Earthbound: ιες
Chapter One: Disappearances

The world is at peace. Giygas, the universal destroyer has been vanquished, and all is good
in the world. Parties were thrown in favour of the Four, and many ceremonies. Jeff had a party
at his Boarding School, and became head scientist of his Father's new Science Lab.
Ness married Paula in an unsuspected manner. Poo had gone back to Dalaam and became king, and in-
vited all three to his crowning.

The Four went their seperate ways as they went into adulthood. They left home to search for a
place of their own...The past is but a faint memory now...

The 'BEEP! BEEP!' from the alarm awoke Ness with a jolt. He yawned and stretched, opening his eyes.
The old bed creaked when he got up, and King, now in his senior years, slowly lifted
his head. As he went to the washroom, he splashed water on his face, taking his time to
dry it. Going downstairs, he turned on the TV.

'... Hello, and Welcome to Fourside News! The news lady chirped. Todays Top story:
The new Mall, Fourside Plus, has had major power problems on it's Grand Opening week.
More news on that later. As we move to Mr. Vash, he will tell us about what happened last month
when there was another power Shortage. And here he is, Mr. Va-'
He turned off the TV, grabbing
a bowl and some Corn frosts. He had remembered the power outage that happened last month.
It went on and off for hours on end, but then, suddenly, they just stopped.

Racing to work, He had almost forgotten his Briefcase. As he bolted down the street and
up to the 48th floor of the Monotili building, he checked his watch. 8:59. One minute or
He'd be late. AS the elevator doors opened, he ran to the two large doors, pushing them open.

"Sorry i'm late, Mr. Mono-" "Please, Ness, I don't want to hear your excuses. Please take
Your seat among us." He said, staring at Ness, his face expressionless. Ness sat down,
quite embarrased. Today they would talk about the Power shortage at Fourside Plus. At least
today was Friday, he would be able to sleep in tomorrow...

The rest of the day went by pretty well. Paula, who was away on a buisness trip for the past
week, had gotten back at around Five 'o clock. They both went to Fourside Plus, but, unfortunately,
they were having problems with their cash registers. The weekend went by smoothly; a few
problems, like the coffee somehow disppearing, but smoothly nonetheless.

"Honey, what happened to our records?" Paula ask, bent down over the small shelf covered with
empty record holders.
"I don't know... But it's not like someone just came in and stole them..." He laughed from the

Ness awoke from a strange dream when his alaram went off. Some evil force had captured Jeff and
Poo, holding them prisoners. The day went well also; He was early for work and received a
joke plaque which dubbed him 'Most Groggy'.

Tuesday, though, was a very strange day indeed. Ness woke up at 8:30. His alarm clock didn't go
off because there was another power shortage... He was starting to get annoyed. As he quickly
got ready for work, he noticed a small package near the door. He decided that he was going to
be late, so he'd better open it later.

As Ness reeached the 28th floor, he heard a faint scream and some noise which sounded like 'Boing!'
Once he got to 48th floor, he ran into the room, and saw, bouncing up and down on the oak table,
some sort of small, pink creature...
"Hey, is that..."
"Boing! Mr. Ness! You come! Help Mr. Saturns... Evil take all away! Zoooom!"