Chapter 5

Everyone stared around at the ring of Hokumon. “Wh-which one is the real one?!” Tai shouted.

“Think we should help them out?” Agumon asked.

“Go for it, Agumon!”

“Alright then! Pepper Breath!”
“Blue Blaster!”
“Spiral Twister!”
“Super Shocker!”
“Poison Ivy!”
“Marching Fishes!”
“Star Dust!”

Each of the attacks hit one Hokumon. On impact, the illusion disappeared.

“Good! That narrows it down!” Goddramon shouted. “God Flame!!” A golden flame roared from Goddramon’s wings, taking out 5 holograms.

“Dragon Fire!!” Magnadramon yelled, shooting a burst of fire from her mouth and eliminating 6 more holograms. Now there were only 2 Hokumon left.

“Very interesting.... you managed to narrow it down to just us,” they said simultaneously. “Now guess which one is which....”

“We don’t have the time for this!!” Magnadramon shouted, charging towards the two Hokumon. Both of them jumped up at the same time, and came down, delivering a swift kick to Magnadramon’s back. She hit the ground hard.

“Oh no! This is the toughest fight yet!!” Ness shouted. “Let’s go, you guys!!”

The four Chosen Ones ran up to the battle. “PSI Rockin’ Omega!!” Ness shouted.

“PSI Thunder Omega!!” Paula yelled.

“Chew on this, Flowers for Brains!!” Jeff shouted, firing up a Multi Bottle Rocket.

“PSI Starstorm Omega!!” Poo yelled.

The four attacks merged together. The red-and-blue Rockin’ energy intertwined with the yellow Thunder energy. The three rockets that made up the Multi Bottle Rocket circled around the red, blue, and yellow energy, while the Starstorm spiraled through the three other attacks. The entire blast collided with the two Hokumon, blowing them back about twenty feet.

When the smoke cleared, only one Hokumon was left standing, and she was barely scratched! “What a weak attack!”

“What?! Hokumon survived that?! Impossible!!” Jeff exclaimed.

“So I guess that’s it then....” Sora muttered.

“We’ve lost....” Izzy said.

Matt suddenly stepped forward. “You guys are crazy! What do you think Heather would do in this situation?! She wouldn’t just give up like there’s nothing else we could do! And what about you, Tai? You have the Crest of Courage! And Joe, yours is Reliability! T.K., Hope! I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not giving up until we defeat Kitusomon! Are you guys with me?!” he said, his Crest glowing brightly.

Lunamon looked at him, her eyes shining. “Heather has the Crest of Confidence. There’s no way she’d give up that easily!” she said, feeling herself re-energize.

“You’re right, Matt! I’m not giving up either!” Tai shouted, his crest glowing.

“Same here!” Joe said.

Everyone felt a new surge of power flow through them.

“Agumon! Warp-digivolve to.......WarGerymon!!”
“Gabumon! Warp-digivolve to.......MetalGarurumon!!”
“Biyomon! Warp-digivolve to.......Phoenixmon!!”
“Tentomon! Warp-digivolve to.......HerculesKabuterimon!!”
“Palmon! Warp-digivolve to.......Rosemon!!”
“Gomamon! Warp-digivolve to.......MarineAngemon!!”
“Lunamon! Digivolve to.......Galaxiamon!!”

Hokumon sneered. “Puh-leaze. You guys don’t intimidate me! Blossom Cyclone!!” A flurry of flowers kicked up a cloud of dust. This blast was a LOT more powerful than the last one, even Phoenixmon was having trouble staying in the air.

“C’mon, you guys! Don’t give up!!” Tai shouted, holding on to Kari so she wouldn’t fly away.

“Terra Force!!”
“Metal Wolf Claw!!”
“Crimson Flame!!”
“Giga Scissor Claw!!”
“Rose’s Rapier!!”
“Ocean Love!!”
“God Flame!!”
“Fire Tornado!!”
“Nebula Beam!!”

All nine energies combined, creating a blast of multicolored energy. Ness threw in some PSI Rockin’, Paula added some PSI Fire. Jeff lit up another Multi Bottle Rocket, while Poo summoned a PSI Starstorm. The four new energies merged with the Digimon’s attacks, hitting Hokumon with a force so powerful, she was blown back almost 100 feet. However, when the smoke cleared, she was still standing!! Even so, she was extremely battered and bruised.

