L e g e n d s
By JohnMcCEB
Chapter 2: Farewell

The five kids dove out of the way quickly, the gunner barely missing the kids. Ness dove toward the gunman and tripped him up. He rose up quickly and nearly hit Ness. Then, Paula and Jeff turned his attention over to them. While he was distracted, Ness jumped foward, landing a swift kick into his stomach which sent the gatling gun flying. Poo caught it, and as the man was staggering back, he pumped him full of lead. Poo dropped the weapon, and the cops arrived. "So much for wishes coming true when you blow out all the candles on the birthday cake," said Ness. The five kids were questioned by police and reporters alike, and then they left the bar.

"Well," said Ness, "Tampering with fate was fun. Lets go to Saturn Valley and see what's wrong there." "Actually," said Jack, "I can't go on this adventure." "But why?" asked Jeff. "It is against my religion to take a life," said Jack, "I must assist you with information." They said their goodbyes to Jack. "OK," said Ness, "We have to say our final goodbyes to our friends, family, and masters alike. Me and Paula will go together to my house and Polestar Preschool. Jeff and Poo, you guys go to Snow Wood and The Palace. We'll meet at Saturn Valley. See ya there." Ness and Paula then teleported to Onett, while Jeff and Poo teleported to Snow Wood Boarding School.

"My hero," said Anna Franklin, who greeted Ness at the door. Ness hugged Anna tightly.

"I want to hear all about what happened."
"Well, I'd like to, Ma, but..."
"But what, honey?"
"I have to get going."
"Where are you going?"
"You remember Giygas, right?"
"Of course, but why are you talking about Giygas?"
"He was a Horseman of the Apocalypse."
"You know, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?"
"Yeah, but why are you bringing this up?"
"He had a friend. As the Chosen Boy, it's my responsibility to stop him."
"Who is this friend?"
"Godon, Horseman of Death."

"Oh...OK," said Anna, as she sat down with a weird look on her face. "Is everything OK, Ma?" "Yes...I'm fine." "Don't lie to me, Ma...I can always tell when you're lying, remember?" Anna sat down with her face in her hands. "You think that once I walk out that door, I'm not coming back, don't you?" Anna was crying so hard at this point that she couldn't answer. "Look," said Ness, "I'll make you a promise. I promise that Godon, nor nothing else, will bother me or this family again. And I, I swear to God...that I will walk back through my door when I beat Godon. OK?" Anna nodded and said "Just take care of yourself. That's all I care about..." Ness hugged Anna and went upstairs.

Over at Snow Wood, Jeff had walked in the door with Poo. Every student, knowing about what Jeff had done, got on their knees and bowed down to him. He went to Max's office. "Well, well, well, after all these years..." said Max.

"After all these years, I need a pardon from school."
"What? Why?"
"Remember Giygas?"
"Jesus, not again..."
"Relax,'s his friend."
"That's a relief."
"Godon, Horseman of Death."
"Oh, GOD, do you do it?"
"What can I say, it's the life. Look, am I gonna get that pardon or not?"
"How long?"
"God prolly doesn't know."
"You have one month."
"Deal. Can I borrow your Viper?"
"Viper...or Wrestlemania Video Library?"
"Keys are in the draw."

Back at Ness' House, Ness was rummaging through his stuff. Finally, he found his reliable Gutsy Bat. "Man," thought Ness, "Sure doesn't feel like 5 years..." "Yeah," said Tracy, "You know, I look at that picture frame of me when I was 10, working for Escargo Express, and I look at myself now...being 15 in 2 weeks...and it seems like yesterday." "I battles I went through with this thing..." thought Ness, aloud, "Tracy, I want you to hold something..." "What is it, Ness?" "Do you think you can handle the responsibilty of being the next in line if I ever go?" "You mean Savior of the World? Hey, I'm a postal worker. If we can go on murderous rampages, I guess we can save the world." "Heh, heh, heh...but seriously...I made a promise to Mom that I'd come back...but I'm not sure if I will. So, just in case, I want you to take this ring. This commemorated me saving the world." "Wow...looks good." "If anything happens to me, do you think you can handle the responsibility of avenging my death and becoming the Chosen One after that?" Tracy thought about it, and said "Ness, you're going to be fine. But if it happens...I'll accept the responsibility as a Franklin." "You'll know when the time is right, Tracy. Thank you." "Hey," said Tracy, "I'm a volunteer policewoman anyway, so..." Ness nodded. The town of Eagleland created a volunteer police work program to try to cut back on crime. It has worked very well. The ones that proved themselves more responsible even got guns and an expanded jurisdiction. Tracy was one of those few. Ness then bid farewell, met Paula outside, and then teleported to Twoson.

