Imbue, Chapter 2: Out for Revenge
Imbue, Chapter 2: Out for Revenge

Foreword from Godeg
Well, what can I say about Imbue? It seemed rather interesting when it was just starting, therefore I posted on it. I was right about it being interesting, for the most part.
Lots of things occurred in that story. I'm kinda proud that I took part in it. My character in Imbue, the newly-appointed Admiral Mike, is essentially a reflection of what I wish to be in the future. It was interesting seeing how that character interacted with others.
All in all, Imbue was good, and I'm sure that the next story will be as good as, if not better than, Imbue.
Remember what you were taught... Concentrate on only one thing, then the power will flow...
Skulryk jumped through a set of dummies, managing to destroy each of them. Catching his dagger in the air, he landed in front of a door.
He knew what was going to happen; he had attempted this training course many times before, but failed this part every time...
Skulryk began to concentrate. The door began to open. He closed his eyes, and began to feel energy flowing through him.
Yes! Finally! I've achieved the power!
However, something went wrong. Skulryk felt a wave of evil flow over him, just at the moment he connected with his psychic abilities. His trainer, now fully through the door, stared at him in fear. Skulryk was glowing a pure, blinding white.
Images... pictures... random events flashed through Skulryk's head. His brainwaves were erratic, and he felt like his brain was going to burst out of his head. He then felt himself quickly dissapear, but the feeling was only for an instant; however, he was somewhere else.
Right before he passed out from the shock on his brain, he could hear the sounds of city life and felt himself landing in an open dumpster.

"Well," Narcy said, waving her revolver, "Would you mind terribly to get in the car?"
Dan eyed the car. "You know, a Pinto explodes at the drop of a dime. Should you really be racing around in that?"
"If you'd like to magic me up something better I'd be glad to hear it, but if you can't, then just get in the car!"
Dan nodded slowly, and got in. Before Narcy got in, she took out a small notebook.

Narcy's Notebook
The date is The 21 of August, 199X.
I have encountered a person with telekenetic powers, exaclty what my lab had been searching for before it got shut down and turned into a theater. I wonder what's happened to the old Topolla now?

Narcy slipped her notebook into her striped poket, and tugged slighty on her pearls before getting into the car.
Venus looked up at her. "Where did you get those pearls? I used to have a pair just like them..."
"You might say I borrowed them from somewhere...."
"Well, alright. At least I got all my money out of the Topolla before it exploded."
Narcy, who had just been fiddling with the keys, bent them so sharpy that the made a right angle. "WHAT?"
"You didn't hear? The Topolla theater is in ruins! I worked there until it crumbled last night!"
"LAST NIGHT???" Narcy rammed the keys into the car, and reved the breaks. "We're taking a quick stop at the Topolla. Hold on tight!"

Narcy careened through the streets at top speed, pushing the pedal harder and harder.
Suddenly venus jumped up in her seat. "WATCH OUT!"
"Huh?" Narcy said, turning forward. Her car rammed into a dumpster behind the museum, knocking a large object out.
Dan opened his mouth, shocked. "You hit someone!"
"Not so easy, is it?" Venus reminded her curtly.
"Shut up!"
Narcy hopped out of the car to investigate. "Well, looks like we hit another guy. At least he looks concious enough to tell us his name. What IS your name, anyway?" She said, turning to the boy.
"Phht!" He said, spitting out a banana peel. "It's Skulryk! Skulryk!"
"Good," she said, aiming the gun at his face. "Now get in the car." The car was rapidly becoming crowded.
Against his better judgment, he got in the car with the others.
"Now let's see if I can make it to the Topolla without ANY MORE INTERRUPTIONS!"
The car stopped working inexplicably.
Narcy jumped out to check it out, and the car started working again, leaving Narcy in the dust.

