The Origin of Mani Mani Statue





Many years ago there was a great cosmic destroyer named Giygas. He corrupted the future and intended on destroying the universe. But along came a boy named Ness with his three friends named Paula, Jeff, and Poo. All was at peace. Yet, during their journey there was a rumor of a statue that corrupted and filled evil desires in the heart of weak man. Only the strong resisted its power. But how was the statue made? How was it made to be? This is the story, of the Mani Mani statue.

In the year 202X peace was finally brought over Earth after Giygas was destroyed. Lena was walking down her hallway yawning after a hard night of homework. Her eyes were fogging in between sleepiness and just trying to stay awake. "Hey Lena can you read me a bedtime story?" Said the low voice of her little brother Niden.

"What are you still doing up? You should be in bed Niden it’s 2AM." Lena said. Niden walked away with a sad face, but Lena was too tired to even care at the moment. So she just dragged herself off to bed. She didn’t even bother to change out of her clothes. Lena fell asleep quickly. She had unusual dreams. Some about boys and others about her swimming through ice cream towards a golden light.

All of a sudden there was a loud BANG and Lena woke up with a jerk and fell out of her bed. Lena looked at the watch on her wrist and it said 3:15. "I didn’t sleep that much. This isn’t good for me." Lena got up and peaked out of her window. There was a bright blue light out on the high hill of Onett. No one is allowed back there anymore. They always have one of the famous police blockades to prevent people from going up there. But Lena got this feeling, this weird feeling that she should go up there and check it out.

Lena walked over to her phone, picked it up and dialed her friend Nina’s number. It rang for a couple of minutes before somebody finally picked it up. "H-hello…who’s this? I swear to god if this isn’t important I’m hanging up." A familiar voice said.

"Hey Nina…uh…I was wondering what you were doing right now?"

"What normal people do at this time: sleep!"

"So you didn’t see what happened at the hilltop?"

"Of course not."

"I was wondering if you would go check it out with me."

Nina’s voice all of a sudden rose "Isn’t there a police blockade. That means it would be illegal"

"Don’t worry about it. The police don’t get back on shift until 6AM."

"Oh! Lena is finally being a bit adventurous now! Well count me in I guess. Guess I have nothing better to do. Uh oh, besides sleep. Meet you there in 30 minutes." Nina hung up the phone and there was the dull dial tone. It hung there for a little while before Lena hung up.

Lena dug around her room for a little bit before she found her nice blue one string bag. She slung it around her shoulder and opened her window. Lena carefully climbed down and snuck into the woods. There was a lot of barricades and police "Do not cross" tape. Nina was sitting there waiting for her.

"Bout time you showed up I couldn’t wait here forever. So are we ready to go?"

Lena nodded.

"I brought the flashlight," Nina said "Seeing how is I don’t think you brought one." Lena snickered and they both jumped over the barricade. The path was covered with trees and dead leaves. They both passed by what looked like an old library. Then they noticed an old dirt road path that started to lead up the hill.

"Here this way!" Lena yelled. Lena started to jog a little bit.

"Hey hold up. I can’t jog, you know how lazy I am!" Nina yelled. Lena saw two old burnt out houses out in the distance, but they didn’t bother getting close to them. Lena thought she saw a shadow figure for a second, but it disappeared just a quick. Finally after a long jog up the hill Lena managed to reach the top of the hill, but Nina was far behind.

There was a large crater near where she was standing and panting. Smoke was rising from it. It seemed as if this was made not too long ago. Lena shone her flashlight down in the crater, but it started to flicker so she had to pound on it a couple of times. Then she finally shone her flashlight down in the crater. What she saw was unbelievable. It was some large mechanical spider with a cockpit inside. Whoever was in it was gone. Footsteps were leading back down the hill. Towards one of the burned houses….