The truth you know is now a fragile reality of the past…
Open your mind, and confront the possibilities of the future…

Set 30 years after EarthBound, this is the story of a time when the conflict between Earth and a society from far away is resurrected. Certain visitors however, are members of a race currently opposing those the Earth remembers as enemies. Also emerging are two Psi-powered human teenagers, who represent a new generation of young defenders.

The terms ‘destiny’ and ‘circumstance’ were irrelevant, as the joining of these young ones made for a serious advantage in the Earth’s favor.

…And then things began coming apart from the inside.

The telepath Yumi was given a disturbingly realistic vision of Rich’s final day, which left a mark on her morale.
Nyne received shocking information from her superiors in outer-space, leaving her with a cruel decision…which prompted her to refuse an order.
And the abrasive boy Peter finally confronted and revealed his emotions, only to discover it was too late soon afterwards.

While Rich and Yumi find themselves in danger, Peter and Nyne are left to deal with Alpha, personal feelings, and even their own people.

Just what is the whole truth behind this conflict? How many lives are really on the line? And who exactly…is in the most danger?


Chapter Seven
-…And sometimes the truth hurts

Once again, the front door of the Twoson hotel was yanked open, and once again, guests wearing either pajamas, shirts and shorts, or long coats exited—barely missing the glass on the ground as they ran.

Some had crossed the street and cleared the nearby stream. Others had headed towards the department store. But all were running in the same direction: as far away from whatever was making the noise as possible.

One more alien being came crashing through a window of the room above. His icy coating, and the glass that had fallen with him, were soon joined in a nearly indistinguishable mess. The Starman rests on the street, motionless…until a few mystical blue flashes indicate his imminent freedom. Just as the effects of Psi freeze wear off, and the alien stands up, a blast of psychic thunder violently strikes down and puts him out of the battle. The last thing the alien sees as he stares upward in a stunned pose, is the nervous, attractive face of a young girl who peers from a window.

“Yumi!” yells a familiar voice from behind.

The girl by that name turns around, and sees a flurry of beautiful shinning stars approaching—which will have a far less pleasant effect when they hit. Suddenly, Yumi drops down and hides behind her arms, summoning a shield slightly more advanced than her enemy or his oldest predecessors have ever seen. The green flash surrounding the girl confuses the elite Starman at first, but soon enough he figures out what’s about to happen, and musters the strength and courage for one final Psi action.

As the blast of “Starstorm” is deflected to the Starman who fired it, and the soon to be gone alien flies across the room, a small blast of energy escapes his forehead…and dissipates into thin air. The Starman collides with Rich, and they both end up hitting the wall—landing just beside the large hole that used to be the door.

“Rich!” yells the girl across the room in response.
As Yumi trembles a bit and begins pulling herself up, another Starman appears out of thin air—just around the area where the defeated one had discharged his shot. Yumi’s eyebrows lift suddenly as she pulls back.

Rich quickly pushes the Starman’s fading body off of his own, and sends a small, shiny Blue Orb at the enemy. It moves slowly at first, then rushes forward. Upon contact, the orb slams into the advanced soldier facing Yumi, pauses, then repeatedly strikes the Starman again and again. The target soon disappears into thin air…as though he hadn’t come at full power.

With their latest battle finally at an end, both teenagers are left sitting on opposite sides of the room, staring at each other yet again as the sun slowly peers inside.

“You okay?” asks Rich as he catches his breath.

“…No,” says Yumi in a disturbed tone, as the green shield around her crackles and dissipates. She looks over at Rich with a worried expression.

”Select A Folder,” is exactly how the text he’s reading translates.
Kneeling down on the most famous hilltop in the world, is a boy named Peter. Since the moment he woke up a little while ago to discover he’d been found, he had been worried more about a certain someone than himself. Shortly after escaping, he arrived on the scene a bit too late to help the person who had been helping him so much lately.
After several button presses on a small handheld computer, he believes he’s finally found something that may assist him. He quickly observes the menu.

“-Mission In Progress


-Motivational Message

-History And Principals

-Nyne’s Stuff”

After only a few seconds, he uses the four-way pad on the left to select “Contact.”

After the screen goes through a brief change, he’s presented with a lot of open, white space, with the words, ”Create your message” at the top.

Peter hesitates, then begins using the small keyboard, hitting the comfortable buttons above it to move the cursor to the right and back to the left when necessary.

After a few minutes, during which he paused to worry about the situation back at the hotel, the ”Send” button is pressed and the computer makes a slight ‘humming’ noise. Before it disappears, Peter rereads the message once again:

“Whoever is reading this please help. I am called Peter. The girl you sent after me has been captured by your enemies. Please disregard me and find a way to save her. Please contact me upon receiving this message. I do not know where they have taken her. I wish that I did. If you have any idea as to her location, please try to find her.”

Suddenly a cold splash of water hits her face, and the girl Nyne wakes up.
The first thing she notices is the firm grasp on her wrists, then the lack of anything solid beneath her feet, then the arrogant stare in the short distance. She looks up, and stares for a few seconds at the shackles holding her arms, which are attached to a long pole that extends to the ceiling.

“Isn’t this a bit primitive…or, for you people, would this be a major new development?” she asked sounding sleepy.

“You can rest assured that we’re as advanced as your people,” said Melva, “and believe me, you don’t want to experience our other kinds of treatment.”

“Afraid I’ll have a hard time believing anything you say,” replied the captive girl.

“Oh? Well probably not this—you needn’t bother trying your Psi, because the Starman behind you is making sure you can’t. Psi magnet.”

“As I’m already well aware of,” said Nyne, “I tried hitting you right after I woke up.”

“I see,” said Melva before drinking a bit of water, then tossing the cup aside. “Well I’m through playing around Nyne. I want Peter now.”

“What you want doesn’t really matter to me,” she replied.

“Really?” said Melva. “If that were true you wouldn’t have become what you are. Wouldn’t help oppose us. Wouldn’t be here…having to face the end of your life like this.”

“You’re not scaring me,” said Nyne. “My people will make avenging me a priority. You’re only hurting yourself.”

“A priority? Didn’t I hear you defy a direct order from your people back there?”

Nyne summoned a resentful stare to combat the obvious arrogance in Melva.

Far away, Peter kept looking over the menus before him.

“-Mission In Progress


-Motivational Message

-History And Principals

-Nyne’s Stuff”

Fairly sure Rich and Yumi could handle the Starmen he had left at the hotel, he continued looking for something that might lead him to Nyne.
After a few more seconds, Peter selects “Mission In Progress.” The screen soon changes to reveal the requested information.

