The night EB No Matsuri went wrong

Instead of going to sleep and receive a petri dish full of flesh eating virii under my pillow (Yes, I lied on my tax form), I decided to stay awake to meet this "Annual gift man from the moon". I had no intention of calling 911 because I respect the guy who gave me my EB cartridge. I prepared a plate of strawberry tofu and logged into to read articles. Later that night, I heard someone breaking into my house with a crowbar and a hacksaw. I got up expecting to see the "Annual gift man from the moon". Instead, I saw some complete strangers eating the strawberry tofu! It was a trash man. I started talking with him and learned that he likes to break into peoples houses to eat strawberry tofu and chat. After A little while, I heard some kangaroo but I thought I was just dizzy from all that tofu. The "Annual gift man from the moon" entered my house. When he saw me and the trash man he started yelling something with an accent that seemed familiar. I asked him why he sounded like a New Yorker and he answered it was because of his wife (Rita). He asked me where should he leave the flesh eating virii since I was awake. At this exact moment, a giant lizard from Japan knocked at my door and begged me to let him in. After a while, I did let him in but I made him promise not to break anything. So we ate some more strawberry tofu but after fives plates, we were all wasted... The lizard was laughing uncontrollably, the trash man was telling me story of his mother (Miss Tatcher), the "Annual gift man from the moon" was puking on my floor and I was crying for no reason. That's when my mother (Diane) woke up. The expression when she opened the door of my room and saw me, the trash man, the "Annual gift man from the moon" and the giant lizard from Japan staring at the flesh eating virii was priceless!
