Chapter 4

Heather slowly opened her eyes to find herself chained to the wall. She looked around, seeing a dark prison cell. The walls were pitch black, with odd multicolored blobs moving about. “Where.... am I....?” she whispered. Suddenly, an iron ropelike object came flying at her, and she winced upon the impact of it on her hip. “OW!!” She looked at where it originated. There was what looked like MetalGreymon, only smaller and green instead of orange. “Who are you...?”

“I am MetalChonchimon. I’m here to make your stay in Kitusomon’s palace miserable, so that you will WANT to surrender...” it said.

Heather looked at MetalChonchimon quizzically. “What do you mean? Why have I been brought here?!” she shouted, glaring at him.

“Kitusomon had no idea that there was a ninth DigiDestined, so when she sent Parakkimon out with the Black Digivices, there were only eight. That’s the reason the WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon refused to obey their partners, and also why Galaxiamon was able to digivove into GaiaGalaxiamon,” MetalChonchimon explained.

“But that still doesn’t explain why I am here!!”

“Kitusomon only made eight Black Digivices to turn your Digimon against you. When the found out that there were nine DigiDestined, she set her mind on holding you hostage.”

“I see...” Heather muttered, looking down at the ground.

“Now then, back to your torture session!” MetalChonchimon said, snapping his whip.

“Torture session?!”

“Iron Whip!!” The android Digimon sent his whip flying at Heather again, leaving a cut on her every time it hit. She cried out in pain with every strike, until she was waterlogged. This went on for about an hour, when MetalChonchimon tired of her whining. He unchained her from the wall, letting her drop to the cold, hard floor. “That’s enough for your first day here, but come tomorrow, the torture will be MUCH worse,” he said, walking away.

Heather, bleeding and bruised, clutched her wrist, tears welling up again. Then she felt a pain in her head, as her pigtails had become undone and MetalChonchimon’s whip had torn out some of her long brown hair.


“Is the torture session done?” Kitusomon asked her henchman.

“Yes, and I must say, she has no resistance to pain whatsoever,” MetalChonchimon said.

“Good. Then when the DigiDestined arrived, her screams will be clear as a bell. Pokey!!” Kitusomon shouted, wondering where the fat kid was.

Pokey hovered up to her in his Spider-Mech. “Yes, what can I do for you, Lady Kitusomon?” he asked, hopping out of it.

“Send out my minions to their respective areas. I want the DigiDestined and their little friends to have PLENTY of obstacles....”

“Right away, mistress! Dalimon! Dagomon! And Hokumon! Go to your respective areas!!!” Pokey yelled, motioning to three Mega-level Digimon. Dalimon was an odd-looking one, it had a large sun for a head, and a purple cape around an invisible body. Dagomon was a firey Digimon. It was a red dragonlike creature, with two horns on it’s head and huge black wings. Hokumon was another humanshape Digimon. It had long white hair, pale skin, and flowerish clothing.

“They’re an odd bunch, but I suppose they will do,” Kitusomon said, sighing. “I really don’t see the point in sending out three Mega level Digimon when five Ultimates will do. We want to delay the DigiDestined a long as possible. And you saw what they did to the Dark Masters. They were all defeated in less than a week (PikaChan’s Note: Correct me if I’m wrong, I havent seen the whole Dark Masters saga X.x;;).”

“Which gives us plenty of time to torture the prisoner,” Pokey said. “Still, she’s kinda cute....” Pokey was cut off by a snap of the whip from MetalChonchimon. “Owwch! Okay, okay....”

“No time for smart remarks, we must be careful, as the DigiDestined are stronger than I thought, if they defeated MetalMothramon....” Kitusomon said, scratching her chin. “Let’s see how they stand against Dalimon....”


“All right, I think I’ve re-programmed the Digivices enough so that our Digimon can Digivolve normally,” Izzy said, handing everyone their Digivices.

“Let’s just hope that it worked...” Tai said.


After about half a day of walking, everyone began to get tired. A light blue dust was falling from the sky.

Paula yawned, then lay down on the bare ground and went to sleep, as did Lunamon and Joe.

