The truth you know is now a fragile reality of the past…
Open your mind, and confront the possibilities of the future…

This story takes place 30 years after the events surrounding the EarthBound [Mother 2] epic…


Chapter One
-After The Fall

“What all of this is coming to can only be explained by how all of it began.

I’m talking about a conflict that began not too far from here. A struggle between life and death, freedom and control—played out by several species and one incredible force…

A conflict that ended very far from here, a place called Earth. Countless lives that were alien on that planet were put to rest, and through the final efforts of but one incredible species, victory was theirs…

A conflict that will begin again, very soon, only this time on the planet that hosted its’ conclusion…

And then, there were four. And now, there are four…

To live is to struggle. To struggle is to endure. To endure, one must be strong, both physically and emotionally to a certain extent. And in the aftermath, you must gather the strength that is left and keep going. That is the essence of our mission. That, is Rebound.

Investigate, Assist, Recover”

“Sure. Right,” said a teenage girl as she read the end of a message with a beautiful display of color in the background. “One girl against an entire planet of hostility and a whole Strike Team. Should be fun as long as I believe in myself.” She turned off the small computer screen, grinned, and set course for planet Earth…after finishing the last of a drink some people call tea.

--It happened around 5:00…in the evening this time.

Cloaked by an aura of white flame, a small alien craft gave the citizens of a town called Onett the most excitement they’d had in 30 years.

It flashed through the distant sky, and landed in a very funny place. Several teenagers hesitated for a few minutes, then gave in and followed each other to the site. With ball-bats and courage in tow, the youth of Onett ran up the grassy road beyond the library…and stopped just outside of the first house. They watched the smoke slowly rise from their distant target, and chatted amongst themselves while ignoring the calls of several adults they had left behind.

And then they continued. Boys of many different ethnic backgrounds, who helped form the face of America, now raced to greet the face of somewhere far away. They cleared the hill that followed, and were now only a few brave yards from the silent, still craft. None could move any closer however, as they began taking comfort in each other’s words. Soon they were joined by slowly approaching girls, and then a few adults who began asking questions.

The satisfaction they were all dreading and looking for at the same time came soon enough. The door to the craft slowly opened, and the people watching from behind took more than a few steps back.
…And out came a boy. A teenage boy. An alien boy with nearly perfect human features. Everything but his short hair, which was a bit too blond—nearly gold looking—was perfectly normal. He actually collapsed out of the craft, resting on his stomach once he hit the ground. The crowd remained hesitant, backing up even further while frantically exchanging stories about a certain legend. Then the boy moved again, shaking about on the ground before pulling himself to his knees. He had not turned to face them when he let out a very loud scream.

It didn’t take the citizens of Onett very long to leave.
Once the screaming stopped, the boy breathed over and over in position, before opening his eyes…and then standing. He turned to the left, finally revealing his face to the distant town, and those who were running down the hill.

“…Wait…I…I’m not…” were the first words he spoke.
He fell back down to his knees and looked at his hands. Then he looked over his outfit. He wore a white, long sleeved top, pants that were more gray than black, and brown shoes. He rubbed the thin beard developing on his chin, and looked at his right hand again. Then he stood up and stared at the city before him. He soon moved to his left, and found himself stumbling into a wide crater. He sat up.

The residents of Onett were mostly in the center of town now, explaining what had happened to those who weren’t aware. A brief calm came over them when the police arrived dressed for battle, and began heading up the hill for the town crater. All had their weapons ready…and all stopped and turned with the rest of the town when another memorable burst was heard from behind. Up in the sky, a much larger craft than the one that had crashed hovered. A white essence surrounded it, and then vanished into the air. The citizens stared in awe, growing more uncomfortable by the second as the craft hummed in the air. In the crater above and behind them, the boy stared on as well.

