L e g e n d s
By JohnMcCEB
Chapter 3: Trouble in Twoson

Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo ran fast into the nearest building. It was totally empty. All of the sudden, Paula shouted "IT'S IN HERE! GET OUT!" Everyone ran out of the building, except Poo, who was suddenly shocked by the thing running through him and was hurt badly. Then Jeff remembered something. "Ness, you have telepathy, right?" "OBVIOUSLY..." answered an insulted Ness. "Telepath Tony. Ask him if there's a device he gave me that can see electric charges in living creatures." Ness did so. He then got an answer back in an electronic voice. It said Check the bag for anything marked Electro-Glasses. Ness repeated this message to Jeff. He checked his bag, found the glasses, gave them to his teammates, and put them on. They could see electric patterns in certain living beings. Suddenly, he found an object approaching him. He lifted off the glasses. Nothing. He put them back on and said "Peekaboo, loser."

The team drew their weapons. Ness struck first. He was electrocuted, but not badly. "Ow! Crap," said Ness, "Any weapon that conducts electricity is useless against this thing!" "Mine doesn't," said Jeff, who shot at the thing. It had no effect. "Hmm..." said Jeff, who spied on the thing. "Son of a Starman," he said, "Invulnerable to weapons or PSI. Only one solution. RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!!!!!" Ness quickly telepathed Jack. It's comprised of electricity? Use some kind of water gun. It'll send him into shock. But clear the area if you hit him, though. If you hit, he'll expand and explode!

He ducked into the Drug Store, and found a perfect weapon--a Super Soaker CPS5000. The creature entered the drug store. Ness saw him, and, without thinking, fired the Super Soaker, and hit. He saw the creature expanding. He ran to the door. It was jammed. Ness started bashing it in with his shoulder, finally got it open, and jumped off the cliff, just as the thing exploded.

"The hell happened?" asked Paula, as Ness walked toward she and Jeff. "The CPS5000," said Ness, "For when you REALLY wanna short some circuits." "We know where the Mr. Saturns are," said Paula, "They're huddled up in the Hospital. Let's go in. Poo's recovering in there, and it looks like you dislocated your shoulder." "Yeah," said Ness, "I had to get the drug store door open." Paula cringed as they went in, gave the Mr. Saturns the news, got fixed up, and left.

"You know what?" said Jeff, "I'm willing to bet my dorm room that Talah Rahma may be able to help us as to where Godon is. Let's go to the Dusty Dunes Desert." As they were about to teleport, Ness got a telepathic message from Jack. Something's not right at Twoson. I think it may involve Godon. You'll have to check it out. "Let's go to Twoson. I think something Godon related's going down there." Everyone jumped into Max's Viper and teleported to Twoson. Where they found something horrbly wrong.

"Geez," said Jeff, "The whole damn town's on FIRE!" Everyone was frozen in fear, but nobody was as mortified as Paula. "Jesus Christ...OK, WE'VE GOT A TOWN TO SAVE. I'LL TAKE POLESTAR PRESCHOOL. NESS, TAKE THE HOSPITAL. POO, THE DEPARTMENT STORE. IF YOU FIND A SURVIVOR, DROP HIM OR HER OFF IN ONETT. JEFF, YOU'VE GOT THE VIPER--DRIVE INTO THREED AND ARRANGE 'BIG DIPPER' TO GET THE HELL OVER HERE AND MAKE A DROP ON THE ENTIRE TOWN! GOT THAT? GOOD. GO!" "WAIT!" screamed Jeff. "Take these oxygen tanks and watch yourselves. I don't have fireproof clothing in this backpack!" They each took oxygen tanks and ran/drove to thier assigned positions.

Ness got to the hospital and found a man unconscious. He held his breath and gave the man some oxygen. Then he got the mask back on. He teleported the man to Onett, then searched for more survivors. Soon enough, he found a young girl. Still conscious, as she was hooked up to an oxygen machine that was miraclousy working. Ness got her out of there. When they came to Onett, Ness checked her into the hospital. "WHERE'S MY MOMMY? WHERE'S MY DADDY?" she whined.

"Calm down, calm down. What's your name?"
"Amy, what does mommy and daddy look like?"
"Mommy has yellow curly hair and blue eyes. Daddy has brown straight hair and brown eyes."
"And are they at the hospital?"
"Do you know their first names?"
"Jason and Michelle."
"OK, calm down, I'll find them for you."

Ness got out of Onett and back to the hospital. "JASON! MICHELLE!" he called out. He found a man and a woman unconscious on the floor. They matched Amy's description perfectly. He first gave Jason some oxygen, then Michelle. Then he got oxygen himself. Suddenly, Ness realized that he only had enough PP to call Paula with to notify her that his job was finished. "WE NEED TO SHARE OXYGEN UNTIL WE CAN GET THROUGH THE TUNNEL IN ONETT! HOW WELL CAN YOU HOLD YOUR BREATHS?" "NOT BAD!" screamed Michelle, over the roaring fire. "I CAN HOLD IT FOR 10 SECONDS!" screamed Jason. "I'M PRETTY GOOD," said Ness, "SO YOU TAKE THE TANK. WHEN ME OR MICHELLE TAPS YOU, GIVE IT UP FOR A WHILE." "OKAY!" They started running to the tunel to Onett. They got through, just as the side in Twoson caved in. Ness turned off the oxygen. "Your daughter, Amy...she's hooked up at the Onett Hospital, worried sick, I bet. She'll be fine." "Thank you, sir," said Michelle, "But what about the others." "I'm gonna check up on that right now. He telepathed Paula.

I'm trapped in Onett. Do you sense anymore survivors in the hospital? No, answered a sad sounding Paula, Don't worry about it. I just got all the kids and my Mom out safely...but Dad's hooked up in Onett Hospital right now...50/50 chance at survival... Ness said I'm sorry. Don't be, said Paula, It's not your fault he's on the brink of death... Ness said Well, I know about that argument you two had... That's why I sound so sad, said Paula.

Poo walked into the department store. No survivors, he thought, Something's not right... Suddenly, something jarred his brain. Then, he saw a cloaked figure fly through him. Poo then collapsed, his oxygen mask flying off.

Jeff raced through the tunnel over to Threed, and spun into the parking lot of the Threed Fire Department. He ran into the building, and was surprised to see the firefighters having lunch. "What the hell," he said, "There's a citywide fire in Twoson! What's wrong with you idiots?" "Kid," said a firefighter, "If there was a citywide fire in Twoson, we'd know about it." "Why don't you get a firetruck, get into gear, and check it out?" "OK, kid...but if you're wrong, you can be brought to court!" "Fine," said Jeff. The firefighters got into gear, and sped off in their trucks. They came to the Two-Threed tunnel, and nearly crashed into a bunch of rocks. A fireman stepped out of the truck, and tapped a rock with the back of his hand. "It's hot...OK, send 'Big Dipper' out to take a look. If something IS going on, it'll dump." The driver radioed the Fire Department. "We have to refuel and reload it," said the station, "It'll take about 20 minutes!" "Oh man," said Jeff, coming to the startling realization that his friends were trapped in a burning city...

To be continued in Chapter 4: Underworld

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