About fifteen years after the Giygas incident, the poor pathetic Pokey sat down in his lab. Giygas gave this lab to him so Pokey would be able to create weapons for his use. Giygas only existed in another world, so he could not interact with the material world itself; thus, Pokey was Giygas' eyes and ears. Pokey was in a heavy state of neurosis after defeat, he'd get nightmares of his defeat over and over and mutter "Ness" to himself.

He was quite intelligent, which belied his life of evil and gluttony, and had a transmitter that allowed him to speak with Giygas, even if he was dead. "Master, the device is almost complete. Soon, you will rule with a curtain of fear once more."

"Excellent, it is about time. I grow weary of the echoes in the multiverse. Is Paula taken care of? The only one able to defeat me?"

"No sir. But believe me, I will find her and deal with her appropriately."

"Excellent. You will no longer find her in Twoson... I believe she has gone to Fivevidea, the city famous for its' movie stars and studios. She is running a TV Show, one of those psychic shows. Go now..."

The transmitter shorted out. It could only hold a brief conversation before it had to be repaired. Pokey realized what had to be done.

Ness and Paula had married and settled down in Summers, a half hour drive from Fivevidea. They had no children yet. Paula did her psychic talk show and Ness was a professional baseball player of the Summers Forks. Despite a busy schedule, they met often. Meanwhile, Pokey stealthily got into their beachfront home and…

After a busy day of work, Ness and Paula entered their house only to find vulgar language spray-painted all over and in red spray paint there was a message: “I’ll get you, hahahaha!”

Paula shouted, “Call the police!”

“Don’t bother, you and I already know who it is!”

“Couldn’t be…Pokey?”

“Yes, come on, I’ll get my Gutsy bat.”

“Like old times…” Ness and Paula, who were armed to the teeth (well, sort of) stepped into the kitchen. The fridge was empty and there was more vulgar language.

“Definitely Pokey! He ate all the food!”

“Pokey is not here anymore, but a subordinate of him is,” a mysterious robotic voice resounded.

“Sounds familiar…I think it’s a Starman…”

“Correct, and I have been upgraded for this assignment. I am Starman Anniversary Edition. I am invisible. I am made of three titanium-adamantium alloys. Plus, I’m GOLD!

Ness begun swinging madly at air until he heard a painful crash/crunch noise, disabling the Starman’s invisibility device, and… just about everything else too. “We’d better call up our old friends. I think Pokey won’t be as easy as last time.”