Animus, Book 1: Belch, Chapter 6: Misconceptions
Animus, Book 1: Belch, Chapter 6: Misconceptions

Having made his pact with the Ghosts, RG headed back for Deep Darkness again, using the Ghosts for his transportation. "I am not going to sit around and be treated like that," he said to himself over and over again.

Anthadd, Cyan and Siris were still discussing what to do when RG returned, again. They didn't notice his approach with the Ghosts.
"I want to duel you!" he shouted at Cyan as the ghosts set him down.
"He's back again?" asked Siris.
"And he brought company this time," added Anthadd.
"He wants to duel me?" wondered an amazed Cyan.
"We'll back you up," said Siris.
The Ghosts took this oppurtunity to leave RG.
"It wouldn't be fair for you to help me. His entourage just left," said Cyan.
RG stopped approaching Cyan and turned around. "I want to know where you think you're going!" he shouted at the Ghosts.
"You wanted to fight him, do it yourself!" Saffron shouted back.
"Let's just go, already," said Cyan calmly, while checking his sword. "Honour Armour energize."
"PSI Blast!" called RG as he raised his hands to the blast position. The attack knocked Cyan backwards, landing unceremoniously on his back.
"Ooof. That packs a punch," muttered Cyan as he stood up and brushed himself off.
"PSI Blast," called RG again.
Cyan was again unceremoniously dumped. "Ice Shards!" shouted Cyan, loosing two bolts of ice from his hands.
"I'm not going to fall for that again!" shouted the gangsta as he dodged the attack. Too late did he look where he was going and noticed he was running straight to where Cyan had moved to.
"That's quite all right. I didn't want to freeze you this time," commented Cyan, coolly. "Cold Silver Claws!" Cyan shouted, punching RG once with each fist in the upper chest.
RG now only stared back at him blankly.
"Ice Sword!" Cyan shouted again, slashing him in in the stomach.
RG slumped onto his knees. The wounds, while severe, were not going to kill him right away.
"Anthadd, I believe he needs a hospital, if you would be so kind...."
Anna saw the whole incident, right from her perch in the trees. She snorted as Cyan felled RG with a slash to the gut.
"Now that wasn't very sportsmanlike..." She clucked. "Oh well. I wonder if I should take him to the hospital."
She jumped down from her tree, landing swiftly behind Cyan.
"Good day there, science boy!" she said merrily.
Cyan whirled around and sighed. "I'm not a scientist. I'm a swordsman. Anthadd is the scientist."
Anna appeared disinterested. "I find that incredibly interesting, I can assure you of that. However, I don't have time to chat. Mind if I take your boy to the hospital?"
Anthadd backed away from RG. "He’s all yours."

Anna became airborne again, with RG slung over her staff. "Hope he doesn't get too burned..." She said, watching the embers from the staff slowly char his face. As she looked down, a flash of color appeared in the corner of her eye.
"Saffron! What in the name of Fire are you doing here?"
The stinky siblings paused in midair, from where they had been flying. Chartreuse raised a bloated eyebrow. "What's with the kid? Why do you have him around?"
Anna glared at them warily. "How do you know him?”
Indigo gulped. "Well, he wanted to join up with us. We said yes..."
"That's it. We told him basically what our itinerary had been for the past three days, and then we ditched him for the duel." Scarlet said plainly.
"I don't wanna get hurt more than I already am," Chartreuse said, blindly grabbing for something familiar.
Anna nodded slightly, and smiled. "Well, keep up the mediocre. Work. For your new job, do you mind finding Belch for me? I want to have a chat with him later..." she said. She looked down at RG, who groaned slightly. He looked up at the Stinky Siblings, blinking.
"Are you the ghosties from Pacman?" he whispered, disoriented. He wearily collapsed again, and Saffron snickered.
"Now would you excuse me, I have to get him to a hospital."

Anna reached her destination in a short amount of time. She landed in front of the Hospital in Summers, and walked inside with RG over her shoulder. Greeting the nurse with false warmth, she handed her some money and asked for RG's speedy recovery. The nurse nodded politely, and carted RG off to his room in a stretcher.