“Hey guys, you can’t sleep now!! We have to get... to... *yawn* Kitusomon’s palace..... *snore*” Tai said, before he too, fell asleep. Gradually, everyone else dropped to the ground, asleep, except for Palmon.

“What’s going on?” she asked to no one after the others were asleep. “How come I don’t feel sleepy...?” She looked up in the sky. *Maybe it’s that blue dust that’s putting everyone to sleep... and it’s coming from that tree!*

Dalimon watched from above, perched on a tree branch. *Rats... my Dream Dust didn’t even faze that little weed... I guess I’ll have to layer it on more!* he thought, releasing a blizzard of dust upon Palmon.

*That dust isn’t working. No matter how hard uhm... whatever’s making it tries, I won’t.... fall... asleep...* Palmon thought, finally collapsing into a deep sleep.

“Perfect,” Dalimon muttered after Palmon was asleep. “Now prepare to see your worst nightmares... Shattered Dreams!” Dalimon’s cloak flew up, sending twelve tiny orbs, one into each human. They all began to have weird visions....

“Now, humans! See the ones you care for the most die in front of your eyes!!!” Dalimon said telepathically, speaking into everyone’s minds.

Tai saw three beings. Two human, one Digimon. It was Kari, Agumon, and Sora. Kari was being impaled by a jagged knife, while Agumon froze to death. Sora was tumbling down a steep canyon. Tai, in his vision, began shouting out all of their names, only to be answered by sharp pain.

The others were all having similar visions, Sora dreaming of Biyomon and Tai, Mimi dreaming of Palmon and one other person who was hard to make out, Izzy dreaming of Tentomon and his laptop (I know, it doesn’t fit the mood XD), Joe dreaming of Gomamon, T.K. dreaming of Patamon, Matt, and Kari, Kari dreaming of Tai and Gatomon, Matt dreaming of T.K., Gabumon, and another one who was blurred (Well duh, I’ll save that for teh last chapter XD), and the four Chosen Ones dreamt of each other, and their families (Well, to be specific, Ness dreamt mostly of Paula and vice-versa XD).

Several of them started mumbling in their sleep. After a while, mumbles turned into shouts. Finally, Dalimon snapped his fingers and everyone woke up with a start, everyone clinging on to the ones they dreamt about.

Tai opened his eyes to find himself feeling strangely warm (NO! Not THAT way, perverts! ><;;), and looked down to see that he was holding Kari, Agumon, and Sora, Sora looked up and noticed this too, and the little group quickly parted, as did the others. Jeff seemed a little red when he noticed Mimi was clinging to him (oh well, it was already revealed in the first side-story e.e;).

Izzy looked around, and into the tree where Dalimon stood. He saw a floating sun-thing, and a purple cape. “Hey! You’re the one who gave us those nightmares!”

“Correct,” Dalimon said. “I have shown you what will happen in the near future if you ever manage to get to Kitusomon’s lair. IF you even get there, which I assure you that you won’t....”

“Just what are you anyway?!” Gatomon shouted.

“That’s Dalimon. He’s a Mega-level Digimon, with the ability to freeze time and also cause people to have certain dreams,” Jeff said, peering at Izzy’s analyzer and turning a bit red.

“Okay guys! It looks like we’ll have to go all-out on this one!” tai shouted. “Ready, Agumon?”

“Ready! Agumon! Warp-digivolve to.......WarGreymon!!”
“Gabumon! Warp-digivolve to.......MetalGarurumon!!”
“Biyomon! Digivolve to.......Birdramon!!”
“Tentomon! Digivolve to.......Kabuterimon!!”
“Palmon! Digivolve to.......Togemon!!”
“Gomamon! Digivolve to.......Ikkakumon!!”
“Patamon! Digivolve to.......Angemon!!”
“Gatomon! Digivolve to.......Angewomon!!”
“Lunamon! Digivolve to.......Galaxiamon!!” (Correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t really know how the thing with the Champion-level things are... can they digivolve without their partners? x.x;)

“Feh. You guys don’t scare me.... Time Freeze!!!” Dalimon’s cloak flared, and everyone stopped in the middle of their attacks. Dalimon jumped out of the tree, and quicker than lightning, hit each and every Digimon. He then unfroze time, causing the Digimon to hit each other, and de-digivolve. “You guys are pathetic.”

