A New Peace


This story takes place in an imaginary world (like a video game). EarthBound was the name of the game. It involved four average teenagers who had to save the Earth from an evil alien invader that influenced the minds of other people. The kids were Ness (the chosen one), Paula (the possessor of physic powers), Jeff (the mechanical genius), and Poo (the mysterious prince from the East). These four kids defeated the alien, and they restored peace. However, because the leader Ness is the chosen one, he becomes involved in a political disaster that is much different from his last adventure. The story involves a new character (named Brian) who witnessed and became involved in this event after the alien was defeated. As they begin this adventure, they intact and utilize new machines. They encounter new people, and old friends. Now it is up to Ness, Brian, and Jeff to save the world. This is nothing new to Ness and Jeff, but totally new to Brian. Brian tells his story of A World of New Peace, that is actually another episode in EarthBound.


When I moved, it was the greatest change, and adventure, in my life. I used to live in a town called Kingmond. It was about 80 miles north of Onett. I lived a good thirteen years of my life there. Kingmond was a relatively good city, but it was growing too much. My dad’s business of manufacturing "Ultra Utility Spark Plugs" couldn’t compete anymore. I guess no one really needed spark plugs in Kingmond. Probably because all the stores had them. Fourside consists of mainly small stores. So manufacturing to these other stores would be very easy. When I arrived, I learned some strange things about the town’s past. I learned of a zombie attack, and how some kids thwarted the creatures. I didn’t believe it at first, but when I saw some zombie carcasses in the cages at the circus, I had to believe it.

People say there is some mystical tunnel behind the west graveyard that leads to a strange and odd place. The tunnel is completely blocked. It’s like a conspiracy. No one wants to know what is there. I wanted to find out everything about my town, as well as the others beside it. Of course, interest in something can lead to something very different from what would be expected. I found this very true when I moved to this town called Threed.

"Brian! Help us finish unpacking the truck!" yelled my mom. We were too cheap to get a real moving van, so we just got a U-Haul-It truck.

I went in the truck to realize there was nothing left. We were working for more than three hours with packing. I wanted to take a break and look at the town.

"Mom! Can I leave now? I wanna check out this place."

"Oh . . . well . . . all right. But be back in fifteen minutes, and DON’T get lost." My mom was very overprotective. I left as fast as I could. Our house was right by a tunnel. Tunnels and caves are very numerous around here. I started walking. I walked down the road to find a small store and a pizza shop. I wanted to see the graveyard, but I didn’t have any time. I also saw some other buildings and houses beyond the west tunnel. Someday, I thought, I’m going to see what’s around here. Probably nothing. It’s strange how thoughts can be so wrong. I continued back home. I was trapped there for a week.

After over a week of cabin fever, my mom let me out. She plainly let me go. I left the house in a hurry. My main objective was to see the graveyards, but I got sidetracked. I saw a bus schedule by the hotel. I walked up to it and read it. Just then, a bus pulled up. The driver stuck his head out and asked, "Hey kid! This bus is goin’ to Twoson. Are ya’ gettin on?"

I nodded, quickly paid for the fare, and got on. I almost did this out of instinct. Twoson, I thought while riding the bouncy bus, I wonder what that place is like? The ride lasted ten minutes, until I arrived. I got off the bus and it drove away. I then realized I had no idea where to go. I wandered the streets. There was a large park with many vendors. This section of Eagleland was different from any other. It seemed like a perfect world. Something incomprehensible. It was strange. I could almost hear a light happy music playing in the background . . .

I left the park, and continued to walk aimlessly through the town. As I walked, I looked at the ground and sort of pondered this situation. When I looked up, I found myself in front of another hotel. Then I looked around the unfamiliar terrain. "GREAT!" I said out loud, "I’m lost!" There was a cave beyond the hotel. I decided to go through it. The cave was musty and the air was old, but there was sun at the other end. When I came out, there was a narrow dirt road. As I walked up it, I realized I was in another town. The town of Onett. I saw an arcade, but I only had two dollars. I better call my mom, I thought, WAIT a minute! I don’t even know my phone number! I don’t even think we have a phone! Depressed, I continued to walk north.

I passed some houses. They were far from the city area. There was a large green hill. I looked at it then realized where I was. Hey! This is the famous Onett meteor crash site! I thought it wasn’t true. I wanted to see the meteor, but I saw something else more interestingly. Beyond the hills and the trees, there were some kids playing in a baseball field. I walked toward it with extreme interest. There were about eight kids there. Two kids were choosing teams. A kid in a red hat appeared to be doing the most organization.

"All right! Guys, throw your gloves in a pile and I’ll throw them side to side," said the kid. I moved closer.

