Union, Chapter 2: Tensity
Union, Chapter 2: Tensity

Anthadd hobbled along, his left side slowly falling asleep, trying to reach the Twoson Hospital. He needed to get treatment for his ailments...
"Hold on!" a voice behind him cried.
"Hm?" Anthadd stopped, and turned around, his left hand reaching for his golf bag in self-defense.
"Anth, wait up!" It was Mike.
"Oh, it's you, Mike." Anthadd hurriedly drew his hand back towards his front, and held it in front of him, waiting for Mike to shake it.
Mike obliged, and a short conversation occured.
Mike filled in how he had come to discover him, and Anthadd described how he had come to be in the state Mike had found him.
Mike shook Anthadd's hand and started talking.
"How did you come to find me, Mike?" Anthadd asked.
"Well, I woke up this morning from a dream that seemed to tell me that if I were to take a walk, then something interesting would happen. Of course, since I'm so curious about what could happen, I set out on a little walk. I've been walking for most of the day. Anyway, after walking for a while, something seemed to tell me that something that could potentially change my life was about to happen. But I ignored whatever that was, and then I was hit by a kid on a bike. He told me that you were hurt on the ground, so I decided to help you out. I poured water on you, which by the way, I am sorry for doing that, but I saw that it was necessary. You regained consciousness, and left. Then I fell asleep, and somebody told me to meet up with you again. So, here I am." Mike explained.
"Well, that is very interesting indeed. I'm off to Apple Labo in order to... gain a better understanding of what is going on."
At this point, Anthadd fainted, and stayed on the ground for a moment. "Yes, I'm fine, but I really should go see a doctor..."
"Hmm... that's kinda crazy, Anth. But oh well. So you're trying to get to Apple Labo, huh? I dont think you'll be ab-"
At about this moment, Anthadd collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.
"Anth!!" No response. "Oh man! This is not good! Looks like he needs to see a doctor!" So Mike picked Anthadd up from the sidewalk, and started to carry him to the hospital. However, before Mike arrived at the hospital, Anthadd regained consciousness.
"Where am I? I'm... moving? Oh, Mike. Put me down, for I fear that the hospital will do me no good in treating what ails me." Anthadd stated weakly.
"Shh, dont talk now, I gotta get you to the hospital. I shouldn't have let you leave earlier... arg!"
Anthadd then seemed to black out once more, except for a much longer period of time.

** Hours Later **
"Ugh..." Anthadd moaned.
"Anth, wake up! You're in the hospital, are you alright?" Mike asked.
"I believe that I am alright, for the moment anyway. Remember how earlier I said that 'The hospital may not help what ails me'? Well, I had a vision when I passed out at that time." Anth stated.
"Oh yeah? Tell me about it."
Anthadd brought a book out of his golf bag.
"This is the Tome of Sugemo," he said, showing it to Mike.
"It refers to various paranormal abilities. PSI. Magic. Sugemo. Stellar, which is what knocked me out so much..."
"I see."
"Well, returning to the vision.... the Apple of Enlightenment... whatever that is... came to me. It showed me cryptic runes. Like those in the Tome."
Mike sat down, amazed by what was unfolding.
"It told me of the existence of a second Tome. The one I carry embodies the powers of Ae Ahl, the light, and the second, Diu Ero, the darkness."
"Ae Ahl and Diu Ero?"
"Yeah... from the runes I was able to decipher..." Anthadd's eyes fluttered, his strength waning.
The nurse hurried into the room and gave him a glass of milk.
Drinking it, his energy returning, Anthadd completed his sentence. "...the second Tome, is in the hands of a great evil. But I couldn't figure out much more. The runes were getting too complicated to garner anything more than a literal translation."
"Wow..." Mike said, dumbfounded. "That's amazing."
"Wait. I'm not done yet."
"But didn't you say--"
"Anything more about the evil. But I do have something about what will happen unless this evil is defeated. The world will be destroyed. A wasteland, unfit for man nor beast..."
"Hmm, unless the evil is defeated... so, are you going to try taking this evil out? How do you plan on doing that, if you're gonna do that?" Mike asked while thinking about the entire chain of events.
"Well, I'm not exactly sure about that. But I'm sure a viable solution will show itself at Apple Labo. However, it looks as if I'm... out of action for a while, I guess you could say." Anthadd stated, while taking another drink of milk from a mug next to his bed.
"Hmm, I guess I could go to the lab and find out what to do... I'm not sure how to go about that though... but I'm sure something will happen. I'll let you think about that. Of course, you could always just tell me what to do, and I'll do it. Anyway, I'm going to grab a bite to eat. I haven't eaten anything in a while." Mike left the room, in the direction of the hospital cafeteria. However, Mike started to feel very dizzy, so had to take a seat on a bench in the hallway. He then slumped over in his chair and passed out.
While passed out, he had a vision...