“Current Mission for Operative Nyne(#:6+3)-
Page One(1)

Find, protect and recover the Missing In Action Soldier Peter(#:64) at all costs. Scanners identified the target passing in a small pod thirty minutes ago, which was presumably traveling at top speed. At the very moment, he is believed to be Earth bound. We have reason to believe this top-ranking soldier has been captured by Alpha during the entire duration of his disappearance, for unknown reasons. All attempts to rescue him during this period have been unsuccessful. It is unknown how he parted with the enemy. We have evidence that the enemy uses a form of brainwashing on captives, which most experts speculate begins with a memory removal process. Due to these methods, it is possible that the target will remember nothing of his time in the service, his home world, or himself. As always, in order to avoid the misunderstanding of an invasion, we in the Rebound division are sending a small covert force to accomplish this mission. As you’ve requested, that force will consist solely of yourself. The target ranks among the elite in regards to combat capability. Therefore, due to the extreme importance of recovering this soldier, and your volunteering for the assignment, we expect nothing but absolute professionalism, concentration, and dedication towards the task at hand. Trace the pod, begin recharging your ship’s battery immediately upon your arrival on Earth, and be wary of the enemy. Recover the target, keep yourselves safe and out of the open, and return with the target once the recharge is complete.”

Peter looked up at the sky. Slowly, his eyes came back down and read the choices at the very end: “Background Information,” or “Go to Page Two…”

They stepped outside with their street clothes on and their backpacks in tow. The two runaways named Rich and Yumi were the center of attention, as the guests of the Twoson hotel slowly approached and began asking questions. After assuring everyone that they could go back inside, Rich gently led Yumi across the street and they sat by the quiet stream.

“What’s wrong?” he asked tenderly. “During that fight you seemed a little…”

“…Nothing,” she replied, “I just…I’m worried…about you.”

“…Thank you,” he smiled.

Yumi grinned back at him, “I mean…oh man…I have to be straight with you. Because of something I feel for you, I just have to be honest.”

Rich didn’t exactly know what to say, but found he couldn’t stop looking at the girl.

“Rich…we’re both hurting right now. I’m not used to sharing my feelings with anyone, or even having anyone to talk to, and I honestly can’t remember the last time I ever felt loved. I can’t connect with my guardians, and you feel betrayed by yours. I don’t have the slightest idea where my dad is, and you’ve never truly met yours. I don’t know where my life is going if I survive all this. I am frustrated, I’m angry, and I’m not even going to pretend I’m not scared. Right now both of our allies have disappeared, and we’re on our own again just like that, you know? It’s like a cycle.”

Rich chuckled and shook his head a bit. He didn’t understand why, but he realized part of his fondness for Yumi came from just listening to her sometimes. Their thoughts and feelings were so similar it was almost scary.

She sighed. “Stop me if I make you feel uncomfortable…but all I really know right now is this: even though we’ve only known each other for a little while, after all we’ve been through on the road…you’re the only thing I’m sure of.” She had to stop for a few seconds, “…And I think you feel the same way.”

She buried her face in her hands suddenly, then emerged a few short seconds later when she heard something.

“I do,” said Rich with his chin in his hands.

Yumi turned to him looking a bit surprised.

“Yumi I’ve never felt closer to anyone in my life, not even my d…uncle, than I have with you over these past few days,” he said.

Yumi’s mouth opened slightly as she stared at him.

“I’m…really fond of you and you mean a lot to me,” he continued. “I don’t know when this is going to end or where I’m going from here…but I want to know you well after this is over.”

Her hand slowly came to tease his on the grass, and soon they were interlocked. They both adjusted the grip so that it was stronger and more satisfying.
Yumi smiled at him.

“…Ah, excuse me…but I think I saw your friend head towards Onett,” said a voice from behind.

Rich and Yumi turned around.

“…That other guy? If he’s a friend of yours, I saw him running up towards Onett—if you wanted to find him,” said the young woman who had approached them.

“Thanks,” said Rich and Yumi as they got up.
“Did you see a girl with him?” asked Yumi.

“No, sorry, I was just taking out the trash down the street when I heard the noise. I went back inside right after that,” she continued.

“Well thanks, that’s a lot of help,” said Yumi. “…Now we know they haven’t teleported off somewhere on their own,” she said to Rich when they were alone again. “At least I don’t think so.”

“It shouldn’t be too hard to find them over there,” said Rich as they walked.

“I’ve discovered that Peter’s far too strong to struggle with,” said Melva, “so we’re not going to try and capture him anymore. Instead, we’re going to lure him to us by using you.”

“Well that won’t work Melva,” said Nyne, “because Peter could care less about me. I tried…I tried over and over to make him open up and talk to me. He wouldn’t. Whatever you did to him it worked. He’s so confused, and lonely, and sad, and scared…that he just doesn’t care about anything.”

“That’s because he’s lost his memory,” said Melva.

“I know that. He lost it because of you. You took HIS LIFE AWAY!” Nyne shouted. “…How can you live with that? You did that to someone…all for this pathetic goal of yours.”

“Our goal won’t seem so pathetic once it succeeds,” said Melva.

“That’ll never happen. I won’t help you get Peter, so go ahead and finish me, ‘cause I will NEVER, cooperate with the likes of you.”

“You may not be so sure of that in a little while. I’m fairly sure of how this is going to play out. See, I have no intention of putting you through the same process as I did Peter.”

“And what process was that exactly? Tell me how you did it.”

“…Oh…Rebound trained you well Nyne,” said Melva. “You think that by keeping me talking you’ll buy yourself time. For what exactly? We’re far away from Onett now. No one could rescue you even if we weren’t. I just didn’t want that telepath to locate us and alert the military…it’d only make things more hectic…so I moved the ship.”

“Oh you’re a thoughtful little something…always have everything planed out,” said Nyne. “…Did you tell him your plans before you started the brainwashing, or did you decide to wait until afterwards?”

Melva paused for a little while and looked upward, “…He was so difficult. We barely managed the capture…and when we strapped him in…and I told him about the memory removal…he resisted. Oh did he resist.”

Nyne looked at her in silent anger.

“Everyday…for three long months…we’d attach a machine to his head. And everyday he’d keep fighting it and screaming and ranting.
Finally we tried direct brainwashing…that didn’t work. We’d go back to memory removal…that wouldn’t work. It was as though there was something he didn’t want to forget.”

Nyne continued her resentful stare.

“I eventually decided to stop being delicate,” said Melva, “and against the advice of Kurtus, and Truit…who soon lost his life in a battle against your people…I started using the machine at maximum power. I think that did some damage to Peter’s mind…just before he escaped.”

Nyne was quiet.

“…Oh well,” said Melva, “unlike him you’re of no long term use to me.”

“I said it before…you don’t, scare me,” replied Nyne.