"Hey Ness, is Jeff coming?" asked an athletic looking kid.

The kid in the red hat responded, "Um, I think he his. Of course he has a major report to do, but he should be here soon." He finished throwing and mixing the gloves.

"Let’s see here... Hey Sean! You’re on my team. So are you, Picky. Who else is?"

Two other kids came to him, and the rest went to the kid in the red hat.

"Ness!" whined one kid, "These teams are UNFAIR! Everyone’s bigger than me!"

"Well Dougy, there’s no way to get these teams even unless we get one or two more people. And I don’t see anyone . . . do you?"

"Sure. Over there."

The kid pointed at me. I just stood there. All eight started to descend toward me. I didn’t know what people were like around here, so I was on my guard. Most people in Kingmond were jerks and would do anything for a fight. I wasn’t sure if they were like that.

"Hey!" said the kid in the red hat, "Wanna play? DO you play?"

I responded easily, "Yes and yes."

He chuckled, "All right. I have some extra gloves by the dugout. Take one that you like. You can be on Yuri’s team." He pointed at Yuri. He was the athletic looking one.

"OH!" shouted the kid, "I’m Ness. That’s Sean, Picky, Dougy, Billy, Ray, and Jim. What’s your name?"

"Oh, um, Brian."

"All right. Well, let’s play!"

Yuri came up to me and asked, "So, what position do you play?"

"Doesn’t matter."

"Okay, take second and third. I’m pitching. PICKY! Take center field. Sean! Take first, and Ray will take left field. Alternate positions with the left and right-handed batters . . . wait, we’re all right-handed. Okay, forget it."

I ran to my position. Some kid with a huge cowboy hat was up to bat. Yuri lobbed the ball. The kid whiffed it, which made him spin around. The kid threw it back to Yuri. Yuri pitched the ball once more. The kid swung, and hit a high short one right to Yuri. He grabbed it easily. "ONE DOWN!" he screamed, "Who’s the next victim?" A kid with a really big red hat was up next. The hat nearly covered his whole face. Yuri pitched it fast, and the kid watched it go by. He picked up the ball and threw it back. Yuri threw the ball back at the kid. He watched it again. "COME ON DOUGY! YOU’RE SO DUMB! SWING!" shouted Yuri. Dougy’s faced flushed red. He seemed furious. Yuri pitched the ball. Dougy smacked it right at Yuri. The ball ricochet off his shoulder, and I caught it. The catch stung my hand. We all went to attend to Yuri.

"Sorry Yuri," apologized Dougy.

Yuri gasped, "Ugh, it’s okay...Uh, I better go guys. My shoulder really hurts. Later."

Yuri limped away from sight. We continued playing. Ness was up to bat. Picky came in and pitched the ball. Ness SMAAAASHED it into left field. The kid in left screeched. I quickly ran to left. The ball was in sight. It was a high one. It was coming down fast. I leaped forward, and made a miraculous catch. "Whew!" I said with relief.

I ran back to the infield. Ness said, "Hey! You’re pretty good! Where do you live?"

"Threed," I replied, "But I-"

"NESS!" yelled a voice. Someone started running toward us.

"Oh, hey Jeff. You made it for once."

"Yeah. Hey, where’s everyone?"

"Well Yuri- Hey! Everyone left! That stinks."

"Oh. Um, who are you?"

I replied, "I’m Brian. I was just walking around. Then I found Ness. We played for a little bit."

"Oh, well, we can play catch right?"

"I guess so."

We started throwing the ball back and forth. Jeff didn’t seem like the real sporty type. He had thick glasses, and had a weird looking watch. He even wore a suit with a bow tie...to a baseball game! The only sports apparel he was wearing was a blue baseball hat. He seemed like an interesting person.

"So," Ness asked me as he pitched the ball, "What made you end up here?"

I caught the ball and replied, "Well, I was wandering the streets and-" a loud beeping noise interrupted me. "Um, what’s that?" I asked. The ball rolled to the ground.

It was Jeff’s watch. "Hello? Maxwell! What the-?!"

Jeff’s watch started "talking". "Jeff!<static> *bang!* AHH! The Kamis! They found out about the embezzleme-<static> *slam!* *slam!* *shatter!* AHH! TONY!...They brok-*slam!* vooo...AH! ACK! <click>!"

Jeff’s face went pale, "Oh no. This can’t be happening. The Kamis found out about the plutonium embezzlement. I can’t believe they caught onto Maxwell."

"Jeff! You mean THE Kamis?! Aren’t they that overzealous political group of people in Rasana?" asked Ness.

"Yeah, and they did something to Maxwell. Come on guys! Let’s go! To Winters!"