** In vision **
Mike - Hmm... this seems all too familiar. Looks like... me and Anth. There he is talking about his vision consisting of Ae Ahl and Diu Ero... but, there's also a woman standing behind me.
Woman - Hey Mike. Do you remember who I am? No matter, really. I can tell you what those runes meant that Anthadd couldn't decipher.
Mike - Oh yeah? I'd appreciate it if you told me. It could be important to him.
Woman - Well, it's not as easy as that...
Mike - What do you mean by that?
Woman - Well, the answer could potentially kill you.
Mike - Oh... that's not good.
Woman - No kidding. But, if the answer is really important to you, then I'll let you know what it all meant.
Mike - Could kill me? What happens if it doesn't?
Woman - Well, I'm not exactly sure. A number of things could happen. Anyway, we'll be seeing each other again.
Mike then woke up, with a nurse asking if he's alright. "Yes ma'am, I'm fine. Thank you anyway." He then proceeded to return to Anthadd's room, forgetting about eating any food.

After what seemed like days, Anthadd was released from the hospital.
"So, Anth, how you feeling?" Mike inquired.
"I'm feeling better than I was a couple days ago. Anyway, I'm off."
"Oh... hey Anth, I've been having these dreams..."
"Oh? Tell me about them. I've got the time to listen." Anth answered, his annoyance barely showing.
"Well, I've been having these visions. They kept telling me to go after you and stuff... It's strange, now that I think about it. And recently, I had a vision that said an answer to something could kill me. I think it was referring to those runes that you saw. Anyway, the woman in that vision said that I knew her... I'm not sure who it is though..."
"Well, that is kinda strange. Anyway, I must be heading off to Apple Labo. That's the main reason why I'm here, after all."
"Ok... but I'm going to follow you for a while. Maybe the answer to these visions I've been having will present themselves eventually. That is, if it's alright with you..."
Anthadd slowly climbed out of bed, making sure his exhaustion wouldn't claim him again.
Of course, the food he'd eaten while in the hospital had renewed his energy.
"Well, if you're coming, hurry up. I've got to find out where the powers of Diu Ero are manifesting... while I was sleeping, I heard something odd. It was like there was no sound at all, only quiet."
"More visions?"
"Obviously, but no runes this time. I also saw the Apple of Enlightenment again."
"Again? It sure enjoys appearing to you?"
"This time it actually said something, instead of showing me runes."
"What did it say?"
"Warrior of the powers of Ae Ahl, you must undertake a journey. It will lead you, and Mike, to others, who share your belief that nothing good will come of the happenings nowadays.
"'One, is a girl. Her name is Mira. The second is a boy, his name: Rockwell. Also, seek out the Chosen Ones. Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo. They will play a vital role in the battle to come.
Mike stood there, amazed.
"I'm not done yet. 'The Warriors of both Ae Ahl and Diu Ero are wildcards. It is hard to predict their exact locations. However, trusting your heart will lead to them. Focus on the aspects of one in your heart to find the warriors of that attribute.
"'Good luck, Warrior of Ae Ahl! Descend into the pits of darkness, and rout Diu Ero for all eternity!'"
"How are we going to get to wherever Mira and Rockwell are?" Mike asked.
"Simple," Anthadd said, drawing a vial of golden liquid from around his neck. "Draco Potion," he said, drawing it towards his mouth. "And you might want to back away..."
Anthadd hurriedly went Draco.
"Oh my goodness!" Mike cried.
"Hurry. Get on... I don't know if I'll be able to handle thisssss form for long enough."
"Well... I dont know... I guess I can give this a try" Mike said, gathering his courage as he climbed on to Anthdragn. "Hmm... this isn't so bad. So, who are we going to go meet first?" Mike asked, cautious in his movements.
"Well, I was thinking that we should go meet Rockwell first. He is close to this area."
"Oh yeah, how do you know that?"
"Simple... I can see him near Polestar Preschool."
"Oh... well, ok. Let's go! Hee hee, I wonder how this little adventure is going to turn out. Wonder if Paula is there too, considering that we need to meet up with her as well..."
Anthdragn started flying off toward Polestar, en route to Rockwell.