Dalimon then lifted up Tai using telekinesis. Ness, Paula, and Poo tried to counter it with their PSI, but Dalimon’s was much stronger. Dalimon threw Tai backwards, causing him to land on Izzy’s laptop. (I know this ish supposed to be serious, but I just can’t help it.... Izzy don’t get a girl ’til meh next ficcie XD)

“Tai!!” Sora shouted.

“NOOOOOOO!!!” Izzy yelled, seeing as his beloved laptop (XD!!!) was crushed. “Oh misery! Oh despair!! Oh noooooo!!!” Their Crests began glowing, emanating a bright light, one of red, and one of purple.

Biyomon and Tentomon felt themselves changing.

“Biyomon! Warp-digivolve to........Phoenixmon!!”
“Tentomon! Warp-digivolve to........HerculesKabuterimon!!”

Dalimon looked at the two new Megas, stunned. “What?! This can’t be! They managed to warp-digivolve?! Impossible!!”

Izzy snatched Jeff’s laptop and began analyzing the new Digimon. “Phoenixmon is an extremely powerful Digimon, the Mega form of Biyomon! Her attacks are Crimson Flame and Starlight Explosion! And KerculesKabuterimon... he makes me so proud! *ahem* Anyway, he is the Mega form of Tentomon and his attacks are Mega Electro Shocker and Giga Scissor Claw!!” he shouted.

“Rub it in, why don’tcha?!” Dalimon shouted.

“All right then! Let’s go, Phoenixmon!!” Sora yelled.

Phoenixmon and HerculesKabuterimon each grabbed one end of Dalimon’s cloak and lifted him high in the sky. HerculesKabuterimon did a strong aerial spin, sending Dalimon plummeting towards the earth below. He then followed it with a Mega Electro Shocker, while Phoenixmon sent out a Crimson Flame.

Dalimon, nearly defeated, slowly stood up and glared at Sora and Izzy. He made a lunge for them.

“Oh no you don’t! Starlight Explosion!!!” Phoenixmon glowed with a brilliant white light and sent out a flurry of stars at Dalimon, resembling one of Poo’s PSI Starstorm attacks.

HerculesKabuterimon held up one of his claws, and shot towards Dalimon with blinding speed. “Giga Scissor Claw!!” He slashed at Dalimon, dealing the final blow.

“You may have one this battle, but Lady Kitusomon will surely win the wa....” Dalimon was cut off by his dissolving.

Phoenixmon and HerculesKabuterimon de-digivolved, down to Yokomon and Motimon. Izzy and Sora ran up to them. “You did great, Yokomon,” Sora said, hugging her.

“Same to you, Motimon!” Izzy said, patting the small pink Digimon on the head.

“Well, now that that’s out of the way...” Tai said, picking a couple of glass shards out of his rear, “we can go on.”


“Hmm.... the DigiDestined are pretty good. Better than I expected. It looks like we’ll have to try a little harder....” Kitusomon said, looking through her new crystal-onyx ball. “Pokey!”

“Yessir!” the portly adolescent said, saluting her.

“Make sure Dagomon doesn’t fail....”
“Right away, yessir- ehm, I mean, yes’m!” Pokey said, running off to the underground volcano.

Meanwhile, Heather was in the middle of another torture session. MetalChonchimon had been wailing on her for two hours straight. Her shirt was ripped in many places, revealing blood-stained skin. After another hour, the thrashings finally stopped and MetalChonchimon unchained Heather. She once again fell to the ground sobbing.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, it’ll be four hours. Great fun!!” MetalChonchimon said, cleaning the blood off of his whip.

*Four hours?! I hardly survived three!! Oh, I wish Lunamon was here.... and everyone else....* Heather thought, leaning against the cell wall in pain.


“I can’t go on any more!” Mimi exclaimed. “It’s just too hot to be out here in this sun!!”

“We can’t stop! No matter how hot it is!” Tai said, shielding his eyes from the blinding sun. The group was walking across a vast desert. The only ones who weren’t sweating were Ness, Paula, and Poo, because of their air-conditioned PSI globes.

