Snows of the Season
by Spiffage

The snows of the season
Fall into the quiet town...
A boarding school student
Has vanished without a sound...
He fears for his safety
And won't need the bent key.
Bubble Monkey's running round...
But here in the light
Of a cold Winters night,
Our Tessie cannot be found.

It's not even dawn yet
His day hasn't gone as planned...
A psychic distress call
Arrived from a distant land...
Fate chose him just by luck,
And this weird-looking Mad Duck
Just made something spin around...
But stared in the face
With the Starmen's Winters base,
Our answer has not yet been found.

He's just met his father,
And he'd like a donut too...
The sanctuary guardian
Gives us a storyline clue...
It won't soon be finished,
Our hope's not diminished,
The Sky Runner's flying 'round...
But here in the fray
Of a new Winters day,
Some new friends in need, Jeff's found.

Click here to listen to Snows of the Season sung by the author.