RG awoke in his room to see a tall woman with red hair sitting in the corner.
"Who are you?" he said, his bandages restraining him slightly.
"Oh, you don't need to worry your pretty little head about me," she said. "Just don't get in my, or my employees', way."
With that, she turned on heel and walked out the door.

Slowly, birds' calls became audible. Something rustled under a tree. SulamiTea sat up and yawned. "Great.... lately I sleep in the most uncomfortable places," he groaned. He decided that he had best look for something to eat.
Shuffling around the island, he was disappointed to see that there wasn't much in the way of fruit that he could collect. He pulled some leaves off of the trees and chewed on those, but quickly realized this as a mistake, and spit them out in disgust.
Sulami walked out to the mainland and sat on the shore. "At least my MP is restored from that rest," he sighed. He stared out at the sea, feeling the cool breeze wave over him. In his enjoyment of the atmosphere, he just sat down and dreamily looked out to the ocean for a quarter of an hour.
After such a time, his reverie was interrupted by a large explosion far out in the water. "What the...?!" Standing up, SulamiTea tried to discern what it was. What could possibly explode out at sea? A ship? SulamiTea's eyes widened. Oh brother! Of all the ridiculous luck! He couldn't tell if there were other islands nearer to the ship, but he didn't want to take any chances. I'm awake anyway, with my magic restored, so I'd better head to Scaraba as fast as I can so I can get my surprise ready! I have a feeling these people are going to want to be my enemies from now on, so I'd better not disappoint them.
Running to the edge of the island and using a compass from his backpack to determine which way to head, he chanted under his breath, and then shouted, "Fly!" Lifting up into the air by magical force, he rose over the ocean and headed once again for Scaraba.
Maybe once I reach Scaraba, I can at least get a decent breakfast. Good thing dollars are accepted there.

The group proceeded to dock and tie their rowboat to a root in the ground with a rope. Mike sighed with relief, as it had been a long time since any of them had been on land. "Hey, what's this doing here?" Poo asked. All heads turned to look at Poo, who was currently untying the rope which held their only means of transportation.
"Poo! NO!!!!!" Mike and the others screamed. But it was too late, the damage had been done and the boat drifted off in the vast waters.
"Poo, you've really done it now," Luna said, her face red with anger. "Thanks a lot!"
"Poo, you're no doubt, the biggest idiot I have ev--" Skulryk started to say, but was pushed out of the way by Mika.
"Moron!" she screamed as she stomped off to stand next to Luna. Ness, Paula, Tracy, Dan, and Rusty just shook their heads.
"Hey, look," Mike said, calmly. "I think we should find signs of civilization. Killing Poo won't do any good at this point. Besides, I don't think Poo meant to do what he did..."
"Thanks, Mike," Poo said as he cracked open a coconut.
The group looked out on the island. "I guess we should start walking." Luna said.

Fortunately for them, the island had been inhabited. However, the only place they could find to stay lead to a little trouble.
"$500 a room? That's insane!" Mike said. "And we'll need at least... uh..." Mike counted the people. "4 rooms..."
"I'm sorry, sir, but those are the prices. You will need 4 rooms. That will make your total... $2000."
"Uh... I can chip in a bit too, Mike." Skulryk said. "I still have money on hand from my job... just not a lot. Besides, I probably wouldn't have gotten out of Summers if I hadn't have run into you. Here." Skulryk handed Mike $1000.
"Well, that's good." Luna said. "Someone actually pays for something. Unlike some other people we know." Luna glared at Poo.
Skulryk sighed as he sat down on one of the bunk beds on the island. The rooms in the inn were only bunk beds; rooms at summers were cheaper... The rooms had cost a good part of the money Skulryk and Mike had on hand.
"I call the upper!" Poo yelled as he ran into the room and threw his stuff on top. He then stopped and walked over to Luna and Mika. "Unless any of you fine ladies would be willing to share with me, of course. How about it?" Poo grinned.
Luna and Mika let out a sound of disgust and shoved him across the room. He stumbled and tripped over Skulryk's stuff, then went crashing into Dan as he came into the room with some soup, sending it all over him.
"Aaah!" Dan yelled. "What did you do? This was really expensive!"
"Oh my god!" Poo said. "What have I done? Such a waste of good... food!" Poo looked at the soup which had spilled across the floor or splashed all over Dan. "It's their fault!" he said, pointing to Luna and Mika. "They shoved me! And it's also Skulryk's fault for leaving his stuff all over the floor!"
Luna and Mika sighed and made their way to the other room. Mike came in, got a look at the scene, looked at Poo, and sighed.
"What did I do?" Poo said.
"Well, I need some more food..." Dan said. "But it's late already... why don't we all have dinner?"
"Great idea!" said Poo. "Mike, I know you're just dying to pay, so I'll do the only polite thing and let you. Or, of course, I could cook again." Poo smiled, then ran out of the room. Mike sighed and followed the rest of the group.