"WHERE'S MY BADDEST GAIA BEAM?" screamed Jeff. "Found it," said Tony, who brought it to him. "Well," said Jeff, "I guess I'm all set. I gotta go." "Well, Jeff, it's been real," said Tony. "I'm coming back, don't worry about it. See you in a month." "Hey," said Tony, "I made you some slick gear. Can't explain it all now, but if you have any questions about the gear I made for you, I worked on a telepathic transceiver. Your friend can telepath me for questions. Also, make sure it's a month. You have graduation, remember?" "Yeah," said Jeff, as he walked out, "I know." He waved Poo over to the car. As they went inside, Jeff said "Now you can teleport the car with us, right?" "Yup," said Poo. He used a teleportation power he learned, PSI Teleport Sigma, and the next thing Jeff knew, he was in Dalaam.

"Now," said Paula, "My parents are a little crazy about me leaving the house for long periods of time, especially after we faced off against you may hear a lot of arguing." Ness nodded, and Paula walked into the house. "PAULA!" screamed a preschooler. "Hey, Johnny..." said Paula, as she smiled, "Where's your Mom?" "Dunno..." Paula figured that she must have been working late. She sneaked upstairs and packed her things. Then she sneaked downstairs and was caught by her father. "And WHERE do you think you're going, young lady?" he asked. "Out," she said, "Duty calls."

"Oh no you're not."
"Oh YES I AM."
"No you're not, Paula! We discussed this. Until you go to college, your responsibility is with the preschoolers!"

Paula shoved her father out of the way, got the Holy Frying Pan from the kitchen, and started for the door. "YOUNG LADY, WALK OUT THAT DOOR AND YOU ARE CUT OFF!" Paula stood outside the door, said "SNIP, SNIP," and slammed the door behind her. Then she and Ness teleported to Saturn Valley.

Down at the Palace of Dalaam, Poo went to speak with his master.

"I know what you have come for. That is a nice car you have."
"If it helps, my friend drove."
"Heh, heh, not worry, Poo. Here is your Sword of Kings."
"Thank you master."

Poo took his Sword of Kings and bowed to his master. "Wait," said Master, "Listen to my words.

"This, Poo, is your ultimate test. I know you will fare well. If you pass, you will become the new king of Dalaam. And you will no longer need a master." "Of course, Master," said Poo, "I guess this is goodbye, then." Poo bowed once again to Master. "Poo," said Master, "I wish you well. Remember, now I give you spirtual advice. Telepath me if you need help." Poo thanked Master, and left. Then, he jumped in the car and teleported to Saturn Valley

"This is weird..." said Ness, who arrived in Saturn Valley with Paula. There were no signs of life, yet the buildings were intact. "The hell is going on?" asked Paula. Then Jeff and Poo arrived. "Geez, nice place to make out," said Jeff. A crow sqwuaked. "Oh no..." said Poo. "Oh no what?" asked Ness. "Crows don't squwak unless there's danger..." Then Paula felt something in her mind. "There's something 100 meters behind us," she said. "There's nothing there," said Jeff. "No, Jeff," said Ness, "Somethings there...and it's closing in fast...CRUD, IT'S RIGHT BEHIND US! RUN!"

To be continued in Chapter 3: Trouble in Twoson

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