“Yes well I don’t really have time to,” said Melva, “my people are becoming extinct. Something must be done now, which is why I need Peter.”

“You’ll never have him again!” yelled Nyne.

“Oh I think we will this time. You see, I figure you let him know where you were going before you left for Onett, didn’t you?”

Nyne said nothing.

“Yes, the Starmen I sent to search the Twoson hotel have probably already been defeated…if you all were staying there,” said Melva. “I also figure, and this is the important part, that he’s gone and found the computer you left on the ground. You know, the one you typed that message on as we were lifting you?”

Nyne continued her silence.

“If that’s true, then you’ve made it all the more easier for us to reach him…because all we have to do,” said Melva as she got in Nyne’s face, “is contact the device. When he answers it, we’ll demand he turn himself over. And even if what you say is true…and he doesn’t care for you…we’ll still be tracing the signal once he answers anyway.”

Out of sheer anger, Nyne lifted her knee very quickly and aimed for Melva’s chin. The woman however, dodged just in time.

“Heh, heh, heh…you know in some ways, I admire you Nyne,” said Melva. “…Now give me the number to your device, otherwise I’ll have to employ torture.”

Nyne remained quiet.

“Have it your way,” said Melva as she began walking out of the room. “Keep an eye on her,” she said to the Starman who was silently keeping the girl’s Psi down from behind.

Moments later, several other aliens arrived at the door in which Melva had exited.

“Did you think I’d offer you any second chances?” called Melva. “Oh no…” she said while stepping out and closing the door, “…as I warned, it’s a big mistake to underestimate me.”

Nyne looked at them all with courage…and prepared herself.

Peter was reading Page Two of the “Mission In Progress” file. He looked around briefly, expecting a Starman or two to arrive any minute. Then he continued reading:

”Added file on-7/9
To all Operatives and Soldiers:

This department has made a major breakthrough, in finally locating and apprehending the band of soldiers who were escorting the Alpha leader Truit on 4/7(during the aforementioned battle, Truit was eliminated). They were found in a state of disguise, and are believed to have been hiding for months, in an effort to keep their people’s main base of operations a secret until they could return, which is what our soldiers are also trained to do.
We are currently interrogating the prisoners now, and will employ drastic measures to extract information about a mysterious agenda we believe
Alpha to be concentrating on.

Background Information/Go to Page Three”

“Peter!” called a voice from the distance.

The boy with the computer swung around, and saw Rich approaching, then Yumi behind him. Peter stood and ran down the hill.

“Are…are you two alright?” he asked.

“Fine,” said Rich, “what happened? Why did you run here?”

“And where’s Nyne?” asked Yumi.

“I was worried about her,” he said. “…She came to see me…told me she was coming here, then put me to sleep with this power of hers. When the Starmen found me I was worried that they might have gotten to her while she was alone. So I ran here, sorry…and I saw Alpha capture her.”

“What? How?” asked Yumi in surprise.

“They used this yellow beam to lift her off the ground and into their ship. They tried to do the same thing to me yesterday…but she saved me.”

“…Aw man…don’t get worried. If it’s you they want, they might not hurt her,” said Rich.

“…I have to help her somehow,” said Peter as his head dropped, “I won’t feel right until I do. She’s done too much for me. She cared about me. She was there when I was alone and scared.”

Rich and Yumi looked at each other for just a second.

“It was right down there…where we met,” said Peter with a frown. “She’s protected me. See this…see this thing. It’s hers. It only prints in her…our language. It proved that everything she said about me, and Alpha, and Rebound…it was all true. At first, I didn’t believe her. I…oh no…”

“Be strong Peter,” said Yumi.

“…At first, I did a few things I’m going to regret for a long time. I pushed her away. I wouldn’t talk to her, and…and now I learn she was telling the truth. She thought I had a heart,” he continued, “and now she’s in danger because someone’s after ME.”

“…Does that thing tell you anything, about where she might be?” asked Rich.

“No, not yet,” said Peter. “…But I sent a message to…our people, in space. I warned them that she’d been captured. All I can do now is hope they’ll save her.”

“…Or we could try it ourselves…” said Yumi.

Peter looked up.

“What do you mean?” asked Rich.

“Come on Rich you know the legend,” she smiled, “with the four kids…and the ones that helped them.”

Rich chuckled, “…You’re kidding right?”

“Nope. I mean why not look for it? It’s worth a try,” she said.

“What are you talking about?” asked Peter.

“I wouldn’t know where to start looking. The location has been a secret from the general public for years,” said Rich. “Besides, we don’t even know if those…guys, are still alive…or ever really existed.”

“You can’t rule anything out in this game,” said Yumi.

“…Fine. I don’t mind looking for it. You know I’m going to follow you anywhere right?” said Rich.

Yumi grinned and held his hand.

“But how exactly are we going to get started?” he asked.

“…Maybe we don’t,” said Yumi. “Maybe he does.”

“What do you mean?” asked Peter. “What are you two talking about?”

“Peter…does that thing give you any information about Earth?” asked Rich

“I don’t know,” he said while pressing some buttons, “let me check in…’Background Information.’ Why what am I looking for?”

Yumi paused, “…See if there’s any information on…Saturn Valley.”

Chapter Eight
-Legend, Life, and Love

“You know…that teleportation ability of Nyne’s sure is missed right now,” said Yumi.

“…No,” said Peter, “even she has to have a good idea of where the location is first. She told me.”

“…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you, start missing her even more,” said Yumi.

Peter said nothing in response.

“…Well if, these little guys still exist,” said Rich as he swung his flashlight, “from what I’ve heard you two could be reunited very soon.”

“…Oh if I have to see one, more, coffin…” said Yumi.

Peter rubbed some of his hair in silence as he turned briefly to the side.

“…Look!” said Rich with a smile, “Those stairs…I think we’re out of here.”

Less than a minute later, the three teens exited the underground passage, and were surrounded by daylight again.

“Now then,” said Rich, “I’ve heard of Grapefruit Falls, but a cave around here…”

“…It’s probably not too easy to spot,” said Yumi. “Not these days anyway.”

“…We should be prepared,” said Peter as he started moving forward, “we could be attacked at some point out here.”

At the point halfway between where they came from and where they were going, they were attacked.
The usual Starmen elites were accompanied by spooky, transparent ones this time.

Standing in front of the others, it was Peter who responded first, sending a white blast of power into the group before him.

“Shields up,” could be heard before quick flashes of blue surrounded the other aliens.

And while their shields did protect them from some of the explosion that followed, all of the Starmen still felt some of the blast, as they were knocked out of their arrogant posture and to the ground.