Mira woke up, slumped over her kitchen table. She looked at her table, and saw an object growing brightly on it. putting out a hand, she drew it in close. It had a small note attached.

Dear Mira;
It's me, Rockwell. I think you should have this, so you can invest more time into your hobbies, and make your house a bit warmer too. Call me on this mini-phone if you find anything good.


She smiled softly at the generous offer, and put it on her shelf. After this was done, she ran outside to look through her telescope.
As Mira gazed through, an unseen force ripped it away from her. She grabbed it, and stared into where it was pointing.
"Now why would it point me toward Mercury?"
Staring ahead, her mind suddendly snapped.
"Oh crud! Mercury doesn't have any moons!"
She Jammed her eye into it as far as it would go, and looked on in shock.
Venus and Mercury were now in sync with each other, closer to the sun than ever in recorded history. Dropping the lens, she stared boldly into the sun, ignoring the burning pains.
Its size was slowly increasing, but the pain of the glare was not as sharp as it should have been.
"Oh my god..the sun is collapsing, and pulling us in!"
She opened her eyes wider than ever before, not fully comprehending the severity of the situation
"This is Pokey's fault, isn't it?" she yelled out into the sky. A booming voice responded, suddenly.
"This is no one's fault, but man himself."
"What do you mean?"
"This....the tampering with the stars. Humans have been attempting to learn more about them for ages, but with mixed purposes. Some, such as 'Pokey' want the purest regions known to you to be evil, as your earth has become. Have you not realized? If things continue down this timeline, all of space will become waste, and humans will move on. The Solar System will be a black hole, worth nothing but emptiness."
With these final words, the voice faded. Mira grabbed her new phone, and dialed up speed dial 5.

"Hello? Rockwell?"
Anthadd raised his eyebrows, and put his hand over the receiver.
"Rockwell, phone's for you."
Rockwell stared at Anthadd and Mike. Then he politely took the phone and said, "Rockwell's here."

Mira sighed. Then she started explaining about how the sun is slowly apporaching Earth and collasping at the same time.