I was very confused at this point, "WHOA! Hold up guys. I’m not grasping what’s going on. I understand the plutonium embezzlement, and how it would make the Kamis mad, but how do YOU expect to save this guy?! We’re just kids!"

Ness and Jeff’s eyes widened. Jeff said, "Um oh, well, seeing you know about it now, you might as well come with us."

"WHAT?!" I yelled, "How do you expect to get to WINTERS?! It’s in a different country! Very FAR away!"

Ness seemed to ignored what I said, "Come on guys! Get behind me, and we’ll teleport to Winters."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"No Ness. I have Apple Kid’s instant teleporter. We’ll use it to go to Rasana too."

"Okay! Come on, Brian, Jeff. Let’s go."

I was dumbfounded at this point. Jeff led us to a strange looking device. It was in front of a nice looking house. There were two green pads covered by a transparent yellow door, and an odd looking computer. "Okay, let’s all get on the pad. I’ll operate the device with my watch." We all stood the pads, and Jeff tinkered with his watch. I think I fell unconscious at this point.


I woke up in a totally different place.

"Okay we’re here," announced Ness. We opened the pod doors.

"Yeah," said Jeff. He looked up and was in shock, "AHHHHH! What happened to the school!?"

The building was totaled. The windows and doors were broken, and some walls were knocked down. It looked like a crack house. The cold air and the cloudy sky fit the destruction of the building.

"What happened here?" I asked. I thought to myself, This MUST be a dream. Yeah, I’ll just go along with it.

"The Kamis destroyed Snow Wood!" said Jeff in anger. We followed him into the wreckage of the school. The inside of the school was trashed. Small fires were burning here and there. I saw a note. "Hey guys, I found a note," I announced.

"Let me see." Jeff took the note and read it out loud:

To whoever is reading this, this is from the students of Snow Wood. The Kamis are breaking in! They’re after Maxwell. We students are fleeing. But they got Maxwell and Tony. PLEASE! Help them! Somehow

And the note ended.

"Tony, " said Jeff sadly, "They got him too."

"Jeff," I asked, "Whose Maxwell and Tony?"

He replied sadly, "Maxwell is the principal and head teacher of this school. Tony...he’s...he’s my best friend. Come on."

We continued to follow Jeff. He entered a lab room. It was destroyed.

"This is Maxwell’s lab. LOOK! Another note." Jeff picked up the note tacked on the bulletin board. He then looked puzzled and disappointed. "I think this note’s in Rasanian. I don’t know what it says."

That’s when I realized I could help. "Jeff! My dad gets into foreign businesses sometimes. He KNOWS Rasanian."

"GREAT! Where do you live? And how did you get here? You never told us."

"Well, I used to live in Kingmond. I moved to Threed a week ago. I decided to check out the towns. Then I got lost. I ended up in Onett looking for help. I then started playing baseball with Ness, and now I’m here."

"Oh, all right. Let’s go to Threed!"

Jeff took the note, and we went outside. We got on the pads, and he sent us to Threed.


We ended up in the West graveyard in Threed. We stepped out of the machine’s pods, and we closed the doors.

"Wow guys," I said in awe, "You’re incredible Jeff. Do you guys know anything about that blocked off hole over there? What does it lead to?"

"Well, um, Saturn Valley," said Ness hesitantly.

"Oh, whatever. Ness, do you know anything about that meteorite crash? Or the zombies that used to live here? Or the-"

"Okay okay okay!" yelled Ness, "Yes, WE know all about them because we...we were involved in it."

"Huh?" I said, confused.

Ness and Jeff started explaining an amazing adventure they had. How they thwarted the zombies, saved Saturn Valley from a Belch creature, and how they rescued the Fourside mayor from an evil spell.

"Whoa! So you...So YOU guys are the people who did all that? Wow! I don’t know why I’m so surprised..."

"Yep," said Ness, "But that’s all behind me. Don’t tell anyone, okay?"

"Um, okay. Well, let’s go to my house."

We walked quickly in the streets, and I somehow found my house. I walked in to see my dad reading the newspaper.

He looked up from his reading and said, "Why hello, Brian. I see you met some people."

"Yeah. This is Ness, and this is Jeff."

"Oh okay. Nice to meet you two. So what are you all up to?"

I answered, "Well, we found this note. I think it’s in Rasanian. You took Rasanian in college right?"

"Yes," he answered, "Let me see it."

I handed the letter to him. He put on his reading glasses. "Hmmm..."

"What’s it say?" I asked.

Okay, I’ll try to translate it out loud:

Maxwell and kid is with us. Plutonium and plans we took. Need more plans for bomb. Maxwell is doomed for defying us. Soon Kamis will be the new world power! Hail Kamis!

