Chapter 2: Space Invaders
Mountain Path seemed empty now. The cars were gone, the noises had died
out... Nothing but the warm, eerie glow of the meteor, nothing el- HOLY
CRAP! A Spiteful crow leaped out from hiding in a bush and grinned widely.
"Hey, that's my dad's tie and sunglasses...." Ness stood watching the crow,
and whipped his bat out. With a hefty whack, it fell sensless to the ground.
It reached behind its neck and pulled a cookie out of nowhere and tossed it
weakly at Pokey, who snatched it and ate it.
"Oh dear GOD! Pokey, you gluttunous slob! You just ate a cookie that a
freaking CROW was carrying around in its...its... God know knows what! You
sick oaf!" Ness was repulsed.
"Whoa whoa whoa, Ness, don't use big words like that. You'll confuse me."
"You're confused enough as it is. C'mon, let's go, we're almost there."
The walked further up, past Liar X. Agerate, who was still staring at the
now charred remains of his "masterpiece," past the empty gift box, and up
the hill. Picky was there, sleeping under an apple tree. Ness picked an
apple, took a bite, and whipped it at Picky, hitting him squarely on the
"ZZZzzzZZ-THWACK OW! Who? What? How!?" Picky was unaware of Ness, Pokey,
and King. Ness creeped over to the dumbfounded Picky and gave him a
"Wake up, Sleepy bones!" Ness yelled.
"HOOGA WHAWHA...Physics...Mary-Anne-Monkey-HWOG! Oh God! Ness! Hi...."
"Mary-Anne-Monkey?" Ness asked, laughing.
"Pokey! You're not hiding anymore!" Picky said, amazed.
"Shuddup, dumpface. C'Mon, Mommy 'n' daddy'll be home any second."
Ness was rolling on the ground, laughing at the spectacle. All of a sudden,
everyone got quite. They were staring at King. He was looking at the meteor
with an incredibly evil snarling face, spit falling to the ground.
"BARK!" King let out a ferocious bark. The meteor, all of a sudden,
"BARK!" The meteor barked back! King got scared from this. He leaped of the
cliff, falling onto the spare billboard Liar had just put up, cracking it in
half. Ness, Pokey, and Picky circled the barking meteor, until a hole opened
up, with a blinding light coming from inside. A small, armored bee wearing a
night-cap arose from the meteor.
"A bee I am.... not. I'm from 10 years in the future. I have a great story
to tell thee, Chosen one. You, Ness, must save the world."
Pokey and Picky backed off. The meteor shut, and it was too dark to see.
This darkness caused a bus to crash into a cliff near them, containing many
band members and equipment. Sparkling light from the spotlights shone on the
bee and the boy, and the band played soft, serene music.
"My name is Buzz Buzz. I am a great warrior, and the leader of the last
remaining stronghold on earth 10 years from now. A megalomaniac cosmic
destroyer named Giygas has come to megalomaniacally and cosmically destroy
our world, Ness. You are one of the Chosen Four, who are destined to shatter
Nightmare Rock and destroy Giygas and his plans. You must find the other
three Chosen people. Come, I will teach you to descover the powers you wield
, the powers that will be the downfall of Giygas. It is Psionic power, or
Ness and BuzzBuzz found an open area. "Now, to harness PSI, you must
concentrate. Free your mind, Ness. Chant with me.... PSI Lifeup Alpha!"
"PSI Screwed Up Alpha!" Ness chanted. His fingers caught fire after saying
this, and he an around screaming til BuzzBuzz put his fingers out.
"Nonononononono. Lifeup. See? You're hurt now. Try saying PSI Lifeup
Ness stood staring at his singed fingers with teary bambi eyes and a
quivering lip. "PSI Livepup alpha," he said. His fingers ignited again. He
stay silent, for a minute or two, and then let out a gigantic scream.
*sigh* "Psi Lifeup Alpha," BuzzBuzz muttered. Ness fingers went out, and he
was in no pain at all. "You'll get it eventually, I hope...."
They walked to the end of Mountain Path. A faint scream could be heard, and
it was getting louder. Ness looked up and gaped in horror. WIth a loud thud,
Ness' face broke the fall of Starman Jr.
Starman Jr. stopped screaming at impact, and, rubbing his throat (like
starmen even HAVE throats) and spoke. "*bzzt* You! Buzzbuzz! I have been
*click* ordered by Lord Giygas to kill you *whirr*!" it said, brushing dust
off of its metal body. Ness got up, woozy.
"By fase... You kide uh fell ob it, thir...." he murmered. He saw Starman
Jr.'s arms outstretch, and red swirls were gathering around them. Starman
Jr. spoke, "PSI FIRE ALPHA!" All of a sudden, a blast of searing flames
exploded from his tentacle-shaped arms. BuzzBuzz leaped in front of Ness.
"Hurry! Behind me! PSI SHEILD ALPHA!" A white light fell on BuzzBuzz, Ness,
Pokey (who, at this pint, was in the fetile position sobbing), and Picky
(who was nursing his broken hand, caused by punching Starman Jr.). The fire
engulfed them, but they were not touched. "Quick! Ness! Help me take him
out!" Ness was overwhelmed by the attack, and fainted. BuzzBuzz darted to
his side. Ness was unconscious, but twitching.
Ness was again on the peak overlooking the dark abyss. "You know me,
Ness....." it called to him. "But you will cease life soon. That's it, come
to me..... NessNessNessNessNessNessNessNessNessNessNessNessNess"
Ness fell into the gaping chasm, but he had control over himself. He
whipped out his baseball bat. The darkness swarmed and gathered into a shape
of Ness. The real Ness struck the shadows hard, and woke up from his dream.
"BuzzBuzz!" he screamed. He stared at Starman Jr., who was about to plant
his foot down, crushing the bee. Ness got up and gripped his bat. He let out
a furious war cry. His feet seemed to move by themselves as he ran forward.
Wood came in contact with metal, and both shattered to pieces. The Starman
was dead, and BuzzBuzz was dying. "BuzzBuzz," Ness whined, looking at his
broken friend.
"It's-it's okay, Chosen One. I can still fly." BuzzBuzz murmured. The four
walked into Pokey's house, where a vicious, overweight woman with no sense
of "tone it down" was staring at them, fuming.
~End Chapter2~
Chapter3- Ness take his sworn enemies.