Inside of the ship that currently had everyone’s attention, a woman, dressed in a white outfit and a gray cape, who looked as human as the people on the ground, stared out of a large window.
“…Yes…I can see the pod from here,” she said. Then she turned and faced the soldiers who were ready to accept orders. “Listen…and listen to me very carefully,” she said. “I don’t need to explain to you why that boy must be recovered. Everything we’ve worked and fought for has led up to this. We mustn’t accept failure now. Defend yourselves if you have to, but try and keep the humans out of it. We don’t have anymore time to waste, now go.”

All of the beings standing before her slowly vanished from the room…and reappeared down in Onett seconds later. Every civilian noticed, and reacted accordingly. After the crowd dispersed, the police were left to face their guests alone.

“Am I seein’…what I think I’m seein”?” asked one who took his glasses off.

“That…that’s them. Those…things that attacked a long time ago. The ones in the history books,” said another as he patted a comrade on the shoulder.

“I think I know that Roy,” said his co-worker nervously.

“Cap’n…Cap’n Strong! Didn’t you tell us your daddy defeated some of ‘em back in his day?”

“Yeah…well my daddy said he did a lot ‘a things…he just…forgot to tell me how he did this one.”

The aliens still known as Starmen advanced towards the men who were blocking their path.

“Now hold on there,” said the Captain as he aimed at them. His men nervously followed his lead.

The aliens understood exactly what he said, but kept marching.

“…All right, on three,” said Captain Strong. “One…”

The aliens got closer.


The townspeople prepared themselves from a distance.

“…Huh?” The Captain looked up as thunder crashed loudly through the sky and it suddenly started to rain.

Inside the hovering ship, the woman watching from the window turned her attention upwards as well.

Then on the ground, the Starmen suddenly teleported past the officers and progressed towards the hilltop.

“I…what…I haven’t ever seen anything quite like this before,” said one officer as they looked around before realizing what happened. “How do they keep doin’ that?”

“STOP!” yelled Captain Strong as he rushed forward firing off a shot at the sky.

The Starmen turned around and did as he said, although their posture almost made Strong wish they hadn’t.

“The Cap’n…he’s lost it,” whispered one officer as he joined the others in their step backwards.

“…All I know is I’m off in like, ten minutes…and then it’s dinner time,” said another.

The others looked at him.

“What? You all know my wife can cook.”

Suddenly, one Starman raised an arm, and pointed at the Captain.

“…Uh…” replied Strong.

Then a red beam shot forth from the alien’s hand and connected with Strong’s protective vest, sending him to the ground.

“Fire!” said Strong as his men looked down at him.

At the same time, another Starman launched forth a bright flash, and all of the officers dropped their weapons and held their eyes. Groaning, they could do nothing more at the moment as their adversaries continued on their path.

“Can’t…see…” said one cop.

Watching from the crater, the boy who had just landed quickly crawled out once he realized where the Starmen were headed. He ran down the hill, stopping at some points to peek around corners before continuing. He had finally made it down when he stopped and stared at a certain house for a few seconds, and then ran into the small collection of trees across from it. When the Starmen arrived, they walked past without noticing him at first. Then as he made his way out, there was just enough noise to attract their attention.

The boy realized this, and rushed down the path towards the city of Onett, with all the strength he could muster. He heard the Starmen chasing after him, and suddenly he didn’t have to look back to see where they were. Two materialized before him, and then the others arrived.

“…No…stay back,” he said as he took a few steps away from them.

The Starmen approached cautiously, seemingly trying not to frighten or harm him.

“I’m telling you, get away from me,” said the boy.

Then one lunged out quickly and took his left arm.

“No!” he said, focusing his resistance.

Suddenly, a white, shiny mass of energy launched forth from the boy’s head, looking very similar to the way his craft had appeared as it sped through the evening sky, and collided with the Starman holding him.

The Starman was stunned as he released the boy’s arm, and soon disappeared into the air.

The other Starmen stepped backwards, and stared at the boy, who was just as shocked as they were.

“…I…how did…?” was all he said.

“Did you all see that?” was the question of many citizens looking on.

“Oh no…” moaned a frustrated woman from a ship in the air.

--She arrived later than she had hoped to. One girl, in a small spacecraft of her own, landed on top of a large building in the city of Twoson…and after about a minute stepped out.

