MoonBound: Part 8

By: nessdude15

"This must be the alien seems your crazy plan worked, Pippi" Picky said after they landed with one loud thump on a hard, cold floor.

"No kidding." Ness replied as he got up and searched for a wall, light switch, or anything. After a few minutes of wandering aimlessly in the dark, he finally ran into a hard, cold wall that felt much like the floor he had landed on shortly before.

"Ow." said Ness who was rubbing his forehead.

"Stop whining and look for a switch." said Pippi who had just gotten up and began searching a nearby wall.

"I think I have something." said Ness as he pulled down on a large lever. Suddenly, a bright red light began flashing, and a horrendous noise resembling an alarm began to sound. "Oops." he said as he pushed it back up to it's original position.

"Oh great, now the whole ship knows we're here." Pippi said as she proceeded to push up a lever near her. A bright, white light flashed on causing them to squint. "There, that should do." she said as she gazed at their metallic environment.

"What is this, some kind of alien hospital?" Picky asked as he looked at all of the aliens that appeared to be sleeping in tubes filled with a strange liquid.

"Yes, it appears to be some kind of infirmary. This must be where the injured aliens go." Pippi replied.

"Yea, but now what? We're on the ship, but this thing could be miles long." said Ness.

"Perhaps, this map would be helpful." Poo replied as he walked over to the wall where a large diagram was hung.

"Yes, that red dot is probably where we are right now. So, if we're going to try to rescue Paula, we should try to head towards their dungeon, which would be..." said Pippi before she was cut off my Picky.

"Step aside, woman, map reading is a man's job." Picky said as he began to examine the map. "Um...we can way...wait, no...Arg! I give. Let the genius fufill her purpose."

"At least I have a purpose." Pippi mumbled as she took a glance at the map. "Okay, we take a right out of this room, and then a left at the next intersection. After that, we take the elevator to floor 6. Then, we make two rights, three lefts, and then another right. That should take us to the dungeons."

"What!? No way you could have memorized that in just one glance!" Ness yelled.

"First of all, it was two glances, and second, yes I can. A photographic memory comes in handy at times."

"Okay then. Let's get started. But you had better be right." Said Ness as he started towards a large metallic door at the front end of the room. He pressed a button on the side of the door. It flew up and revealed two menacing Military Octobots.

"Seems like that alarm didnt go unheard..." Said Ness.

"The enemies, Ness." Picky replied.

"Oh right." said Ness as he turned around and destroyed both Octobots in one mighty stroke of his Gutsy Bat. "Now we'll have to fight our way through the entire ship." Ness complained.

"Oh, stop whining. We can take on anything that comes our way." Pippi replied.

"Oh, I know that. I just dont want to get my new shirt dirty."

"Sometimes I wonder who the real man is in this group." sighed Picky.

"That would be Poo." Pippi replied as she sent a wink in Poo's general direction.

"Ohh, look at Poo the ladies man!" said Ness jokingly.

"CAN WE JUST GET ON WITH THIS RESCUE MISSION!?!?" yelled Poo in an a rare show of anger.

"Okay, how can I argue with that determination..." Ness replied as he apprehensively walked past Poo who still had a mean look on his face. So with Pippi in the lead, they continued down the metal hallway. Shortly, they came upon an intersection and took a right. A few minutes later, they came upon another intersection and took a left. After that, they arrived at a large row of doors with large green buttons on the sides.

"These must be the elevators." Ness observed.

"Well, let's find out." Picky replied as he pressed one of the buttons. A couple seconds later, a small "Ding" sounded throughout the hallway.

"Hey, they're just like our elevators back home!" Picky exclaimed.

"Or not." Ness added as the two two shiny metal doors slid apart revealing two Lesser Mooks that appeared to be just as surprised as Ness and co. were. Before anyone could think twice, Poo flew to the front of the group, and slashed the two moooks, causing them to fall to the ground unconcious.

"I feel much better now." Poo said, having taken out his anger on the two Mooks.

