The battle of the century

Chapter 2

By Mike





            <Hey Ness it’s me Paula. What’s up??> Paula said telepathically.

 <Umm… nothing.>

<Well Apple Kid invited me to see something new and bigger then anything Jeff has made and I thought maybe you’d want to come with?>

<Um I can’t … go to go> and Ness leaves.

That was weird Paula thought to herself.  I’ll try Poo < Hey Poo can you hear me?>

Later… <Hello.> Poo replies.

<I was wondering weather or not you wanted to come to Twoson and see Apple Kid.>

<Umm no I have this big fighting tournament with Ness in Mushroom kingdom and’ wait… nevermind.>

Poo runs off.

“What the? Why are Ness and Poo going to Mushroom Kingdom? I think I’m going to go there with Jeff and see What’s up?> Paula Picks up the phone and dials Jeff’s phone number.

“Hey Jeff its me Paula. There’s something huge going on and I need you to come with me to Mushroom Kingdom. Come to my house as soon as you can.” ‘CLICK’.




            “ Dad I need to your Sky Runner.” Jeff says quickly. “Wha? Jeff’s Dad starts. But Jeff had already left in the Sky Runner.




            “Hey Paula” says Jeff.

“Hey Jeff. Listen I know that Ness and Poo went to Mushroom Kingdom.”


“To enter some tournament.

Listen I want to enter this tournament.”

“Fine, I don’t care” Jeff says.

“Why did you drag me here?” It’s a fighting 2 vs. 2 and I need a partner so I can enter.

“O.K. I’ll go with you.”


Mushroom Kingdom


            “Hey, Luigi. Looka the tournament isa almost fulla people from everywhere” Mario informs.

“ How many spaces lefta.” Luigi responds

“One Mr. Game&Watch and Pacman just entered. Jigglypuff was about to enter with her partner but the sky runner crashed right in front of  the sign up booth and sign up before fainting.

Mario then gives everyone the time of their battle and where it is.


Some Time Later


Forest Temple


            (Ness and Poo are about to enter their first battle)


            Where is the guy where supposed to fight, “asks Ness.

“Probably chickened out,” Poo answers, but at that moment Young Link jumps out of the bush and attacks.