From a bird’s eye view, pretty much all one could see was the hat on her head. She also wore a black, trench coat like garment, and black shoes. After adjusting some of her long hair, which was also black, she turned and pressed a button on the inside, then closed the door to her vehicle.

Then she looked around, walked over to the edge of the roof, held a hand out to catch some rain…and jumped from the top of the building.

She landed without harm in front of the entrance to the store, and noticed that she still couldn’t see anyone nearby.

“Hmmm…oh great…my coordinates were a bit off.” she laughed.
Then she looked around again, as rain was pretty much the only noise heard in Twoson. “Planet Earth. …Not that I’m complaining but…I wonder where everyone is…especially one person,” she thought.

Then she skipped through a few small puddles and started running towards a road that would lead her to Onett.

The boy was now running from the Starmen again. He had just made it to the beginning of a road that lead to another town, when he was again confronted by one of his pursuers—via teleportation.
The boy took a few steps back, then looked as though he noticed something.
Suddenly, a baseball bat slammed into the back of the Starman before him. The blow sent the alien down, and the boy who had swung it looked at the one in front of him. “…Watch out, there’s some behind you,” he said before running off.

The boy spoken to turned, and saw that other Starmen were indeed approaching.

“…Oh no…I,” he said through deep breaths.
Then he concentrated again, briefly closed his eyes, then opened them as he felt another shiny shot of energy escape him and head towards those in pursuit.

They were unable to avoid the attack, and it quickly eliminated one of them in his tracks.

The boy held a hand out, staring in awe and confusion. “I…I can make…it stronger,” he said.

Then the others stared at him for a few seconds, before being attacked from behind by more boys and baseball bats. They clubbed the Starmen to the ground, only to be stopped by a flash sent from a very frustrated alien.

“Ahhh…” moaned the boys as they dropped their weapons and stumbled aside in agony.

The Starmen stood up and aimed their hands at the assailants.

“No…no!” said the boy they were after as a larger burst of power sped forth from his mind.

The shot affected all of the Starmen it was aimed at within a second of entering their presence. It didn’t seem to need to directly strike all of them. The Starmen thoroughly expressed their reaction, and soon disappeared in their shocked poses.

The people watching from a distance all kept their eyes on the boy.

“I…have power…” he said.

Then he walked past the boys squirming on the ground and headed up the street, looking at every surrounding.

“This has to end…” said the woman in the ship above, “and it has to end now.”

“…Things that have to end usually shouldn’t begin in the first place,” said a man from the doorway behind her. He wore the same outfit.

She said nothing as she kept looking downward and touched the window with both hands.

“In case you hadn’t heard, scanners picked up another craft just a few minutes ago,” he continued.

She turned around, “You mean…they’re here already?”

“Yes,” he replied. “We’re going to have quite a mess on our hands if we don’t recover him fast.”

“I’m doing my best,” she said.

“Relax. I’ve just dispatched a team of Supers. They’ll get the job done.” Said the man who looked and sounded as human as she did.

“COME ON!” yelled boys with sunglasses and baseball bats as they ran towards the Starmen who were appearing in defense of their town.

Suddenly they slowed down upon realizing the new team were a different color than the previous ones.

“Where’d that…where’d that guy go?” asked one of the young men.

The boy he was referring to had reached a small abandoned shack up the street, when he was again confronted with adversaries. He hesitated, then projected another blast of light. The Starmen before him all summoned pinkish shields for protection…but the boy’s energy sped right through them and connected with the targets.

“Oh, my,” said the man beside the woman in the distant ship.

The boy soon began struggling with a locked door.

Down the street, the boys had indeed begun attacking the Starmen before them, but most of the swings were countered, and the boys were physically thrown back.

“…Come on guys,” said one as he reached for his bat on the ground. Just as he grasped it however, a Starman’s foot stood on the weapon, and the boy stared up at the alien’s face.
The aliens were about to finally take their anger out on the would be heroes…when something happened.