"What? That's impossible. Does this have anything to do with the castle on Charon?" Rockwell asked.
Mike looked at Anthadd while saying 'castle' without using his vocal cords with a skeptic look. Anthadd shrugged his shoulders.
Then Rockwell said, "Hm, hm... okay. Thanks. Call me back if anything else happens."
Then he hanged up and gave the phone back to Anthadd.
"Thanks... but who are you guys?" said Rockwell.
"I'm Mike, and this Anthadd." said Mike.
"Ah, the great Anthadd. I have heard many of your accomplishments from my master." said Rockwell.
Anthadd stared at him. Then he said, "That's nice. So, your name is Rockwell?"
Rockwell nodded yes.
"Pleased to meet you. Well, what are you doing here for?" Anthadd asked.
"That's what I'm here for." said Rockwell.
"You don't know what you're doing here?!" Mike shouted.
Before Rockwell could say anything, a loud explosion was heard at Choas Theatre. After the smoke settled, 3 dark figure appeared. But Anthadd, Rockwell and Mike couldn't identify them. But as the 3 dark figures stepped in the light. They were surprised to see them. "I wish we could do that again. Just hearing that guy screaming for his mercy." said the other one.
"Shut up Llewkcor, Ekim. Look up ahead." said one of the dark figures.
"What is it, Ddahtna?" said Ekim, "Oh. Them."
They came face to face with dark shadows of themselves. "Our shadow?! That's crazy!" Mike shouted.
"Crazy or not. I believed it. Look, my master said that our shadow is our equal. So, if we fight with our shadow, he will be able to block our every move because he knows what we're thinking." said Rockwell.
Mike took a deep breath and said, "Okay."
"I guess they're too smart for us. Maybe we should focus more on power than our head..." Ekim laughed.
Then Ekim charged towards...
"Mike! Hurry, dodge!" Anthadd quickly drew the sand wedge out of his golf bag and struck Ekim directly in the stomach. Ekim crumpled over.
"Anthadd! Watch out!" Rockwell had noticed Ddahtna drawing the driver out of his golf club bag.
Anthadd, having noticed this, gripped the sand wedge in both hands, halting the driver's movement. It was millimetres away from his jugular.
"You sure know your human anatomy..."
"Of course, I'm your shadow."
Meanwhile, Rockwell and Llewkcor were engaged in a swordfight. The sparks were flying everywhere... even though neither was fighting with their head, the other matched them, move for move.
Back with the others, Ekim had recovered, and he and Ddahtna were squared off against Mike and Anthadd.
"You don't think I can use Stellar, can you?"
"I'm sure you can. I just doubt that you could beat me."
"I've trained under pure darkness. Diu Ero guides me, like Ae Ahl guides you. You will not win. Hollywood Pegasus!"
"Centaurus Flare!"
The two Stellar powers neutralised each other... they were unable to effect the user of the other...
"Stellar?" Mike asked.
"Yes, better half." It was Ekim. "And I also know Stellar. Scorpius Blade!"
Instead of pure energy, this Scorpius Blade was like a negating vacuum... a black hole.
Mike stood there, shocked... "How can I survive?" he asked.
As the dark energy approached Mike, Mike began to become extremely worried. "Oh man, this is definitely not good." Mike yelled, but without thinking, something happened. Mike unknowingly used Scorpius Blade. A blade of pure energy extended from Mike, striking the dark scorpius blade. They neutralized each other in a brilliant flash of energy.
"Hmm... how in the world did I do that... No matter, I have to defeat my... shadow?" Mike began thinking. "Rockwell stated that our shadows are our equals in fighting... That means that fighting will do no good. If he's my shadow... then all I have to do to neutralize a shadow is to hide in a dark place..." Mike saw the shadow from a nearby building. He ran away from the skirmishes, into the darkness. His other form disappeared.
"Neat... but in order to defeat these guys, I think that we're going to have to work together." With this idea in mind, Mike started to throw rocks at Ddahtna. "Bwahaha, take this, evil Anthadd shadow." Ddahtna turned around, and started to come after Mike. Anthadd utilized this distraction to deliver a crushing blow to his shadow's head, rendering him unconscious. "Neat, one down, two to go." Mike stated plainly.
Because Anthadd's shadow had been dealt with, he was able to help Rockwell out. Anthadd struck Llewkcor in the kneecaps, causing the evil shadow being to go down. Rockwell utilized this opening in his opponent's attack to finish it off.
With 2 of the shadows defeated, Anthadd and Rockwell were capable of helping Mike deal with his shadow.
"Alright guys, I'm going to leave this place and run towards you. You guys take out my shadow. K?" Mike asked. The other two agreed. Mike made his move, but his shadow being reappeared, and cast his version of Centaurus Flare. A dark version of the Centaurus constellation appeared on Ekim, then a dark flame enveloped Ekim. The energy from the attack had hit Mike full force. Mike fell, and lie motionless on the ground for a few seconds. The evil shadow stared at Mike's lifeless body, unaware that Anthadd and Rockwell were about to deliver the final blow to the being. Mike rose to his feet after a couple seconds, and stared at his evil shadow.
"Hmm.. was that it, shadow? You hardly touched me. Now you're going to pay." Mike said, just as Anthadd and Rockwell dispatched the shadow.

** Minutes after the battle **
"Mike, are you sure you're alright?" Anthadd asked, concerned for Mike's well being.
"Yes, I'm fine. He didn't have anything." Mike said as he smirked. "But what I dont get is how I used that attack."
"Well Mike, that was Stellar. Seriously." Anthadd stated matter-of-factly. "There aren't many who know how to utilize the technique. Apparently you only 'know' how to use it when you are in danger".
"Yeah, I had no idea that I could do that. But I wonder why Pokey decided to control our shadows... especially mine... oh well. We'll find out eventually, eh? So, what do we do now?" Mike asked.
Anthadd took a deep breath and then looked at the two.
"I think, now would be a good idea to find the chosen ones." said Anthadd, being the leader.
"Sound like a plan Anthadd. But where can we find them... eh? What's up Rockwell?" Mike asked with curiousty.
Rockwell propped himself against the wall and then look at them. Then he put his sword away.
"Listen, I don't work with people very well. My time is slowly apporaching, the last thing I need to getting attached to someone. If you don't mind. I'll be leaving." said Rockwell as he walked off.
"Well, that's a fine how-do-you-do. Come on Anthadd, we can still convince him!" Mike said to Anthadd.
"No. He has his reason. We must respect him for it. C'mon, are you coming with me?" said Anthadd.
"Um... yea, okay. Where should we go?" said Mike.
"I think we should pay Mira a visit. Maybe she'll let us on something that she told Rockwell." said Anthadd.
"Oh. Cool." said Mike as he ran off to the bus stop.
Anthadd look in the direction where Rockwell was going. 'Your time, hm? Sound like you want to die. Well, I hope you'll still be alive next time we meet. Farewell, worthy warrior. May our path cross again.' he thought to himself. Then Rockwell disappeared into the musty fog. Anthadd looked away and walked to the bus stop to catch up with Mike.