"Where did you get this? And how did you know it was the Rasana language?"

"Oh, Jeff said it looked like Rasanian. It was just... lying around. Um, we’re going to leave now. When should I be back?"

"Oh I don’t care. Really. Just try to be home before dark. Mom went shopping in Fourside, so you won’t have to worry about her." My dad smiled. "Have fun!" He handed me back the note.

"All right, well, we’re off."

As we left my house, I examined the note on the back. "What’s this?"

Jeff grabbed it, "It appears to be a map...of a location in Rasana! THIS must be where they took Tony and Maxwell! We have to go there and save them! Let’s prepare for the journey."

"Uhh, okay," I said uneasily.

"OH NO!" exclaimed Jeff, "My teleporter! Hope no one messed with it. Hurry, lets go to it!"

We ran to the graveyard to the teleport machine. I surveyed the area around me and thought, Did WE make all these foot prints?...

"That’s funny," said Ness, "Did we forget to close the door?"

Jeff answered, "Yeah...um...we did. Yeah...THAT’S why I’m worried about someone messing it up. Ness! Go get supplies, and help. Can Paula or Poo help us?"

"Well, Paula’s with her mom and the kids on a field trip or something, and Poo can’t be bothered since he has ‘Princely Duties’."

"Okay. Well, just go buy stuff we’ll need. Make sure to buy some heavy artillery, because the Kamis probably have high defenses."

"All right, I’ll be back in about an hour."

Ness spun around and then shot off into the clear sky. I was amazed.

"How-How-How did he do that?!" I asked in amazement.

"Oh, he has ‘psychic powers’ that enable him to do that," explained Jeff as he tinkered with the machine, "personally, I don’t believe in it, but it’s helped us many times."

"I don’t get it, Jeff. Why were YOU TWO involved in all those things? Is there any connection between them, or are you two a bunch of SUPER HEROS?"

"Well, okay, I’ll explain more on our adventure. It all started with the meteorite crash in Onett..." Jeff continued with the story. I soon realized that they were battling an evil alien invader. This alien changed the minds of people like the Fourside mayor. I thought maybe that’s why Kingmond was so messed up.

"...and then we finally defeated him, but Pokey, Ness’s neighbor, vowed revenge. Yeah, that’s about it."

"Wow. This is weird. This has to be a dream!"

"Well, it isn’t. I thought it was a dream too."

Jeff continued to examine the machine, "Well, the machine appears to be operational. Now to wait for Ness."

We waited five minutes, then Ness swooped from the sky. It scared me half to death.

"Whew! Okay, I have ‘all da goods’. I bought five multi bottle rockets, five super bombs, some food, some warm clothes, and my two bats. Here Brain. You like baseball. Here’s my LEGENDARY BAT. Use it. It’s the second best bat I have."

"Wow, thanks!"

"Sorry, Jeff, but that’s all I could carry."

"No problem. I patented and improved my Moon Beam Gun. I call it the Omega Beam Gun. Okay guys, hop on the pods. I’ll initialize it to Rasana."

Jeff appeared to be programming with his watch. "All right! It’s set! Now, let’s go save Tony and Maxwell, and relieve this world of the Kamis!" He activated his watch. When he pushed that button, I was going to embark on the greatest adventure in my life.


I woke up. I expected to be in a deserted, snow and mountain-covered landscape, but I saw myself flying in a world of colors. Beside me were Ness and Jeff. A strange blue aura was surrounding Ness. I fell unconscious at this point.


I woke up cold. My vision of the landscape looked exactly the same of what it really looked like. "Guys! Wake up!"

Jeff woke up first, "Whew! Come on Ness, wake up!"

Ness was completely still.

"NESS! WAKE UP!" shouted Jeff.


"Please please PLEASE wake up!"


Jeff sat down in despair.


"I-I-don’t know what happened."

"Uh...oh.. Guys..."

"NESS!" exclaimed Jeff, "You’re alive!"

"I am? Oh, I feel so...drained."

"Huh?" asked Jeff.

That’s when I remembered the whirl of light surrounding Ness. Ness seemed to be losing consciousness again. "Jeff, maybe the machine is responsible-"

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? I gave a THROUGH inspection of the machine! There is NOTHING wrong with- what is it Ness?"

Ness pointed to a small flashing light. Jeff examined it.

His face went pale. He then said in horror, "This-this is made in RASANA. The Kamis must have bugged the device. I’ll do an analysis check on this thing. Thank goodness I have this watch." Jeff activated his watch and a beam scanned the round object. "According to this," Jeff explained, "the device drains mental strength and energy when nuclear strength energy is put into it. In other words, when the machine was activated, the energy activated the bug. Then, the bug absorbed Ness’s mental strength or physic abilities. I wonder if it did anything else?"