As the car sped away, several gunshots were heard from Narcy, as she chased after the car. However, the car was long gone.
Skulryk clutched his head, trying to stop the earth-shattering headache he had. This was all too confusing... This was fourside, the Big Banana. He could tell from the famous Monotoli building, but he had never been there before, only seen pictures. How did he end UP in Fourside anyways, and in a dumpster, of all places?
Mike had managed to sit up in the car, and was currently staring at Narcy's face and letting out a small chuckle. He then turned to Skulryk.
"Hey, you ok? How did you end up in a dumpster anyways?"
"I'm not too sure about that myself... Everything that happened recently is a blur. I have never been to Fourside before in my life, and now I suddenly appear here... and I have a headache to end all headaches..."
Dan chuckled at this. "Sorta sounds like you're having one huge hangover. Heheh... I'm just kidding, I can tell you're not the kind of person who would do that sort of thing. Where are you from, anyways?"
"I'm from Solico," Skulryk replied. "It's a small island between Summers and Scaraba. We're rather isolated, but we know basic knowledge about the world... I was able to tell this was Fourside from the Monotoli building. Once again, I don't know how I got here..."
"Pretty strange," said Mike. "Still, I've heard stranger. You might... uh... want to clean yourself up. You're a bit of a wreck."
Skulryk saw himself in the rear-view mirror and saw what Mike meant. He had various garbage stuck on his face and in his hair, and he had a deep cut above his eyebrow.
He got some water and began cleaning himself out, then noticed something else. "That's strange..." he commented.
"What is it?" Mike said.
"My eyes... They used to be brown. Now... they're blue. This isn't something that just happens... What's going on?"
"Freaky stuff..." said Mike.

"Sigh... I have got to find somewhere else to live... Fourside is too noisy..."
unacat had been living in an apartment in fourside for a week or so. however, he had found out that he wasn't quite a city person.
"Why didn't I think of it before? I'll live in Onett! A nice, quiet town..." he went to the elevator and rode down to make arrangements, not noticing that the Topolla was now a pile of rubble, or realizing that having Dan, Venus, and Skulryk drive by going 120mph was kind of suspicious, or that he knew these's people's names.

Anthadd sipped hot chocolate as he listened to Cyan recount the story of the previous dimension he had been in.
"...After all was said and done, we'd restored the time stream to what it was supposed to be," Cyan concluded.
"So, there was a second me in that dimension?"
"Yes," Cyan replied. "And again, I've been brought to a similar world."
"Quite interesting."
"True. And I sense I've been brought to this world for similar reasons to those that led to be being brought to the world I was brought to before."
"Saving the world?"
"Of course. Now, where is the main disturbance nowadays?" Cyan inquired.
"That would be Fourside," Anthadd replied.
"Would we be able to get there using your Ditel?"
"How do you know about... oh, never mind. Alternate reality. I'll get everything I need right now."
Anthadd left to fetch all his required items: Ditel, Magic Packet, and Ke Bao Dragon Medallion.

Five minutes later, he returned, stuffing the Tome of Sugemo into the Packet as he came.
"Are you ready?" Anthadd asked, as he began to charge the Ditel. It was already charged at 87%, so it didn't take long to reach 100% charging.
He fired, and the two disappeared in a flash of light, only to reappear minutes later outside the wreckage of the Topolla.

Mike sat and watched the landscape pass by. "I didn't think that a lot would happen while I was on leave, but apparently I was wrong" he thought out loud.
"Leave? You're in the military?" Skulryk asked. "You're... what? A captain?"
Mike looked onto his shoulders. He noticed that his captain's rank shoulder boards were still on his uniform. "I was about a month ago. I just got promoted to admiral, though. They gave me a job as commander of a squadron of ships. Before I start my job, I decided to take a couple months off for myself. You know, travel the world and stuff."
"Oh... How'd you get here, in this car, then?"
"I was hit by it, apparently." He paused. "By the way, I'm Mike." He offered his hand for a handshake. Skulryk shook his hand. "And you are...?"
"I see." Mike then turned to look at the landscape once again. He unconsciously reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone. He reached into his other pocket and pulled out a miniaturized tool kit. He began messing around with the phone, pulling the circuits out.
"Why are you doing that, Mike?" Dan asked. He motioned down to the phone.
"Huh? Oh. I dropped this phone on the flight deck the other day. It broke, so I'm trying to fix it. Also, I want to see what makes this thing tick, ya know?"
"Oh. Okay."
Mike continued to work on his phone. He was also contemplating what it was that happened during the day... thinking about being hit by a car, meeting somebody whose eye color had changed, and other things. The others couldn't tell that he was thinking about something other than fixing a phone.

Narcy ran faster and faster, pounding her feet on the warm pavement. Gravel scraped the bottem of her leather knee-highs as she stopped suddenly.
"Ahah!" She drew her revolver, and aimed swiftly. Hearing a loud puncture off in the distance, she sighed with satisfaction.

