Too Much Candy

By, Bloop182

As Ness got his costume ready the night before Halloween he received some unfortunate news from his mom. Instead of trick-or-treating with his friends he had to give out candy to other kids who came to his house, the "candy-giver-outer" as he liked to put it. After about five hours of pleading with his mom he learned she was not going to change her mind. So Ness invited over Paula, Jeff, and Poo. This is when Onett learned that four kids with psychokinetic powers and a large supply of sugary snacks will not contained by a single house, but honestly, I don’t think the psychokinetic powers had anything to do with it. Then again maybe it does have something to do with it when the house collapses around you when you use those psychokinetic powers a lot.

After all the fire and debris had been cleared away they realized that Ness had learned PSI Egg. The first stop the group made was Pokey’s house. When they had arrived they found Pokey had eaten all the candy. Ness got a chance to use his PSI Egg Alpha. They decided that Twoson would have candy because I’m writing this an hour before the deadline and I have writer’s block, okay?!?

After taking a bus to Twoson (and egging everyone onboard) they made their way to Apple Kid’s house. After he gave them apples, Ness used PSI Egg Beta (which he got after egging everyone on the bus). Then, having similar results at Orange Kid’s house, they headed to Everdred’s house, who gave them each a wad of money and told them that they knew him if they were caught. So the headed to the department store and bought more candy. Next they headed toward Threed.

After teleporting to Threed (the buses refused to let them on and Ness gave them a good egging) they headed toward the graveyard to scare little kids so they would drop their candy. After two or three hours of this the police final arrested them and brought them back to Onett to stand trial.

Ness, who for some reason was asked to be lawyer (probably because Jeff was in a coma and no one else was even closely sane), gave a very interesting opening statement. It went something like: "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I like candy. I like candy a whole lot. You could even say I love candy. With that out of the way, let’s all go to my house and eat candy."

Well the jury didn’t react too well to that idea so Ness used PSI Egg Sigma on them and the group ran off into the night. Now that they were wanted criminals they opened a truck stop in the Midwest. Ness made the eggs, Paula fried them with her frying pan, Jeff figured out how long it took the eggs to cook and Poo just sat there scaring customers away by telling them the danger of cholesterol. When Ness started using Egg Omega (which produced already cooked eggs) he fired the other three who got back at him by kidnapping him in the middle of the night and making him watch really bad horror movies repeatedly. He eventually went horribly insane and became a bus driver. And the he decided to blow up the bus if it went under 50 miles per hours. That or Keanu Reeves is in the Devil's Advocate (which I'm currently watching) and I'm making the connection in the uncharted wilderness called my mind. Wait the bus is slowing!!! AAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!