Suddenly, the machine went haywire. The machine with the green pads shot into the air, and traveled over the vast Rasanian mountains.

Jeff was amazed.

"Ness," I asked, "Get up. Please."

He got up, "Oh . . .I can’t concentrate...I can’t use PSI!"

"Ju-just as I thought. Guys, we’re stuck here!"

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Now we HAVE to find Tony and Maxwell." Jeff pulled out the map. "Hopefully these are the famous Arle mountains that separate the Kamis from the regular Rasanians." Jeff looked at us. "Guys! We HAVE to trek across this land! We have to find them!"

I asked, "But what about that teleporter thing...we HAVE to find it!"

"Hmmm," thought Jeff, "YES! Hopefully I can detect the direction that the machine took. The Kamis MUST want it. If we can find the machine, we can find Tony and Maxwell!"

Once again, Jeff used his all powerful watch to detect the path the machine took.

"According to this," he explained, "the machine flew 225 miles in 5 minutes." Jeff showed me the screen of his watch. "That blue dot right there is us...and the green dot is the machine. The green dot must be the Kamis’ base."

"Oh," I said. I suddenly realized something, "Wait a minute...225 MILES!? How are we EVER going to travel 225 miles?! By the time we get there, your friends will be dead and the Kamis will rule the world!" I realized what I said. I thought it would upset Jeff but he smiled and said, "Then we’ll get there fast, won’t we? The nearest town is 300 miles away. We really have no choice. Until Ness regains his PSI abilities, we'll have to cross the mountains."

"Alright. Come on Ness. Let’s go."

Ness got up. He looked really weak, but he was able to walk. We walked for nearly 2 hours in the cold tundra. Ness was smart when he bought some coats at the store. It was still cold, but there was no wind. The sky was clear and blue. The mountain reflected the light like a giant mirror. I walked with my head down the whole time.

"Well guys," announced Jeff, "only 220 miles to go. The mountain is only 2 miles away."

"Oh fun," complained Ness, "I wish I could use my PSI! But I just forgot! Stupid Kamis, stupid machine..." Ness trailed off. We continued to walk. After one more long hour, we reached the base of the mountain. We sat down exhausted.

Ness panted, "Jeff...how are we EVER going to scale this mountain? And its unreal to think we can travel 200 miles to get to a stupid Kami base!"

Jeff replied, "Well, I don’t know. I wasn’t expecting this to happen. Let’s see...this mountain is very small. Only about 2500 feet at the maximum."

"Oh, wonderful," said Ness sarcastically, "You know, it seems like SOMEONE will rush in right now, and save us." We waited for 30 seconds. "Ah! Forget it! Come on! Let’s climb this thing."

We started walking upward on the rocks. We were about 20 feet above the ground, when Jeff’s watch activated in a loud beeping noise. I was so startled, I almost fell.

"<beep! beep! beep! *click!*> HELLO? HELLO?! Jeff! ANYONE! This is MAXWELL!" said the watch.

The screen on the watch changed to a speaker. Jeff responded excitedly, "Maxwell! How did you- where did you- WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"I’m at one of the Kamis’ headquarters! They bugged your machine to come here. But they foolishly put it <*static*> here. Tony an<click!>I reprogrammed it so it is operational for control with your watch. The manual controls are gone, but YOU should <*static*> able to get it!"

"Oh thank goodness! Are you two okay?"

"UH, <static> no. They’re going to torture and brainwash us in a few hour<click! static> YOU HAVE TO HURRY! Oh no! This cell phone’s-<*static!* click click click! Beeeeeeeeep....>"

Jeff turned off his watch. He looked up and said, "Well guys, it’s time to save Maxwell and Tony."

I was puzzled, "But Jeff, why didn’t Maxwell and Tony get on the machine, and then you could send them here?"

"Well I uh..I don’t know...Maybe the machine’s out of reach or something. Okay guys, I believe the machine is ready. It’ll take a while to reprogram and for it to get here."

Jeff worked diligently while Ness and I talked.

"Ness, are you feeling all right?"

"Oh yeah, much better. But I still can’t concentrate on PSI."


"So, what compelled you to walk to Onett and to go to the field?"

"Well, like I said, I got lost. I must have wandered for hours. What time is it now? Seems like time just stayed the same..."

Jeff jumped in, "WELL, we ARE in another time zone!" He smiled and went back to work.

"Um, yeah," I said, "So what was your adventure about?"

"My what? Oh my adventure. I try not to think about it. It was cool, but people I tell don’t know the reality of it..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I’d get in fights with all these weird creatures. You have no idea what they’re capable of, and you wonder if you can defeat them only by your wits."

