Chapter 11: Soul at a Loss of Integration

Well, well…it would seem that you’ve managed to meet your maker this time…

You know, there are people who are waiting for you—people who care.

It’s going to take a lot of courage to go back to them.

Do you have that courage within your heart?

Can you, as the specter said, perfect yourself?





There was light everywhere. Rainbows and spectrums danced back and forth forming a cacophony of photons and a wave of rays. There was no up or down, no top or bottom. Just light. Infinite amounts of light.

All of a sudden there was solidity. The feeling of weight and the feeling of direction. There was now an up and a down. But there was still too much light. It was flooding every single cubic inch, unforgiving and undiscriminating. It soon became too much. It became impossible to bear. Walls of luminescence advanced on everything. Soon enough the light consumed everything…





"…why don’t you go on ahead with your brother while I get these packets in order? I can’t do everything at once, you know."

Julian, dressed in a blue jacket, black pants, and boots, ran a hand through his scraggly black hair before placing a red baseball cap on his head. After he and his brother Chris stepped outside, they began trampling through the snow-covered streets of Snowman towards the center square, where the preparations for the Cosmos Festival were taking place. Chris stepped lightly and appeared to be skipping more than he appeared to be walking. "I love the Cosmos Festival!" he exclaimed. "It’s the funnest thing ever!" Julian chuckled and led his brother along. "It’s a lot of trouble for one meteor shower, but at least we get to play games." He mused. He then put his hands behind his head. "So, Chris," He turned to his brother. "What’s our current Whack-a-Barbot record?" His brother thought for a moment. "Umm…83, I think."

Of course, the Cosmos Festival…I’d been looking forward to that all year. It was the greatest thing event in Snowman…some say it’s even bigger than Christmas. I wouldn’t readily contradict them. I love the Cosmos Festival. The lights, the sounds—everything is appealing to me in every way. There’s nothing more memorable or exciting. Chris is learning to love it just as much as I do…

Midnight came soon enough, and the townspeople gathered around the stage set up in the center square to watch as Ana stepped up and cleared her throat. "Good evening." She said through the microphone, then continued. "We are here to celebrate the summer solstice, when the stars rain down and greet us with their light. Within moments, we will witness the awe-inspiring power of nature, so I ask that you please watch in silence, out of respect for the stars." The others murmured and began pointing upwards, then hushed as thousands of shooting stars began streaking across the pitch-black sky, leaving trails of white light.

The stars…they’re so mysterious. A starry night invokes more wonder than the most powerful poem or the most melodious tune. The light from a star is more wonderful than anything I know…I wish I could stare at them forever…

His prism glowed stronger and began vibrating violently in his hand…

What…what’s happening?

The figure spotted it immediately and began to charge towards the prism, shoving people aside and hitting anyone unlucky enough to be in its path.

What is that thing? Why is it coming here? I can’t understand…

The shadow was coming ever closer…

This isn’t happening…

Get away!




Joshua skipped ahead of Julian and kicked around some of the snow on the road leading to Snowman square. "I can’t wait for tonight!" he yelled as he chased a nearby bird that happened to be in his way. "The Cosmos Festival is my favorite holiday!"

Julian trod a few feet behind him and tried to grab him as he caught up. "Whoa! Slow down, bro!" he called as he was led in circles by Joshua. "The festival’s not until tonight!"

"I bet you can’t wait either!" Joshua looked at Julian mockingly. "You know…Peel’s gonna be there." His tone was both condescending and sarcastic at the same time. Julian turned slightly red and turned away. "Wh-why should I care?" he tried to hide his joy, and was doing a very bad job of it. Joshua knew he had hit jackpot and continued to tease. "Julian loves Peel! Julian loves Peel!" he then began running away as Julian tried to pounce on him. "I am not!" he cried after the child, arms flailing.

Like almost every other year, the public erupted in a frenzy of applause as Peel stepped up to the stage and delivered her speech. "Welcome, one and all! Welcome to the Cosmos Festival!" she raised her hands ceremoniously and laughed as she received more applause. "We are here to…"

Julian and Joshua were at the front of the crowd, just like every year. Julian was slightly red in the face, mostly from running, but partly from looking at Peel. Joshua, on the other hand, was busy devouring a cone of cotton candy he had forced Julian to buy, and didn’t seem to be paying attention to the speech today…not like he did it anytime else either.

