Candy Raid

by Picky

It had been about a year since the Chosen Ones had defeated the evil known as Giygas. Unfortunately Giygas' sidekick, Ness' neighbor Pokey, had escaped during the battle. Not long after he returned home from the battle with Giygas Ness had received a letter from Pokey. In this letter Pokey warned Ness that he would get his revenge.

At first Ness took this seriously, but five months after the final battle with Giygas Pokey was found stuck in a manhole in Fourside. Apparently he had been going into the sewer to recruit some rats for his army. He had never really grasped the concept that Giygas had possessed the animals and humans. Pokey was sent to jail for kidnapping a Mr. Saturn and stealing the Phase Distorter. Once in jail he earned more jail time when he continuously stole food from a hapless inmate named Bloop182.


"Look out!" Jeff screamed as he barreled toward Ness on his electronic scooter. Ness quickly jumped out of the way. Jeff had dropped by Ness' house earlier that day and they were hanging out.

"Whoa, watch where you are going next time Jeff," Ness replied with a smile.

"Yeah if only it was that simple. If you think it's so easy you should try riding it. I may have given it too much power."

"I think that I'll pass on that offer Jeff. I don't feel like breaking my neck today. Maybe some other time."

"So it's only a few days until Halloween Ness, do you think that you'll be going out this year?"

"I'm not sure. I feel like I'm getting too old for this. I mean I'm not much younger than some of these kids' parents. That's not a good sign."

"Darn," Jeff said with a noticeable frown. "Trick-or-Treating wouldn't be the same without you Ness."

"Don't worry about me. I'm going to enjoy passing out candy and scaring the crap out of kids," Ness replied with a smirk. "If you, Paula, and Poo decide not to go out this Halloween just remember that I'll be here."

"Well no matter what we are going to stop by to see you sometime this Halloween. I better get going now, its late. See you Ness." Jeff stepped into the Phase Distorter and quickly returned to his father's new laboratory in Saturn Valley.

"Now to start planning my surprises," Ness thought to himself as he walked into the house. He quickly went into his house and then up the stairs to his room. "This is going to be a great Halloween even without all of the candy."

For the next few days Ness daydreamed through school and blew off homework to run out to the drugstore. Ness was picking up supplies for the decorations he was going to set up just outside the door. Ness got help with his project from just about all of his friends in Onett. Frank lent him a tape player, Liar X. Agerate lent him some old relics, Captain Strong lent him strobe lights, and H.B. Pirkle gave him some scrap wood. Picky, who was also skipping out on Halloween to do a science project at the last second so he would get an "A" in Honors Chemistry, lent him a tape of "Halloween sounds".

It didn't take long for October 31st to arrive. Ness was looking forward to seeing the look on Paula, Jeff, and Poo's faces when they saw it. At six o'clock Halloween began. It was a surprisingly warm night for late October, but Ness was glad because this meant that he was going to be able to sit outside to pass out the candy. Ness was proud of his display, and he was honored by the compliments he was receiving from the trick-or-treaters. He began to get worried when it was seven fourty-five and none of his friends had shown up. Trick-orTreating ended at eight o'clock so there wasn't much time left for them to show up.

All of a sudden something jumped off of the the roof of Ness' house and onto his back. Panic gripped Ness. Had Pokey escaped from jail, or was he facing a new cosmic enemy in the form of a flying squirrel name Bob?! As he quickly got to his feet he noticed that the flying squirrel looked eerily like Poo.

"Hey Ness, long time no see!" the flying squirrel enthusiasticly yelled out to Ness.

"Wait a second... is that you Poo?" Ness asked.

"Yeah its me, I decided that I was going to be different this year and I went out on Halloween as a rug."

"Man, I would have loved to see the reaction on the faces of some of the people that saw you."

"Speaking of faces, you made a pretty weird one. You reacted to me like I was a evil cosmic destroying flying squirrel named Bob! HAHAHAHAHA!! Yeah right like anyone would think something as stupid as that."

Just then an awkward silence fell upon Ness and Poo. Ness scratched his head slowly. "Sooooo... where are Paula and Jeff?" Ness inquired.

"Raiding your candy dish," Poo replied.

Ness turned around just in time to see Jeff, dressed as Luke Skywalker, shove the last Milky Way into his bag. Jeff saw Ness and started whistling innocently. Ness couldn't help but to burst into a smile when he saw Paula, dressed as Pocohantas, with a bulging wig full of candy bars.

"You guys don't need to try to sneak it," Ness said with a grin, "But make sure to give some to Poo. Oh yeah, by the way, what do you guys think of my little display."

"You have too much time on your hands Ness," Poo answered in between munching on a Hershey's Bar.

"I concur," Jeff said.

"Don't listen to them," Paula said. "It's probably the best one I have seen this year. Somehow its even better than what Orange Kid set up."

"Thanks Paula," Ness replied smiling broadly. "I knew that I could at least count on you. Do you guys want to go inside and watch a few movies?"

"Sure," they all said in unison.

As Ness and his friends were going to his room Ness' Mom stopped them with a worried look on her face. "Ness! I just heard that Pokey escaped from jail!"

"Oh no!" Ness exclaimed, "Now I am eternally cursed to take part in yet another FanFic with Pokey as the main villain. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Ness fell to his knees and the TV blew up in the background.

"April Fool's Day!" Ness' Mom shouted. "Oh wait a second... wrong holiday, sorry about that." She walked away muttering under her breath about the crazy way the calendar is set up.

"Ness?" Paula asked, "What's a FanFic?"

"Beats me," Ness replied. "Let's just go watch the movies on the other TV and forget about that little scene." Ness and his friends settled in for a fun night of watching scary movies such as The Exorcist, Psycho, and a documentary on clowns. "What a great night," Ness though to himself.