Yumi and Rich had covered their eyes. When they looked forward, they saw the attackers barely managing to stand up. While Yumi wondered for a second if her green shield could withstand one of Peter’s signature attacks, Rich rushed forward and sent his Blue Orbs to finish the job.

All of the Starmen were shaken about, and when it ended, only two remained.

“Wait!” said Peter to his comrades as he ran forth and grabbed one. “How did you find us? Where is she?!”

The Starman from behind quickly snapped his hand toward Peter and launched forth a stun ray.

Without turning, Peter summoned his own shield, and the beam was deflected in a flash of green.
The Starman felt its’ full effect and fell to one knee, unable to move. A violent blast of Psi freeze soon followed, which was more than strong enough to finish the alien.

As Yumi turned her attention to the one being held by Peter, she realized something, “That one I just hit wasn’t protected by his shield. Peter’s move…must have nullified it completely.”

Rich looked at Peter in silent suspicion.

“Answer me,” said Peter, “is the ship nearby?”

“…No…” said the Starman, “we…we are…alone.”

“…I think he’s telling the truth,” said Yumi after a bit of concentration.

“What do you guys want with me?” asked Peter. “Where is the ship?”

The Starman suddenly seemed to faint in Peter’s hands. Then it slowly disappeared.

The three kids stood in silence, listening to the sound of running water in the distance.
Peter sighed. “…Just who am I?” he said quietly.

Rich grinned, “…I asked myself that the other day.”

“…Come on,” said Yumi adjusting her backpack, “lets find what we came for.”

“Ahh…ARRRGH!” growled Nyne someplace far away.

She was being hit with several red beams from several lower class Starmen who kept their distance.

The shots stopped, and Nyne began breathing hard. Soon Melva entered the room and addressed the girl who was suspended by her arms.

“…The number, Nyne,” said the smiling woman.

Nyne looked up slowly, said nothing, then looked back down. She gritted her teeth and thought about all the things she’d love to do if her Psi weren’t at level zero.

“Continue,” said Melva as she exited. “If shots don’t work, try physical means.”

More shots rang out as she walked down the hall and approached Kurtus.

“This is taking too long,” he said. “Our people shouldn’t have to wait anymore. This has to end, today.”

“I’m working on it,” replied Melva, “as soon as she tells me that number we’ll contact the computer Peter’s holding and force him to…”

“No!” said Kurtus. “…That plan has failed. THIS whole plan, has failed.”

“Well what do you suggest?!” asked Melva. “That we give up entirely?”

“Of course not. Now as you know the reason we barely have this ship armed with any weapons…is because I’ve had our workers developing a smaller machine, capable of delivering the same kind of firepower you’d get from one of these larger models.”


And…it’s finally done,” he said.

“…So what are you going to…you’re not thinking of?”

“AHHHRG!” Nyne shouted from down the hall.

Kurtus and Melva paused. Then he spoke again, “I’m going to take that preserver device, and take my chances.”

“Well…” said Melva, “…all right, I must admit it was a smart backup plan.”

“Soon, this will all be over,” said Kurtus. “Soon our kind will finally be triumphant.”

“It certainly has been a long enough wait,” said Melva.

“What are you going to do with the girl?” he asked.

“…I’m going to keep working on ’Plan-A’ just in case yours doesn’t work out. You should get ready.”

“I wouldn’t underestimate her,” said Kurtus suspiciously.

After emerging from the cave leading to Saturn Valley, Peter, Rich, and Yumi began to hear some soft, comforting music in the distance.

“…What’s…up with that?” asked Yumi as they slowed down.

Rich peeked around the corner, and turned back to the others with a surprised expression. “They look just like they do in the history books! This…this is weird.”

Peter quickly summoned his courage and began moving forward.

“Wait!” said Yumi. “…I…I think I can figure this out.”

After peeking around the corner herself, and a minute of telepathic concentration, Yumi spoke again. “…Nope…they’re definitely not bad guys. Hmm.”

“Let’s go talk to them,” said Peter as he started walking again.

After introducing themselves and explaining that they were trying to fight the current batch of aliens invading the outside world—as well as save a friend—the teens listened to the always friendly Mr. Saturns.

“Long time ago our people help kids travel through time in machine…save world!” said one.

“Yes well…we’re not out to do anything quite that big,” said Rich, “we just need to save FRIEND right now.”

“Um…where is the machine now?” asked Yumi. “Maybe…it can locate that ship or something,” she whispered to Rich.

“Why you whisper?” asked the Mr. Saturn.

“Oh…sorry,” laughed Yumi.

“Machine broken,” replied another.

“Oh…” said Rich.

“Howevv…we use engine…make new one,” he smiled.

“Oh…well that’s great,” said Yumi.

“Can we see it?” asked Rich.

Peter had stepped to the side for a minute to see if he could learn anything else that might be helpful from Nyne’s device.
Choosing “Mission In Progress” again, he selected Page Three, which had recently been added due to an “Urgent Update.”

After a few more seconds, a suspicious, disturbed look came over his face…

“If that machine really can go through…you okay Peter?” called Rich as he noticed the expression.

Yumi turned around, “…What’s wrong?”

They both walked over to the boy holding the miniature computer.

“What…what is it?” asked Rich.

Peter looked up for a second, but didn’t say anything.

“…Is it something about Nyne?” asked Yumi.

There was still silence.

“Come on…if you don’t tell us we’re going to be all worried and concerned,” she continued. “I’m not going to pry it out of you, but I do want to know.”

“Just trust us here,” said Rich, “we’re on the same side.”

Finally, Peter spoke, and Peter spoke in an uncharacteristically light, worried voice.
“This…this thing says…something about me.”

“…What now?” asked Rich cautiously as he adjusted the collar of his open long-sleeved shirt.

“Alpha’s plan,” Peter continued, “…is to use me.”

“For what exactly?” asked Yumi.

Some of the Mr. Saturns gathered.

“…It says here that,” he read from the screen:
Alpha is planning to undo the event that took place many years ago—THE DEFEAT OF GIYGAS. We’ve learned from our captives that there are two keys to the success of this plan. One is a time traveling machine created on Earth known as the PHASE DISTORTER—which was LEFT BEHIND in the past by the four heroes who participated in the aforementioned battle. Shortly after that battle’s conclusion, a soldier from our enemy’s side, who now of course are called Alpha, managed to BOARD THE MACHINE AND TRAVEL TO THIS PERIOD. Probably a robot, as it has been said that no living being could travel in the Earth’s PHASE DISTORTER. As a result, Alpha now has the ability to TRAVEL THROUGH TIME AGAIN. It is presumed that they could not before due to the economic problems and internal differences that were brought about by the loss of their leader.

The second key to this plan, is our own soldier Peter.”

