Pickles: Part One (1) ( I ) (uno) By MikeyNess (Michael Battista) The Photo Guy was a very tired soul after the adventure of Ness and his friends. Dropping into these kids in the most dangerous places at the most annoying time was just..... well, tiring! But finally he was done. "Fuzzy Pickles" was no longer a word he'd have to use anymore. He had all the time in the world. The adventure of those kids named Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo had been about three months ago. So now you may ask, "then why is he just starting to get some rest?" Well, that was because of kids. You could imagine the attention he had gotten from being mentioned by one of the chosen kids on T.V. or in magazines or something. Within two days of the end of the adventure, kids from everywhere were screaming "FUZZY PICKLES!!!" and whistling his theme song. Soon enough, they rang his doorbell and when he opened it, they yelled his words again and ran away. It was a terrible thing to have happening to you. In fact, he resorted to hiding under his bed and whimper and just pity himself. And, sadly, he eventually went insane. Not truly insane, but every time he heard the word "Fuzzy Pickles," he had a rage explosion and usually he had to hire someone to reattach a wing of his house. But finally the kids had settled down for fear the Photo Guy would attack them. So now he could relax. And for this particular day, he was going to sleep. And sleep. And maybe sleep. But definitely, he would sleep. As he was sleeping, he slept. But another thing happened also. "What is this creature's name?" asked a large, pig nosed figure with a dead yellow furball on his head. "You know his name." replied a terribly distorted starman. "I do, but only by 'Camera guy.' What is his REAL name?" "No one knows. He just took pictures of the boy and his friends, I don't know why you want him." "I have my reasons... Come, we must take him." "Yes, of course." The Photo Guy was oblivious to what was happening, obviously. You would be too if you were asleep. And now, because he was asleep, he would be in a worse situation than when he followed Ness and his friends. He would create the curse of the Pickle. He would destroy the barrier of power. And he would drag everyone down with him in the process. Even Ness.