Dan screamed inside the car. "Cripes! What's wrong with this hunk o' junk?" Mike turned his head, and looked back at the others. "Did someone just shoot our tires?"
He slammed the brakes, and looked back again. In the distance, he could see Narcy sprinting toward him at top speed.
The front door clicked open, and Narcy stuck her head in. "Mike, Venus, Dan, hop on out. We're going to the Topolla to look around PORPERLY this, properly. I meant properly."

Anthadd and Cyan stumbled through the ruins of the Topolla.
"Are you finding anything?" Cyan called out.
"No... I'm going to check the office," Anthadd replied.

Anthadd rummaged through the office, looking for something.
He threw open each desk drawer, and tossed the papers out, after quickly checking each.
"If we have an idea where to go from here..." he muttered, hissing under his breath, "...we could figure out why the Topolla was destroyed."
And then, he found it!
"Packet for ticket to Winters... Winters? Maybe that's where we have to go?"
He rushed out of the office.

"Cyan!" he cried, waving the ticket packet in the air as he ran. "I found where we have to go!"
Cyan looked up. He was dusting the chairs off in the theatre proper. "Where?"
"Winters," was Anthadd's curt reply.
"Winters?" Cyan inquired.
"Yes, Winters. Now, if you'll excuse me again... I'll Ditel us there."
He fired the Ditel, but... nothing.
He looked at the Ditel. "1% charged? Too odd." Anthadd put the Ditel on charge.
"Now what do we do? Wait for the--"
"Wait for the Ditel to char--"
"Yet another," Cyan muttered.
"What?!" Anthadd demanded.
"It's a long story," sighed Cyan. "I'll tell you while the Ditel charges."

Cyan explained the concept of the "CyAnth" to Anthadd, finishing just before the Ditel was charged. By this time, Narcy and company arrived at the theatre and had begun to look around.

" happens often enough that it actually has a name, 'CyAnth'," finished Cyan.
"This is becoming more perplexing all the time. Did you just hear something?"
"Yeah ... I think someone else is here, too."

The other group entered the area Cyan and Anthadd were looking around.

"The rest of the group for this adventure?" Cyan queried Anthadd.
"What?" asked Venus, confused.
"I'm not sure. I don't know them," Anthadd explained to Cyan.
"Well, whether they are or not, do we go to Winters, now? Anthadd?"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHH!!!" A voice screamed, causing both parties to look up.
"What the heck..." was all Cyan got out before the object was on top of him.
"Oogh..." the voice said "My head hurts..."
"That's nothing, compared to my back!" snapped Cyan, while the girl who the voice belonged to stumbled to stand up.
"I'm really sorry!" the girl said, apologizing to Cyan.
"And who," asked Narcy, pointing the gun at the girl's head, "are you?"
Brushing away her long blond hair, the girl stood up to her full height, and stared back at Narcy with a curious look. "My name is Luna, and I'm 14 years old. I don't know anything else. One minute I was.. I dunno, and the next minute I'm falling." she shrugged. "I don't even know where I am now."
"Well, we're in Fourside. And you just fell on Cyan here's back." Anthadd said, indicating the form still writhing on the ground.
"Never fear! I'll have him better in a jiffy!" Luna said, smiling, and pulling out a first-aid kit as well as several other things, before rushing over and administering to Cyan's back.
"Freaky stuff," Mike piped up for the second time that day.

"Finally!" Anthadd cried. "The Ditel is fully charged..."
"Ditel?" Luna inquired.
"Dimensional Teleporter."
"Dimensional Teleporter?" Narcy asked.
"It opens wormholes in the space time continuum. It allows me to travel wherever I want."
A few Spiteful Crows flew overhead.
"Crazy birds," Mike muttered.
"Well, should we be going now?" Cyan queried.
"No reason not to." Anthadd fired the Ditel, and they all disappeared in a brilliant flash of light.

Above Winters...
Yes, above Winters...
The seven or so unlikely adventurers appeared in the Winters sky.
"AAAaa!" they all cried, and fell in the inexplicably high snow north of Lake Tess.
"Is everyone all right?" Venus asked. "I'm cold, though."
Narcy rolled her eyes. Oh, how long a day this would be.