RG had finally recovered and was back up on his feet. "Where am I?" RG asked to no one in particular. All he could remember was Cyan slashing at him with something, and then the blood, and then some lady. RG wasn't sure of anything anymore, except he still had a score to settle with Cyan. RG walked out of his hospital room and towards the exit.

Outside the hospital, RG floated high into the air and started to fly back towards the strange island where he had met the ghosts.
He soon arrived at the island and walked into the small hut to see the same lady who had taken him to the hospital. He sat down in a chair next to her and asked, "Who are you anyways?"
The lady replied, "My name is Anna and I am the employer of those ghosts."
RG sputtered, "EMPLOYER?"
Anna then explained the whole story to RG.
"So if you are the ghost's employer, then does that make us allies?"
Anna responded, "Well I guess it does."
RG had made an ally, and maybe a friend, out of this Anna woman. He knew that today was a lucky day. He also knew he still had a bone to pick with Cyan.

"I don't wanna eat right now. That sounds boring," whined Poo. "Let's play a game or something."
"Well," said Dan. "We didn't eat too long ago...I hate to admit this, but I guess you're right. Let's all go to the lobby and have ourselves a snack. That is while we play a game."
"Spin the bottle!" suggested Poo as they were in the elevator.
"Punch the idiot!" suggested Mika as she punched Poo in the stomach.
"Fine...You don't have to play!"
"How about Guess My Identity?" asked Tracy. "You act like someone and they have to guess you!"
"Good idea!" complemented Ness. "How about Paula, Poo, Mika, Tracy, and me on one team and Rusty, Dan, Mike, Skulryk, and Luna on the other team. And to make this harder, you can only have three guesses so use them wisely!"
They all got off of the elevator and sat down in the main lobby.
"I'll go first!" demanded Tracy. "BoIng! SaY yEs tO mE SaY nO To mE? ZoOm!"
"Captain Strong!" Poo started yelling out random answers. "Mad Duck! Worthless Protoplasm! Doctor Andonuts! Big Bad.."
"WRONG!" screamed Tracy.
"POO!!! That was sooooo easy!" Mika was furious. "How could you not get it right AND waste all our guesses???? Ugh....Who's next?"
"I'll go," volunteered Dan. "SIP Teleprot!(&#("
Everyone stared at Dan.
"Why hello, I thought. I turned around, and said 'Bang,' and Ninten said 'wha?' and I said 'I killakillaed him!%*&#(!&%#$('"
The group continued staring.
"Never mind..." explained Dan. "It's from a movie. You probably wouldn't get it."
"Sounds surprisingly familiar," replied Ness. "I just can't put my finger on it..."

"Odd," Anthadd mused. "I'd never have expected Anna to do that."
"She's evil, remember?" Cyan retorted. "I wouldn't be surprised at anything she'd do..."
"You know her?" Siris asked.
"Only slightly," Cyan replied. "She's evil, and once stooped to attack us."
"Wait a minute," Anthadd protested, "I think that was more of a 'Hey, I'm over here!' sort of attention getting ploy."
"Gyork gyork gfaw!" a new voice exclaimed. It was very faint.
"Uh oh," Apple Kid muttered. "That's Master Belch. It seems like he's coming towards us."

A silence hung over the four for a second or two.
"We should get out of here fast," Apple Kid warned. "He probably left me for dead. Who knows what he'll do if he finds me alive? His Animus might not be solely towards Ness now..."
Apple Kid let that sentence hang.
"I'd have to agree with Apple Kid," Anthadd noted. "We may not be able to overcome his Animus. Therefore, it would be in the best interest of all involved if we sought out others sharing the same goal as us, and combine our powers."