He paused and looked up before continuing:

”It is now understood why exactly he was taken prisoner. Through their brainwashing process, the enemy planned to send Peter in the PHASE DISTORTER to the very day and location of Giygas’ defeat, and have him INTERCEPT the teenagers responsible for it. None of the enemy’s forces proved powerful enough to do this back then, but given Peter’s elite abilities, combined with a somewhat weakened condition of the four, it is very likely that he…would succeed where the others failed.”

Peter paused again:

”IF SUCCESSFUL, this occurrence would CHANGE THE PRESENT as we know it now.”
As Peter read, far away in Alpha’s ship Nyne was enduring more pain.
”Although it is not known exactly for how long, this would throw EVERYTHING into a dark age that would make things worse for all planets and societies which were attacked by Giygas. It would give him and his kind the ability to attack others which were spared when he was defeated. It would be a RESURRECTION.

We now understand why they call themselves Alpha. Through this they plan to ensure the continued survival of their dying race, even if it is at the expense of all other people.
Such an occurrence MUST BE PREVENTED AT ALL COSTS. Operative Nyne, you are hereby ORDERED to…IMMEDIATELY ELIMINATE the soldier Peter. Do so directly, by your own hand, before he is recaptured by the enemy. Respond immediately.”

“Oh…oh man…” said Yumi as she nervously looked at Peter. Soon she and Rich were holding hands.

“…I…I’m not…” said Peter. “…Then she…refused the order. Right after that she was captured by Alpha.”

Rich and Yumi were speechless.

“…Boy, oh…” said one of the Mr. Saturns who had been listening.

“…You guys have to believe me,” said Peter, “I’m not under Alpha’s control. I’ll never do that.”

Everyone remained silent.

“Come on,” said Peter, “…I trusted you.”

“I know you’re not being controlled Peter,” said Yumi. “…’Peter’…how exactly did you end up with a human name?” she wondered.

“Maybe…maybe the aliens became fond of the Earth or something after the original four defeated Giygas,” whispered Rich, “maybe they adopted some of our names.”

“…Yes well…that ‘fondness’ would explain how they know so much about us. I mean…that’s how we found this place,” said Yumi.

“I…I just can’t remember anything,” said Peter, “…not even how I escaped from Alpha.”

“…That little computer seems to have all the answers Peter. You should see if there’s something else about you in there,” she said.

“…The only answer I want right now…”

“Is how to save Nyne,” said Rich. “…Wait a minute. NYNE. They’ve got her now. What if…?”

“Oh MAN,” said Yumi, “are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Wouldn’t you be able to tell?” said Rich.

“They might try to send Nyne…in Peter’s place,” said Yumi. “Maybe they’re brainwashing her right now!”

Peter looked truly disturbed.

“…If that’s the case, we’ve got to stop them somehow,” said a serious sounding Rich, “…and we’ve got to move now.”

“Now you talk!” said an enthusiastic Mr. Saturn before motioning to some of the others.

“Their ship can’t be located,” said Peter, “it’s got some kind of cloaking device.”

“…The other option is to head to the past,” said Yumi as she looked at the Mr. Saturns, “and wait for…and wait for Nyne to arrive.”

“I…we can’t hurt her,” said Peter. “She’s…”

“Wait…if this Saturn technology is so advanced…then maybe it COULD locate Alpha’s ship,” said Rich. “Let’s try that…that’s what we came for after all. If it doesn’t work, then if it’s really possible, we’ll head to the past.”

“Fine, good plan…’cept how are all three of us going to fit in that little thing?” asked Yumi as she pointed.

Rich and Peter turned and saw a smaller version of the original Phase Distorters. It appeared as though it could hold about two humans.

“They…must have made it with themselves in mind,” said Rich.

Peter looked at the Mr. Saturns for a few seconds, saw their enthusiastic antics and smiles…and chuckled a bit.

“Wow,” said Yumi quietly, “I haven’t even seen you smile yet.”

“Do you…have MORE?” Rich asked a Mr. Saturn.

“This all-ZOOM!”

“Oh,” said Rich with a grin.

Yumi unfolded her arms, “The question is…just which two should go?”

Final Chapter
-The Long White Road To Destiny

“…Did I just sense us changing directions?” asked Nyne.

“Oh yes,” said Melva from across the room, “you see we have a new plan to bring about the resurrection now. Kurtus is just going to take the Phase Distorter, a life preserver so he can travel through time, and a VERY, powerful weapon…and intercept those robots…I mean children, himself.”

Nyne caught her breath while facing downward.

“Still…still…it would be a smart idea to have Peter around, just in case that fails,” said Melva. “I won’t ask again Nyne. You’re only getting a break right now because my soldiers have gone to gather WEAPONS. Tell me the number to contact Peter…or I’ll descend and lure him myself…by attacking a city on Earth. And I’ll take all of the remaining Starmen with me.”

“He won’t…respond if you call him,” said Nyne. “He doesn’t care about me.”

“That means innocent people Nyne,” Melva continued, “I’ll go down there and hurt innocents.”

Nyne was silent and helpless as the Starman behind her kept draining Psi with ‘magnet.’

“But then…you don’t care about innocents do you?” said Melva.

“Of course I do!” snapped Nyne suddenly as she realized what the woman was referring to. “Don’t you say that! I’m with Rebound, I…” she stopped.

“And what an operative you are…” said Melva, “…so much success, and probably so much respect in your young career. But then…when it came time to choose between the survival of so many people…and one person…you went against orders.”

“…I’m NOT through with that one yet,” said Nyne. “If I can’t find another way…”

“…What?” asked Melva. “You’d eliminate your poor, innocent, handsome Peter?”

Nyne looked away.

“You…you have a hard time facing that, don’t you? Why is that?” asked Melva. “Are you THAT nice of a person…or is it something else?”

Nyne remained silent.

“Oh well…if you won’t help me do this the easy way…I guess all those innocent humans in Onett will have to pay.”

“…I’m going to hurt you,” Nyne smiled.

“That…that was funny,” said Melva with a counter-smile as she walked off. “No my dear…pain today is yours to endure…as you’ll soon find out.”

“I don’t think…that I should go,” said Yumi. “I mean I want to go, but…I think they could sense me coming.”

“What do you mean?” asked Rich.

Yumi sighed, “…Last night…I had a horrible dream. It wasn’t even a dream, it was some sort of vision…sent to me by that woman. The one Nyne told us about. Melva.”

Peter threw a cold stare at the sky for a few seconds.

“Oh…so that was it.” said Rich.

“…You were…in it,” Yumi whispered. “I got really nervous afterwards.”

Rich pulled Yumi in gently and hugged her.
Peter watched them for a second or two, then looked away.

“I think they know I’m a telepath…they might be able to sense my presence,” said Yumi.