Jeff was at the Winters Boarding School for Girls to meet Dr. Andonuts. He was rather nervous, due to the fact that he was in a school with females running around. He was outside the door, taking a deep breath. Then he walked through the gateway and knocked on the door.

Meanwhile, inside the Boarding School... "Oh, that must be Jeff now. Would you mind answering the door for me, Luna?" Dr. Andonuts said with a smile.
She nodded and then ran off to meet Dr. Andonuts son. She never met Jeff before, she wonder what he looked like. Dr. Andonuts spoke highly of him many times. She opened the door and came face to face with Jeff Andonuts himself.
"Hi. I suppose your name is Jeff?" said Luna.
Jeff stared at her. Then he blushed shamefully.
"Um... yes. My name is Jeff, but how did you know that?" he said with his ears turning red.
She laughed.
"Oh, Dr. Andonuts told me alot of things about you. Why don't you come in? My name is Luna." she said, with a friendly smile.
"Oh, thanks. Um... where's Dr. And- Oh, I mean, Dad?" said Jeff.
"Oh, I'll take you to him." said Luna as she guided Jeff through the boarding school to meet Dr. Andonuts.

Paula was sitting in her favorite chair in front of the tv, watching her favorite television show, Yo Ernie. During a commercial, she went to get some milk and cookies from the kitchen. She got herself a glass from the cupboard, and poured an entire glass for herself. She went to take a long drink of the milk, but before she could do that, she had a vision.

<< In Paula's vision >>
Vision's Message: Paula... go to Burglin Park... meet... two people...
Paula: What? Burglin Park? People? Meet them?

<< Back in the kitchen >>
Paula recovered from her trance. She knew that she had to go to Burglin Park, in order to meet some people. She got ready to head to the bustling market place. But before she left, she finished the glass of milk, and ate a cookie.

At the bus station with Anthadd and Mike...
"So, Anth, we're going to visit Mira? Alright. I hope this meeting goes better than the one we just had... Oh well, I'm sure we'll meet Rockwell again." Mike stated.
"Yes, we're off to see Mira. If only the bus would--" Before Anthadd could finish, he entered a trance-like state. "Actually, nevermind the bus. We're off to Burglin Park."
"Well, alright. Lead the way." Mike replied, while following Anthadd from a safe distance of 3 strides.

Mira looked out into the sky. For some reason, she felt as if solitude would be the only answer to the problem. If the sun was collapsing and dragging the planets in, then there was only so much time until the force enveloped all things.
"No, solitude cannot be the answer. Despite my gut instincts, I must unite with those who need my aid."
A high female voice called out. "No, you much watch the skies."
Mira was startled, but had become accustomed to the voice. In fact, it sounded a bit like herself. "Why though?"
"You may inform them to the extent that you wish, and contact them at any hour. However, your place is here. Solitude IS your path!"
As soon as it came, it was gone. "I see..I must be alone for this...."
She held her hands together, and gazed up into the sky. "Rockwell, Anthadd, Mike, Paula...... I am with you!"
And she was gone.

Mike poked Anthadd in the shoulder. " I thought we were visiting Mira!"
"We were...but we have buisness to take care of now in the Park."
Suddenly, Mike turned around, and stared. Something...was following him. Something. As he focused his eyes, he recoiled.
Anthadd turned. "Well, you must be Mira."
"I am, and I am not."
He blanched. "What exactly does that mean?"
"Look" She waved her gloved hand around in the air, and a cloud of silver formed. In it, the two boys saw Mira slumped up next to her telescope.
"So.. then who are you?"
"I am Mira."
She stroked part of her longbow lovingly, then put it at her side. "Mira has been chosen to walk the path of solitude. She must be alone, but she did not want to be. So her soul broke out."
"Is she .... dead?"
"No, she, or I rather, am not. However, I will not wake up till I return to myself. I need to travel with you."
"So..you are Mira." "To an extent, I am Mira. I am merely a soul, but I am the only piece of her left. I may travel with you, but soon I will be forced to return."
"Well, we have a place to go now, Mira."
"I am aware of your need to visit Burglin Park. And please, for now on, I may be known as Solitude, since the Mira you know is no more."

