Earthbound: The New Legend
by: Super PSI Boy

Chapter 2: 

	We join our heroes on top of a large mountain. "Urgh," grumbled Paula, "Why couldn't Big Wind be 
in a flowery meadow." "Oh, like that's gonna happen, Paula." sighed Ness. "How much farther, 
Jeff?" asked Chad. "Oh, let's see. If we calculate the height of the mountain times pi plus the 
square root of seven, divided by three, carry the four, plus 1 1/4, subrtract the radius of its 
base..." said Jeff. "Skip the scientific mumbo-jumbo, brainiac. Just tell us how much farther!" 
interrupted Paula. "...oh, um, sorry. About two minutes, seven seconds, thirty-three nanoseconds, 
twenty milliseconds..." stated Jeff. "Will you just shut up!?" screamed Paula. "Just like I 
imagined them..." Chad whispered to Ness. 

	After about two minutes, seven seconds...oh, you know. 
Anyway, they reached the summit of the mountain. Before them laid what appeared to be a large 
air conditioner. "Woah...wasn't expecting that..." Jane said. "Well, this must be it. Ness, go 
up to it and place the Element Stone onto it. You should hear a sone similar to the melody you 
heard at Giant Step." Jeff stated. "OK." said Ness as he walked up to the massive fan. He placed 
the Element Stone onto the side of the air conditioner. A large flash blinded everybody. When 
he could see, Chad saw Ness facing a gigantic creature. Chad and Jane stood there, paralyzed with 
fear. The others, however, engaged in battle.

You encounter Titanic Ant Omega and his cohorts!

Ness attacks! SMAAAAAASH!!! 10047 HP damage to Titanic Ant Omega!

Paula uses PSI Thunder Omega! 7803 HP damage to Titanic Ant Omega!

Jeff attacks! 3771 damage to Black Antoid A! Black Antoid A became tame! 

Poo uses PSI Starstorm Omega! 7702 HP damage to Black Antoid B! Black Antoid B became tame! 6023 

HP damage to Titanic Ant Omega! Titantic Ant Omega vanished! YOU WON!

	"That guy looked very familiar..." whispered Ness. Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo walked over to Chad 
Jane. They were still frozen in fear. "Wow." said Poo. "I think I saw Chad's eye twitch." said 
Paula. "Hmmm...I have an idea. Poo, please pick them up." stated Jeff. "Whatever." replied Poo, as 
he picked them up. "OK, now watch." said Jeff. He then snapped his fingers. Chad and Jane shaked 
their heads and asked, "What happened?" "Don't worry, let's just get off this mountain." replied 
Ness. Chad then fell asleep.

Chapter 3: 

	Chad woke up to blackness. "Hello!?" called Chad. His voice echoed. "Anyone out there?!" Chad 
called out again. No one answered but his own echo. He started to walk forward. He could barely 
see. He felt around for anything. Nothing but air, he thought. When his feet gave out, he fell to 
the ground on his back, exhausted. He sighed and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he was in 
a strange room. He could see, which was a relief for him. He saw a fat kid walk up to a giant 
computer. He typed in a message, but Chad couldn't read it. The computer glowed and a long list 
appeared. The fat kid took the mouse and clicked a name that looked sort of like June. Then Chad 
noticed that it was Jane! A file opened and many words that Chad couldn't pronounce were there. 
"Jane...PSI...strong...important...destroy...weaknesses..." mumbled Chad. "Huh? Who's there!?" 
shouted the fat kid. Suddenly, Chad opened his eyes and awakened to the Andonuts lab.

Chapter 4: 

	"What the?" questioned Chad. "Finally. You've been asleep for an hour!" replied Jane. "I had a 
dream, I guess. First I was in total blackness. Then I awoke to a weird room. Next this fat kid 
typed some stuff on this big computer. And then a file came up about Jane! Then I woke up." 
explained Chad. "Well, let's worry about this later," stated Jeff, "First we must go to the 
Undine Lake. That is the location of the element Water. There is an island in the center of 
Undine Lake. There is a giant tablet with alien writing carved into it. Ness, place the Element 
Stone onto the carving and you will hear a melody similar to Milky Well's song. Undine Lake is 
somewhere in a land called Aquas. This country is covered with seas, lakes, rivers, and any other 
bodies of water. We must go there quickly!" "OK, everyone hang on!" said Ness. Then they 
teleported to a vacation resort, somewhere in Aquas.