Hokumon gave one last sneer, that vanished into thin air.

“.....I can’t believe she survived something as powerful as that.....” Paula said, out of breath.

All nine Digimon de-digivolved to their In-Training stanges.

“But look how close we are to Kitusomon’s castle!” Kiyonimon said, pointing to the nearby towers.

“If we hurry, we can make it by nightfall,” Izzy said. The group moved on.


Hokumon bowed before Kitusomon, out of breath.

“Did you defeat the DigiDestined?” Kitusomon asked, looking at all of Hokumon’s injuries.

“I am sorry, Mistress, but I was unable to beat them. All of their Digimon have reached their Mega levels, with exception of the prisoner’s Digimon. I was no match for them.....” Hokumon said, awaiting her fate.

“Hokumon, you are my most powerful minion. You were unable to stand up to the DigiDestined, yet you still live. You will pay for your failure!” Kitusomon shouted, standing up. “Blade Storm!!” Dozens of daggers, cutlasses, and swords flew from Kitusomon’s wings, all of them plunging into Hokumon.

Hokumon screamed in pain, then dissolved, leaving a puddle of blood where she was kneeling. Kitusomon walked over, dipped a finger in the bluish substance, then put it to her mouth. “It looks like I’ll have to take care of them myself. But I’ll let them get here first.... POKEY!!” she yelled.

The fat kid came waddling up to her and got on one knee. “Yes’m!”

“Send out the army of Pyromon, Cryomon, and Shockmon. We must stall the DigiDestined as long as possible, while I steal the prisoner’s soul. Go!” Kitusomon ordered, motioning to the dozens of cages on the right wall, containing three different Champion-level Digimon.

Pokey pulled a lever on the wall, causing all of the cages to pop open. 30 Digimon were now on the ground. There were 10 Pyromon, which were foxlike Digimon with fire for tails (*coughflareoncough* ><). 10 Cryomon, which were birdlike animals (okay, okay, they look like miniature Articuno ><), and 10 Shockmon (think: Chibi Jolteon ><) joined the Pyromon.

“Alright, Pyromon, Cryomon, and Shockmon, go out there and sic them DigiDestined!” Pokey shouted, pointing to the castle entrance hall.


“Hey, what’s that up ahead?” Ness asked, squinting at what appeared to be a dust cloud heading their way.

Jeff popped his laptop open. “WHOA. That’s quite a few Digimon there!” he exclaimed. Everyone crowded around him as he read off the information. “Pyromon is a firey-type Digimon, which later digivolves to Dagomon. It’s attacks are Flame Thrower and Flare Arrow. Cryomon is an icy Digimon, which later digivolves to Kaguyamon. It’s attacks are Frosted Wing and Freezing Spirit. Lastly, Shockmon is an electric type Digimon, whose attacks are Thunder Jolt and Pin Missle (I’m too unoriginal =Þ)!”

“Awright guys, you know what to do!” Tai shouted.

“Agumon! Digivolve to.......Greymon!!”
“Gabumon! Digivolve to.......Garurumon!!”
“Biyomon! Digivolve to.......Birdramon!!”
“Tentomon! Digivolve to.......Kabuterimon!!”
“Palmon! Digivolve to.......Togemon!!”
“Gomamon! Digivolve to.......Ikkakumon!!”
“Patamon! Digivolve to.......Angemon!!”
“Gatomon! Digivolve to.......Angewomon!!”
“Lunamon! Digivolve to.......Galaxiamon!!”

The 9 Champion-level Digimon faced the heard of Pyromon, Cryomon, and Shockmon stampeding toward them. They began to charge at them, waiting for the collision.

Greymon slashed about, firing Nova Blasts at every Cryomon he could find. Garurumon zipped through the crowd, taking down Shockmon with his Howling Blaster. Birdramon flew around, aiming mostly for Cryomon and Pyromon, while Kabuterimon countered the Shockmon with his own electric blasts. Togemon ran around, firing her needles into several Cryomon, while Ikkakumon harpooned a few Pyromon. Angemon and Angewomon teamed up, firing holy blasts at a few Shockmon, while Galaxiamon restrained some of the flying Cryomon with her Rainbow Lightning.

