Chapter 2

In all seriousness, Ness did complain about missing his cartoons, but soon realized what Poo was getting at. "This can’t be, Poo." He said.

"We just have to go along with it, Ness." Poo said. He began to walk away, but Ness stopped him.

"Why?" He asked. "WHY!?" He was terribly upset. For the last three months he had celebrated the news of a new adventure, but now it was all gone. They celebrated for nothing and their lives would amount to just that; nothing. Then, a fire began to burn deep within Ness. Deep within his soul, anger began to grow.

"They can’t do this." He said. "They won’t!"

He stormed down the hall to wake up Paula and Jeff. They were just as shocked as Ness was when they heard the news, but none of them had that anger in their souls like Ness did. They sat around in the hall for nearly an hour, thinking of why this happened and what they could do about it. No answers for either question arose. After a while, they retreated to Ness’ suite. Paula turned on the TV to see the news. It was the same announcer that had reported on the phone call made by Nintendo.

"All around the world it is seven o’clock, but no one knows why." He said in his enthusiastic voice.

"How sad." Paula said. "No one else realizes what’s going on."

"We have to tell them." Jeff said.

"What do you think will happen when they find out that it’s over?" asked Ness.

"They have the right to know." Jeff said.

Later that day, at seven o’clock, Ran Dather of E.B.2 News handed the microphone over to Ness while they stood in front of the Monotoli building. A crowd of thousands surrounded them, and they all became quiet as Ran said, "And now I’ll hand the mic over to Ness so he can make his important announcement." He said this in that enthusiastic voice and that made Ness feel pretty bad. All of the spectators had huge, ridiculous grins on their faces, and Ness prepared to watch them turn to frowns. He cleared his throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the reason I wanted to make this announcement on national television is because of the fact that it will affect everyone in the world." This made all of the grins even larger and more ridiculous. Ness looked back at Paula and the others. They motioned for him to go on. "This morning, all the clocks and watches in the world stopped at seven o’clock A.M. I know the reason why." The spectators seemed to be edging closer and closer with anticipation. "The reason the clocks and watches stopped is because time itself has stopped." Some people gasped, while others laughed. "This can only mean one thing: EarthBound Two…has been cancelled." No one gasped, no one laughed, no one moved, no one breathed. Then, a woman began to cry. That started it all.

People began screaming and cursing loudly. Some shoved their way to the front of the crowd yelling things like, "Don’t joke around like that!" and, "Don’t say that around the children!" Soon, a riot broke out. Ness setup a shield to protect his friends and himself from flying projectiles. The police who were supposed to be trying to stop the riot, were slugging it out in the crowd as well. A large group of people headed for the department store to begin looting. Ran Dather, who was inside of Ness’ shield turned to him and said in a strange, evil voice, "What have you done!?" He pounced on Ness, but all of the recent events made him snap. He whipped out his baseball bat and struck Ran in the chest, forcing him the slam against the wall of his shield. He was unconscious.

"We have to do something!" Jeff screamed. He had too. The crowd was so loud that hardly anything could be heard.

Ness and Poo stepped through the shield. Ness used Psi Hypnosis Omega to knock out several people at a time, while Poo used Psi Brainshock Omega to make the people dumbfounded. It was working pretty well at first. Ness’ side was full of resting rioters, while Poo’s side was filled with perplexed vegetables. There was still a large flood of people heading for the department store, but Ness’ Psi Paralysis Omega was enough to immobilize them.

There were still hundreds of more rioters that had spread throughout the city of Fourside. Ness didn’t want to think about what was happening at other cities around the world. A few more waves of Hypnosis, Paralysis, and Brainshock was enough to stop the riot near the Monotoli building. Ness though about going to the other end of the city to stop other rioters, but he had no more power left. He and Poo returned to Paula and the others. They handed them bottles of cold Deluxe Water to restore their PP. "I didn’t think it would be this bad." Jeff said. "It’s all my fault."

"No, it’s not." Ness said. "You were right. The people had the right to know. If its anyone’s fault, it’s Nintendo’s."

Ran Dather stood up and wobbled around. "I’ll see you on flip side!" He said in a childish voice before he fell back down.

"I’m beginning to hate that guy." Said Ness.