“Guys, can’t one of you at least lemme in?!” Jeff complained, wiping sweat from his forehead.

“We already told ya Jeff, these things can only fit one person at a time. I’d faint if I made it for two,” Ness said. Jeff groaned.

“Well at least something could be done about this heat....” Jeff said, then stopped walking. He looked down at his foot. “What the...?!”

“Hey! My foot’s stuck!” Matt said, trying to pull his foot out of the sand.

“Mine too!” Kari said. All of their feet had sunk down into the sand. Suddenly, they heard a rumbling from below.

“Hey, what’s that noise?” Ness asked.

“I hope it’s not a monster!” Mimi said. Right then, the ground below them burst upwards! A giant red dragon flew up from it, then disappeared into thin air.

Joe looked down. “I think we’re in trouble....” There was a large hole underneath them now. They all started falling. Tentomon, Biyomon, and Patamon flew down after them and managed to get a hold of Izzy, Sora, and T.K., but the kids’ weight quickly pulled them down. Tentomon looked up to see the ground closing above them.

All 21 of them hit the ground with a dull *THUMP.*

“Noooooo, it’s even hotter in heeeeeeere!!!” Mimi wailed.

“Ehh. Strange place, how can we get out of here?” Jeff muttered, examining the walls which were studded with red quartz. “Amazing. It’s hot, but beautiful.” He touched the wall with his palm, then immediately pulled it back. “AAAAAH! It’s hoooooooot!!” He looked at his hand, which was now bright red.

“Of course it’s hot. You’re in an underground volcano....” a deep voice said, out of the darkness.

“Who said that?!” Tai shouted, standing up and clenching his fists.

Almost instantly, the wall next to him burst open. There was a hole big enough for a Deltamon to crawl through. Just then, a huge red dragon stepped out of it. It had two horns on it’s head, like a goat, gigantic onyx wings, and a flame on the tip of it’s tail.

“AAH! What is that thing?!” Ness shouted, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Hmm... that’s Dagomon. Another Mega level, this one deals with fires that can melt even diamond,” Izzy said, peering at the analyzer that Jeff had pulled up on his laptop.

“Fires that can melt diamond?!” Sora shouted.

“Okay. Time for me to go now!” Joe said, trying to tiptoe away, but Dagomon sent a huge flame hurtling at him, scorching the top of his hair. “.....On second thought, I’d be much safer here,” he said, sitting down right where he was.

“Dagomon’s a Virus type, that must mean he’s one of Kitusomon’s hench- err, Digimon,” Izzy pointed out.

“Great, what now?!” Paula said.

“I think we should digivolve!” Lunamon said.

“Agumon! Warp-digivolve to.......WarGreymon!”
“Gabumon! Warp-digivolve to.......MetalGarurumon!”
“Biyomon! Warp-digivolve to.......Phoenixmon!”
“Tentomon! Warp-digivolve to.......HerculesKabuterimon!”
“Palmon! Digivolve to.......Togemon!”
“Gomamon! Digivolve to.......Ikkakumon!”
“Patamon! Digivolve to.......Angemon!”
“Gatomon! Digivolve to.......Angewomon!”
“Lunamon! Digivolve to.......Galaxiamon!”

Dagomon sneered. With his majectic onyx wings, he propelled himself up in the air and began circling around everyone.

“Aaaah, I’m getting really dizzy!” T.K. said, a bit wobbly. He fell over into Kari, who was also dizzy.

“Rainbow Lightning!!” Galaxiamon shouted, shooting her whips at Dagomon. They barely fazed him, being that he was a Mega, but they managed to hold him in place for a few seconds. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon....” Galaxiamon muttered, trying her best to stay rooted to the ground.

WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, Phoenixmon, and HerculesKabuterimon all flew up, surrounding Dagomon. “You think you puny weaklings have any power over me?!” Dagomon shouted, a flame escaping from his nostril.

“You may be strong, but there’s no way you can stand up to us! Terra Force!!” WarGreymon shouted.

“Ice Wolf Claw!!”
“Starlight Explosion!!”
“Mega Electro Shocker!!”