The elevator arrived at the lobby.
The doors opened. Mike, Luna, Skulryk, Poo, Mika, Ness, Rusty, Tracy, and Paula filed out.
"Well, we're at the lobby. I think that I saw a TV around here somewhere. Perhaps they have a PlayStation or something around here." Mike said.
Mike looked into his wallet. "Hmm... I'm going to make a quick run to the ATM machine. I've got a lot of money and whatnot in the bank. This looks like a good time to dip into that stuff. Besides, I can always work overtime or something."
He wandered off, looking for an ATM machine. Now, if I were an ATM machine, where would I be? The closet? He walked over to what appeared to be a closet door and opened it. To his surprise, he found an ATM machine stashed away behind a mop. Neat. He stuck his card into the slot. He pressed a few buttons and withdrew a large sum of money. This oughta hold us over for a while. I'll keep some as an emergency cushion in case Poo does something. He walked out and went into the main lobby.
"Hey guys, I found an ATM machine. It was in the closet. Heh heh, it makes me laugh just thinking about why it was in there..."
"Ya know, Mike, this hotel doesn't have much to do. Maybe we should just buy our snacks and take a walk around this island for a while. I mean, it's not like we've never played a video game before or something, right?" Luna said.
"Yeah, I guess that you're right." Mike shrugged. "Ya guys wanna go for a walk?"
"Sure! That sounds like fun! Great!" Generally, replies that denoted that the group liked the idea were made.
"Great! I already charged a bunch of snacks to your platinum card. It's funny because they said that it has reached its day limit..." Poo said. "Oh well."
Mike sighed. "That was my parent's credit card... Oh, what's even the point in getting mad. Let's go."
"Awright, a neightcha walk. Let's do it! Mebbe we'll see some of de night spookies like ghosts I keep tellin' ya about in ma' stories, Paula." Rusty was obviously excited.
"Hey! Be quiet! Those stories freak me out, ya know." She giggled. "Besides, I can take care of them if there were any."

The group left. They started to wander towards the heart of the island.

As the group were walking to the 'heart of the island', Mike sighed as Poo started making up wild stories involving Llamas taking his wallet away during his stay in Summers.
Mika put her hands behind her head and said, "Sound like they didn't have a hard time doing that."
Poo tried to make a comeback, but didn't; in fear in being punched in the stomach. As they were walking along, Poo noticed something that caught his greedy little eyes.
"A penny! It's all mine!" Poo screamed as he jumped for the shiny object on the ground.
He hit the mud with a sickening splat while the group shook in head in embrassment as Poo opened his hand to look at his new-founded treasure. Once he opened his hand, he noticed that it wasn't a penny. Frustrated, he said, "Poop" and threw it away. Skulryk reached out and grabbed the object and looked at it.
"Hey, what is this thing supposed to be?" Skulryk queried the group.
"Looks like a fragment of some sort..." Mike pointed out.
"Looks likes a rock ta me," said Rusty.
"It's more than just a rock, it's a..." Dan tried to find the right word for it and came out with a, "thingy."
"Well-put, Dan." Mike chuckled as the group joined in the laughter, even Dan himself.
"Seriously, what is it?" Mike said as he wiped his eyes.
Dan stood there, with a puzzling look on his face and said, "Don't know."

"We should get going then," Siris said. "Shouldn't we?"
"Yes," Apple Kid agreed. "But to where? I can't fly like you can, remember?"
"I suppose I could carry a passenger," Anthadd sighed. He transformed to Anthdragn and allowed Apple Kid onto his back. The group took flight across the ocean.
"I can sense a group of people..." Siris reported. "They're far away, but I can feel that they are strong; many of them have strong auras, suggesting that they may possess PSI or other skills. I think it may be best to follow these auras."
"Lead the way, then," Anthdragn hissed, and Cyan agreed. Siris flew in front of them, and led the way, as Anthdragn had instructed.

