Have you ever considered the thought that once Ness and friends beat Giygas then say they didn’t return to their bodies. Ever consider they’d find out this much about Giygas.Ever consider they’d get trapped here well,...I don’t think so. Here’s what happens to Ness and gang...

Ness watched as Giygas vanished. Paula had done it...Paula had beat Giygas.Ness activating the Phase Disorter tracker. Ness pinpointed the location.

"Time to go everyone!" Ness yelled with joy to his friends. Everybody followed Ness. Ness came to the Phase Disorter. All of a sudden, the whole area began to rumble.

"Ness! Ness!" Came the voice of Dr. Andonuts over the comm. link on the P.D. "Ness I can’t pull you from that sector of the world. You see because of the destruction of Giygas things have gone off balance in that world. That sector will soon collapse."

"Dad I have an idea!" Jeff stepped forward nearer to the P.D. " Now listen bring our bodies as close to the phase disorter as possible set the time for anything but this...Uwaaaaaaaargh!" The ledge that Ness and Friends were on busted off and were hurtled down in to the void of this sector the phase disorter shot a strange aurora from the transporter. Paula was yanked in to the strange portal.

"Paula!!!" Ness yelled in horror as Paula was swallowed by the machine. Ness maneuvered himself in to the beam and was sucked in to it too. Poo removed his sword of Kings from Sheath

"Shall we?"

Jeff nodded and armed himself with a raygun. They leapt in to the portal. The Phase Disorter,immediately after, exploded from the immense overload.

"How are things going? Is Star Scream ready yet?"Asked a rasp voice

"Yes Sir you see we need to open a portal to a town called Onett..."

"Why is this?"The voice came again

"A meteorite landed there a little while back..."


"Without Zexonite we cannot complete the project..."

"Isn’t this Zexonite what the children were using?"

"Yes it is also the main "Ingredient" in you"

"Hmmm....Where are the children right at this moment."

"I’ll check...a second please sir..."

" know the master will want to have this information so hurry up Matti you low life scientist"

"Yes Cap’n Dark-Ness"A few moments later an evil smile flashed almost in an instant on to Matti’s face. "Cap’n..."


"They’re split up!!! ha ha ha!"

"You’re kidding!"

"No Sir!"

"We can get them easily now!hahahaha"

Poo stood up with rubbery legs. He rubbed his eyes Poo gasped... He had his body back. But he didn’t care about that he wanted to know where his friends were. Then he saw his sword with stuck in to the ground. A moan came from down a path and Poo followed it. When Poo came to the the end of the thin moaning cry he found Ness sitting with his back to Poo. Ness had a moaned loudly. What had happened

"Ness? Poo asked. Was Ness meditating? Poo thought Had better leave him he may not be well.

When Poo looked up he found that he was in the place Ness had described to him as magicant. Poo walked towards Ness and looked down on him. Suddenly, Ness’ visible eye flashed open and he leapt up and kicked Poo hard in the stomach. Poo fell to the ground gasping for air. Ness kicked him in the face. Poo now knelt on the ground gasping for air . He held out his hand towards Ness.

"PSI Starstorm Omega!" Poo managed to say. a bunch of stars shot from a ball of energy in Poo’s hand the stars spiraled around quickly towards Ness. Ness seemed to smile before he was hit by it. There was a huge explosion as it hit Ness.

"Enter the Dark-Nesssssss" A rasping voice whispered in his ear. Poo whirled to come face to face with Ness but he was wearing completely black clothing. Darkness fell all around and Poo was knocked out.

Jeff found himself in the same situation after Poo had been engulfed by the darkness. Jeff fired a homing multi bottle rocket at Ness. When Ness disappeared the bottle rockets cranked around and shot towards Jeff.

"Enter the Dark-Ness" Jeff heard a voice and whirled around to come face to face with the same Dark-Ness. Jeff was then hit by over 50 bottle rockets and was knocked out


Paula ran from a Dark-Ness not knowing what was happening she just knew she was supposed to run. Paula skidded to a stop and whirled around Dark-Ness came towards her fast. WHAM! Dark-Ness was nailed upside the head with a purse.

"Owwwwwww....." He moaned.

"PSI thunder Omega!" Paula yelled. A lightning bolt shot from the sky and struck Dark-Ness once then twice then three, four times.

"Uwarrgh!" Dark-Ness was blown back by the incredible blast of electricity

"hmf!" Paula turned away

"Kid your strong but you see look at this..." An image appeared in front of Paula it showed Ness.

"Paula? Paula is that you? Listen your, no our only hope We’ve all been captured by that fool Dark-Ness. Please help us!"

"Kid come with me or your boyfriend gets it."

"No...Ness...I...okay...." Paula dropped to her knees and buried her head in her hands.

"My Master it is I, Dark-Ness... I have captured the children"

"Who was the easiest?"

"The leader, Ness"

"The leader...The easiest!!?? Listen I’ve encountered this kid alot when I was searching for the point in time to find...Nevermind that was a long time ago well actually it was just a week ago... anyway it’s nothing"

"Sir he was still knocked out..."

"Ah yes typical Lazy child"

Dark- Ness walked towards the laboratory but before he left he remembered something.

" Sir StarScream is almost complete. We just need Ness and Paula to co-operate with us and then we can finish it."

"Ah yes StarScream... Do you have the zexonite yet?"

"Matti should be back with it soon. He doesn’t even know we captured the childern"

Dark-Ness walked to the lab.He looked at Ness and Paula who were tied up to chairs.