"How did you survive?"

"Well, I’m not sure. I guess I just had fate on my side. It was weird. Every time I got knocked out, I’d go to this weird place. This voice would tell me I had another chance to fight or something. To this day, I have no idea who that person is. But it’s okay. I would have to say, it WAS the greatest experience I have ever had. I don’t regret it at all."

"Whoa, I had no idea."

"Yeah well, you know now. Just don’t tell anyone, okay?"

"Sure, no problem."

"SUCCESS!" shouted Jeff triumphantly, "The machine is on it’s way!"

"Alright!" Ness and I shouted.

"It should be here about....now."

Sure enough, the two green pads materialized from the sky, to land right in front of us. I wondered how this thing worked. But I didn’t really care. This was my ticket home. I hopped in the left pad and closed the door. Ness and Jeff went in the right pad.

"Okay guys!" shouted Jeff, "Let’s get this show on the road!" He programmed his watch and the machine activated. A sort of force field surrounded the pad. Then I noticed sparks fly all around me. That’s funny, I thought, It never did that before... I fell unconscious.


I woke up on a cold cement floor.

"Uhhh. Guys, were are we?" I waited for a response, "GUYS?" I looked around to see they weren’t there. The green pod was destroyed. Parts of it sparked as it sat there. The area around me looked like a dark prison cell. Maybe that’s what it was. But the cell door was open, and I cautiously walked out.

I equipped the bat Ness gave me. I had no idea where I was. I crept out of the room cautiously. I saw a man in a brown suit at the end of the hall. As I continued down the hall, I looked in all the rooms. None of them had Ness or Jeff in them. I was about 7 feet away from the guard when he turned around. He yelled something. It was probably a command to stop. He started blowing a loud whistle. Out of instinct, I SMAAAASHED him with the bat. He fell unconscious and fell to the ground. I searched him for anything useful. I took the walkie talkie, his Kami badge, and his gun. I figured the gun would come in handy for something. I put all the items in my pocket except for the badge. The badge was really an arm band that had the Kami symbol on it. I put it on and continued walking.

The halls were dark and vast. Sort of like hospital halls. It was a giant maze. There were new halls and turns every were. I just kept going straight. As I walked I heard voices in the cells. Voices saying: "I’ll do it! Just don’t kill me!" and "NO WAY! I’ll never accept your stupid-<*bzzzz*!> AHHHH! OKAY!" and "Yes, I do accept Kamis. I LOVE the Kamis. I was so wrong." The another one was, "NO WAY I WON’T DO IT!.....<bang!> ack!...voo..." The most popular was, "But...<*BANG!*>..."

The Kamis were converting innocent people to their political views. The weird thing is, that I could understand what they were saying. They must have kidnaped people in Eagleland too.

As I continued to walk I overheard a conversation:

"I sure hope he comes soon."

"D-don’t worry, Tony. Jeff’s smart. He’ll find us. I know he will. I hope he will..."

When I realized they were talking about Jeff, I ran to the cell. I looked in the window to see a weird looking man, and a kid about my age.

The man yelled, "TONY! Get ready to attack!"

I replied, "NO! You don’t understand. I’m not a Kami. I came with Jeff and Ness. I lost them, and I have no idea where they are. How can I get you guys out of here?"

Maxwell said, "The door opens from the outside."

I pulled the handle on the door and then I pushed the door. Tony and Maxwell came out quickly.

"Thanks a lot!" said Tony gratefully, "Now, how do we get out of here? Wait, where’s Jeff?"

"I don’t know," I replied, "I’ve been asking myself the same question."

"Well, let’s find him and get out of here!"

Maxwell and I nodded. At every end of the hall there was a guard. There were also things painted on the wall, but they were in Rasanian.

"Man!" said Tony discouraged, "What does this junk say?"

"Hmm..let me see," said Maxwell, "It says that the main HQ is to the left, section B-4 is to the right, and section G-7 is up ahead. I have no idea what all this means."

We continued to walk forward a couple steps. Then a guard came at us blowing his whistle. He was five feet in front of us when he pulled out his pistol. He fumbled with it. He seemed to be too nervous to shoot it. I pulled out the bat and hit his hands. The gun fired and fell to the floor. Fortunately it didn’t hit anyone. I gave him one more hit to the head, and he fell. It was weird, I felt no guilt for hitting him at all.

"These Kamis are pretty clumsy," I said "Search him for stuff we can use."

Maxwell found a bread roll, the Kami armband, a walkie talkie, and the pistol.

"Alright guys," said Maxwell, "We HAVE to split up. But we might end up losing each other..."

That’s when I remembered the walkie talkies, "Here! We can use these to let each other know what’s going on. But won’t the other guards hear us?"

