EB: Onkochishin

Part 1: In the Year 299X...

There is a legend that long ago, in a simpler time and a simpler world, an evil force came to the Earth to enslave all of humanity. Four young children, seemingly harmless, rose up to face this dark entity. They won time after time, defeating minion after minion, until finally reaching the evil one himself. After a long and hardfought battle, they came out in the end by focusing all of Earth's hope and dreams into one titanic force, destroying the darkness forever. Or so they thought.
Giygas cried out in pain. "...Ness!...stop...I'm...happy!..."
The Chosen Four valiantly stood against the intangible entity before them.
"...happy!...Ness..." And then, Giygas was gone. Erased from existance by the power of hope. The four calmly celebrated amongst themselves before leaving the Devil's Machine and into the Cave of the Past. Meanwhile, a certain person reentered the room. He looked at the Devil's Machine, at where Giygas once was.
"Pathetic." he murmered, crossing his arms. "Losing to THEM. I thought you were supposed to be the ultimate evil! The baddest of the bad! But look at you now, you pig's butt. Wasted by a bunch of children!" The pilot of the robotic octopus slammed the control panel of his vehicle. He, a child himself, growled and muttered angrily, furious that Ness had once again stopped him.
First Carpainter, then Monotoli, now this! Every time he had tried to make something of himself, albeit an evil self, Ness and his friends were there to cut his dream short. He hated them with a passion, and wanted no more than for the four of them to be dead.
Suddenly, the entire world seemed to shake. The angry little preteen looked around in a panic as the Devil's Machine seemed to break apart around him. He frantically started heading for the exit, but the entire section before him crumbled away into the abyss. He began weeping inside his little bubble, praying for something - ANYTHING - to save him. Just as he was about to be crushed by a stream of rocks, he dematerialized and vanished from sight. Soon, the Devil's Machine exploded in a giant inferno...
The four robot shells fell to the ground, their circuits fried from the explosion. Then, four tiny lights lifted from the metallic bodies, floating like dandelion seeds. Abruptly, they flew off, travelling through space and time to their old, human bodies. As the children awoke, the crowd around them cheered in their success. And it was known that they lived happily for the rest of their lives as heroes of Earth.
But what of our fat friend Pokey, whom barely escaped the collapse of the Devil's Machine? Well...

Runham, a tiny village on the outskirts of Eagleland. A quiet little burg nestled between a calm sea and a small forest. It is near midnight and all of Runham is sleeping comfortably in their beds. Suddenly, a crash awakens near everyone. Everyone looks around in bewilderment, wondering what the heck just happened.
One particularly angry citizen was one Ein Strama, a t14-year-old boy. His hair was a deep blonde, spiked upward with two "antenna" bangs hanging from his temples. He wore a flannel overshirt, red with a green crosshatch pattern, over a white muscle shirt, along with blue denim jeans and regular sneakers.
Ein grumbled and rubbed his eyes. "Did anyone get the number of that space shuttle?"
He annoyedly rose from his bed and walked out of his room. He flipped the light switch for the hallway on and stumbled downstairs. His father was up, on the phone.
"Yes?...I see...uh huh...And?...Oh, okay...well...yeah, but...alright, I suppose." Ein's father placed the receiver down and sighed. He looked over his shoulder and saw Ein.
"Oh, Ein. You're up?" Ein calmly nodded and yawned. "What's going on?" His father walked over to the foyer closet and took his coat.
"I'm afraid something crashed in the forest. Police and scientists have already gone to investigate. As mayor of Runham, they want me to go look at it, too." he grumbled. He wasn't used to being called to do his job, as the small town had very little problems.
Ein blinked. "Can I come too?" His father looked at Ein and nodded. "You're up. You might as well." Ein nodded and grabbed his own coat. The two of them exited their home and headed into the forest.
The forest was dark and quiet. Ein was a little scared, but felt braver as he knew his father would protect him. Then, up ahead, they saw a glow. As they neared, it turned out to be police car sirens, still flashing red and blue. The police and scientists crowded the mayor of Runham, reporting on what happened. Ein broke free of the mass of people and walked over to a small crater, bordered by yellow police tape. He looked in it. There appeared to be some sort of ball of scrap metal in the middle of it. It was smooth and shiny, despite the crash and the dust. He seemed entranced by the metal sphere, and yearned to go beyond the tape, closer to whatever it was. He looked around and everyone was huddled around his father, handing him papers to sign and telling him generic information. He ducked under the police line and slid down into the crater. Ein calmly walked up to the ball. As if an aura were around it, Ein felt warm and comforted inside. He kneeled down and reached out his hand to feel the sphere. His hand connected to the metal, and a shock similar to static stung his palm. Ein drew back his hand, then slowly placed it back. The metal was warm now, and incredibly smooth.
His hypnotic state was quickly broken as hands gripped his shoulders. He looked up and saw a burly police officer looking down at him.
"What doo ya think yur doin?! This ah-rea is strick-tly ah-ff limits!" He carried Ein out of the hole and placed him next to his father, whom had just about finished his last piece of paperwork. As his name was signed, Ein's father sighed and looked down at Ein.
"Well, I guess that's it, then." Ein nodded silently and walked home with his father.