"Heh, yea, better on them than me, right man?" Ness said nudging Poo.

"Don't push your luck." Poo replied as he followed Pippi and Picky who were walking into the metal elevator. The interior of the elevator looked similar to the rest of the ship, save for the strange panel of buttons located on the right side of the now closed doors.

"OOOOH OOOH!! I wanna push the button!" Picky yelled.

"Okay, which button exactly will you press?" Asked Ness who was looking at the panel with a perplexed look on his face.

"This one." Pippi replied as she pressed a red button with a strange symbol on it. "My photographic memory once again comes in handy."

"Yea, whatever, but if this crazy route doesn't bring us to Paula, I won't be very happy."

After a few seconds, the elevator stopped with a jolt. They walked out with Ness in the lead, and luckily saw no enemies in sight.

"Lead on, fearless genius." said Ness after confirming the hallway was clear.

"Where would you be without me?" Pippi asked with a sigh.

"Probably in an alien infirmary." answered Picky.

"It was a rhetorical question, smart one." Pippi replied.

"A What?"

"Just nevermind her." said Ness to Picky

So, finally, after following Pippi's directions exactly, they came upon an enormous door that was made of a foriegn metal even Pippi had never seen before. There was no panel of buttons like there were on the other doors in the spaceship. There didn't appear to be any way through it.

"I'm guessing the dungeons are on the other side of this door." Pippi thought.

"Well, let's break it down." Ness said as he walked up to the towering door. He took a mighty swing with his Gutsy bat but didnt even leave a scratch or a dent. He scratched his head and stepped back. "PSI Rockin Omega!" he yelled as a multi-colored blast of enery left his hands on a path towards the giant barrier. When the energy connected with the door, it didnt break through the door, but bounced off and came back at Ness and the others who were standing frozen in awe.

"PSI Shield Omega!" Poo yelled, snapping out of his trance. The energy disappeared when it hit the shield.

"Stand aside, I will break down the wall." Picky said as he strutted towards the front trying to act macho. He shot his yo-yo at it numerous times to no avail. Finally, out of breath, he gave up.

"My turn." Poo said with a smirk on his face. "PSI Freeze Omega!" he yelled. Ice began to build up on the door as Poo comtinued to push the power through his hands. After a few minutes, he looked very fatigued, but it seemed that the door had frozen over completely. With one mighty kick, the door shattered, leaving the hallway open for them to continue on. The hallway on the other side of the door seemed very dark, and gloomy. They walked in and were consumed by the darkness.

"This is very dungeon-like." Pippi observed as she flipped on her flashlight, revealing many smaller doors lined along the seemingly never-ending hallway.

"Yea, but which one is Paula in..." Ness thought.

"Well, let's find out." replied Picky.

"Oh yea, and how are you gonna..." Ness said before he was cut off by Picky's loud, annoying voice.

"PAULA!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Over here." said a faint voice in the distance.

"I never thought your loud, obnoxious voice would have a purpose." said Pippi. "Hey! Wait up!" she yelled to Ness who was already sprinting down the hallway. The rest of the group followed him. When Poo, Pippi, and Picky finally caught up, they found Ness having a conversation with the voice that they assumed came from Paula.

"Time to get you out of here." Ness said, backing away from the door. "Well, Poo, go do your thing."

Poo shook his head, and stepped forward. He froze the door and kicked it in. Just as Paula emerged from the prison, a piercing alarm sounded. Almost immediately, four Starman Supers materialized between Ness and Paula. Suddenly, a fire lit in Ness's eyes. He immediately bashed on of the Starman Supers into a pile of wires and bolts. The remaining three Starmen Supers teleported behind Poo, Picky and Pippi, and immediately knocked them to the floor with their powerful beams. Paula casted PSI Fire Gamma on them for major damage. Ness finished them off with a PSI Rockin Gamma.

Three of Ness's friends lay unconcious on the floor, but it didn't matter. He was finally reunited with his beloved Paula. He walked up to her and held her in a long embrace.