“Or give you another vision,” said Rich.

“…Yeah…there’s that too. But something has to be done…or the world’s in serious trouble,” she said. “If this machine really can go through time…and if you’re going to get in it…then I am too.”

“…No…I think you might have something there,” said Rich, “and I don’t want you to get hurt.”


“Please…” he said. “Let me and Peter do this one.”

Peter stepped up and looked prepared.

“He and Nyne…they have a bond…” said Rich.

Peter looked away.

“Just maybe…that’ll work to our advantage if we have to end up fighting her.”

“Rich…” said Yumi.

“I’ll come back to you,” said the boy as he faced her and threw an irresistible smile. “Remember…we have a bond too.”

Yumi smiled.

“We’re going to end this, I’m going to come back and the two of us are going to have quite a summer,” said Rich.

Yumi took the boy’s face in her hands for a moment, then let go. “…You hurry back then.”

A Mr. Saturn pressed a button on a remote control and the door to the Phase Distorter, version 4 opened.

“And you two be careful…and save Nyne,” called Yumi as the boys got inside.

The door closed. The two boys looked over the words by the controls inside.

How do you get this thing started?” asked Peter.

“I forgot what they said,” said Rich, “…I played a video game with a part like this once.”

“…What did you do then?” asked Peter.

A few seconds later, everyone outside stepped back, as the machine started to hum.

“…Okay…okay…” said Rich, who sat at the main controls. “We should be traveling through…SPACE…not time just yet.”

In his seat, Peter flipped open Nyne’s miniature computer once again. Suddenly, he felt his body lightening up a bit…then a little more.



“…I think I did it!!!”

The small circular craft disappeared before everyone watching outside.
Yumi was in shock…then suddenly…the radio playing in the distance caught her attention.

“…Under attack! We repeat, Onett is under attack once again!

“…Oh no. I’ve…I’ve got to get there,” she said just before the Mr. Saturns watched the brave girl in the green jean jacket run.

The Phase Distorter reappeared…in a super secret village called The Lost Underworld.

“Where…where are we?” asked Peter. “And what’s that noise?”

“Don’t know…think I sent us to the wrong place,” said Rich. “Let’s see, tracing device…”

“…Rich…it’s getting louder,” said Peter.

“I know, I know…I’m just…looking for the tracing device so we can locate that ship next time.”

Suddenly the sound outside got louder and steadier.
Rich looked up, then continued his work. “…Tracing device.”

“Rich…it’s coming closer,” said Peter.

“Mmm hmm,” said Rich.

Peter turned around. “…Rich…look out the window!”


From outside the sound-proof vehicle, one could see Rich’s mouth say it all.

“Rich!” yelled Peter. “Get us out of here!”

Rich quickly adjusted the nearby dial. “W…Where to!”

“Anywhere go, go, GO!”

Rich slammed down a button for the second time. Nothing happened.

RICH!” yelled Peter.

“I pressed it!”

Peter turned back toward the window and gritted his teeth.

Suddenly the machine hummed again. The pounding outside was steadier than ever. The boys felt light again. The pounding was suddenly louder than ever.

Both boys screamed…and the Phase Distorter disappeared.

It reappeared…in Fourside.

“Now…I had heard…that there were once dinosaurs…in a place called The Lost Underworld,” said Rich between breaths, “…but legend has it…that all of them disappeared around 30 years ago.”

“…Obviously they had some extra eggs left over,” said Peter as he grinned sarcastically. “…Where are we…?” he asked noticing nothing but sky as he looked out the window.

“…Fourside?” said Rich. “Oh man…Peter,” he laughed, “we’re on top…of the largest building in Fourside.”

“Well then…lets be very careful,” said Peter. “You almost broke your word to Yumi once already.”

Rich laughed. “Oh man,” he said sitting back, “this adventure stuff…I kind of like it.”

Peter rolled his eyes.

“Now then…” said Rich as he sat up quickly. Suddenly the Phase Distorter rocked a bit.

“Rich!” said Peter. “…Careful.”

“Sorry,” he smiled. “Now then…lets finish it.”

Yumi was running toward the bus stop in Threed. All she found when she got there was a cab. “Mister!” she yelled, “…You’ve got to get me to Onett!”

“To Onett?!” he replied. “Are you crazy? Haven’t you heard what’s going on there?”

“Come on man!” said Yumi. “There’s something I can do to help. You don’t even have to take me on the direct road, just take me to the Twoson hotel and I’ll run the rest of the way!”

“Look girl, no one’s going near Onett right now, including me. Now let go of the cab please.”

“You’re just like the famous cab drivers in my city,” said Yumi. “…Sorry about this.”

Suddenly, the man in the cab felt a bit dizzy. He looked away, then looked back at Yumi as she concentrated.

“…Take me to the Twoson hotel,” she said calmly.

“…Yes ma’am,” said the driver.

Rich and Peter and the Phase Distorter reappeared.

“…The machine isn’t picking up anything,” said Rich.

“What’s this place?” asked Peter as he glanced outside.

“Summers man…sweet, sweet Summers,” said Rich. “Looks like no one noticed yet…boy I’d like to come here with Yumi sometime.”

“You…feel pretty strongly about her don’t you?” asked Peter.

“Yes,” said Rich. “I just…I don’t know, after all this is over, I just want to hold her. Make her feel better. That’s what we do for each other. Peter…” he threw an arm over the seat, “…would you want that with Nyne?”

“…Why are you asking me that?”

“I don’t know. Do you believe in destiny?”

“Do you?”

“Every other day of the week,” smiled Rich. “I mean like, do you think maybe all of this is happening for a reason? I mean, Nyne and Yumi…they do sort of look alike.”

“So do we,” said Peter, “but just sort of. I don’t really think it means anything.”

“Yeah…oh well,” said Rich as he turned back toward the controls. “Think it’s our destiny to win this thing, like it was with the four 30 years ago?”

“…Ask me at the next stop,” said Peter.

Rich grinned. “Let’s try the time thing if this next one doesn’t work out.”

Peter looked over his own menu:

”-Mission In Progress


-Motivational Message

-History And Principals

-Nyne’s Stuff”

Peter paused, then chose “Nyne’s Stuff.”

“You’re a tough one all right Nyne,” said a Starman-Super as he approached the girl by that name, “but now all of that’s over with,” he continued, rubbing the weapon in his hand.

Three companions accompanied him with their own weapons, while the Starman behind the suspended girl made sure she had no Psi to defend herself with.

Nyne said nothing as they approached. She simply hung her head down and let her long hair tickle her face.

The Starmen stopped when they reached her. They stared the girl over for a few seconds…then one pulled his arm back.

“You know,” said Nyne suddenly without looking up, “…I’m not sure how Peter escaped when you guys had him. Would any of you happen to know?”