“It’s not working! There’s too many of them!” Matt shouted.

“We’ll help them out! PSI Flash Omega!!” Ness shouted, calling forth a blinding light. A few of the Cryomon dropped to the ground, either paralyzed or crying uncontrollably. Some of the Pyromon began attacking each other, and a few Shockmon dissolved.

“All right! That helped out! Let’s go, Greymon!!” Tai shouted, holding up his Digivice.

“Greymon! Digivolve to.......MetalGreymon!!”
“Garurumon! Digivolve to.......WereGarurumon!!”
“Birdramon! Digivolve to.......Garudamon!!”
“Kabuterimon! Digivolve to.......MegaKabuterimon!!”
“Togemon! Digivolve to.......Lillymon!!”
“Ikkakumon! Digivolve to.......Zudomon!!”
“Angemon! Digivolve to.......MagnaAngemon!!”

A few of the Pyromon backed off, seeing as how they were outnumbered by Ultimates. Most of them stood guard.

“Giga Blasters!!”
“Wolf Claw!!”

A Cryomon fell to the ground and dissolved, and a Shockmon howled and also dissolved.

“Wing Blade!!”
“Horn Buster!!”

A Pyromon and a Shockmon collapsed against each other, dissolving at different times.

“Flower Cannon!!”
“Vulcan’s Hammer!!”

A Cryomon dissolved upon contact with Lillymon’s attack, while a Pyromon fainted and faded away.

“Gate of Destiny!!”
“Celestial Arrow!!”

The final Shockmon dissapeared deep into the Gate of Destiny, while the last Pyromon was impaled by the Celestial Arrow.

Galaxiamon faced the final Cryomon, and smirked before jumping high in the air, level with it. “Nebula Beam!!” she shouted, sending the ringed blast of energy flying at Cryomon, causing it to vanish into thin air. Galaxiamon did a backflip in midair and landed on her feet in front of everyone.

“Way to go, you guys!!” Paula shouted.

Galaxiamon turned towards them, a frown on her face.

“.....What’s wrong, Galaxiamon?” Mimi asked, a look of concern etched on her face.

“We’re almost there. After this long, we’ve finally made it to Kitusomon’s castle. I hate to think of what’s happening to Heather right now.....” she said.


Heather fell to the ground, battered and bruised. She had gone through her fifth torture session, the beatings had gotten worse. MetalChonchimon gave a final strike of his whip, and walked off leaving Heather’s cell door open. *How careless, leaving it open.... I can escape!* she thought, slowly making her way to the door. As soon as she got there though, Kitusomon appeared in the doorway.

“Having fun, are we?” she asked.

“What kind of question is that?!” Heather shouted. “I’ve been whipped raw, and all you ask is if I’m having fun?!”

“Well, one can’t be too careful,” Kitusomon said, fingering the small crystal orb on top of her staff. “I must admit, I’ll have TONS of fun when I’m stealing your soul...”

“And how do you plan on doing that?!”

“My my... awfully sure of ourselves, are we? That’s what I would expect from the carrier of the Crest of Confidence!!”

“And what about it?! I’m surprised you haven’t stolen it yet!!” Heather shouted, clutching her crest.

“Oh, no. I’m going to steal something MUCH more valuable than that.....”

“You’re not getting my Digivice either!!”

“Awfully thickheaded, eh? Don’t you get it? I’m going to steal your soul!” Kitusomon thrust her staff at Heather.


Garudamon, MetalGreymon, MegaKabuterimon, and Zudomon stampeded towards Kitusomon’s castle.

“You’re absolutely sure this is it?!” Tai shouted to Galaxiamon from Garudamon’s right hand.

“Positive!! There ain’t THAT many castles around here!” Galaxiamon shouted back from Garudamon’s left hand. “Oh great, we’re there!! You can stop now Garudamon!!”

The four giant Digimon stopped just in front of Kitusomon’s castle. Garudamon let the groups of kids and Digimon off, then de-digivolved to Birdramon, as did the others (duh, they de-digivolved to their own Champion stages).

Galaxiamon walked up to the huge castle doors. She looked up the height of the castle, then took a step back. “Nebula Beam!” The door only slightly dented. “Blast,” she said, snapping her fingers.