"Hmmm, yeah they will. So we’ll do this; ‘I found the gold’ means you found Jeff and Ness, ‘Meet at the dump’ means we’ll meet back HERE and get out of here, and ‘S-O-S’ will mean that someone is in trouble and we should get out of here IMMEDIATELY. No matter where we are."

"Okay," agreed Tony, "Where do we go?"

"Well, Tony, you can go with...um...wait. What IS your name?"

"Brian," I answered.

"Okay, YOU’LL go with Brian, and I’ll go alone. I’ll go back that way, and you go to the right."

I pulled out the walkie talkie and gave it to Maxwell. He picked up the pistol and ran down the hall and looked in all the rooms.

"Well, Brian, let’s go."

We walked cautiously. We looked in every cell in the hall, but no one was in there. Suddenly, the lights sparked and became much dimmer. Tony and I continued to walk. I was exhausted, it must have been 12:00 am back home. But I kept on going.

We saw two dark figures down the hall. Tony and I stopped. The figures started rushing toward us. We wanted to run away, but new guards came at the other end of the hall. Tony and I stood there, ready for anything that would come at us. I pulled out the bat, and Tony clenched his fists.

The figures came closer...and closer...until finally we collided with them resulting with a five second war. I hit one of the figures in the legs and one of them shot a beam into the darkness. That’s when I realized who these people were.

"NESS?!" I shouted.

"Huh? BRIAN! You’re here! We thought you were Kamis! TONY!" exclaimed Ness.

Jeff said, "Brian! TONY! I’m so glad you’re alive! Wh-where’s Maxwell?"

"He’s looking for you. But we have some walkie talkies, so we’re okay."

I turned on the walkie talkie and said, "We found the gold! I repeat, WE FOUND THE GOLD!" I waited for a response. At first I got some Rasanian gibberish but Maxwell finally said, "10-4! I’ll meet you at the dump!"

We all ran down the hall, but we forgot about the two guards. We engaged them. They were much smarter then the last ones. They pulled out their guns. Ness and I both leapt at them with our bats. The attack hurt them a little. Jeff fired his Omega Beam Gun at one of the guards hands. The beam hit the gun, and it melted. The guard was stunned and ran away. Tony picked up a rock and whipped it at the other guard. It hit him right between the eyes. The guard staggered and dropped his gun. I quickly picked it up and pointed it at him. He ran away in fear.

After that battle, we waited five minutes. Maxwell came running toward us.

"Jeff! You-you’re okay!" said Maxwell gasping, "Th-the Kamis are coming! HOARDS OF THEM! They’re onto us! Hurry! We have to get out of here!"

I saw a whole group of people running toward us. They were blowing their whistles and waving their night sticks. We ran forward. We were half way down the hall when Jeff pulled out two super bombs.

"Here, Maxwell! Heave these at the end of the hall!"

Maxwell detonated the bombs and threw them at the end of the hall towards the soldiers. They rolled, and stopped in the intersection. We all ran as fast as we could. The explosion eliminated the soldiers, but made us reel forward. We ended up at a solid steel door.

"Maxwell!" I said, "What does the writing on the door say?"

"It says: Kami Main Headquarters. Authorized Personnel Only!"

Tony said to Jeff, "What are we going to do?"

"I’ll tell you what we’re going to do...WE’RE GOING TO DEFEAT THE KAMIS! Stand back! I’m going to blow this door down!" We all ran behind Jeff. We went 30 feet back and took cover. He fired two of his multi bottle rockets. The explosion was immense. The door was almost gone. Ness and I busted the remains of the door with our bats. We quickly ran through the dark doorway. We must have tripped a laser or something, because alarms started to sound, and automatic guns started to fire. Jeff shot the guns with his Beam Gun, and Ness and I bashed the guns from behind. We were lucky to be alive. We finally entered a large room. The room was so big, I wondered if it had any end.

A door slammed behind us. We were trapped. Dim lights turned on. There were thousands of soldiers everywhere. Then a voice spoke.

"Hello and greetings! I am the head leader of the Kamis! You were foolish to come here and think you could defeat us." After he said this, every soldier cocked their rifles. He continued, "With these new plans for instant teleportation AND time travel, the Kamis will rule the world! HA HA HA! A world of equality. A world were everyone has the same amount of wealth. A world that will thank ME! Thank you for these plans. You have the blonde boy to thank."

We all looked at Jeff. He smiled uneasily and said, "I-I knew I shouldn’t have made that stuff! It fell into the wrong hands! Especially my dad’s time machine . . ."

"NO! Thank yourself! It fell into the correct hands. A blond overweight kid relieved you of your plans, and bugged your precious teleporter! Thank goodness for him..."