"Ready to co-operate yet?" Dark-Ness asked evilly. Ness wriggled as did Paula but they remained silent.

"Oh well I will make you co-operate." Dark-Ness smiled evily. ness and Paula fell in to a deep sleep. The ropes dropped and they were placed inside fluid tanks.

Poo concentrated hard. Jeff whatched him in astonishment. Sweat began to run down Poo’s face.

"unnnnnngh!!!!!" Suddenly the ropes that binded Poo’s two hands together fell to the ground. He quickly undid Jeff’s cuffs.

"Poo let’s sneak down to the armory and see what we can salvage down there so we can rescue Ness and Paula. Can you teleport us down?"

"No... this room is to small even for a beta teleport." Poo walked to the door. The guard had dozed off.

"Some guard he is." Poo found a bottle of grease and a rag. In the trash can the bottle didn’t have much greese in it but enough to grease the hinges on the doors so they could make a quiet escape.Poo grabbed up the items and handed them to Jeff. Jeff greased the rag and began greasing the metal hinges on the door.

"Ness..."Matti said quietly touching his hand to the glass of the fluid tank, "What did they do to you Ness?"

The mechanical doors slid open. An awesome looking black starman stood in the doorway

"M...Master!!!" Matti yelped as he quickly jumped to analyzing Ness.

"Frightened? Don’t be, for I heard your conversation with Dark-Ness...You know about the one about me only being a mere starman... Well I am not a mere starman. I am Giygas!!! When the children destroyed my first form I became Ultra Starman. But one thing is wrong you see... My powers are not at their fullest. Hurry up with StarScream or you’ll end up like Dark-Ness..." The Starman threw Dark-Ness’ on to the ground in front of Matti.Dark Ness looked like he had got in to a fight with a lawnmower.

"Five Minutes and S.S. better be completed!!!"

"But sir I can’t possibly..."

Poo found his sword of Kings and Jeff found his Ray gun in the armory room.

"Hey Poo you ready? We can no longer go quietly...We’ll have to fight our way to the main floor where the lab is." Jeff told Poo. Poo wasn’t listening to Jeff he was listening in the vents.

"Five Minutes and S.S. better be completed!!!" came a harsh voice it had the same growl that Giygas had in it’s voice.
"Could it be...???What is this S.S. that they speak of?"Poo mumbled to himself

Jeff redied his gun "let’s go..." Poo leapt out the door and slashed oncoming enemies. Poo whirled around slashing anything that came in to his space.

"Jeff NOW!!!" Poo yelled at Jeff. One of the captains raced toward Poo making sure he wouldn’t be hurt. Jeff leapt forward and underneath the blade of the sword. Jeff Grabbed Poo’s ankles and then Jeff stood and Poo stopped whirling.

" Here we go..."

"PSI Starstorm...Ultimate!!!" Poo pressed his wrists together as he leapt backwards from Jeff. Stars shot out and spiraled mightily. Stars began pelting the captain. With one last breath he muttered " StarScream has been completed...You’ll"

Five minutes after Giygas had warned Matti Giygas entered the lab once more.

"Is it complete?..."

"No sir...I’m sorry if I could have 1 more hour I could finish the project."

"Too bad...." Giygas lunged forward at Matti. Matti dodged quickly.

"Uwarrgh!" Gigas was all of a sudden on top of Matti ready to destroy the poor human.

Ness came awake. Matti, his father was pinned to the ground by a strange looking starman.

"Trouble," Something said to Ness. Ness took a deep breath.

"Goodbye my troubled scientist..." Giygas said to Matti wickedly. All of a sudden,There was a huge explosion that came from deeper within the lab. Ness and Paula stood in fighting position. Ness, Holding out his hands wrist to wrist as if preparing to use magic.Paula preparing for a PSI Freeze Omega. Then there was another explosion from the roof of the lab. Two figures leapt down through the smoke. Ness and Paula stood in the middle of the group of four children. Poo stood to the side. prepared with his sword out in front and Jeff to the other side steadying his aim on Giygas. Giygas leapt from Matti. he landed in front of Ness for a brief second. Then he felt agonizing pain in his face. He had been struck upside the head by a baseball bat. Giygas leapt up and ran to the controls in the lab.

The screen flashed green and read:


ID check: Complete

Magic analyze: Complete

Strength removal: complete

destructive powers: Complete

Percentage of project complete: 99%

Press any key to complete StarScream...

Giygas pressed a button on the keyboard.

"StarScream..." Giygas said as if he were a crazed maniac. There was a huge flash and Giygas dissapeared.The whole building began to rumble...

"Scared Ness???HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Giygas’ voice rang out throughout the entire building.

"Listen everyone...Save your hello’s for later. Right Now we need to get out of here." Ness told the rest of his friends. Matti raced up to the group...

"Hurry!! I will lead you out" Just as Matti said this The doors slammed shut and locked. The roof began to crack. and debris began to fall. The roof collapsed with a sudden bang. All debris seemed to hang in space for a second. Ness leapt towards Puala and covered her as if he was a shield the debris fell and buried everyone.


Never to be seen again? I don’t think so... Thanks for reading the first part in "StarScream" Well I don’t have the second part written yet but I will soon so be expecting it within the week. What is this StarScream... Why is it that it is so important to Giygas...What happened to Pokey? All these questions will be answered in the next part(s) of Starscream

Starscream:Galactic coming soon to here!!!

By: Rylee Otway "Sorcerer9999"