“Why don’t you just give up while you can?” Kitusomon said. “It would save the both of us a lot of pain and trouble.”

“You ARE a ditz! What makes you think I’d just give up?!” Heather shouted.

“Well! Aren’t we the overconfident one! Looks like I’ll have to use force!!” Kitusomon shouted, grabbing Heather by the throat and pinning her against the cold stone wall.

“Ugh! *coughcough* Go ahead and try it!!” Heather squeaked.

“You don’t have to ask me twice! Soul Steal!!” Kitusomon pointed her staff at Heather’s chest, sending a burst of dark energy into her. Kitusomon smirked evilly upon hearing Heather’s despairing scream.


Galaxiamon, who was standing just outside the doors, heard Heather’s scream. She then felt a surge of power. “Galaxiamon! Digivolve to.......GaiaGalaxiamon!!” The now-Ultimate Digimon narrowed her eyes, then fired a Moon Prism Shockwave at the door. The rein-scorched steel was barely burnt. “Okay guys, looks like you’ll have to help me out!!”

Greymon, Garurumon, and Ikkakumon charged at the door and with all of their strength, rammed against it, making a fairly large dent in it. Gatomon and Kabuterimon slashed at it with their Lightning Claw and Scissor Claw attacks, putting several medium-sized slash-marks in it. Angemon banged at it with his rod, while Togemon delivered some swift punches to it. Ness, Paula, and Poo fired their strongest PSI attacks at it, while Jeff lit up a Multi Bottle Rocket. Birdramon dive-bombed the now-thin door, denting it even further. Finally, GaiaGalaxiamon used her Black Hole attack to blow a hole in the door.


Kitusomon kept up her attack until finally, a small fuschia starburst-shaped crystal appeared from Heather’s body (kinda like a pure-heart crystal from Sailor Moon S ~.~ I am *SO* unoriginal). Neither of them noticed GaiaGalaxiamon streaking towards them, until Kitusomon was suddenly tackled from the side.

Heather looked at the two humanshape Digimon, stunned, until she noticed who the winged one was. “GaiaGalaxiamon?!?”

GaiaGalaxiamon stopped cussing out Kitusomon for a moment, then looked up at her partner. “Hi!” she said, then went back to yelling at Kitusomon.

Heather looked to where GaiaGalaxiamon had entered, then got the shock of her life. *My friends.... I knew they would come!!* she thought, then dashed towards them while Kitusomon was detained.

“Stop her!!” Kitusomon shouted, and MetalChonchimon immediately threw his whip around Heather like a lasso. She was frozen in place.

Pokey watched from above in his Spider Mech and sneered. This was going to be fun. He fired beams at every Digimon in the room (with exception of Kitusomon and MetalChonchimon, no da) causing them to de-digivolve to their Rookie stages.

Lunamon fiercely punched at Kitusomon, who was barely even hurt by the Rookie Digimon’s blows. Kitusomon lightly whacker her on the chest, causing her to fly backwards. Then, Lunamon realized that she was no longer GaiaGalaxiamon. “Hey! What happened?!”

Kitusomon stood up, laughing a hideous laugh. “You’re a lot weaker than I remembered, Lunamon!” she said, wiping a trickle of blood from her lip.

“What are you guys standing around for?! Digivolve!!” Tai shouted.

“Agumon! Warp-digivolve to.......WarGreymon!!”
“Gabumon! Warp-digivolve to.......MetalGarurumon!!”
“Biyomon! Warp-digivolve to.......Phoenixmon!!”
“Tentomon! Warp-digivolve to.......HerculesKabuterimon!!”
“Palmon! Warp-digivolve to.......Rosemon!!”
“Gomamon! Warp-digivolve to.......MarineAngemon!!”
“Patamon! Warp-digivolve to.......Goddramon!!” “Salamon! Warp-digivolve to.......Magnadramon!!”

Kitusomon only laughed at the eight Mega-level Digimon before here. “Dalimon, Dagomon, and Hokumon were only weaklings! Now you will see my true power!!”

Jeff popped his laptop open. “Kitusomon is said to be the female equivalent of Apocolymon! Rumor has it that she is above Mega level and one of the most powerful Digimon ever!! This is reeeeeeeeally bad!!” he exclaimed.