"…out of respect towards the stars!" Peel finished her speech and raise her hands again, invoking applause. She stared upwards and her gaze met a myriad of shooting stars as they plummeted through the atmosphere.

Julian felt an odd nagging in the back of his head and looked down. Something was different…something wasn’t right this time. He looked to Joshua, then to Peel. They didn’t seem to notice anything wrong at all.

Wait a minute…Joshua? Peel? Here? This…this wasn’t right. Julian staggered slightly. He wanted to stop this. He needed to stop this. He looked to Joshua and to Peel, then to everyone else present.

They weren’t there.

The light came again, this time bringing a chorus of voices with it. Now, besides being fulminated by light, his ears were being blasted by sound. There was no escape, no way to hide and no way to fight it. Julian’s mind reeled and he began to cry.

The light stopped very subtly, slowly falling from a brilliant radiance to a dull, tolerable glow. The voices faded as well. Julian’s body relaxed and began trembling lightly, his mind exhausted. He felt like he wanted to scream but his body wouldn’t let him. He was limp, and he was cold.

A very familiar figure materialized itself in front of Julian. A figure with the shape of a newborn and the head of a devil, a specter that he had known before. The ghost floated over and came to a rest next to Julian, staring down at it with its red slits. <This is your body> it began. <In reality, you are nothing more than a lump of flesh without life. You are trapped inside> Julian’s pupils dilated. Why are you doing this to me? He pleaded. Why can’t you leave me alone?

<This is the only way. You will die like this> The ghost hovered a few feet away and raised it’s thin arm. Immediately a translucent figure of Joshua materialized. He was holding something in his hand, and seemed to be looking over it. <Your friends can’t help you> it said as Joshua worked. <They are trying, but they are powerless to stop you from dying> Julian felt a tear start to make it’s way down his cheek. At the same time, he heard Joshua drop whatever he had in his hands and rush over to him. He was saying something, but there was no sound. He couldn’t hear anything. Joshua? Julian tried to move, to reach out to him, but his body didn’t respond. There was just no way to move.

The specter hovered closer and leaned down so as to stare Julian in the eyes. <You can’t move, and you can’t breathe. Soon you will die> it hovered back. <Give up>


The specter seemed to feel something slightly disturbing and appeared to be taken aback. <Don’t even try to fight. You are dead> Julian’s trembling stopped suddenly and his eyes regained their composure. I’m not going to give up. The thought echoed through this contorted world and made the ghost take a step back. Julian’s eyes widened again, this time with resolve. His body felt a little warmer and he seemed to be regaining some control. The apparition seemed visibly disturbed now. <This can’t be happening!> it gasped. <How are you doing this?> Its question was answered when a figure flickered into existence behind Julian. The figure of a girl with auburn hair sitting over him.

Julian’s finger twitched. You said my friend couldn’t help me. His hand moved and his fingers flexed. Well, you were wrong. They’re giving me the strength to beat you! His entire arm moved, then his legs, until he was apparently helping himself up. I’ve had it! Now his head began to turn, and he cricked his neck to both sides, rising menacingly. I won’t let you do this anymore! Now his entire body was alive and full of energy. And then he pointed his finger at the ghost and his eyebrows furrowed. "I’m going to stop this now!"

The specter lowered its head. <I knew you would come eventually> it began as it danced around Julian. It was apparently far less hostile now. <When the prism was activated, I tried to get to it peacefully. But she had other plans> Julian lowered his arm. "What plans? Who is ‘she’?" The being stopped. <She betrayed me and she killed me, so I tried to get to the prism before she did. I hid it away in this mansion, where she wouldn’t find it> It raised its fragile limb and placed it on Julian’s forehead. <I see now that you can protect it> Julian felt all anger and hostility disappear…the ghost was almost sad now…

<My name is Gleyd. I was one of the two that created that prism> the spirit let itself drop.

