On the battlefield, Cyan felt the power of his friends enter him and his armour glowed brighter than before.
"Yunba nahr aph," said Cyan, determined to see this to the end.

RG stared at everyone. Crazy people he thought once again. They all seemed to be murmering strange crys for help. This was stupid. One well placed shot would take Raltise out, he knew it would.
"Raltise, prepare for the end!" RG screamed as he fired one well placed shot, right at Raltise's head. RG swore under his breath as the bullet went right past him.
"Hmm. This will be diffucult. All I..." He trailed off.
Something was compelling him to kneel down and pray with the others. He couldn't fight it.
"This is stupid!" Was his last cry before his own will forced him to the ground to begin praying.
"Yunba nahr aph." he repeated over and over again.

Luna knelt on the ground, and began to pray for her loved ones, past, present, and future.

Somewhere on another continent, Luna's friend, Claire, stopped chewing on Luna's other friend Sarah's leg, long enough to start worrying about Luna. They both started praying for her safety.
Please... pray for our us... please help us win over the evil... please...
In another country, same continent, 4 girls competing againest each other in a rousing game of Super Smash Brothers suddenly started thinking about how much they missed Luna, and prayed for her safety.
"Yunba nahr aph," Luna whispered.

Matt fell to his knees and began to pray. He prayed for the earth, the spirits of nature, to come to his aid. He prayed for the stars and moon, his luminescent guidance, to lend strength to his cause. He prayed for all those who could here his plea to band together and lend their strength.

Hundreds of kilometres away, in a forest clearing, a pale looking boy sat staring at his camp fire. He suddenly felt terribly uneasy about the safety of his friend Matt. He stared up towards the stars and began to pray for his safety.

Zack creeped down the hallway of the underground base and creaked open the door to his brother's room. His brother Brett was sitting and looking quite uneasy.
"You can feel it too?" asked Zack, seeming troubled as he spoke the words. His brother nodded solemnly. The two sat down beside each other and began praying for Matt's safety.

Matt's others friends and allies, all of those he had met during his journeys, suddenly began worrying about his well-being. One by one, they each began praying for him and his friends. Their power was added to his cause.

Lastly, Ness dropped to his knees, closed his eyes, and prayed.
Please...for the sake of everyone here…for the safety of the world, for the well-being of those past and those to come...to avenge the deaths of my closest friends…the ones I loved...dear Paula...and for the destruction of evil...speed this prayer to all the people of the Earth.

Ness' prayer reached the hearts of all the people of the world.

Tracy felt it, deep within. Her brother was in the greatest of peril.
Picky felt it too, the one boy whom he looked up to was in danger.
Lardna Minch felt it, the woman next-door who never quite got along with her neighbors.
Venus and her mother felt it, that a young and courageous boy was facing the ultimate evil.
Lastly, Ness's mother began to feel terribly uneasy.
They all prayed fervently for the safety of Ness and his friends.
All the creatures of the Earth lent their power to Ness. This small band of heroes, the last fortress of good on the planet, suddenly found themselves surging with immense power. Clearly, Raltise found himself taken aback.

"My, my..." He whispered. "Where did this come from? Where? WHERE did you get so much power!?" He shouted at the top of his lungs. The puppetmaster faltered, for he knew that it was quite possible now that he would soon be meeting the black void. He struggled frantically to break loose of the power Cirra had him in, struggling harder and harder to grasp the rock which he had worked so hard to attain. The one artifact that his carefully laid plans had been designed for was mere inches away, but it might as well have been light years. He gazed in horror now at the group of adversaries who had come to stop him, all of which now glowed vibrantly with a clean, pure white aura.
Raltise's frightened red eyes fell upon Ness, who now had stepped from the throng. "..Wait!" The desperate man pleaded. "Don't!"
A small grin appeared on Ness's face. "It's too late for that, Mr. Raltise. Game Over, right? You lose." Ness clasped his hands tightly and closed his eyes in concentration. "Yunba nahr aph!" he cried. A large ball of pure energy developed over the young protector's head, growing ever larger. "This is for my friends, and everyone else whose died at your hands, you monster!" Ness released the ball.
Raltise's pupils dilated as the ball of energy rocketed towards him at great speeds. With one last shout of horror, he was engulfed in it. Then it exploded. The mass of good energy enveloped the area, all were absorbed in white. Then, it subsided, leaving a cloud of dust where Raltise had once been. Ness collapsed to the ground with exhaustion. Everyone crowded around him in shock.
"Ness!" Harsemhin shouted. "You did it! He's gone!"
"Amazing!" Cyan cried in disbelief. "It's all over!"
A lot of shaking hands and congratulations followed. Revelry abounded. Yet, all was not right...
"Hey..." Cirra said. "How come nothing's changed?" She turned to the group. "Look! We're still in Fourmoon!" Indeed, they were. Nothing had changed at all. The sky remained an eerie black, and the buildings emanated an unearthly neon. The steady pulse of the vortex to Null remained.
"Quite simple, really. With all your power, you never really stood a chance." All heads darted in the direction of the portal. As the smoke cleared...two bloodred eyes shone through. Two red streaks through finely combed hair served as a ghastly reminder. Two rows of yellowed, decayed teeth pervaded the dust in a sordid smile. Then, the ghastly pale complexion completed the nightmare. Raltise was alive. Worst of all, he was freed of the constraints Cirra had placed on him.
"Well...well...well...did I not say I was a God? Now now, children...it's time for your punishment." With a great effort, Raltise used his mental energies to expand the realm of Null, the vortex now engulfing the entire group. It was then that Harsemhin came to a realization.
"My god! He's taking over Null! He's obliterating the world as we know it and replacing it with nothingness!" Raltise's sick laughter shattered the landscape.
"Yes, yes! Now you understand! It is time for the crowning move! There will be no encore performance!" Raltise's greedy hands fell upon the Nightmare Rock.
"No!" Cirra shouted as she dove towards the pedestal, attempting the knock the stone out of the demon's grasp. But, it was too late. Raltise had the rock. The horizon of Null was broken by streaks of purple lightning, as the very air they were breathing reverberated with the sounds of thunder. The world was ripping apart.
Harsemhin fell to his knees in resignation. "No...it's over..." He couldn't believe the words himself, but he felt them to be true. A hand fell upon his shoulder, and he looked up to see Ness's shining face gazing back at him.
"It's over, alright...but not for who you would think. Have faith." Ness's solemn eyes once again fell upon Raltise, who was by this time surging with power, streaks of purple electricity leaping from his frame.
"Yes!" He shouted. "This is it! My Zenith!" He gazed at the shard of rock in his hand. The Nightmare Rock was vibrating unnaturally. Then it flashed a brilliant purple, emanating with an ear-piercing sound as it did so.

Three times.

Raltise gave a shout of surprise as he felt a small tugging on the arm which held the rock, as if the wind had caught him. The tugging increased. Then, with a cry of sickening realization, Raltise found himself being pulled into the Nightmare Rock. Inch by inch, particle by particle, his whole being was being absorbed by the power of the stone -- the tomb which had been prepared for him. With one last shout of agony and frustration, Raltise's figure was sucked inside the Nightmare Rock. Null was pervaded by a brilliant white light. It faded. Then silence. The curtain falls.
The purple shard of rock fell with a clatter at Cirra's feet.

Raltise had been defeated. The gate began to close.
"This atones not at all for the pain and death caused by Raltise and Mani Mani," Cirra muttered, and threw the rock in.