“The female equivalent of Apocolymon?!” Matt shouted.

“That is correct! I am a level above Mega..... Maxima!! No one will ever defeat me!!” Kitusomon yelled.

“That’s where you’re wrong!!” Heather shouted from her restraint in MetalChonchimon’s whip. “If they managed to defeat Apocolypsemon or whatever his name is, they can easily defeat you!!” Heather’s Crest of Confidence began glowing brightly, with a fuschia-colored light that filled the room.

Lunamon looked stunned at her partner’s bravery, then felt herself changing.

“Lunamon! Warp-digivolve to.......”
Images of Galaxiamon and GaiaGalaxiamon flashed briefly before everyone. GaiaGalaxiamon glowed brightly, then grew taller. Her hair turned brown and spiked itself into pigtails, while long purple ribbons wound themselves around. Her clothing became even more detailed, and her majestic ivory wings changed themselves into multicolored pixie’s wings. A crescent moon appeared on her forehead, and a purple cloth covered her mouth. The transformation complete, holograms of the nine planets appeared around her, and moved into a straight line, sending out nine beams of different-colored light (in this case, the colors of everyone’s crests). Finally, she did a fancy twist.


Jeff once again looked at his laptop. “MoonGalaxiamon is one of the five most powerful Mega-level Digimon around, right behind the four holy dragons. Her attacks are Cosmic Spiral and Planetary Alignment! Man, would I love to research this one!!” he exclaimed.

Heather looked amazed at the sight of MoonGalaxiamon hovering in the air on front of her. Moon Galaxiamon looked right back at her with her large blue eyes, which then got a sudden fire in them when she looked at Kitusomon.

“So, this is what the Ninth Digimon has to offer? You amuse me. Bat’s Fury!!” Kitusomon sent out a flurry of bats at MoonGalaxiamon.

“Cosmic Spiral!!” A gigantic blast of pink-and-purple energy (similar to that of Sailor Moon’s Spiral Heart Attack ^_^), emanating from MoonGalaxiamon’s outstretched hands, raced towards the bats, frying them uopn contact.

“Heh. MetalChonchimon, get rid of this pest!!” Kitusomon shouted. MetalChonchimon, always glad to help Kitusomon out, let go of Heather and lunged for MoonGalaxiamon. Kitusomon shot some dark energy into MetalChonchimon, allowing him to digivolve to Mega level.

“MetalChonchimon, digivolve to.......Dracomon!!” MetalChonchimon now was a gigantic dragon (not one of the four holy dragons, mind you) with a snarling face (heck with it, he looks like a Gyarados XD).

Izzy grabbed Jeff’s laptop and analyzed Dracomon. “Dracomon is a Dark Dragon type Digimon, with the power to crush a building with his powerful tail. His attacks are Dragon Rage and Hyper Beam (for cryin’ out loud, I AM un-or-ig-in-al!! ><)

Dracomon slithered towards MoonGalaxiamon, his gaping mouth ready to chomp down on the 8’4” Digimon.

MoonGalaxiamon smirked under the cloth around her mouth, then the holograms of planets appeared around her again (yes, it looks like them orbs that surround Ayeka from “Tenchi Muyô!” that make her attack e.e;).

“What’s she doing?!” Matt asked, who was helping Heather to stand.

“I think she’s... she is! She’s using Planetary Alignment, her most powerful attack!!” Izzy exclaimed.

The planets surrounding MoonGalaxiamon formed a straight line, in their usual order of orbit (Mercury, Venus, Earth, etc.. e.e;;). The hologram of Pluto, in the back, glowed with a white-gold light, which surged through the other planets. “PLANETARY ALIGNMENT!!!!” MoonGalaxiamon shouted, the light reaching the hologram of Mercury and sending out an extremely powerful blast of energy. When it came into contact with Dracomon, he ignited with a silver fire.

Kitusomon stared on in shock when Dracomon burst through the wall and evaded to a nearby volcano. She glared at MoonGalaxiamon with fire in her eyes. “You scrawny pest! Looks like I’ll have to take you down myself!!” She charged towards her.

“Ready....” Tai muttered. “Not yet.....” Kitusomon was almost to MoonGalaxiamon. “......NOW!!”