Dagomon sneered again, then shouted “Onyx Shield!!” A sheer black orb surrounded Dagomon, Galaxiamon’s whips still wrapped around him, causing all of their attacks to ricochet off of it. After the other four Megas were taken down and in their Rookie stages, Dagomon gave another flap of his giant wings, lifting Galaxiamon off of the ground. Dagomon began to spin around in midair, twisting Galaxiamon around with him.

“Oiiiiiii!! Diiiiizzyyyyyyy....” she muttered before her attack dissipated. She slammed against the wall with a loud THUD and de-digivolved back to Lunamon.

Angemon and Angewomon flew up to Dagomon at a great speed, preparing their attacks.

“Hand of Fate!”
“Celestial Arrow!”

The attacks never touched Dagomon, as he was much too agile. After dodging both attacks, he swatted the two Angel-type Digimon out of the air with his wings. They de-digivolved, down to Patamon and Salamon.

“You guys are pathetic. Now you will see TRUE power. Blazing Inferno!!” Dagomon shouted, releasing a huge flame from his gaping mouth. Despite the fact that the walls were made of rock, they immediately ignited upon contact of the fire.

“Oh no! What can we do now?!” Mimi shrieked, clinging to the nearest person.

“This guy deserves a Needle Spray!!” Togemon shouted, releasing thousands of tiny thorns at Dagomon. They all bounced off of his steel-like skin.

“You guys amuse me...” Dagomon said, then did a mad dive at Togemon. She dodged, but got hit by his razor-charp claws. She de-digivolved to Palmon.

Ikkakumon, the only Champion-level Digimon left, began firing his Harpoon Torpedoes at Dagomon. They managed to puncture his skin lightly, causing Dagomon to scream in agony. He released a gigantic flame at the walrus-like Digimon, causing him to de-digivolve to Gomamon.

“This guy’s a lot tougher than we thought!” Paula shouted, seeing the last Digimon faint. “Poo, let’s try some PSI Freeze!”

“Right!” the Dalaamese prince shouted, using PSI Freeze Gamma while Paula used PSI Freeze Omega.

“Pathetic,” Dagomon said, before melting their attaks with a Blazing Inferno.

“This isn’t working!” Joe shouted, fanning himself.

Dagomon laughed at the stunned children, then grabbed Gomamon and Palmon in his talons and taking off through the underground volcano.

“Palmon!” Mimi shouted, running after them.

“Gomamon! No!” Joe yelled, following Mimi.

“Guys, wait! It’s too dangerous!” Sora shouted, but the two others barely heard her. “Let’s follow them, they might need out help!” she said, picking up Biyomon and running after them. Everyone else followed suit.

Dagomon tore through the underground volcano, the two Rookie Digimon in his black taons.

Mimi and Joe tagged along behind, climbing over the crags of flaming rock as quickly as they could. “Come back here with Palmon!” Mimi shouted angrily, tears streaming down her face.

Joe ran as fast as he could, jumping over boulders and rocks. He finally managed to climb on top of a large boulder, and he leapt off of it and grabbed ahold of Dagomon’s right foot, where Gomamon was held.

Dagomon looked behind him, and stopped flying. He vigorously shook his right foot, trying to get rid of the young boy holding on to it.

Gomamon opened his eyes, to see Joe hanging on for dear life. “Joe?! What the heck do you think you’re doing?!”

Mimi, out of breath, caught up to the giant red dragon and grabbed on to his other foot. “Let Palmon go!!” she shouted, trying to pry his claws apart.

Dagomon thrust his foot backwards, knocking Mimi over. Palmon woke up at this point, seeing her best friend hit the ground. “Mimi! No!!”

Joe began pounding on Dagomon’s right foot. “Let him go, you stupid thing!”

Gomamon watched his friend bravely claw at Dagomon’s foot. On an impulse, he lowered his head and began gnawing at Dagomon’s claws.

Dagomon howled in pain, dropping both Gomamon and Palmon. As soon as Palmon hit the ground, Mimi sprang up and rushed over to her. “Palmon! Are you alright?! I was so worried!!”

“I think I’m okay...” Palmon said weakly.

“You alright, Joe?” Gomamon asked his partner, who was a bit winded.