Later that night...

Ein couldn't get to sleep. All he could think about was that mysterious sphere sitting out there in the middle of the forest. It was as if since the moment he touched it, he had to be near it. It was sorta like cigarettes or Tic Tacs. Anyway, Ein rose from his bed and dressed quickly. He walked out of his room and silently past his father's. He cautiously sneaked down the stairs and towards the door. He stopped and looked out the window. That forest looked awfully dark and dangerous. He would need a light to lead the way, and some sort of weapon to protect himself. He walked into the kitchen and flipped on the lights. He searched cabinet after drawer, looking for something that might work. He eventually found a small flashlight with a bit of juice in it, and a rather large butcher's knife. Better deadly than nothing.
Ein silently walked into the forest, summoning up all the courage he could muster. The flashlight barely lit the way, showing about a foot in front of Ein. He held the knife close to him, knowing it was his only defense against the hostile creatures of the night. He stumbled onward, trying to remember the path he had traveled earlier. Just as he thought he was lost, he saw it. The crater. The fear in him vanished as he ran up to it. The police and scientists were all gone, their work on the metal ball done. Ein tore through the tape, slid down the hole, and walked up to the sphere. It was now glowing dimly, and the warm aura around it was still apparent. He panted, not realizing he was short of breath, and neared the sphere. Suddenly, a melody played in Ein's mind. It was soft, calming, and beautiful. Ein's eye even began to sprout a tear as the melody finished. Then, the ball flashed brilliantly, blinding Ein temporarily. As Ein rubbed his eyes in confusion, a hole opened in the metal sphere, and a figure emerged from inside. Ein blinked several times as his sight tried to focus and adjust to the dark at the same time.
"What...what the?" Ein stuttered as he finally glimpsed at what had come out of the ball. It was a robot, but unlike any Ein had seen before. It looked incredibly primitive, its head and body looking like metal boxes. Two thin arms beginning in rotary joints and ending in two-pincer claws hung from its sides. Its legs were clunky and looked in bad need of oil. It whirred and creaked and began moving in small jerks. Ein stared in disbelief as it walked towards him.
"Are you the one known as 'Ein'?" the robot muttered in a metallic voice. Ein nodded his head slightly. The robot showed no expression physically, but its voice seemed to brighten.
"Is it the year 299X?" Ein once again nodded. The robot walked past Ein and began climbing up the wall of the crater.
"Follow me please." it called as it reached the top. Ein simply followed the robot and climbed the wall. The robot addressed him as he crawled out.
"My name is Jeff Andonuts and I am from the year 205X. I was told by..." the robot hesitated, "...a source...that the evil that me and my friends had defeated would come back in a century, his power increased tenfold." Ein just stared, listening.
"I had to warn those of the future of the danger that they were fated to. I embedded by brain into the old robot body that I had used during our last battle against Giygas, for I was too old to make any sort of time-travelling journey." Ein began to remember history class, about how Ness and three others defeated a terrible evil 100 years ago.
"I used the Phase Distorter III and traveled to this year, but unfortunately my coordinates were off and I ended up in the sky. I then crash-landed into this forest. When you touched the Phase Distorter, you probably felt a shock?"
Ein gulped, and finally talked. "Yes.."
Jeff nodded. "That was the Phase Distorter gathering data. It analyzed your skin cells left on the outside of it and found specific energy levels that matched PSI."
Ein jumped slightly at this. Did he have PSI? He thought it was just a myth. "If you have PSI as the Phase Distorter says, then you are one of the new Chosen Four."
Ein spoke up at this point. "Wait, I have PSI? And I'm supposed to be one of the heroes?"