“Terra Force!!”
“Ice Wolf Claw!!”
“Starlight Explosion!!”
“Mega Electro Shocker!!”
“Thorn Whipping!!”
“Ocean Love!!”
“God Flame!!”
“Fire Tornado!!”
“Cosmic Spiral!!”

Ness, once again, threw in a PSI Rockin’ Omega, while Paula, Jeff, and Poo follwed with Freeze Omega, a Multi Bottle Rocket, and Starstorm Omega.

However, Kitusomon was WAY too quick and agile, and managed to dodge *every single attack!*

“What?! No way!! That’s impossible!!!” Ness shouted.

“That’s it. We’re done for. Let’s go ahead and forfeit!” Joe said.

“You’ve got the right idea, Four-Eyes! Surrender to me....” She zoomed through the group and grabbed T.K., “.....or your little friend here will meet my friend Apocolymon in the Underworld.”

“T.K.!!!!” Matt screamed. Kitusomon shot out a blade from her finger that stopped just inches away from T.K.’s forehead.

“Matt! Help me!!” T.K. cried.

Matt began to advance on Kitusomon, but she stuck the blade out further. “Come any closer, and the pipsqueak gets it. Pokey, grab the other one!!”

Pokey flew down in his Spider-Mech and picked up Kari with it’s claws.

“Kari!!!” Tai shouted, clenching his fists.

Kitusomon let loose with a maniacal laugh. “Well, are you going to surrender, or let your little friends die? It’s your choice!” Kitusomon put T.K. on the ground and pushed him behind her.

Matt clenched his fist, but then his eyes softened. “....All right.... just don’t hurt T.K.....”

“Matt! Are you out of your mind?!” Paula shrieked.

“I can’t let her hurt T.K.... it just wouldn’t be right....” he said, looking down at the ground.

“Well if that’s the case, then I surrender too!!” Tai said, walking up and standing to Matt’s right side.

Pokey, upon hearing this, lowered his Spider-Mech to the ground and dropped Kari next to T.K.

Kitusomon laughed. “I knew you’d see it my way, now hand over your crests!” she said, stretching out her hand.

Ness clenched his fist, then sent a telepathic message to Kari and T.K.

*Make a run for it! Quickly, while she’s not looking!!*

T.K. heard the message, grabbed Kari’s hand, and began to run. Pokey dropped back down in his Spider-Mech, and the two kids began to run the other way.

Kitusomon noticed this, and sent an evil glare at the two youngest DigiDestined. “Ooh, you little rodents! Blade Storm!!” Kitusomon let loose with dozens of daggers, swords, and cutlasses, aiming at T.K. and Kari.

Heather and Paula saw this, then they both streaked towards the two stunned kids. Paula tackled Kari to the floor, while Heather scooped up T.K. and narrowly dodged the blades, a cutlass shearing off half of her hair in the process.

“Paula!” Ness shouted, running over to her.

Tai and Matt ran towards them. “Kari!! Are you okay?!”

Kari opened her eyes, which had been squeezed shut in fear. “Yeah, I think so Tai,” she said.

“T.K.! Thank goodness you’re okay!!” Matt said, making sure he wasn’t wounded. He then looked at Heather, who was fingering her now-short hair. “Thank you for saving T.K.,” he said, hugging them both.

A light blush creeped across Heather’s face. “Uhm, no problem....” she muttered.

Ness checked on Paula, whose shoulder had just barely got nicked by a dagger. The cut was still pretty deep, however. “Paula....”

“I... I’m okay Ness....” she muttered.

“No, you’re not okay! Lemme take a look at that cut, it’s pretty deep....” he casted PSI Lifeup on her. The cut mended itself back together, as well as her shirt sleeve.

Paula smiled lightly at Ness. “Thanks...” she said, blushing.

Kitusomon hovered in the air and stared at the public displays of affection in mock sadness. “Oh, that’s so sweet, I’m getting cavities!” she said, wiping a fake tear from her black eye. “I really must see my dentist about you guys!!” She shot out a rope of dark energy, which wrapped itself around Heather’s throat.

“AACK!” Heather shouted, tugging at the energy, but it was moulded to her like a flea collar. “C....can’t breathe....”

