A Very Screwed Up Christmas by dokutake Peter@EpicCentre.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Suddenly, the phone rang at Ness' house. It was December 10th, and his mother had been trimming the Christmas tree with Tracy , and she rushed to answer it. "Hello?" she asked. "Hi honey," said the voice at the other end. "It's you! How have you been doing?" "I'll tell you later. Let me talk to Ness first." "Alright," she said. She turned around and yelled, "Ness, it's for you!" "Coming, mother!" came the reply from upstairs. Ness had been in his room playing Super Nintendo games. Ever since his return from his adventure, he had done his best to conceal his powers, although he did show a few of his friends, but that resulted in a small incident with the fire department. Ness rushed downstairs and picked up the phone. "Who is it?" he asked. "Hi son!" replied the voice. "Dad! How are you?" "Great! And boy do I have great news for you!" "What?" "I'm coming home for Christmas!" A huge smile found its place on Ness' face, and, overcome with joy, he paused for a second, then said, "Wow, Dad, really?" "Yep. Let's see, this will be the first time you'll ever see me." "Yeah! Wow, this is so cool! I can finally see my Dad!" "Can I speak to your mother now?" "Sure." Ness turned to his mother and said, "He wants to talk to you." His mother picked up the phone and said "Hi!" "Now how will we prepare Ness for the shock?" asked Ness' father "I'm not sure. But then again, considering what our boy's seen, I'm not sure if this will be much of a shock! And I'm sure Tracy can handle it." "So I'll just fly over and you'll handle the preparation then?" "Yes. When are you coming?" "Christmas Eve." And on December 24th, at 10:00 PM, sure enough, there was a knock on the door. Ness' mother rushed to answer it, and found Ness' father standing on the doorstep. "Hi honey!" she said. "How've you been?" he asked. "Alright. Now about Ness and Tracy..." Ness' father interrupted. "Don't worry about them. They can handle this." "If you say so..." Ness' mother called to Ness and Tracy, "Ness! Tracy! You're father is here!" They rushed down the stairs in a chorus of "Oh boy!" and "Yahoo!" only to find something very bizzare. There was a telephone sitting on the couch, and no one other than their mother to be seen. "What's this, Mom?" asked Ness, "Some cruel joke?" "Yeah, what's up?" asked Tracy. "Well, Ness, Tracy..." their Mother trailed off. Suddenly, the phone jumped off of the couch and waved. "Hi kids!" Ness recognised this as his father's voice. "Dad? Is that you?" "That's right," replied the telephone. Tracy was dumbfounded and couldn't say anything. "What's wrong, Tracy?" asked father, "Cat got your tongue?" "D... d... da... dad?" she managed to mumble. "That's me," said the telephone. "Umm... how are you a... telephone?" Long story short, Giygas found out I was planning on helping you, Ness, and decided to do something about it. For some strange reason he turned me into a telephone. Either way, it didn't matter since I was still able to call you and record your progress." "What about the money, and my ATM?" asked Ness. "Dial-up modem noises. I managed to figure out how to put money in your account by making a loogie-hocking noise. Very handy." "Well, it's late! We should go to bed so we can get to our presents as soon as possible," said Mother. "Good idea," said Father. ------------------------------------------------------------- - End - End - End - End - End - End - End - End - End - End - -------------------------------------------------------------