All of the Starmen suddenly felt something quick and hard strike their bodies. They looked themselves over…and each discovered a green, glowing mark. The marks actually looked like a form of writing to the young boys on the ground.
And then the ‘signatures’ exploded…taking the advanced Starmen’s lives with them.

“Whoa…did you…where did that come from?” asked one boy as he and the others stood up.

The small cloud of smoke cleared and they got their answer. Approaching them was a girl, clad entirely in black.

“It’s her,” said the woman watching from above.

The girl tipped her hat as she passed, “Boys.”

Then she looked up at the craft in the sky…and her eyes briefly met those of the two adults watching.

She turned back towards the street and kept moving.

Finally getting frustrated enough with the lock, the boy up the road turned away from the shack and got quite a shock. Another two Starmen had arrived, but hadn’t attacked. Out of pure shock, he sent forth a new attack, which threw them backwards in red pain.

“…Fire?” he said.

Then he noticed them recovering, after a shiny gray flash sparkled around each of their bodies, and he ran again.

“Enough of this,” said the woman in the ship a few seconds later. The man beside her turned as she walked away, then looked out at the rainy sky.

The boy found his way to a small building called a burger joint, and ran in. He closed the door after him, and seconds later, turned to notice several people cowering across the room. Hiding from the aliens.

He looked at them, catching his breath, and then faced the ground in a shy, nervous posture.

One however, who wasn’t cowering or hiding, hesitated…and then walked over to him. She wore a black hat, a black coat, and black shoes.

For some reason, he didn’t bother looking up until she stood before him. Upon facing her, he was greeted with a smile.

She spoke, “…And I only stopped in here to heal somebody…what timing.”

He remained silent as he looked at her and caught his breath.

She sighed, holding her face in one hand for a moment.

The boy threw a peculiar look at her for a few seconds, and then put his hand on the door handle. It was soon covered by hers though.

“You’re not alone anymore…I’m with you,” she said.

The boy felt an odd feeling as she spoke, held his hand, and looked into his eyes. But he pulled away, and said, “You had…better stay away from me…those things are after me. I have…to go.”

“I know exactly what’s going on,” she said smiling, “after all, I’m here to help you.”

“…What?” he replied.

“Come with me,” she said, “I’ll protect you.”

The boy felt odd again. “…I don’t even know who you are…or what you’re talking about. I…”

“You don’t even know who you are…do you?” she asked. “You can’t remember a thing.”

He stared at her in shock.

“…I can give you the answers you’re seeking…but there’s not much time. They’ll be back in about a minute.” she continued.

He looked at her as a sudden calm came over him.

“…Come, with me,” she whispered, and extended her hand.

He saw a gentleness in the girl’s eyes suddenly.

“…Peter,” she said.

Shock came over him again as his eyes widened…and he somehow knew the name she spoke was his own.

Slowly, Peter took the girl’s hand. She paused, then released it only to remove her hat and hang it and her coat up on a nearby rack. She had somewhat braided hair, wore a long, black sleeved shirt, and sure enough, black slacks underneath it all. They exited the building as the citizens watched on.

“Why can’t these aliens just fight their battles on their own planet?” asked one.

Outside, the two were confronted by a woman dressed in a white outfit and a gray cape. The same woman from the ship hovering in the sky.
They stopped suddenly as the girl held Peter back with her right arm.

The woman looked them both over, and then spoke. “Peter…I don’t know what she has told you…but you are one of us. Our garments speak for themselves. I wish you no harm. Come with me, and I…”

“No,” said the girl interrupting, as she launched forth another green, glowing signature.

It swirled in the air and sped forth fast. After a somewhat fearful, resentful gaze, the woman managed to avoid it by falling out of the way, hitting some nearby trash cans in the process.

After her attack dissipated in the air, the girl pulled Peter along and ran into the street.

“Just great,” said the man watching from the ship above.

On the ground, the girl noticed that a couple of Starmen were heading down the street, who soon teleported. Just as they reappeared, they were each stuck by a green impact, and exploded seconds later as Peter watched on in awe.

“Now hold on Peter,” said the girl as she concentrated.

