MoonBound: Part 13

By: nessdude15

"Well guys, let's check this out." Jeff said as he opened the inside door of the airlock. He looked into the brightly lit building. It was totally empty. He couldn't imagine what the aliens had used it for. Picky pushed Jeff, who was in front of him, out of the way, and began walking towards one side of the building as if he was being drawn to it. He finally stopped when he reached the far wall of the totally empty building. Where the floor met the wall, he saw a little shining light. Poo and Jeff got to his side quickly.

"Alright, we found another sanctuary! Let's get this show on the road." Picky said.

"Hey wait, don't you think we should-" Jeff said, but he was cut off by an over-zealous Picky.

"Hey, it's me Picky! Fight me so I can get to my sanctuary!" Picky yelled to the little shining light. Poo and Jeff braced themselves as the light flashed brilliantly.

* * *

"That was a pretty bright flash." Ness said, looking out a small window on the side of the building. "Jeff must have found something."

"That's great Ness, but we could really use some help organizing all of these oxygen canisters." Pippi replied.

"Okay then." Ness said, turning from the window and walking back towards the middle of the room where Pippi and Paula were busy organizing oxygen canisters into neat little piles.

* * *

They all expected to see a huge towering monster, but instead a small green worm-like creature with googly yellow bug eyes, and hundreds of legs sat in the corner where the little shining light had been.

" that the best they can do? Whoever makes these sanctuary bosses sure failed to do their job this time..." Picky said.

"Well then, let's end this quickly." Poo said as he weilded his Sword of Kings and slashed down on the little bug. The bug zoomed out of the way, right between Poo's legs, a fraction of a sceond before Poo would have made contact.

"Huh? how could I have missed?" Poo said with a puzzled look on his face. Behind him, he heard a little chirping sound. He turned around swiftly. his Sword still drawn. Behind him was the little green innocent-looking bug creature.

"Whoa that was fast." Picky said. "I didn't even see him move!"

"This is going to be harder than we thought. And this lack of gravity won't help." Jeff said as he pulled his Gaia Beam from his belt and aimed carefully. When he was astisfied with his aim, he pulled the trigger and shot. A large Beam came from the tip of the gun, and hit the ground, leaving a large black mark.

"Got him!" Jeff exclaimed.

"Don't get too excited. You didn't hit him." Picky said as he pulled out his yo-yo. He began flinging it widly at the little bug creature, but it kept swiftly dodging.

"Darn you, you stupid bug!" Picky yelled as he put his yo-yo up and began shooting PK Beam alpha at the bug. Bright yellow beams were flying everywhere. Not only did the bug dodge everyone of them, but he also managed to run in front of Jeff, causing Picky to begin firing his beams right at Jeff!

"Hey watch where you shoot those things!" Jeff said as he ducked, avoiding a beam narrowly. He wasn't so lucky the next time around. The next of Picky's reckless beams struck him on the chin, knocking him to the ground. Picky realized what he had done, and stopped firing beams.

* * *

Ness qucikly got bored, walked over to the window, and looked over to the building that Picky, Poo and Jeff were in. He saw their windows light up numerous times with a brilliant yellow light.

"Okay, something going over there, guys, we're going to go check it out." Ness decided. "Pippi you open the doors."

"Okay then." Pippi said. "Everyone put on your helmets." After they had, Pippi opened and closed the doors in the regular order. Ness, Pippi and Paula were now out on the lunar terrain heading for the building.

* * *

"Man, how are we going to beat this thing?" A winded Picky thought to himself. Right then, Poo spread his arms annd prepared for an all out attack on the little annyoing bug.

"PSI Fire Omega!" He yelled, as a wall of flame came from him, covering the entire width of the room. "PSI Freeze Omega!" He yelled directly after. This time, hundreds of small ice chunks flew from him. The little worm just seemed to teleport onto the side where Jeff, Poo and Picky were, dodging both of Poo's attacks. But the little worm was the least of their worries. Upon hitting the opposite wall, the flame wall and ice chunks bounced off and began hurtling towards them.

"PSI Shield Sigma!" A familiar voice said from somewhere near the door. A big shining blue shield appeared in front of Poo, Picky and Jeff. The fire hit the shield, and disappeared. The ice hit the shield and disappeared, and the shield did the same.

"Wow, we owe you one, Paula" Picky said as he looked over to the door that Ness, Paula and Pippi had just come through.

"Uh, no problem." Paula replied. "But why the heck were you using PSI attacks in here?"

"Well, we're having a bit of trouble with this sanctuary boss." Jeff replied.

"You mean that thing?" Ness asked, pointing towards the floor, holding back laughter.

"You mean there's a sanctuary boss in here? I don't see it!" Paula said. Ness pointed to the floor where the little innocent-looking bug was sitting. "ITS A BUG!" Paula shrieked. She jumped behind Ness and pulled out her Holy Fry Pan.

"Oh, but it looks so cute!" Pippi replied. She bent down to get a closer look at the little green bug. It then swiftly slapped her in the forehead with its little tail, leaving a small red mark. "OW! I'm gonna get you you stupid little bug!"

"You won't ever be able to hit it." Picky said to her. "Its just too fast!"