“I think that’s the point. And ya know, I never really got around to stealing that soul of yours,” Kitusomon said, dragging Heather over to her and lifting her up in the air. Kitusomon grabbed Heather’s throat again. “Soul Steal!!” she yelled, pointing the top of her staff at Heather’s chest again.

Heather screamed in pain once again, her heart giving out and the starburst-shaped crystal appeared. This time, instead of going back into her body, it went inside the crystal orb on the top of Kitusomon’s staff. Upon this, Heather’s brown eyes became glazed and when Kitusomon let go of her throat, she limply dropped to the ground.

“Heather! No!!” Matt shouted, running towards her. He leapt up, ready to punch Kitusomon, but he never got there. Kitusomon sent out a blast of dark energy, knocking him out of the air. He landed on the ground next to Heather with a loud THUD.

Jeff dug around in his brown backpack and pulled out a Super Bomb. He lit it, and ran at Kitusomon. She reacted by opening her eyes wide and freezing Jeff in midair, causing the bomb to explode in his hand. He dropped to the ground in a dead faint.

Poo saw this, and began to use his Mirror technique to make himself a duplicate of Kitusomon. However, she turned it against him and his brain became overworked, making him faint as well.

Mimi and Sora climed of Phoenixmon’s back and screamed towards Kitusomon, Rosemon flying at their side. Kitusomon used another blast of dark energy and knocked all foru of them out, Phoenixmon and Rosemon de-digivolveing to Biyomon and Palmon.

Kitusomon turned to Ness. “Nightmare Blast!!” she shouted, a wave of black lightning flying at him. Paula quickly jumped up, stood in front of him, and shouted “PSI Shield Sigma!!” A light pink shield appeared around the both of them, but the dark energy was too strong and broke the shield, ramming into Paula and Ness, who went flying and slammed against a wall. They were down.

MarineAngemon, in his tinyness, flew right up in Kitusomon’s face. He looked her right in the eye. “Smiling Face!!” Kitusomon, however, whacked him with her staff and he shot across the room and slammed into another wall, de-digivolving down to Gomamon.

WarGreymon hopped on Magnadramon’s back, and the two of them soared towards Kitusomon.

“Terra Force!!”
“Fire Tornado!!”

Kitusomon only smirked at this, and countered with a wave of invisible energy, which hit the combined energies. They looped backwards, and sent WarGreymon and Magnadramon hurtling to the ground. They hit hard, then de-digivolved to Agumon and Salamon. She then used another Nightmare Blast attack on MetalGarurumon, who de-digivolved to Gabumon.

HerculesKabuterimon soared at Kitusomon. “Giga Scissor Claw!!” He barely managed to get a hit in, but not before Kitusomon jabbed him with her staff and smammed him to the ground. He de-digivolved. (Oh, and in all of this, MoonGalaxiamon’s pre-occipied with trying to wake Heather up. n.n;;)

Goddramon, being the only other Digimon left, used all of his strength in his attack. “SUMMON!!” A holy light engulfed the area, and everyone who had fainted before, woke up. After using as much energy as he did, he de-digivolved all the way down to Tokomon.

Kitusomon glared at Tokomon. She then let loose with a maniacal laugh, and hovered out the hole in the wall that Dracomon had made earlier. She flew all the way to the volcano where he had evaded.

Heather still had a glassy look in her eyes. “You guys.... we have to catch her before she gets to the volcano....” she said (unblinking), her voice weak and robot-sounding. She tried to stand up, but fell back down as soon as she did.

“That sounds like a good idea!” Tai said, clenching his fist. He grabbed Agumon and ran out the hole in the wall. Everyone else followed, with exception of Matt, Heather, Gabumon, and MoonGalaxiamon.

“Heather, are you sure you’re okay?” MoonGalaxiamon said, concern in her eyes.

“I think so, I just can’t walk to good,” she said.

“Well, we’d better hurry and go defeat Kitusomon. Who knows what she’s planning,” Gabumon said, then ran off, MoonGalaxiamon in tow.

Matt sighed. “Well, I guess I’ll have to help you get there. Climb on my back,” he said.

Heather blushed slightly, then did as he said. After heaving her on to his back, Matt dashed off after everyone else. The final battle was not far away.....