“Peter!” yelled the woman. “Don’t believe her lies! We’re family.”

Within seconds, both teenagers disappeared.

The woman on the ground soon stood, and looked up at her partner’s eyes in the ship above.

They arrived just outside a tunnel in Twoson, and quickly discovered a bus coming out of it approaching them.

“…” Peter looked on speechless.

The girl quickly pushed him to one side of the road and jumped herself to the other.

“Oh great, it’s true! The aliens are back!” said a driver as he sped up the bus after passing.

Across the street from one another, they stood up, and stared.

“Drivers here apparently have no sense of caution,” she said. “Probably never have.” Soon she stepped toward the middle and waited for him.

Peter looked at her, and remained where he was. “Thank you…but now I think I’d better go,” he said.

“Where?” she chuckled.

“I…I don’t know…I”

“You can trust me Peter,” she said. “Our bodies are able to adapt to whatever environment we’re in, that’s why we’re speaking and understanding this language, but right now I’m the only one in this world you can trust. You’re going to have to stay with me,” she smiled.

“How…how do you know my name?” he asked. “Why are they after me? Am I really one of them?”

“…I was sent to protect you. I’m from another planet. We both are. Those ones after you are also from another world. They’re the enemy, a large organization called Alpha. I’m of a race that opposes them. I work for a military assistance division called Rebound. You’re also of that race. Your name is Peter. You’re one of the soldiers. I was sent to find and recover you.”

“…Why…why can’t I remember any of that?” he asked.

“…Alpha’s done something to you,” she said.

“No…I fought all of them,” he replied.

“No I mean before that. You were missing for six months.”

“Well why am I…why am I wearing their colors?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” she smiled. “They put them on you.”

“…Right now nothing’s obvious,” he said. “I don’t know who I should believe…because…I feel normal but I…honestly can’t remember anything.”

She stepped over to him, and he took a few steps back.

“Relax Peter,” she said, “I’m not going to touch you.”

“I think…I think I should just…talk to them again. Maybe hear their side. They didn’t attack me after all, and…”

“No!” she said, and Peter almost sprung backwards.

“…Why not?” he replied. “How can I just trust you if…”

“This isn’t a game. There’s no room for error. There are bigger things going on here than you know. You just have to stay with me and relax. I’ll answer your questions…and I’ll protect you. That’s my job,” she said.

“If that means endangering you…just forget it,” he said. “Forget me. I’ll find my own answers. I’m not sure how, but I feel as though I need to be alone now,” he said walking away.

Suddenly, just before he could enter the tunnel, she appeared before him. “Look,” she said sounding a little irritated, “I was sent to protect you and that’s exactly what’s going to happen. You may not like it, but you’ll have to put your feelings aside for a little while and deal with it. I know you’re scared, I know you’re confused, I know you feel on edge…but you’re not going to be alone anymore. Whether you like it or not.”

Peter was a bit stunned, “I…can tell you’re not the type who takes no for an answer,” he said.

She grinned.

“Fine,” he said walking past her, “but I’m making no promises.”

The girl stood where she was for a moment…and then caught up with him.

“Don’t you…want to know my name?” she asked as they walked.

He rubbed the thin hair covering his chin, “…What’s your name?”

“…Nyne,” she replied.

He looked at her for a second, then faced forward again.
After a little while, he asked something else. “Those…powers we were both using…?”

“It’s called Psi,” she replied.

“How did…?”

“You’re born with it,” she said.

He hesitated, “Well then…I could probably protect myself. Until I can find the truth I mean.”

She frowned for a few seconds, but tried not to let him notice.

“I just meant…” then he noticed something. “Look. There’s a light at the end of this tunnel,” he smiled. “Can you see it?”

“…No,” she said, “no, I can’t.”

Chapter Two
-New Generation

-Fourside…eighteen years ago…

“Happy now you idiot?! Are you happy now?!”

“Look Monica I’m sorry. I’m sorry to scare you like this. I’m pretty sure nothing happened. I don’t feel any different.”