"Well then we'll just have to find a way." Ness said. He then quickly pulled out his Gutsy Bat and slammed down on the bug as fast as he possibly could. The bug nimbly dodged to the right and resumed looking innocent. "Yea, its definately too fast..." Ness said, scratching his head. The little bug then began slowly crawling behind Ness where Paula was still cowering. It looked up at her innoently with its big bug eyes.

"AHHH!" Paula shrieked as she swung her frying pan down at the bug with amazing speed. Everyone immediately began looking around to see where the bug had run off to. Paula picked up her frying pan and turned it over. On the bottom was the little squashed bug. It appeared to be almost flat.

"EEW!" Paula yelled as she began shaking her fry pan violently. The squashed bug eventually fell off and floated to the ground like a piece of paper would. Jeff walked over and examined the dead bug creature.

"Wow, Paula, you sure did squash this little thing." He said. The bug then flashed brightly and then disappeared. Immediately after the bug had disappeared, the floor of the alien base fell from below their legs. The entire party fell about thirty feet and landed softly on their backs on the dusty basement floor. Everyone except Picky that is. Picky was once again floating up in the air, but this time emitting a green light. Everyone present could once again feel the immense force coming from him. A few minutes later, he finally fell to his feet.

"Man I could get used to that!" Picky said, exhilerated.

"Yea, thats great and all, but now we need to get back up there." Pippi said, pointing upwards towards the room that they had just fell from.

"Hey, it looks like the floor on the side we weren't standing on didn't fall through." Ness said.

"I'll jump up there and tie the rope to something!" Picky suggested, as he walked over to Ness who was holding the rope. Ness gave him the rope.

"Do you really thing you can jump up that high?" Ness asked.

"Sure thing." Picky replied as he took a giant leap, grabbed onto the side of the floor and pulled himself up. He looked around for something to tie the rope to"Uh, guys. This room is empty. There's nothing to tie the rope to." He said, looking down at them.

"That's okay, I have an idea." Pippi said. "Pull me up." she added as she grabbed onto an end of the rope. He began pulling her up quickly. After she had reached the top, she took Picky's end of the rope from him and walked up to the circular door. She opened up the door and put the end of the rope into it. Then she closed the door on it, securing the rope.

"Hey good idea, Pippi!" Picky explained.

"Yea, well, that's what I'm here for!" Pippi replied.

Ness was the first to climb the rope. He grabbed onto the end of the rope. In no time he had pulled hmself all the way to the top.

"Its safe, guys!" Ness said to Paula, Poo and Jeff who were still in the basement below.

"I'll go next." Paula said. She too climbed the up the top with ease. "C'mon Poo its easy!" Paula said to him as he began walkin up to the rope.

"I never said it was hard." Poo replied under his breath. He grabbed onto the rope and pulled himself up ninja-style.

"Oh great, my turn." Jeff thought to himslef as he gripped the end of the rope. "I'll look like a fool if I can't make it up." Little did he know, the rope had been worn quite a bit from the amount of use it had been through. Jeff began laboring up towards the top. When he had gotten half way up, the rope broke and Jeff fell to the basement floor. He landed fairly softly and wasn't hurt much at all.

"Are you alright?" Pippi asked him.

"Just fine." He replied while getting up and dusting himself off.

"Well, I just remembered I had this thing." Pippi said, pulling a fairly small device about the size of a large book out of her large purse, which was full of gadgets. She pressed a button and a ladder popped up out of thin air.

"Works for me." Jeff thought. "Now I don't have to make a fool of myself climbing up that cursed rope." Ness lowered the ladder down to where Jeff was standing. Jeff then climbed up the ladder and stepped onto the metal floor of the alien building. "That's quite a clever device you have there." Jeff said to Pippi.

"Thanks." She replied.

"Well, Picky, that's two sancutaries down." Ness said. "Where are we going to look next?"

"I think I'll let Jeff and Pippi decide that." Picky replied.

"Good answer." Ness said to him.

"Well, we started southeast of here, so I suggest we go to the west." Jeff said.

"Then we go west." Picky replied. "But first we relax!" He said as he pulled his helmet off, and sat on the ground. Everyone else did the same. "Man, I sure am glad I brought this thing with me." Picky thought as he reached into a large pocket on his space suit and pulled out his instant meal device.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Ness exclaimed. The meal device hegan to stir. Seconds later, a large horse materialized in front of him.

"Great job, Ness, now look what you've done!" Picky said. He pressed a button on the device marked 'cancel.' The horse was vaporized. He then made some real food, such as hamburgers and pizzas for the group to eat. After they had finished eating, they all took a short nap on the hard, cold alien floor. The bright lights didn't help things either. Needless to say, it wans't a very restful sleep. Picky woke up over an hour later. Everyone else was already up and about. He saw Ness finish packing their supplies to his back, Pippi arranging her gadgets, and Poo shining his sword. Jeff was leaning against the wall near the door.

"Okay, now that sleeping beauty is up, we can continue." Jeff said. He led them out both doors, and began traveling towards the west, leaving the three alien buildings, and Picky's second sanctuary; The Alein Basement behind them.