Anthadd, Solitude, and Mike walked into the park, and saw a small child in pink under a tree. They walked up, taking care not to startle her. Suddenly, the girl snapped up, and greeted them warmly. "Hello, I am Paula. You must be the ones I am to meet."

Poo was on his throne, thinking about Paula's story.
"This is too incredible to ignore. I must gather my best men to stop Pokey. Master Aziz, call them forth." said Poo.
Aziz held up his hand.
"I'm sorry Poo. But you must fight the evil with your friends. Your men are far too weak to battle with something that could be stronger than the embodiment of evil itself." Aziz warned Poo.
Poo put his hand to his face with a wave of depression. Then he looked up at Aziz, an old man whose time was growing near. Then he agreed.
"Yes. You're right." said Poo.
A loud scream was heard from the next room. Then a collaping footstep was heard. The door swung opened with such force that the left door fell off after hitting the wall.
"Poo! I'm going to kill you and Pokey will rise above you all!" screamed the intruder.
"Piz, what's the meaning of this?" Poo shouted.
Aziz stepped in front of Piz, the intruder, and said, "You're going to have to go through me if you want Poo."
"Get out of my way old man!" said Piz as he pushed Aziz to the ground.
Piz was charging toward Poo until Aziz acted in time by using PSI Thunder on him. Piz evaporated in thin air.
"Thank you Aziz, for your help."
Then Aziz laughed.
"No... let me thank you... after I take your life force." Aziz laughed.
Poo stared at Aziz and saw his aura. It was the same aura that Piz had!
"I'm going to kill you, to make way for our new master..." Aziz laughed as he used PSI Thunder.
Poo deflected the attack with PSI Shield. Then Poo looked at him.
"Stop this foolish act Aziz. I command you!" Poo shouted.
"You have no power over me... I will destroy y- erk!" Aziz was cut off, by the slash of a sword.
He fell to the ground unconicous. Then blood poured upon the ground where Piz last stood.
"Who are you?" said Poo. "Why do you want it? And show yourself." said Poo with curiosity.
"I don't have time right now. Earth is slowly apporaching its death. Hurry!" said the figure.
Poo was taken off gaurd. Earth is slowly apporaching death? Impossible! But... what if he's right? But what if he's a thief? "Then so be it." said the figure as he left the room.
"Wait! Tell me who you are!" shouted Poo.
But the figure disappeared. He had jumped off the ledge. A little girl was standing there, looking down.
"Little girl, did you see who it was?" Poo asked.
"Yes. It's that nice man. I gave him a flower before." said the little girl.
"What was his name?"
"I don't know."
"Can you tell me what he looked like?"
The little girl nodded. Then she pointed upward, at the clouds.
"What is it?" Poo asked.
"That's him. Look, can't you see it?" said the little girl with a smile.
Poo couldn't see. But he didn't want to disappoint the child. He nodded.
"Oh. Thanks. Now I know." Poo lied with a straight face.

The girl smiled at him and then ran back to play with 'Preeet Pooot' man. Poo walked off, dazed. He went to the top of Mu Mountain to find the answer. It took him a while, but once he got up there, he started to meditated. It has been 1 hour, but finally a spirit appeared in his mind.
"Poo... why have you called me?" said the spirit.
"Spirit, I wish to know of a person." said Poo.
"Poo... to find the answer, you must find yourself..." said the spirit.
"I've found myself aeons ago. But I don't know the answer." said Poo.
"Poo... you thought that you have found yourself... but you haven't. Poo, you have lost the trust of a little girl and the person you wish to know of." said the spirit.
Then something suddenly hit him. Of course, he refused to give a heirloom to the mysterious figure and lied to a girl. He had lost his true identity. "How do I gain my identity back, spirit?" said Poo.
"You must find the answer yourself, for it lies within you..." said the spirit, "Begone, and do not disturb me anymore."
With that, the spirit disappeared and Poo awoken. He looked up, toward the cloud. Yes, it was almost starting to make sense now. Strange, it's starting to get warmer than usual now. Poo looked down. He had to follow him. Poo took a deep breath. But wait, what about his people? His master is out, and if he leaves, the people will be defenceless against all people. He stop. Then he climbed down and went back to his palace and called for his best men to come forward.