The group gathered their senses and looked around Winters. Narcy putted her revolver into her pocket and stroked her light blue hair as Mike put his hand on his hip.
"What's next?" Mike asked Anthadd.
"Next... we go to the boarding school where we'll meet Jeff. He can find out how the theatre blew up without harming the other buildings," Anthadd answered, looking at Narcy. "What do you need a gun for?"
Narcy looked at him with a sincere face and hissed, "None of your business."
"Since we're getting along so well, I would like to ask one simple thing from you guys..." Venus said quietly, then she cried out, "I WANT MY CLOTHES!"
"Ah, pipe down," Narcy grumbled.
A bush rustled behind Luna. Luna took notice of this and jumped into Mike's arm screaming, "What's that?!"
"Hey, come out of the bush," Cyan ordered.
A Tessie Watcher, Sebastian, jumped out and said, "Please don't hurt me! I mean no harm! Please, don't take me back to the aliens! I don't want to be probed again!"
"Probed? You've been probed? Who are you?" Mike asked the Tessie Watcher.
"I'm Sebastian! I was kidnapped by aliens before! It was a quite frightening experience! But nothing will stand between me and my love of Tessie!" Sebastian shouted proudly as he pounded his stomach with his left fist, "Ow."
"Weakling," Narcy coughed quietly.
"By the way, you told us not to take you back to the aliens. What did you mean by that?" Cyan asked curiously.
"The aliens returned to camp and kidnapped my Tessie Watcher friends! There was this... evil woman in a body of the aliens! She wasn't... human at all!" Sebastian answered as he broke down in tears.
"Stop crying. Stop crying," said Luna as she tried to comfort him.
"Would you go out with me?" Sebastian asked Luna.
"No. I'm too young for you," Luna said as she stepped back.
"It was worth a try." Sebastian sighed, "Can you guys hide me or something? I don't want to be abducted and subjected to their cruel experimentation! And when I say experimentation, I don't mean the kind of experiment that people do in college!"
Mike chuckled weakly, "That wasn't very funny."

Somewhere farther away from the group's location, near Snow Wood Boarding School was a small tent occupied by a boy. A shoe popped out of the tent following a leg covered in jeans. Then, emerged a teenaged boy with his arm wrapped around himself.
"Brr... It's cold today." The boy sighed as he stroked his short brown hair.
He whipped out a journal and began to write in it.

Rockwell's Journal
Day 12,
Rockwell's Bird Watching.

It has been twelve days since I've been here. So fair, I have managed to sight 2 Spiteful Crows, one which stole a cookie from me. A falcon and an eagle. But my search for the mystic Feeriar Ice still remains. Once I have sight it, I will be able to obtain its freezing powers. Ah, my dreams will still live on. Food supply is low and I need more tea.
He closed the journal and pulled out a binocular and looked through it.
"Hm, another Spiteful Crow. They're too common, indeed. What the...? Is that a Starman Jr?" Rockwell asked himself as he swinged his binoculars down, "Hey... there's a group of people there. Look like there's a lady with a gun. Unusual people. Hey, there's Sebastian! He looks worried."
Rockwell sighed, put his binoculars away, and walked north.

What the group of eight didn't know was that Jeff was currently out, having taken the latest model of the Sky Runner to reach Fourside in a hurry. Miraculously, it had been designed well enough not to crash.

Paula was standing by the wreckage of the Topolla as Jeff arrived. "Hi, Jeff. Well, as you can see, it's a real mess. And the energy is still here, too."
Jeff stepped through the ruins, his glasses glinting. He paused, and focused himself. "Yes, I can feel it." He took out a small sensor. "Let's see if it's any kind of energy I'm familiar with...." He waved the sensor around the most highly affected area, the stage. After staring at the sensor's readings, he furrowed his brow. "Hmm.... it's not any kind of reaction. I think that the energy must have been mental, or spiritual. Of course, I have trouble determining those kinds of energy." He noticed the lock of hair. He could feel the energy coming from it. Cautiously, Jeff reached down and tapped it slightly. He didn't feel anything happen to him, so he closed his hand around it and stood up. He slowly walked out of the rubble.
"It seems like the same kind of energy that Giygas radiated to me," remarked Paula. "Only it doesn't feel like it has as much of a destructive, life-extinguishing capability."
Jeff nodded, and answered, "Yes, the energy seems neutral. My father and I had been working on a device to read mental energy, and he let me keep it so I could continue research at the school. If we take this hair, and maybe a piece of the stage with us, we can figure out what happened."
Paula looked at Jeff oddly. "Why can't we just use the hair?"
"Well, a piece of the stage might have more of the energy in it. Can you maybe use your Freeze to knock a chunk out?"
Paula shrugged. "Okay, I guess." She walked over to the stage and concentrated. Her mind slowed, and the space around her seemed to distort slightly. Raising her hands, she called out, "PSI Freeze Beta!" A faintly blue bolt lanced out towards the stage. However, upon contact, the energy broke and dissapated into the air.
The two kids were shocked. The energy eminating from the rubble had been enough to dispel Paula's attack! "Um..... okay. Never mind, the hair will do," decided Jeff. Paula just mumbled in agreement, and both prepared to return home.

