The Alpha Chronicles: Jeff Is Lost
                                     By: Dylantb

First let me explain the tags <These describe areas>, (These are actions) This is telepathy.

Ness' house, 3am

Ness: Can't sleep...

Tracy: Ness, shut up. I'm trying to sleep...

King: (ZzZzzzz)

Ness: Man, king can sleep through anything...

Tracy: ZZzzzzZ...

Ness: Tracy?

(Tracy fell asleep)

Ness: Bored... Tired...

Bring! Bring!

(Ness answered his phone)

Ness: hello...

Jeff: Ness, could you help?

Ness: Jeff, Where're you?

Jeff: Somewhere where I don't know where I am...

Ness: Jeff, don't play games. It's 3AM.

Jeff: Dusty Dunes Desert. A cave. By a cactus. By a sesame seed.

Ness: Jeff...

Jeff: Go to Saturn Valley and ask them.

Ness: Why...


Jeff: gotta go.

Saturn Valley, 12 Noon...

Paula: Ness, I'm hungry and these Mr. Saturns aren't telling us where Jeff went.

(Mr. Saturn16 Heard her and walked over)

Mr. Saturn16: Oh He WEnT tO CaVE By ShOP.

Ness: Gee, thanks.

Mr. Saturn16: Can't go ther without KaRatE BOY.

Dalaam, 2PM...

Poo: Hiya, Ness! Hiya, Paula!

Ness&Paula: Hiya, Poo!

(Ness tells about Jeff Bein' lost)

Poo: to Saturn Valley!!!

Saturn Valley 3:30...

Mr. Saturn16: YoU BrOuGHT KarATE BoY.

(Mr. Saturn16 moved of the ladder to nowhere)

Ness: Let's go!

(Ness climbed the latter. He jumped on the ground and fell through)

Ness: It's like water...

Paula: Whee!

Poo: Whoa!

(All three fell in the water and dove under)

Ness: A cave.

Poo: a cave.

Ness: That's My line.

Paula: A cave. Cool. Let's go in.

(Ness and friends came out of the water)

Paula: Moan!

<Their in a cave with three tunnels leading out>

Poo: I'll take the middle.

Paula: I got right.

Ness: I guess I'll take left.

(They walk through their tunnels)

Meanwhile 3000 ft. under the desert...

Jeff: Dr. Ando... I mean dad, put it to sigma

Dr. A: *Munch* *Munch* OK.

Picky: so you're sure it'll work.

Jeff: We're leaving the Devil's Machine. (Dramatic Pause) Even if it kills us.