Anna stared at RG, startled. "I don't think he spent enough time in the hospital.." He was obviously unstable, she noted, in the he thought an alliance could be forged. Hadn't she just told him to stay away from her, and her four employees?
By now, the four ghosts had made it to the island, and were making faces at RG from the next room of the hut. Anna sighed slowly, and motioned for RG to sit down at the table.
"RG...we can't ally," she said slowly, watching him carefully. She had no idea when he could snap, so she regarded the case lightly.
"Why not?"
"Well...I'm beginning to question your...uhm..." Anna faltered, and the four ghosts helped her out.
"Hearing ability?"
"Taste in clothes?" Scarlet, said, wrinkling her nose. Anna glared at the four ghosts, and went on.
"Motives. You obviously aren't working for the same goals as I am. You said you had some sort of Animus against Cyan..."
Saffron perked his ears up. " Animus...thats just like Belch's..." The wheels were turning in his head, but Anna failed to notice.
"Whereas I have no problem with Cyan. I don't know what he considers me, but I consider him an ally of sorts. You obviously don't share the same opinion of him I do, do you? Plus, look at you. You aren't cut out for evil..."
RG fumed. "I am too cut out for this!"
Anna snorted. "Well, whatever. I've made my point, and I think it is time we part. You can stay in this hut as long as you need, but I, AND my employees, are going. Good day to you, sir." She tipped her hood smartly, and exited the room. Scarlet blinked, but she and the others faded through the walls. Within seconds, the five were airborne.
"Did you find Belch for me?" Anna said hurriedly.
"Yeah...I think he's over DD." Saffron said. However, his mind was on RG's Animus. That's an interesting epiphany... he thought, but Chartreuse staring at him blankly cut his inner mantra short.
"Shut up, cleanface."

Once he had reached Scaraba, SulamiTea was able to buy some fruit so that he could eat. He also bought plenty of water, and traveling clothes - he'd need them for his journey through the desert. Even if he didn't make it all the way, he could teleport back to the town with his magic and restock.
With his pack loaded with food and water, SulamiTea stood by the gate that lead out into the desert. He finished wrapping his new clothes around himself so he wouldn't get burns from the wind.
Just before he prepared to leave, he opened his backpack and got out a single piece of paper. On it was a drawing of what looked like a woman with spiky red-brown hair. Instead of hands, she had pincers, and from behind her extended a long, sharp tail. She was clothed in a plain, dull yellow dress with cherry boots. SulamiTea wadded up the piece of paper and started spinning around. "Special reaction delay.... go! go! Stingale!" As he spinned around, he threw the paper ball somewhere close to the inside of the gate. The ball lay innocuously on the sand.
"Here is what I have to say," said SulamiTea, talking to the paper ball. (Fortunately, no one was watching this.) "Wait for the kid named Ness Lee. When he draws near, you'll rise up and attack. He may have friends with him... if so, don't attack them unless they do so to you. If they do, counter them." Sulami took a breath. "There's no need to hurt Ness badly, just give him some small bruises and poison him. Once this is accomplished, if they haven't sent you back already, give me the signal and I'll reverse the magic, sending you back to your own universe." Sulami made another pause, and smiled. "And finally.... give them all my regards."
SulamiTea shouldered up his backpack and walked out the gate, into the desert. Now I just have to hope that Ness passes by that way, he thought. "Good luck, Stingale." With that, he headed out for the great Sphinx of the desert.

RG sat there blankly staring at the wall. He knew he did have good taste in clothes, thats why he had all the girls, but he could almost agree with the other statements made.
RG hadn't had anything against anyone for quite some time now, but Cyan seemed to have the energy, the pure attitude, to be able to upset him as much as he did. RG got up and started to walk out of the hut, but then he remembered the ghosts. He knew he still had his an aliance with them. RG decided to head over to Deep Darkness to see what was going on between Belch and everyone else. RG only partially understood what was going on around him. He floated into the air and started to fly towards Deep Darkness.
RG arrived at Deep Darkness and, with the help of a shortcut, beat the ghosts and Anna there. He looked and saw the thing everyone called Belch. He hid in the trees and waited for Anna and the ghosts.
A few minutes passed before they finally arrived. Anna and the ghosts started to float towards Belch, but RG cought the eye of Saffron. "Psst! Over her!" RG whispered. Saffron came over to RG. "What are you doing here?" queried Saffron. "Nevermind that, I need to know if we still have that alliance going between us." RG murmered. "Yes, I guess we do, but there is something that I have to ask you..." The ghost trailed off. Anna was calling Saffron. Saffron went over to Anna's side and they began talking to Belch.