“…That’s something you can ask him yourself when he’s captured again,” one replied.

Suddenly, soft, gentle laughter was heard in the room. The Starmen looked at each other briefly, and were almost intimidated by it. Finally, one spoke with a touch of arrogance: “What’s so funny?” he asked the girl.

“…Suddenly I…” she swung her head up and whispered, “think I already have a good idea.”

The Starmen watched as a familiar flurry of green appeared suddenly…and then they became very frightened. One of Nyne’s ‘signatures,’ the small, quick attacks that looked liked alien text, swirled upwards and connected with the end of the long shaft her shackles were attached to.

One of the surprised Starmen lunged forth, and received a kick in the head that sent him down.

The signature exploded, breaking the end of the shaft and dropping Nyne to the floor.

The Starman who had been draining her Psi for so long was shocked. Nyne hadn’t even turned to him when he saw a signature swirl through the air. It connected with his body soon afterwards, and just as the other Starmen scattered, they each felt a quick thud.

Nyne stood up. “Good day gentlemen.”

The Starmen exploded.

After three small, concentrated signatures connected, the shackles fell apart, and Nyne’s wrists were completely free.
“Coming close enough so I could actually use my own magnet, which requires no Psi to begin with,” she chuckled, “…not a good idea people. You gave me just enough.” She wasn’t sure why it hadn’t worked on Melva, but she’d worry about that later.
“Now then,” she said as she looked around the dimly lit room. “There we go!” She ran over to a door, opened it, and stood in a device which instantly revitalized her Psi. “Glad they at least had one of these,” she said, falling to the floor.

She only allowed herself a few seconds of rest however, and then began running to the ship’s Bridge. One more downed Starman—the pilot. It seemed that ALL of the remaining ones had accompanied Melva to Onett—exactly what Nyne planned to do as she turned the ship back in the town’s direction.

Yumi got out of the cab, and set the driver’s mind free.

“I…what…” he said.

“Thanks!” smiled Yumi. She pulled on her backpack and began running up the road.

The cab driver found payment in the seat beside his. He could remember driving her, but wasn’t exactly sure why he had done it. He let it go and drove away.

As Yumi approached Onett, several people were running in the opposite direction. It appeared that some had been trying to help fight against the invaders again.

“They got past the cops again! Let’s go!” yelled someone.

Yumi slid off her backpack, then her jacket, set them by a tree, and ran into the city. As several Starmen watched arrogantly as the citizens ran, they were hit by glowing psychic thunder, which crashed down with a vengeance.

“Your turn,” said the approaching girl in the green tank top.

Another Starman fired at Yumi, who dodged the beam and retaliated with a quick shot of Freeze, which finished the alien immediately.

As another citizen ran past, Yumi noticed something flying towards her in the air. She quickly jumped back. When she opened her eyes, she noticed what had landed before her. Yumi leaned down…and picked up a frying pan.

Sitting in the Phase Distorter… stunned boy read the second entry under, “Nyne’s Stuff.”

“Dear journal,
This is more fun than I thought it’d be. Okay so maybe I’m not exactly enjoying this for the right reasons just yet, but someday I know I’ll be a good operative. Someday I know I’ll earn everyone’s respect. Someday I know I’ll have everyone’s affection. Right now though, I’m satisfied just having one person’s…especially the affection part. Like I said before, ever since we met at the academy, Peter and I have dreamt about what it would be like to do this kind of work together. Now we actually are! Isn’t that cool? Oh right…journals don’t talk back. Anyway, we’ve got the same day off, so we’re going to spend some time together like we always do. Only this time, we get to actually talk about the work we’re doing. Just like we always said we would. It’s so exciting!”

“…No…” said a quiet Peter in the back seat.

“…You say something Peter?” asked Rich.

In a city below, Yumi crouched a bit and sent yet another shot of Psi Freeze at a Starman, who threw his arms up in futile defense. The girl then turned to the one she had stopped with paralysis—and swung her frying pan hard. Two more charged from the side—and were struck down with lightening as soon as Yumi saw them. As they recovered, Yumi continued hammering the helpless one before her, soon cutting things short by simply blasting him with a touch of freeze. She turned and faced the other two.

Peter jumped ahead to entry 52-

“Dear journal,
Peter and I may not be able to see each other at work very often now, but elsewhere, things are better than ever.”


After hurling the frying pan at one Starman, Yumi catches them both with thunder again. “Go back, where you came from,” she growls.

“Dear journal,
…He’s come to mean so much to me.”

Yumi charges ahead, balls her fist, and strikes down the weakened alien before her…who appears to be the last one.

“Dear journal,
…He always tells me he feels the same way.”


“Peter what’s wrong?!”

With a swift kick, the last Starman in Onett disappears before Yumi.

“Dear journal,
Something horrible has happened, Peter’s missing. I’m so scared.”

“…No, no…”

Yumi looks around.

Rich adjusts the machines controls and presses the main button. “…Get ready man. Get ready.”

“Dear journal,
I’m crying. This can’t be happening now…not after all this time.”

Suddenly, Yumi ‘feels’ something in her mind.

The bodies in the Phase Distorter go light…then get lighter.

“Dear journal,
…It’s not fair. I know I’m supposed to be strong but I can’t help it. Why now? Peter and I are in…”

“NOOOOO!” screams Peter.

“Peter what in…ah…AHHHRGGGHHH!” screamed Rich.
“ARGHHHHH!!!” Yumi screamed out.
“ARRRRRRGGGH!” yelled Peter.

Yumi stood up, trying to clutch her back to ease the pain. Then she turned around, and saw Melva—holding her arms out after firing off an incredible attack.

“What’s…HAPPENING?!” yelled Peter in agony.

“The…the SHIP!” responded Rich, who also clung to his seat in pain. “We’re traveling THROUGH TIME!”

“Yeah…SO WHAT?!” asked Peter.

“They…must not have installed the preserver device correctly!!!” yelled Rich.


“The device they told us about! The ONE THAT PROTECTS OUR BODIES IF WE GO THROUGH TIME!”

“Oh…oh no!” growled Peter.

“Without it…we’re going to be ripped apart. That’s why…THE OTHER KIDS WENT AS ROBOTS!” said Rich.

“AaaaaRGGGHH!” both yelled.

“ARRGHH!” yelled Yumi as she received another shot from Melva, and fell to the ground.

“Didn’t I warn you?” taunted Melva as she approached. “I warned you to turn back.”

Yumi was breathing harder and faster than ever now, as she felt pain like never before.

As Melva came closer, Yumi’s hand slowly reached for the sky—but before she could summon her thunder, she was hit by more energy.

