SimonBob's Adventure in Eagleland
By Falcon24

One day, SimonBob was walking down the street when suddenly Jack Black jumped out of nowhere! SB was so stunned by his idol appearing before him that he fell backward and into a time rift, landing him in Eagleland. "WTF? Where am I?" SimonBob said, scratching his head and observing the delightful 16-bit color scheme around him. He observed several strangers all around him with the same facial expressions and rigid body movements, all moving in the same patterns over and over and repeating the same statement to random passers by.

Oh my!" SimonBob said. "I must be in Eagleland!" So saying, he ran up the hill to Ness's house (he was in Onett btw) in order to meet Ness and maybe flirt with Tracy. However, on his way up the hill he was attacked by a rabid Liar X. Agerate! "Rar." Liar, who was clearly not the video game's Lier X. but rather Liar X. from the Starmen.Net forums, said with gusto. SimonBob immediately pulled a massive bazooka out of his jacket and blew Liar far above the treeline. He proceeded on his way toward Ness's house. Arriving there, he knocked on the door. Silence from within. He knocked again. A gunshot, a girlish scream, and then a thud followed. Bob frowned in confusion. Footsteps slowly approached the door, and it opened to reveal....

Ness! "Hey there SimonBob." Ness said. "I happen to know your name because well, you're well known in video game circles for your awesomness. Come on in!"
"What was that sound?" Bob said.
"Oh, that?" Ness turned around to look at a massive, bloody pulp in the middle of the kitchen floor. "Dinner. The grocery store was out of steak so mom had to...improvise." Bob nervously stepped inside.
"Here! Have some steak!" Ness's mom said. Reluctantly, Bob sat down and picked at his meal. He cut a piece of the juicy steak and speared it with a fork. However, as he drew it to his mouth, he found a pink ribbon and a lock of golden hair connected to it! SHOCK! DISMAY! Bob jumped away from the table. Ness and his mom closed in.
"He knows too much. He shall not escape the house of the Lee's." Ness said in an evil manner.

"The Lee's?" Bob gulped.
"Yes, the Lee's." Ness's mom said.
"Lee?" Bob repeated.
"Lee." Ness responded.
"Lee." Ness's mom chimed in.

Suddenly, Ness and his mom broke out into harmony.

"Leeeeeee leeeeeee leeeeeeee leeeeee." Ness and his mom ripped their clothes off to reveal none other than Jack Black and Kyle Gass!

The band continued. "I knew a kid named Ness Lee, he cast PSI Rockin' on me. If me and Ness Lee and KG could be free, flyin' freeeeee"
SimonBob interrupted. "I have to pee."
Jack and Kyle glared angrily at Bob. "Always naysaying!" Jack ranted. He pulled a baseball bat out of a nearby yellow backpack and wound up for a grand slam.


SimonBob's head went flying off his body and out the window. As it sailed through the sky, a Spiteful Crow snatched it up midair and carried it away toward its nest. However, it dropped it and the head hurtled toward Earth, where it crashed through the roof of Andonut's Lab and struck Dr. Andonuts on the head. The blow knocked the doctor unconscious, and when he came to he concocted a wild idea for a time machine utilizing an invention he called the flux capacitor. Soon, he retrofitted an old Imitation Coca-Cola van with the device and before long, he was sailing through the time-stream, getting into all types of wacky adventures with Marty McNo Good Fly and Ness's dog, King.

"GASP!" SimonBob said, waking up in a cold sweat. After catching his breath, he looked around his unlit room. He checked the clock to see 1 AM. "Whew, it was all a dream." He said. "Sort of like Super Mario Bros. 2." He took a deep breath. "Well, that's the last time I ask Falcon if he has any fanfics for me. Next time I'll stick to Latest Excuses." So saying, he went back to sleep.