Anna faced Belch boldly. "What have you been up to, partner?"
Belch gaped at her. "*Gyork* I've had a lot to deal with. I've been shuttling back from Summers, down to Deep Darkness, *gawk*, all because you refuse to kill that Lee child!"
"Well, honestly, what’s the point? If you have an Animus against a 13 year old, I don't think you're fit for any type of leadership. And if all you want to do is kill him, I don't think you're even fit to live!" Anna said hotly, glaring at him. From his position on the bushes, RG could have sworn that Anna looked at him for a split-second.
"I will choose to ignore that. *Gack*. However, to pledge your alliance to me, you must make a sacrifice to my enormous appetite. I AM quite hungry..." He said, burping slowly. A trail of slime ran down his skin, and Anna rolled her eyes. "Did you just listen to me? It's over...but if you want a sacrifice," She said, her eyes starting to glisten, "You can take the kid in the bushes." Anna pitched a fireball at the bushes, revealing a boy crouching behind the twigs.
"Eat him."

Belch slowly advanced on RG, a trail of sticky goo following him wherever he moved. RG shook in fear, and attempted to fire a PSI blast. It bounced off Belch's thick skin, and splashed harmlessly into the water. Suddenly, RG spied Saffron and Chartreuse laughing in the background. He leapt from the bush, and crouched behind the two ghosts. However, Chartreuse and Saffron didn't realize that Belch was coming closer to them, as they had begun to fight loudly. RG chose that moment to react. With a swift push, he slammed Chartreuse and Saffron into the gaping mouth of master Belch, and he opened his mouth wide in happiness. With a final blood-curdling scream, Anna could hear Saffron and Chartreuse meeting their maker. A single tear rolled down her cheek, but it evaporated into steam within a few seconds time.

Belch burped loudly in approval. "I must say those ghosts were the tasty treat I needed. I can tell you seem to be heartbroken, but that's what life is about. *Gyork* DEATH!"
Master Belch guffawed loudly, and slurped his way slowly to the shore. Shouting back, he called out a final remark. "You were right, Anna. I don't need your help any more!"

Anna stood in her place, shocked beyond comprehension. A sea breeze picked up near her, and the salty air brushed her hair and cape back. She looked up into the sky, and saw the sun setting on one of the longest days of her life.
She turned swiftly around and glared at RG, hot tears now rolling off her face and sliding along the clayish earth.
"You have no idea what those two meant to me, do you? They were associates of mine, and they were friends. Some of the only friends I’ve had in a long time, if you must know... AND YOU KILL THEM! You insensitive cretin! 'Look at me, I'm RG, I don't know what NO means!' If you had left us alone like I told you to in the first place, two of my best friends would still be ALIVE RIGHT NOW! If you'll excuse me, I have to go AWAY FROM YOU!" She exploded, and sparks flew off her hotly as she stalked away. Scarlet had her arm around Indigo, who was sobbing heavily, and the two floated off behind Anna.

Searching wildly across the ocean, Anna looked for signs of inhabitants. She saw a a tiny island a few miles away, in the North Seas of Deep Darkness, and sure enough when she had landed, she saw a small group of travelers in a nearby palm tree surrounded area. She recognized two of them.
"Anthadd! Cyan! I'm so glad to have found you!" She said, flinging herself at their feet. Sand and seawater stained her bright orange dress, but she paid no notice of it. "Please," She said, turning to cyan. "Please forgive me for anything I did to hurt you! I've may not be permanent, but we need to lay aside all animosity! Is it not the honorable thing to do to forgive?" she said, staring up at him.
Cyan shook his head, sighing. "You may join our party. However, your senseless acts of violence need to stop, immediately."
"Lets not get carried away," she grumbled, but he stared sharply at her. "Ok! Ok! All right! Oh I'm so glad!"
"Now...why do you want to join us?" he said, still confused.
She looked up at him darkly. "I want revenge. Against Belch. A few other people are in the mix, but its mostly Belch. I know you can help me."
Scarlet and Indigo crept up behind Anna, and nodded demurely. "We...want to help too. I guess."
Anna smiled brightly, and threw her arms around Scarlet and Indigo, choking them. "Thank you!"
Cyan could only nod and stare.