"Can we PLEASE get back to Fourside? I really want to investegate those ruins, and I can't do it out here in Winters."said Narcy.
"But what about my Tessie watcher friends?"asked Sebastian.
"I don't give a darn about your stupid dinosaur club! I just want to.." replied Narcy, but she was cut off by Rockwell who appeared.
"Um, hey Sebastian. Who are your friends here?"asked Rockwell. Sebastian introduced the fellows.

"Why don't we go to my house?" asked Paula.
"We can discuss that lock of hair over some cookies and milk."
"Cookies and milk? Whatever."

The two took a bus to Twoson and arrived in front of the preschool. To her surprise, there were kids there. Paula thought that they were on a field trip with Rusty, Paula's co-worker and friend.
"Oh, g'day, Paula. How's ya been while I was gone?" questioned Rusty with a grin on his face.
"Oh, well, Jeff and I have found some interesting things at the Topolla Theater ruins..."
"Oh! Guess I should fill you in on that."
"I'll tell him," said Jeff.

After the introductions were said and done, the topic switched to discovering the fate of the Tessie Watchers.
"Well..." Sebastian said. "I remember being kidnapped and taken to Stonehenge. Perhaps we could search there."
"Good idea," Venus said. She inexplicably glared at Narcy. Apparently, they held each other in contempt.

Well on their way to Stonehenge, the group came across a Starman Junior, who attacked them.
"I must aid the Bridge," it intoned.
"Bridge?" Narcy inquired, then fired her gun.
The Starman Junior responded with fire of its own.
"The Bridge must be alone."
"Will you be quiet?" Cyan demanded, slashing with his sword.
"The Bridge will be alone."
Another joined it. Then another, and another... And they all fired in the air.
Although one wouldn't necessarily see it, Winters was thereby sealed off to anyone and everyone not already there.
"Now, we will prepare you for your fate. The Bridge will stand alone," another Starman Junior intoned.
Under his breath, Anthadd muttered, "Ke Bao Dragon Armour Infuse."
The Ke Bao Dragon Armour appeared on his body.
Venus picked up a stick. "I'm ready... I think."
Sebastian began to swing his binoculars around like a sling. "I believe I am prepared for battle."

"Land ho!" shouted Captain Poo to himself as he docked his pirate ship in a corner of a large city. He immediately approached someone to ask for directions. He, Captain Poo, was an evil pirate who depended on himself alone to rob unlucky people of their money. He and his ship had sailed the seven seas. He had encountered many adventures, what with the battle with the Krakens and the escape from Thunder & Storm's storms. Now he was ready to settle down in a nice place such as this city.
"Excuse me, m'am, but where's the nearest hotel?" asked Captain Poo, politely. From the outside, Poo looked nothing like a pirate, but on the inside, deep secrets of treachery and deception hid. "Get out of my way, boy. I have no time to answer stupid questions. I have to go investigate the mysterious explosion of Topolla Theater," replied the lady sharply, as she hurried on her way.
"Sounds interesting. Think I'll come too. I am a pirate after all!" said Poo as he ran after the lady.

Mike stood there assessing the situation. "I don't believe that they are suited for ranged cold-weather combat. Look at their weapons and their sensors. They're starting to frost over."
Anthadd looked at the Starmen. "Yes, you're right. It should make it a lot easier to leave the area."
"Leave the area, eh?" Mike asked. "And where would we go?"
"To Stonehenge, of course."
"I understand." Mike thought for a bit. "If there are all of these Starmen here, don't you think that there'd be more near Stonehenge?"
"Exactly!" Narcy exclaimed. "I think that we should go back to fourside and investigate! It'd be much easier to do things!"
"But I want to go to Stonehenge NOW!" Venus demanded.
"We'll go there in due time," Mike stated plainly. The starmen charged their weapons and fired. Apparently, they were surrounded by the starmen. However, their weapons exploded, thus scrapping them. "Whoa. Well, we got to make a decision now. We can run while they're getting reinforcements, or we can go to stonehenge. Call the shot. I'm ready for anything." A full Starman teleported into the area.