“Yeah, I think...” Joe answered, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

“You really showed some guts out there, ‘Old Reliable!’” Gomamon said. Joe’s crest started glowing with a bright blue light.

“Don’t ever leave me again, Palmon! I love you too much!!” Mimi said, holding on to her partner. Her crest also began glowing, this time with a green light. Palmon and Gomamon felt themselves changing forms.

“Palmon! Warp-digivolve to.......Rosemon!!”
“Gomamon! Warp-digivolve to.......MarineAngemon!!”

By this time, the rest of the group had caught up with Joe and Mimi. Jeff peered at his laptop. “Rosemon is Palmon’s Mega form! Her attacks are Thorn Whipping and Rose’s Rapier! And as for MarineAngemon... don’t let his looks fool you! With his Ocean Love and Smiling Face, he can put out even the biggest of forest fires! Now that’s what I call power!” he said, his green eyes shining.

Joe and Mimi stared at their Digimon in awe. Rosemon and MarineAngemon looked down at themselves, then each other. They turned to Dagomon, with fire in their eyes.

“What?! No way!” Dagomon shouted, his booming voice echoing through the underground volcano.

Rosemon flew up, nearly to the ceiling. “Thorn Whipping!!” Thorn-covered vines sliced through the air, striking Dagomon with overpowering force.

MarineAngemon, the tiny pink pixie, zipped towards Dagomon at blinding speed. “Ocean Love!!” he shouted, sending out a storm of blue-green hearts. Not only did they douse the fire on the walls and ground, but Dagomon screamed in pain as the flame on the tip of his tail went out in an instant.

“Good, now he’s vulnerable! Rose’s Rapier!!” Rosemon yelled, throwing a blizzard of roses at Dagomon, they hit him, every single one exploding upon impact.

“I’ll finish him off! Smiling Face!!” MarineAngemon shouted, flashing a wide smile at Dagomon.

“Nooooooooo!!! I may have been defeated, but Lady Kitusomon will not go down this easil....” Dagomon dissolved before he could finish his sentance.

Rosemon and MarineAngemon looked at each other smiling, then de-digivolved, down to Bukamon and Tanemon. Mimi and Joe caught the In-Training Digimon beofre they hit the ground.

“I’m so proud of you, Tanemon! You really showed that bully whose boss!!” Mimi said, holding Tanemon tight.

“I was almost not scared there! Great job, Bukamon!!” Joe said.

Just then, the whole “underground volcano” around them dissolved. “Hey, I think that was just an illusion!” Matt said, blinking at the blindign sun that now shone in the sky.

“True, but the battle was definetely real!” Izzy said, shielding his eyes.


“Lady Kitusomon, Dagomon’s gone down too!!” Pokey whined, peering into the onyx-trimmed crystal ball.

“I know that!” Kitusomon shouted, whacking Pokey on the head with her staff. “Something tells me a certain someone picked the wrong Digimon to take care of those twerps!” she saisd, glaring at Pokey.

“Wellllllllll, there’s still Hokumon, who knows if they’ll get past her!” Pokey said, rubbing the top of his head.

“....I guess you’re right. Hokumon IS my most powerful warrior...” Kitusomon said, sitting down in her onyx-and-ruby throne. “If anyone will be able to defeat the DigiDestined, she will, with her lifelike illusions.....”

“Lady Kitusomon, it’s time for the prisoner’s torture session!” MetalChonchimon chimed in, snapping his whip.

“Good. Show her all of the pain that my minions have gone through....” Kitusomon said, waving him off.

Heather, who was listening from her cell, shuddered. *Great! They’ve defeated two of the three warriors... I’ll be out of here in no time, I hope...* she thought, bracing herself for the first snap of MetalChonchimon’s whip.

The next day.....

“Hey, I can see something!!” Lunamon shouted, pointing to a black tower in the distance.

“Is that Kitusomon’s tower?” Matt asked.

“Yeah, I think so, I used to always see this tower when I sat here to think,” she said, grinning at them.

“Good, let’s hurry. Who knows what Kitusomon’s doing to Heather!!” Tai shouted, sliding down the cliff with Agumon in tow.

