Chapter 6
Frank: By the time we had woken the dead thanks to our genius bus driver, we had all pretty much recovered. Except for Ness and big nose, we were all capable of walking again.
Paula: But that wasn’t good enough for you, wasn’t it Frank.
Frank: I didn’t feel like walking through the desert again!
Paula: So you’d rather time travel to Fourside and risk all of our lives!?
Frank: It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Jeff: I told you that our lives were at stake, but no! Who’s the one who sent us to the cave of the past?
Frank: Me.
Jeff: And who was the one who pressed the red-button that said "Do Not Press..Unless you plan on dying a horrible, painful death"?
Frank: Me.
Jeff: And who was the one that farted in that little ball of metal?
Frank: Now that wasn’t me! It was the girl!
Paula: Huh? What? No! That’s totally rude and impolite! I’d never…
Jeff: Anyway, we ended up at the beginning of time, the place where we had fought Giygas. Thank Itoi my father and I had recently installed a mechanism in the Phase Distorter that allowed you to time travel without losing your body.
Frank: It wasn’t that bad you guys! So what if we had to fight that puny red guy again?
Frank: Puny red thing, universal cosmic destroyer; same thing.
Paula: So after we nearly got killed by Giygas…again…we jumped back into the Phase Distorter and traveled to present day Fourside. There, we took a taxi to the hotel and our "quest" was finished.
Frank: We didn’t even get a thank you! We didn’t get credits or a photo album!
Authors’ note: Well, that concludes this interview. As you can see, this story is somewhat humorous at times (well, at least I TRY to make it funny sometimes). The following chapters will be some of the last, and PLEASE read the final chapter when it is ready. That chapter is what this whole story is about. Now, back to the regular story:
Ness woke up two days after his fight. He was back in his hotel room, but didn’t understand how. Paula and the others came in to explain their two-day adventure, and then Ness explained about the fight. "This makes me so mad!" Ness exclaimed. "We need a way to get our sequel." Ness noticed that everyone else in the room was smiling. "What’s going on? Why are you guys so happy?"
"Right after you left, Jeff came up with an idea." Paula said, turning to Jeff.
"Well, it’s quite simple, actually." Jeff said. "Nintendo had already begun work on our sequel before it was cancelled. I think that if we can "borrow" the game, and activate it on a game system in our world, it will interfere with the flow of time and change this world to the world of the sequel and we can begin the new adventure. Of course, everyone else in our world will cross over too."
"Are you sure it will work?" Ness asked. He thought it sounded quite ridiculous.
"Wrong!" came a voice.
"Who said that?" asked Ness.
"Over here! I’ma still tied upa!" It was Mario. Paula and the others still had his arms tied behind his back. They had left him in the hall.
"Why is he wrong?" Paula asked.
"Not his theory. That’sa correcta, but if you thinka you can infiltrate Nintendo Headquarters and steal the file…you’re crazy!"
"Why would we be crazy?" Ness asked. He was glad to see that he had defeated Mario on his own.
"Nintendo Headquarters is impenetrable." He said with a small grin.
"We’ll find a way." Ness said with confidence. He turned to Jeff who gave him a silent nod.
After only half an hour of discussing how to break in, they gave up. They had no idea how the building was built, where the game was, what kind of security they had, or anything else they needed to know. They would have to find an insider; someone who’s been inside before. "But who can we get?" Paula asked.
"I know a guy, but…" Ness quickly stopped talking.
"What guy?" Jeff asked.
"No one. It’s no one." Ness said.
"Is it the guy who gave you this?" Poo asked. He handed Ness a rumpled sheet of paper. "I found this on your desk after you left. It seems like a good way to get noticed, do you not agree?" Ness recognized the paper as the application Falcon had given him. He realized then that he had never gotten a chance to read the heading on top. He slowly unfolded the paper. He read it, and then smiled.
"You’re right, Poo." He said. "This is just what we need!"
"What is it?" asked Paula.
"An application!" Ness said.
"For what?"
"A tournament!"
"What tournament?"
Ness paused for a few seconds. He read it over again. It seemed too good to be true. "It’s an application for the Super Smash Brothers Tournament!" Ness said. Paula and Jeff both gave him blank stares.
"What’s so great about that?" Paula asked.
"It’s a tournament between the best fighters in all of Nintendo. Whoever makes it in gets to be included in the game!" It took a while for it to sink in.
"That means we’ll get noticed by the fans if one of us makes it in!" Jeff exclaimed.
"Well, who’s going to enter?" Paula asked.
"All of us should try!" Ness suggested.
"What about our plan to get the game?" Jeff asked. "Only one of us should go while the rest plan out our mission. By the time the tournament is over, our plan should be ready."
"Anyone wants to go?" Ness asked.
"Maybe you should go." Poo said. "You are the most recognizable person from our game after all."
"Okay." Ness said quietly. "I guess I’ll go apply and then start training." Everyone was quiet, but they didn’t know why. It could have been because Ness was leaving during this critical time. However, Ness knew that it was because this was the beginning of great things.
The next few days passed quickly. Ness went to apply at the Headquarters. They let him, but he was quickly escorted out right after. They said that tryouts for the tournament were a week away, but Ness thought that they might have lied to him so he asked Falcon. "It is a week away." He said. "I understand why you asked though. You can’t trust them nowadays." Ness began his training that afternoon. He realized that his Psi would be his greatest weapon there. He also realized that only had two offensive Psi attacks: Rockin’ and Flash. So after these realizations, Ness asked Paula to teach him some of her Psi. Every afternoon they would practice and pretty soon, Ness was able to use Psi Fire, Thunder, and Magnet. The plans for the mission were coming along as well. Ness got Samus Aran, Captain Falcon’s "girlfriend" to help with the blueprints of the headquarters. In his free time, Ness would help with the plans. He was the one to come up with their group’s name: The Untouchables. Jeff protested against the name.
"Seeing as your name is Ness, maybe we should change the name of our group to something else besides "The Untouchables." Don’t you think?" The name didn’t change, however, because Ness was never around after that discussion. It was two days until the tournament and Ness was in prime condition (at least for a week of training). They decided to let Mario enter the tournament, but to make sure he didn’t talk about the plan, they kept his "Lifetime Game Travel Pass." If they found out that he was in EarthBound without it, he’d never star in games again. Everything was going perfect and Earthbound was about to get a huge publicity stunt thanks to the tournament. Things were looking up for the people of EarthBound.
The day finally came for tryouts and Ness was confident. He arrived at the headquarters early. Only a few other fighters were there. He noticed two in particular; Falcon and Samus. They talked for a while about the mission and then about their training. Pretty soon, there were about forty or fifty people, aliens, animals, Pokemon, monsters, and…things waiting for the tryouts to begin.