The Alpha Chronicles
             Saturn's Time to Shine
                    By: Dylantb

Saturn Valley Cave, 5PM

Mayor Saturn: This way!!

(The Mr. Saturns run down the tunnel)

All Saturns: Pokeybot!!!!!

Pokeybot: Man! Just let me kill Ness!

All Saturns: Boing!

-All Saturn's used PSI Boing Omega-

damage to Pokeybot-

(The heavy amount of PSI through everyone to Winters)

Icy Starman: Whoa!!!

-Pokey turned into the Pokester-

Pokester: Attack!!! Giygas is almost here!!

All: What!!!

Pokester: He escaped last time but he's coming back. In... 43 Hours!!!!!

-Ness used X PSI Rockin'/Rockin' Omega-

-Paula used X PSI Fire/Freeze Omega-

-Poo used X PSI Starstorm/Starstorm Omega-

-All the Mr. Saturns used X PSI Boing/Boing-

damage to the Pokester-

-The Pokester took in the PSI as energy!!-

-The Pokester unleashed the energy-


Saturn Valley, 12 Midnight...

Mr. Saturn: Boing! Ness and his friends are knocked out tell 6AM.

Mr. Saturn16: That not so bad...

Mr. Saturn: 6AM next Tuesday.

Mr. Saturn34: that In 3 DaYs.

Mr. Saturn: We must fight Giygas.

Dr. Saturn: Yes...

36 hours later...

Mr. Saturn: Let's fight Giygas.

(They get on their Saturn Hoverers)

(Giygas is coming)

All Saturns: BoinG!!!!!!!!!!

-all the Saturns used PSI Boing-

-999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 damage to Giygas-

Giygas: I...

-The Saturns attack again-

-to much damage to Giygas-

Giygas: I think we should go!!!

(Giygas' troops fled)

(Giygas ran)

Mr. Saturns: Yay!!

Giygas: I'll be back. With my best weapon ever!!!!!
