
Chapter 1: Insomnia

It was cold. Very cold. Ness stood still, joints stiff, peering off a cliff into a deep, dark, swirling abyss. It seemed to call to him, "Ness...... Come down to me." Ness felt his eyes roll back as he, powerless to defend himself, dropped limply off the cliff into the swirling chasm. Opening his eyes, he could see the chasm was being sirupted by his presence. It seemed to shake in fear. Squinting, he could see a tear forming in the darkness, revealing bright light. He was sucked into the rip and saw a girl, kneeling down, praying, crying. Then Ness fell to the ground, and it cracked. The area exploded into a tremendous boom.
Ness leaped out of bed, sweating, clinging to his bedsheets. "Whoa.... What a weird dream." He shook off memory of it, to realize the earth shattering explosion was not just heard in his dream. He swung open the blinds and looked out of his window. Police cars came rushing down Mountain Path, sirens blaring. Slightly nervous, Ness walked downstairs to see his mother staring out of the living room window, looking worried.
"Honey," she started to say.
"Mom, what was that?" Ness interrupted.
"Dear, I have..."
"Hey, they're saying it on the news."
"A meteor? Cool!"
"No time to chat, mum, I wanna see this!"
"But sweetie..."
Ness ran out of the door, grabbing a warm, half-drunk CapriSun. He walked out, took a sip, realized it was old, and tossed it in a bush. He walked down Mountain Path to find tire tracks and police cars all up and down the dirt road. He walked up, and suddenly fell to his knees and started crawling. Escape was futile, though, for Liar X. Agerate still saw him and dragged Ness up to his house.
"Dude, you REEK of Garlic." Ness said, convulsing.
"Yes yes. See Billboard? I made it. Ain't she a bute?"
"Ungh..." Ness took a lighter from his pocket, lit the billboard on fire, and walked off, leaving Liar opened mouth, gazing in horror at his sign.
Walking further up the path, he noticed a wrapped gift box laying abandoned on the ground. "Oh-ho-ho! So THIS is where that present landed!" Ness said, gleefully. He opened it up to reveal a large loaf of French Bread. Wondering how it fit in the box, or how it wasn't damaged in... the "incident"... Ness put the bread in his incredibly deep pajama pocket, that also contained the lighter than really shouldn't have been in there to begin with. He continues up a hill and suddenly smelled a powerful stench. "Pokey," he muttered, recognizing the stink. He soon saw the scraggly, rotund oaf annoying the co- whoops- police officers.
"Whoa... Look at that meteor!" Ness said, amazed.
"Wha-? Hey, Buddy! How are ya!?" Pokey said, running to Ness, that is, if you could call it running.
"Oh great," Ness whispered to himself. "Hi, Pokey."
"You should really go off to bed. The cops are REALLY getting mad at you being here. A'course, I'M just fine. I'll tell you about it tomorrow at school."
"But it's the middle of summ- *ahem* Okay, Pokey, I'll be waiting to hear it at school!" Ness said, chuckling to himself. He watched Pokey go back to where he was, and he caught a glimpse of a face of pure horror adorning a police officer.
Ness barged through the door of his house and stumbled up the stairs. He plopped down on his bed, and, within seconds, he was out. He was instantly awakened but a shattering noise and the hard plop of a rock hitting his stomach. He looked around, and saw his newly broken bedroom window.
"Pokey," Ness grumbled. He looked out of the window, and, sure enough, Pokey was standing, staring up at him.
"Uh, oops?"
"Hey- next time, make sure my window is OPEN." Ness chucked the rock back down to Pokey, and it struck his waving hand.
"OW! Hey, Ness, buddy ol' pal, good chum, me mate,"
"Look, Pokey, I told you a hundred times over. I DON'T LIKE YOU."
"Okay, that works. Hey, Picky's gone. The cops left, and I did too, and Picky wasn't with me!"
"He wasn't with you to begin with. Are you sure he isn't at home?"
"Yeah, I checked right after my snacks."
"Okay, okay, fine. I'll be down in a minute."
Ness donned his street clothes- A pair of slightly ripped blue-jean shorts, A blue and yellow striped shirt, his yellow "Sport-Wear" backpack, and his red cap. walking out of his room, he was hit by Tracy's door opening.
"Ness! There you are! How many times have I told you not to leave your things in my room?" Tracy dropped a cracked baseball bat on Ness's stomach. He got up, and put his hand on her head.
"You're not the boss of me, Tracy. Go back to sleep."
Frustrated, Tracy kicked Ness in the shins and ran into her room, crying. "OW. Ugh, sisters." Ness muttered. He walked down to find Pokey sitting on the couch with a large bowl of potato chips. "Dude, those were out last chips, you pig!"
"Honey," Ness's mother replied.
"C'mon, Ness, let's go! And I wanna stop at my house, I still have a bowl of ice cream there I wanna grab." Pokey said.
Ness grabbed a dog cookie and threw it at King, who was snoozing by the TV. "C'mon, dog, you're coming with me."
(Oh! A cookie! Huzzah! I'll follow you to death and back, Ness ol' buddy ol' pal!) King inhaled the cookie and ran by Ness' side. All of a sudden, the phone rang. Ness picked it up.
"Hello? Ness?" the phone asked.
"Ness! I hope you find Picky and discover something about that meteor!"
"How did y-"
"No time for mending plot holes, son. You have your ATM card, right?"
"Yeah, I got it right he-"
"Good! BWAHAHAHAHA!" *SLAM! beep beep beep*
God, I swear he works too much, He's crazy. Well, let's go, Pokey, I wanna go back to bed.

~End Chapter1~
Chapter 2- Ness meets A friendly aliena, and a not so friendly one...