“Ahh, AHH!!!” she screamed and rolled in response.

“Come now little girl…you should know by now I’m not going to be as easy as the soldiers.”

Yumi couldn’t respond, as she tried to stand up, and fell down again.

“Tough aren’t you?” said Melva. “…But I think one more ought to do it.”

Yumi held herself up with her hands and faced the ground panting. Melva stared at her, then fired a final blast.

Just before it could connect, a flash of green covered Yumi, who was still on the ground and still facing it. The attack was returned directly to Melva by the shield her opponent had summoned. Melva was knocked a few feet back to the ground. She clutched her stomach in pain, trying to catch her breath.

The girl named Yumi collapsed in front of City Hall. Motionless and unconscious on the ground…while worried onlookers from inside watched her green shield crackle and dissipate as a result.

Melva slowly stood up, and began walking towards Yumi. But before she could get closer to her target, Melva felt something quick and hard strike her from behind—pinning her cape to her back. She looked over her shoulder…and saw the mark of Nyne flashing.

Before she could scream out of fear however, she was screaming from pain.
The small explosion bit into Melva’s back, sending her to her knees.

“Seeing as…seeing as that’s how I saw you start your attack…I don’t want to hear any complaints,” said the alien girl as she jumped from atop a nearby building. “I figured by going on the buildings I could spot you easily. Looks like your dear soldiers aren’t here to play anymore.”

Melva still hadn’t recovered from Nyne’s attack, when she raised an arm in the girl’s direction. Nyne however, sent another fast signature toward her enemy—which struck the arm Melva was extending.
Melva gasped…and tried touching the glowing energy. Just as she did however, the signature exploded. Melva screamed out her reaction.

“That’s not how you remove it, it’s not that easy,” taunted Nyne, who stepped over to Yumi.
After a few seconds of concentration, Nyne surrounded Yumi with an beautiful, wide aura of green, which levitated the fallen girl.

Yumi’s long black hair and arms fell toward the ground while she faced the sky…and the girl slowly opened her eyes…much to the relief of those who had been watching.

“Arrghhhh…Peter…I’m trying right now…to get us back…to the present,” said Rich.

Peter clung to his seat, gritting his teeth in agony.

“…Talk to me!” yelled Rich.

“I’m here!” said Peter.

“Good! S…stay with me now!” said Rich as he slammed the main button.

“AHHH!” yelled Melva after a signature flew and exploded on her leg. She moaned on the ground, trying to stand.

Yumi was also on the ground, recovering thanks to Nyne’s Psi.

“It’s over…now!” said Nyne as she approached Melva.

“…Oh…no it’s not,” laughed Melva through the pain. “You and I both know that. It’s too late for you. You’ll never catch up to Kurtus now.”

Yumi slowly threw her head up in the short distance.

“He…he hasn’t succeeded yet,” said Melva, “because…all of this…is still here. But when he does…” she barely stood up. “…It’ll all be over for YOU!” she pointed to Nyne. “And YOU,” she said to Yumi.

Nyne looked at her with a bold stare.

Melva giggled, “…After all…th…these years…we still haven’t given up.”

Yumi noticed something due to Melva’s injuries, and realized that the woman had been hiding under a human mask. Yumi couldn’t imagine what she really looked like.

“We at Alpha…will be triumphant,” Melva continued. “And even if you stop this plan…the battle will continue. The others will see to that. This long conflict…with us…and you…and the Earth,” Melva chuckled, “…it’ll never end.”

And then the girl called Nyne spoke again: “…I’ll show you how to end this.”

Nyne looked Melva directly in the eye…as a large signature sped forth, and connected with Melva’s forehead.

Yumi pulled herself up.

Melva fell back to the ground, then looked up at Nyne a few seconds later…and started giggling. Giggles became soft laughter, soft laughter became loud.

Nyne still held her bold stare directly on Melva.

Yumi gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

…And then what Nyne had said became true. For just a moment, it was over.

Both girls sighed, and approached one another.

“Thanks. Let me…just ask you something,” said Yumi.

“Sure,” said Nyne.

“The way she is…the way she, LOOKED just then…”

“Oh…no, no,” said Nyne as she patted Yumi’s shoulder, “…me and Peter…we’re not like that. We’re of another race, as I told you. One that looks like you guys.”

“Oh,” said Yumi as she looked past Nyne at the ashes. “I’d…better get my backpack and my jacket.

Once Yumi had collected her things, she explained to Nyne everything that had happened.

“Oh…so Peter’s got my computer after all,” said Nyne.

“Yeah…we’d better get to Saturn Valley,” said Yumi.

“I can take us there,” replied Nyne. “Just concentrate Yumi. Enter my mind…show me the way there…concentrate.”

Yumi closed her eyes, “Okay…relax.”

After nearly a minute, Nyne took hold of Yumi’s wrist…and the girls teleported to Saturn Valley.

“So…this is the legendary village,” smiled Nyne as she looked at the Mr. Saturns.

Just then, the Phase Distorter version 4 appeared, shocking everyone.

“Oh man…” said Rich on the inside, “SPACE, I can do. Time…we’re going to need to work on that.” He opened the door.

Yumi dropped her backpack and jacket where she stood, and ran to embrace Rich.

Nyne watched with a smile as they stepped past her.

“Nyne,” said a voice from behind.

The girl by that name turned around with a surprised look.

Standing before her was a boy in brown shoes, grayish pants, and a white, long sleeved top.

“…Peter,” she said. “…You called me by my name.”

The quiet boy revealed a small, miniature computer.

Nyne faced him in silence.

“……..Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

“I’m sorry Peter…” she replied quietly, looking stunned.

Peter stared at her.

“Hey guys…we’ve still got to stop Kurtus,” said Rich as he approached with Yumi. “I explained what happened to the Mr. Saturns, and they apologized. They don’t do this everyday. This time, they’re going to install the life preserver properly.”

“This time…two of us really are going to the past,” said Yumi. “And this time we don’t have to worry about them detecting me. If Rich goes…I have to go,” she said touching his arm.

Peter and Nyne faced their comrades as a strong gust of wind passed through the valley.

“…And Peter and I…need to stick together…to talk about something,” said Nyne. “It may be our last chance.”

The Mr. Saturns had finished up with the Phase Distorter. “Kay-o,” said one. “You not be afraid…get in!”

“…Then the question is,” said Peter, “which two will stay…and which two will go?”

-This story will conclude one of two ways.

Select Resurrection E –Ending One: “E is for Earthbound,” to learn what the future holds for Rich and Yumi.

Select Resurrection E –Ending Two: “E is for Extraterrestrial,” to discover more with Peter and Nyne.

In each of these tales, the struggle against Giygas ends once and for all.

Resurrection E
By James