<When we lost it, I though all hope was lost…now it is time for us to combine our forces> Julian took a step back. "Combine? What do you mean?" the specter raised its stick-like appendages. <I mean you no harm. At first, I though that I had to destroy you—after all, you’re the one who possessed the prism—but now I see that we have to stop her> the ghost stopped briefly, then hurled itself at Julian, thrusting itself deep into his chest as it became pure energy. <I can rest in peace by becoming part of you> were its final words before it and Julian merged.

Julian unconsciously reached for his chest and felt it with his hand. There was a comforting warmth there, at the spot where Gleyd had entered his body. Now he felt…completed somehow. He extended his hand and flexed it within the imaginary world he inhabited presently and felt it much lighter. Then, slowly, he realized that there was more, he raised his hand and began concentrating. Instantly, the green swatches of the Aswer materialized and he held the mystical symbol in front of him. Julian concentrated and it began to glow, then to change slightly. A figure began appearing around the Aswer until it became a greenish shield, with the Aswer emblazoned in the center and several intricate lines around it. It resembled a green metal, but in reality was pure psychic energy. Julian held the Aswer in front of him, his wrist grabbing his other hand, and moved it around a bit, then swiveled and pointed it towards the horizon. It began to glow and Julian felt the new surge of power emanating from it. "PK Aswer!" He commanded. "Gleyd Form!"

The Gleyd Aswer shot forward like a glowing meteorite and smashed itself against the wall of the imaginary world, creating a gaping hole. Without thinking twice, Julian ran through.




Peel’s eyes never left Julian’s face. Ever since Joshua saw him crying, she knew there was hope and she moved him immediately to another room in the old Rosemary house. Now that the ghost was gone, the house was pretty much theirs to inhabit, and they had been doing so for two weeks, waiting for some sign of life from Julian. They had cleaned it up somewhat, and they had spent the last of their money on supplies. Julian occupied the only bed, while Peel and Joshua slept on sheets on the floor. Things were definitely not looking up.

But all hope was not lost, at least not yet. Julian showed signs of life, and if he was alive, there was hope. Peel clung to this thought desperately, hoping against hope itself that Julian was all right. She looked at him lovingly. "Please come back Julian." She repeated this phrase for the millionth time, this time hoping it might work. "Please don’t leave me here."

There was a stir. Julian chest heaved as it began to breathe for the first time in two weeks. His hands moved and began trembling and his eyes cracked open. A grumble escaped his throat and his eyes began to react to the light. Peel jumped back and bent over Julian. "Julian! You’re alive?!"


Peel jumped, yelling cheers as she ran over to the next room and called Joshua over. He, in turn, watched in awe as Julian groggily got out of the lone bed and stumbled over to them. "What did I miss?" he asked haphazardly. Peel’s smile was instantly replaced by a frown and she punched Julian in the arm. "Don’t you ever even think of worrying me like that again, got it?!" Julian rubbed his arm. "Got it." He said warmly. Peel melted instantly. Her shoulders drooped and she closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face. "I missed you so much…" she whimpered, then stepped up to Julian and kissed him lightly, wrapping her arms around him. She then placed her head on Julian’s shoulder and began to cry. Julian hugged her and looked at Joshua, who still didn’t realize the full impact of what had just happened. He looked blankly at Julian and shrugged.

"Welcome back…I think."

"Thanks." Replied Julian. "Did you find the prism?" Joshua shook his head. "No. We searched everywhere." Julian smiled. "Good. Keep it that way. The prism’s safe here." Joshua looked quizzically at Julian. "Does that mean you know where it is?"

"Of course. But I’d rather leave it there."

"I see. So what now?"

"Now we go to the one place where I’m positive I can resolve this conflict: Mt. Itoi."

"Right." Joshua looked at Peel and cocked his head to the side. "I think I should leave you two alone right now." He mused, then quietly left the room. Julian looked down at Peel, who was still crying, and place his hand on her head. Then he noticed that on the back of his hand was the Gleyd Aswer, lightly emblazoned, like a tattoo. Julian looked it over and smiled.

Thank you…Gleyd.