Rockwell was back from Dalaam. He was disapointed that Poo had failed to trust him. He decided to check on Mira, to make sure she was okay.
"What's going on with me? Why am I being so emotional? I shouldn't be getting attached to someone..." Rockwell fought with himself.
Rockwell laid down and looked at the floating land.
"Dalaam is so beautiful..." Rockwell said.
Then he went to sleep.

In the dream
Rockwell walked through the cold snow, toward Mira's house. He had only a few distance to go. Then a bright light appeared. Rockwell was worried. He ran through the snow with heavy effort, as he trudged through the snow and falling down on the way. When he got there, a fire was inside her house. He looked around, and saw Mira at her telescope, passed out. Rockwell ran into the house but was stopped by a dark figure. It was Pokey.
"Ha ha ha, burn! Burn everything!" Pokey laughed hoarsely.
Rockwell pulled out his sword.
"Stop right there!" Rockwell shouted.
"Oh, what's that? Oh, it's one of those pathetic Ae Ahl warriors. I'll just destroy you. Don't resist me. It's your lucky day, you'll be my first victim, among all others!" Pokey laughed.
Then Pokey raised his hand and PSI FIRE OMEGA was cast. Rockwell fell to the ground, gasping. He was hanging by a thread. Pokey started laughing again. Then he stopped.
"Time to finish you off.." Pokey growled.
A bright flash woke Rockwell up.
"Mira! I have to save her!" Rockwell shouted as he ran toward the direction to her house.

By the time he was there, Rockwell found her house.
"Good, Pokey hasn't come yet." said Rockwell.
Then a fire started inside the house.
"Oh no..." said Rockwell.
He pulled out his sword and ran toward the door. Then he ran into a large figure. He fell to the ground, but the figure stood still.
"What's this? Oh, a visitor... how interesting. Hm... you're weak. I have no interest in fighting against weak humans." Pokey said smugly.
Rockwell growled. Then he swing his blade, but Pokey stopped it with his finger. He yawned.
"Oh, this is all too easy... hm? I'm bleeding! What kind of sword is that?!" Pokey screamed, "No, no, not the Esca Sword!"
Rockwell pulled his sword back.
"Hmm... you'll be weak without a sword. I'll make sure of that." said Pokey as he raised his hand.
Pokey mumbled words in an unknown language. Then he laughed.
"In about 10 minutes, you will lose the ability to hold your sword and I won't have to worry about you or the Esca Sword anymore because I know you'll have yourself a furry situation..." he laughed, "Oh, I make myself laugh..."
Then Pokey disappeared. Rockwell knew he didn't have much time. So, he started to work at putting out the fire. After he beat the fire out, he looked at the clock. 2 minutes left. He ran outside and pulled Mira into the house and laid her on the bed again. Then something inside him changed. He dropped his sword and felt himself changing.
"No, no..." said Rockwell as he put his 'hands' to his face.
Then he feel that his 'hands' were getting rather furry. He looked at them. They were no longer hands! They were paws!
He screamed in surprise and then he dropped his sword upon the ground. He felt behind him. He looked behind and saw a black tail. Fearing the worse, he ran to the sink and looked at it. He was changing into a black cat. Rockwell groaned and then fell to the ground. His clothes came off after his transformation was completed. Hoping for the best, he tried to speak... but couldn't. All that came out was a purring sound.
"Oh no... what am I going to do? I can't do anything. I just have to hope that Pokey doesn't come back." Rockwell thought to himself.
Feeling weary, he went to the table and curled up into a ball, facing Mira to keep an eye on her. Hoping that she will soon wake up...

Anthadd felt something.
"Aaah... Greetings, Paula," Anthadd said. "So we finally meet..."
"You mean to tell me that you've never met before? Interesting... I'd of thought that somebody with as much experience as you would have met someone as well known as her." Mike though aloud. Anthadd just blinked at him. "Heh heh... anyway. Hi Paula."
"Yes, hello Paula. Did you have a vision too?" Anthadd inquired.
"Yes, I was watching some television when a vision told me to come to the park and meet some people. So here I am. Anyway, you're Anthadd, eh? I've heard about you." Paula said.
"Hmm. In an earlier vision that I had, it said that a group comprised of the chosen ones and other people are going to be fighting a battle. But I, err... we, need more information." Anthadd said. "Oh right, allow me to introduce my companions. He is Mike and she is known as Solitude" Anthadd added as an afterthought.
"Hi" Mike stated.
"Hey" was what Solitude said as a greeting.
"Hello. Hmm... well, if you need to gather the chosen ones, then we may as well head to Ness' house. He may be there. That will make things a lot easier for us." Paula said. As she said that, the sky darkened.
"What in the world is going on?!" Mike exclaimed.
"I'm not sure. This doesn't look good. Be on your guard, people." Anthadd said as he pulled out a golf club.