"POKEY!" yelled Ness.

"Um, yes, Pokey. You people bore me. See this computer here? This controls the commands of all Kami bases all over the world. These bases are going to be used to attack every country on this Earth. But you are merely children...most of you. And I have no use for you. Hmmm, why am I telling you this? AH! Because I am CONFIDENT that you will lose miserably. Fire at will..."

Horror and fear swept among us. Jeff fired his bottle rocket at the platform were some soldiers were. To our surprise, the explosion made the men shatter. It was just a mirror!

"MIRRORS!" shouted Jeff, "Most of these are mirrors!" Jeff was shooting bottle rockets everywhere. All the mirrors shattered. In the end, there were only two soldiers. They fled.

"AH! So you ARE armed! Let’s see if you can resist this!" Out of the darkness, a red beam was shot at us. Ness dodged it, but it hit everyone else, including me. It was horrible. I felt like dying. It was an intense burning sensation.

"Y-YOU!" shouted Ness. As I laid on the ground, I saw that Ness was furious.

"YOU won’t destroy my friends! AHHHHHHH!" Ness’s burst of fury made him emit strange colorful waves into the darkness. Then, glorious rays of light filled the area. Ness then jumped an amazing 50 feet in the air, and SUPER SMAAAAAASHED the Kami leader. I don’t know what the Kami leader looked like, but I’m sure he didn’t look like much after what was dealt to him.

"Ack! Ohhhh! moan... Hail Kamis...foreve-ooo...."

The Kami leader perished right then. Or disappeared. Whatever happened to him, he was gone.

"Guys!" yelled Ness as he ran to us, "Are you alright? Let me help you..."

I suddenly felt much better. So did everyone else.

"Jeff!" yelled Tony, "Do something with that computer over there!"

We all ran to the computer. Jeff thought out loud: "Let’s see, I’ll say that Kaminism is no more, and will never come again...and <Bzzzz! BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP!> Uh oh!"

"Jeff!" I yelled, "What’s going on?!"

"I don’t know!"

Maxwell came in and said, "JEFF! You told the machine to destroy all Kami bases...INCLUDING THIS ONE! WE HAVE TEN MINUTES TO GET OUT OF HERE!"

We quickly ran as fast as we could. We ran out of the vast room, down the hall, down another hall, and down more halls. The cell doors were open and other people were fleeing. We had to climb many stairs in order to get outside. We ran outside to realize the whole base was a maze in the Arle mountains.

"Guys! I know PSI! Come on! Get behind me!" announced Ness.

We lined up behind Ness, and he teleported us away from Rasana. As we flew up into the air, I saw the entire base go up in a huge explosion.


We arrived in Winters. There were a bunch of kids in front of the school.

"G-guys! It’s them! They’re here! THEY’RE ALIVE!" shouted one of the kids.

They ran up to Maxwell, Tony, and Jeff. "I’m so glad you guys are safe. Too bad about the school, huh." said another kid.

Maxwell replied, "Well, it’ll be alright. We’ll get the money to repair this place. Thank you Ness and Brian. For ALL you’ve done. I know now that I won’t get involved in overseas affairs."

"Yeah thanks Brian. Thanks for saving Maxwell and Tony," said Jeff. He turned to his classmates and said, "Let’s all go rest for a while. We’ve had a long hard day."

That’s when I realized how late I was to be home, "Hey Jeff!" I yelled, "What time do you have?"

He responded, "Hey man, do you think this watch does EVERYTHING? Sheesh!" He followed his classmates into the school. Ness teleported us to Threed.


Ness and I landed in a road. It was dark. It looked like the sun just set, so I still had time. We quickly ran to my house. When I entered, my dad was sitting in the reclining chair like he was that afternoon.

"So!" he announced, "How was your adventure?"

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, yeah. You’ve been gone for nine hours, so you must have been doing something interesting."

"Oh yeah. Real interesting. Well Ness, I guess you better get home now."

"Yep. But I have to see if Paula’s home. I have to let her know about what just happened. Call me sometime! I’ll give you my number the next time I come over. Talk to you later, and thanks!"

Ness left the house. I asked my dad, "So, what happened while I was gone?"

He answered, "Well, your mom went shopping, but then she had to return what she bought. The Kingmond BROWNS won the Gigant Bowl, and...OH, half of Kingmond, and the house next door to us blew up. But I can’t figure out why..."

When he told me this I thought about it for a few seconds, and then started laughing. I never laughed so hard in my life. Soon my laughing caught on to my dad and we laughed together. This world where I lived in was a great "laughing", and happy world. A world with few worries. This place was indeed different from other places in this world. I lucked out and managed to get into this NEW world. A world of new peace.