EarthBound 200X By Flying Zamboni 2 Chapter 2: Escape

Night fell. Ness and the group had become worried about Poo and had teleported to Dalaam multiple times. But each time, the civillians only looked at them in disgust when they asked about Poo, and the guards at the palace had turned the group away saying that in this period of mourning, the new king did not wish to speak with anyone. The more insistant they became to let them enter, the more insistant the guards became for them to leave. Eventually, the group decided to try and resolve the situation in the morning.

Ness was dreaming. It was an odd dream. He experianced an odd feeling of happiness and then a sudden feeling of dissapointment and confusion. A sudden burning on his chest, a feeling of hoplessness, and finally the sound of running water.

Ness awoke with a start and was unable to sleep for the rest of the night. For him, a dream that ominous yet specific usually meant something. He spent the night thinking where he had heard running water like that before. It suddenly hit him in a flash of clairity. He must go to Peacefull Rest Valley.

Winters Assylum

Cain sat bored in his cell, bouncing a rubber ball against an opposite wall and gazing longingly out into the night sky with his yellow eyes. He had to get out of this squandering mudhole. He pointed his hand at a nearby pebble and concentrated hard. A very small orb of light shot from his hand but only moved the pebble an inch or two. Cain scowled and bounced the ball harder. Ever scince the day of his capture, he had not been able to reproduce another powerful blast of PSI.

The guard outside of Cain's cell door stood armed with a small firearm. He wasn't happy that he'd had to work the late shift because the other guy had gotten sick. He had important things he'd rather be doing. Such as winning that solataire tournament he'd had planned for tonight. However the annoyed guard's prayer's were answered as another guard walked up to him.

"I'm taking over your shift," he said as he flashed a card that looked vaguely like ID,"You're free to go." The old guard smiled and jovially left the gloomy place. The new guard took out a ring of keys and opened the cell door. Cain was on him instantly. He lunged at the guard and grabbed him by the neck and attempted to take the man's gun. To Cain's surprise, the guard punched Cain in the stomach and winded him. The next thing Cain saw was a knee flying at his face.

A bruised Cain staggered to his feet and smirked,"A competant guard. Didn't see that one coming."

The guard looked at Cain in disgust and in a puff of smoke, changed form. He was now a young man in a tattered brown cloak. He calmly spoke to Cain,"Haroldson, Cain. Wanted for three murders, two arsons, assaulting multiple officers of the law, and detaining someone against their will. Is this information correct?"

"Yeah. It's actually four arsons, but who's counting? What do you want from me?"

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Koga. My master in Dalaam has a proposition for you. He's willing to grant you the power to escape from this place, if you pledge eternal loyalty."

Cain's demeanor brightened at the idea of freedom. The loyalty part didn't appeal to him that much, but he'd find a way out of that soon enough.

"Allright, sounds good. What do I have to do?"

Koga pulled out what appeared to be a remote detonator with intestine-like strands of metal weaving around it. "This," began Koga,"is the last remaining piece of an anchient machine called, 'The Devil's Machine.' This anchient device held great amounts of PSI energy that it used to keep its user under control. Eventually the machine was broken and my master salvaged a small peice of it and converted it into this device. It has the power to bring out the full potential of anyone naturally born with PSI. Fortunantly for you, you were." He placed the device on a small table and continued,"If you use it, you will have untold powers unleashed within you. you may do whatever you wish with these powers for a short time, but eventually my master will contact you so that you may fulfill your contract."

Koga relaxed and took a deep breath and was the guard again. He left the room and the stunned Cain. Cain took everything that had been said to him and stared at the device infront of him. He eventually figured,"Why not?" And grabbed the device. He pressed the button and instantly the device became seering hot, yet strangly enough Cain could not let go of it. He felt strength pour inside of him and he realized countless powers he had never known before. The device cooled down and finished it's work. Cain smiled and crushed the device in his hand. He then noticed that he had inadvertantly set the table infront of him on fire with his mind. What began as a quiet chuckle turned into insane laughing mixed with terrified screams as the prison erupted into chaos.

By the next mourning, Cain was in a Fourside bar watching the news on the unexplained incineration of the Winters Assylum while putting on a black bowler hat on over his short black hair and smoothing out his new suit.