The reason the sky had darkened was very simple. Dr. Andonuts, Luna, and Jeff had all been working on locating at least ONE of the chosen ones, so that they could find out what was going on now. "Aha!" Jeff said, looking triumphant, "I located Paula! She's in Burglin Park!... only one problem..." "Um, what might that be?" Luna asked, looking confused.
"I don't know how to teleport..." Jeff mumbled.
"Never fear, my son!" said Dr. Andonuts, jumping out from behind a desk where he had been working on something. "I just slapped together this teleportation device! I inserted the coordinates, so if I press this button, we should be there in seconds!" He hurriedly poked the button, and all three flashed out of existence, to reappear... 300 feet above Burglin Park.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" they all screamed, falling rapidly towards the ground.
"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!" Luna was yelling, waving her arms around.
"DAAAAAAAAAD!!! You set it ABOVE the ground!!" Jeff was yelling at Dr. Andonuts.

Luckily, Paula had still been standing under a tree when they'd located her, so a second later, Luna, Jeff, and Dr. Andonuts were sitting in a tree, shaking. The sky turned back to a sunny blue, and the three teleporters fell out of the tree, onto the heads of Anthadd, Mike, and Paula.
"Paula!" Jeff said "Yes! My calculations were correct!"
"Um, Jeff?" She said lifting an eyebrow "where'd you come from?"
"Oh, okay. Well, we were going to go there anyways, so it's a good thing you came to us!"
"This is all very well and good..." mumbled Anthadd "...but could whatever is sitting on my head, PLEASE GET OFF!?"
"Oh, sorry!" said Dr. Andonuts, jumping up. Luna did the same, jumping up off Mike's back, and dusting herself off.
"So um, here we are... I guess I'll help you guys with whatever you're doing, since it sound neat!" Luna said, smiling.
"Oh yeah... this is Luna.." said Jeff, "she's from the girl's branch of Snow Wood Boarding School."
"Wow! Jeff, you never told us there was a girl's branch! Oh, let me introduce you! The person Dr. Andonuts landed on was Anthadd, the person Luna fell on was Mike, and the bemused-looking person is named Solitude, and I'm Paula!"
"No, I'm not bemused. I'm actually thinking about something. Please let me go for a second."
She flicked her wrist, and disappeared in a silver cloud.
"Heh. She's one interesting person, she is." Mike said.

Solitude landed in the dewy grass of Mira's House. It was not a shock to her to see a blond boy appear once more, ravaging her hom. Rather, it was expected to her. She noted him laugh at something in the bushes which made a strange sound.
She notched an arrow to her longbow, and took aim. It began to glow as she fired. "Darkness of Solitude, take Flight!"
After a few seconds, the boy squealed. He whirled on her, and floated over to within hearing range. He screamed. "YOU! You DID THIS!" And with that he raised his arm. On it, his ear was pinned by the arrow.
"Yes, and next time I won't be aiming to miss."
He clutched the place where his right ear was, but suddenly whirled around. He gazed at Mira's body, still slumped against the telescope. "YOU! You're the girl!"
"I am her, but I am not. I am SOLITUDE!"
As she screamed, a silver star blasted through her forehead, and took shape. A wave of dark energy came from her body, attacking him at all sides.
He nimbly jumped aside, but only to have a flame singe where his ear used to be.
He disappeared, and Solitude settled to the ground.
Looking upon herself, she sighed. "I am safe..for now."
Looking around, she noticed something. "Rockwell?"
A black cat looked up at her. "Rockwell, i can sense your life force. It is you. Come with me, you cannot deny that Union is the way to destroy the enemy and return order to the cosmos. Let us go."

Pokey stood in an abandoned wearhouse, dressing his wounds. "Ack! I shouldn't have been so careless....How come the master of evil can't grow back body parts anyway?"
His eyes began to glow, and he bore his fangs. "Yes...They'll pay...especially that Solitude-Mira-whatever person. MWEHEHE!"