Captain Poo eventually arrived at the ruins, where, by some odd stroke of luck, found that no reporters or non-acs were there. but, amid all the debris, there was life. to be more specific, one life.
"hey, who are you?"
The figure, who was sitting down and concentrating, looked up after a second. "I'm unacat. I could say the same for you."
"Captain poo."
"Hey, I've heard about you, you're... that guy that's the captain of a boat, right?"
"Well, in general terms, yes. what were you doing?"
unacat looked solemnly at the remains of the topola. "Examining these. This attack was caused by... some sort of trance... but it's the opposite of a trance..."
Poo sat down too, and tried seeing what unacat was looking at. "Indeed, it is strange..."
"Oh, yes, have you seen Anthadd anywhere?"
"Hmm... not really.."
"Well, I have an important message for him..."

The Starman fired upon the group, and a shot whizzed by Anthadd's head.
"Whoa!" Dan said. "Watch out! That one is actually prepared for the cold! Be careful!"
"That's true..." Anthadd observed, "but there's one of them and 8 of us. I think we can take him."
"FREEZE," the Starman said in a cold metallic voice. It prepared for a second shot, but a silver light lanced across the field, severing the starman's tentacle. The shot it had prepared got jammed, and the Starman exploded.
Skulryk landed a few feet away from the Starman, currently shielding his face from the explosion. He put a silver dagger back in a sheath.
"Whoa!" Mike exclaimed. "What WAS that?!?"
Skulryk sat down on a nearby rock to catch his breath. "I don't know... it sort of just happened. I felt myself in mortal danger and... I snapped. A power overcame me, and a second later I was lancing through the air at the Starman. Then I sort of just regained control now... I also remember a bit now too. I know my weapon is a dagger, and I know I've been practicing a way to combine my skill with the dagger with PSI abilities, but I couldn't harness PSI... I'm not sure if that was an example of what I have been trying to achieve or not... and I'm also not sure just how I got here... Sorry, I still can't remember too much."
Venus stood up. "Skulryk, it's ok. I guess you saved us from that Starman. Still, they might send more... maybe we should leave."
"Hey, if we're this far already, why don't we keep going?" Cyan said. "Look we can see Stonehenge from here!"
"Freaky stuff..." Mike said, while shaking his head.

After a long and tedious voyage on his ship, Captain Poo and unacat finally arrived in Winters. Or actually, at the edge of Winters: Some force field was keeping them from entering.
"Oh great..." mumbled unacat.
"Cheer up now, lad. didn't I hear some scuttlebut about an airship of yours?"
"It's in the repair shop till 6:30 pm today." By now, unacat was looking downright morbid, as the position of the knight of the AoE required quickness, and was subject to change at a moment's mistake.
"Huh? Me clock tells me it's 6:45."
unacat hit himself in the head, muttering to himself about how stupid he was, and truged back to the ship.

Luna shivered, a shiver of anger, fear, and foreboding all in one. How did I get into this? She questioned herself quietly. Who are these people, for that matter, who am I? I know my name... But why nothing else?! I don't even know where I am anymore...
"Halt. You are trespassing; code 1487-B8 has been violated." droned a silver Starman's voice, his tentacle stretching out, holding a single powerful blaster. Luna shuddered as she looked at the starman, and clenched her eyes tight. "Kill it!" she yelled, as everyone started firing at it.
"That's another one..." muttered Anthadd.
"I can't believe how many there are! How the heck do they churn these things out?" Narcy said, looking annoyed.

"Well, here's Stonehenge," said Dan, pointing at the hole. "There'll probably be tons more inside."
Luna almost turned as white as the snow around her. "Um... Luna?" asked Narcy, tapping Luna on the shoulder, causing her to jump, and turn around quickly. "Are you okay?"
"Haah.. fine... just.. fine." Luna mumbled, sweating slightly. Why was she so afraid of those things?