The Cheese war
By: Dylantb
(This fanfic is an explanation of a couple things in Earthbound)

Saturn Valley, I93X...

    "Hahahaha!" Giegue is watching his slave Mr. Saturns. Giegue came to Earth to enslave the human race. He enslaved the Mr. Saturns, then started training them to attack Threed.
He didn't know the Mr. Saturns were learning to sing and planning to get revenge.
The Next day...

    "La-la-la-la-la--la-la!" The Mr. Saturn's sang Giegue away. They started chasing him. They rented a boat and chased him clear to Tenda Village. There they took a brake.
"Can we Boing! stay the night here?" "We're shy." "Kay-o." They talked to all the Tendas.
Eventually they found the talkitive Tenda. "Giegue went thru here. He went to the lost underworld. Where is it? I don't know. It's lost. That's why it is the 'Lost' underworld. Some other Tendas went to look for it. If you can find it it will be the 'Found' underworld. Haha. I crack me up. Heheh."
    The Mr. Saturns went to the lost underworld.  They looked everywhere for Giegue. When they went to the Northwestern cave they met Giygas. "Let's make a deal!" 3 doors popped up on one wall. "Behind one door is a speedboat. Behind another is a contract that you will be my slaves. Behind the other door is a contract I'll pay you to man my robot army." "Well I'll put in my two (Key word there folks! ^ ^)  cents and..." "Door number 2!"
"What did he win, Johnny!" "Well our friends Mr. Saturns just won a contract that Giygas would pay them to pilot his robot army! They also won Turtle Wax! Now you can Wax your turtles with the turtle wax professionals use! And A copy of our home game." "I'll pay you in peanut cheese bars."

The lost underworld 196X...

    "Oh no I'm out of cheese bars." Giygas said. "Hah! Must tell others." Mr. Saturn209 tried to get away... but couldn't. Giygas attack with his soul stealing beam. Mortal damage to Mr. Saturn. Mr. Saturn209 turned into Starman. "Haha! A new robot to control." Unbeknownst
(See I know big words ^^) to Giygas Mr. Saturn394 overheard the conversation/fight. He snuck out. "Guess what? Giygas said he ran out of Peanut Cheese Bars. Then he turned
Mr. Saturn209 into a starman." Giygas came into the room. "Send Master Belch to Threed.
Have the Zombies accompany him." Giygas left the room.
    The Mr. Saturns (That learned teleport from a monkey in D.D. Desert) Teleported to Threed. They went to the Mayors house to warn the city. "Arm the forces! Ding! The Zombies are coming! The Zombies are coming!" Mr. Saturn178 said in Paul Revere-type warning. "Are you on some type of medication?"  The Mayor asked. "No zoom. why you ask?" "Zombies are going to attack Threed." "Oh My God!"

The next day...

    The Threed armed forces (and all of the Eaglelanders, for that matter '-') had every entrance to Threed gaurded. All of a sudden zombies came at them from every way. The Threed Army shot at the zombies. The zombies arms fell off but they kept coming. "Run!"
The Threeders ran to the circus area. A dark cloud moved over Threed. The zombies headed for Saturn Valley.

Grapefruit falls 197X...

    The zombies put up a base behind the falls. The number of Mr. Saturns had declined to about 100. The humans were holding fort in Saturn Valley. They had dug a tunnel into the zombies base. They stormed the base. They used Fly Honey and the puke piles stopped fighting. They popped the fobbys (or is it foppy?' ') with a needle. They had the ghostbusters trap the ghosts. They couldn't beat the zombies. The zombies revived all the puke piles, and reinflated the foppys. While they were away Giygas attacked the Mr. Saturns He turned alot of them into Starmen.

That's all this fanfic writer can think of.