"Affirmative." Jeff answered. "The new evil is already coming here. He has help from one of our old "friends" as well. If he arrives with no opposition, then all of Earth is doomed. You, Ein Strama, must find the other three Chosen. And..." The robot grabbed a handle on its chest and pulled open a door. He fiddled around inside his chest cavity until pulling out a device. It looked to be a rare gem, with strange technology fused into it. He handed the stone to Ein, closing his chest door.
"This is the Sound Stone, but I have modified it to fit your specific melody. If you collect the eight pieces of the melody, found at specific areas of the globe, you can defeat the new evil with ease."
But then, a rustle was heard. The two looked around. Another rustle. Then another. It seemed to come from all around them. Jeff's eyes lit up and sent beams into the dark. His head rotated slowly, lighting up the forest. His eyes dimmed as 360 degrees was reached. "Ein, get behind me. There is a force here that wishes to destroy you." Ein simply followed Jeff's instructions and stood behind him. Jeff's eyes abruptly flashed and sent out a bright light in front of him. There stood another robot.
This robot was different, however. His head was small and bucket-shaped, with only a visor for vision. It had no neck, but instead very broad shoulders that curved into arms with pointed ends. His chest curved inward from its shoulders slightly all the way to the hips. Its legs were thin and straight, and its feet were large and rounded. An insignia with an upside down triangle and three horizontal stripes was on its chest.
"SUBJECT 1-B, EIN STRAMA. I HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO TERMINATE YOU." the robot called in a cold, stinging voice. Ein was instantly terrified by this new robot, feeling a cold aura coming from him. Jeff stood valiantly(though you couldn't tell). "You are a Starman, are you not?"
The Starman chuckled, which sounded like two rusty gears slamming into each other. "THAT I AM, PRIMITIVE ROBOT. ARE YOU GOING TO STOP ME FROM KILLING SUBJECT 1-B?" Jeff reached into his chest cavity and pulled out an advanced-looking phaser. He held it and aimed at the Starman.
"That I am." He tugged the trigger and a massive beam flew out of the tip. The Starman recoiled and vanished in the light. Jeff spun the gun around one of his pincers as the light died. But then, to his and Ein's horror, the evil robot was still intact, only slightly scorched.
"WAS THAT IT? YOU ARE PATHETIC!" The Starman brought his "hands" in front of him. "NOW TASTE TRUE POWER, WEAKLING!" Jeff understood what the Starman was about to do and turned to Ein.
"Run, Ein! You must live on! My purpose has been served in telling you your destiny." Ein shook his head. "Wait, you have to help me! I can't do this alone!"
A mysterious red and blue glow began to form between the Starman's pointed hands. Jeff pushed Ein off of him into the forest. "YOU MUST GO! YOU MUST SURVIVE TO SAVE THE EARTH!" Ein regained his balance and looked behind him. Jeff glared at him. "GO!!!" Ein slowly stumbled away, still looking back as
Jeff faced the malicious Starman Junior. He reached inside him and pushed a button. His body began to glow.
"I won't let you or the new evil win..." He charged at the Starman. The robot brought its hands up and formed a ball of flowing red and blue energy. "YOU WILL DIE, AS WILL SUBJECT 1-B! PSI SPECIAL BETA!" The sphere of energy burst forward in all directions. Jeff leapt up and collided into the energy. As his body began to break apart, his glow brightened and shone like a star.
Ein was now in a full sprint, heading for his house. He was flung into the air as an explosion rocked the entire area. He flipped and landed on his shoulders, his body falling over like a tree. He groggily got to his knees and gasped at the sight. A giant plume of smoke rose from where he once was. As he looked behind him, he could see blue and red lights already speeding along towards the site. Ein shook his head and ran for home, contemplating the events that took place before him, as a tear formed in his left eye...

To be continued...