T.K. looked a little worried. “I hope she’s okay.... I don’t want her to be..... *sniff*...” he muttered, unable to say the last word.

“The faster we get there, the faster we’ll know if she’s okay!” Paula said, grinning at the small boy.

Tai suddenly stopped in his tracks. “What’s up, Tai?” Agumon asked, stopping behind him.

“It.... it CAN’T be....” Tai stuttered, his eyes unblinking as they were fixed on the figure stumbling towards them. It was a female, with long pigtails, a purple shirt, and bell-bottom jeans.

“It is! It’s Heather!!” Kari shouted, running towards her.

Jeff peered at his laptop. “There’s no way she could have escaped from Kitusomon.....” he said, not believing it. “She’s giving off some strong energy...” he scanned her with his laptop, then gasped. “Kari, wait! It’s a trap!!” Jeff shouted. But it was too late.

Heather, who had seen Kari running towards her, grinned evilly. Her eyes glinted red, and she lunged at the small girl.

“Kari, look out!!” Salamon shouted, bounding towards them. Before Heather could get to her, Salamon began gnawing at her leg.

“Oww! You little...” Heather shouted, trying to shake the Rookie-level Digimon off of her ankle. She looked at Kari, who had stopped in her tracks, and grinned. “Nice little dog you have here....” Her eyes glinted red again.

“You’re not the Heather that I know....” Kari muttered.

“Kari! Run for it! It’s a trap!” T.K. shouted, running towards them.

“T.K.!!” Matt yelled after T.K. had took off running.

“What?! Of course I am!” Heather said, still shaking her ankle, but Salamon clung on tight. Patamon, who had watched from a distance, flew over and attatched himself to Heather’s other ankle.

“You’re not Heather.....” Kari muttered again, her crest giving off a bright pink light.

Jeff peered at his laptop again. “Hey -- that isn’t Heather, it’s a Digimon!!”

“Heather” shielded her eyes from the blinding light emanating from Kari’s crest. She began to flash and blink, and she finally turned into a female Digimon. She was a human-shape Digimon, with pale skin and white hair. She was wearing an outfit covered with flowers, and had a fuschia-colored blossom in her hair.

“Hey, that’s Hokumon! Yet another Mega level, she uses illusions to distract her enemies. She sure fooled uss by disguising herself as Heather!” Izzy said, looking at Jeff’s laptop.

“Ugh, you little wench! How dare you show my true identity! Blossom Cyclone!!” Hokumon shouted, sending a whirlwind of flowers at Kari and T.K. They quickly jumped out of the way, but the winds of the cyclone picked up Salamon and Patamon.

Kari’s crest was still glowing, and shone even brighter as she shouted, “Salamon!!”

T.K. jumped up into the twister and grabbed ahold of Patamon, as Kari did with Salamon.

“T.K., save yourself! Don’t worry about me!!” Patamon yelled.

“No! I won’t leave you!! I’ll never give up!!!” T.K.’s crest began glowing as well, with a bright yellow light. Patamon and Salamon felt themselves changing (we all know what this means e.e;)

“Patamon! Warp-digivolve to.......Goddramon!!”
“Salamon! Warp-digivolve to.......Magnadramon!!”

Everyone stared in shock at the two Holy Dragon Digimon hovering in the skies, both with auras of pink and yellow.

Izzy grabbed Jeff’s laptop. “Goddramon and Magnadramon are among the most powerful of Digimon, and are two of four Holy Dragon-type Digimon. Goddramon’s attacks are God Flame and Summon, while Magnadramon has Fire Tornado and Dragon Fire! Unbelievable!!”

Hokumon sneered. “You think I’m afraid of two Holy Dragons?! Think again!! Hokumon Hurricane!!!!” she yelled, multiplying herself so that there was a ring of Hokumon around Goddramon and Magnadramon. “Now,” all of them said, “let’s see if you can find the real me!!”

“This is a real predicament,” Magnadramon said. “I don’t know if we can handle this one.......”

I DON’T BELIEVE IT!!!! This must be a record for me! I finished the fourth chapter in less than a week?! Ohmygawsh!! Annyhoo, hope ya likes. ^_^

~~PikaChan (Heza Ishida)