“Oh…so, so when are you going to be satisfied? When you DO?!”

“I’m an adventurer baby. I mean you know me. How many other times have I walked away from things like this? Huh? It’s nothing to worry about I’m sure.”


“Look…I am going to…come here…I am going to walk out of that hospital just as normal as I came in, and then, I am taking you to dinner.”

“…You’re a jerk, you know that?”

“Mmm hmm.”


Mmm hmm.”


-Fourside…present day…

“Currently there is no sign of what is now being referred to by some analysts as ‘The Mother Ship,’ but viewers are strongly urged to stay tuned, should there be any breaking news we will relay it as soon as possible. Looking back now as you saw from our rather disturbing video, the police officers of Onett were quickly subdued by the apparent invaders…”

“Dad! Dad are you watching this?” shouted one boy as he ran up the stairs.

The man he called to had a stunned look on his face as he leaned in front of the television in the attic. “…Yeah, yeah I am,” he replied.

“Oh man…can you believe this? Dad…you think this might have something to do with me?”

“What? No. No I don’t think it has anything to do with you. Why would you think that?”

“I mean…you saw them. They were after that boy. The one who had powers.”


I…have powers like that too.”

“Rich that ‘boy’…was one of them. You’re not.”

“Well maybe the question I meant to ask was…what do I have to do with it?”

“And I’ve got your answer right here: absolutely nothing young man.”

“I’m not that young anymore,” said Rich raising his eyebrows, “I’m in my late teens now.”

“Rich don’t even…”

They were interrupted by the television.

“…who is a Professor at Summers University and one of the more popular authors who has chronicled the events of 30 years ago. Tom how would you say this event today is similar…”

“…Don’t even think of leaving the house to go alien hunting.”

“Dad…neither of us have any idea how I got my…’gifts’ we’ll call them. This could be a sign. Those kids from 30 years ago went out, saved the world, and discovered some sort of destiny…at least I hear one of them did…”

“You’re not going anywhere kid.”

“Dad! Don’t you understand? I have to know! I have to find out why! Why do I have these powers?”

“Don’t you understand? Listen to the news,” he adjusted the antennas, “man it’s…it’s too hard to watch up here this storm keeps interfering.”

“Forget the news. Just say what you’re trying to say,” said Rich.

“Fine. Those things out there are too dangerous and that’s why I don’t want you going near them.”

“I can take care of myself if things get out of hand. I know how to defend myself…in more ways than you’re probably thinking.”

“Rich…these abilities of yours…”

“Gifts,” said Rich with a smile.

“Gifts…you’ll learn more about them when the time is right. This isn’t the right time. I don’t want you to mistake what’s going on for some opportunity to have…the adventure of your life or something. Because what’s going on is very serious.”
He paused.
“The police officer out there…he was lucky to be wearing that protection. All of the others, they didn’t have a chance. Those crazy boys with the bats…they’re lucky to be alive. If this turns into a full scale battle Rich people are going to start getting hurt.”

“Exactly! You see dad. You’re right. That’s why I can’t sit around knowing that I could do something.”

“You’re a kind boy,” he smiled, “that’s the way you’ve always been. But this time you’ll just have to live with your conscience hanging over you I’m afraid.”

“Dad…if I want to get involved in this…and the time comes when I think I’m…not to sound big-headed or anything…but needed…I’m…”
He stopped, and then sighed.
“…Look, I’m…I’m sorry to scare you like this. I mean you know me. I lose it and do crazy things sometimes when I get excited,” Rich grinned while staring at the floor.

“Well don’t do anything this time,” he replied patting and rubbing some of Rich’s blonde hair. Then he walked off towards the stairs, leaving the younger boy facing the opposite direction. He turned back.
“…I mean it Rich. You’ll learn about your powers…when the time is right. Trust me.”

After hearing the footsteps fade, Rich soon turned off the television, and looked at himself in the black reflection. He wore his usual outfit. An open, long-sleeved shirt, which covered a T-shirt, and jeans that came slightly over his black shoes.
“Who am I?” he wondered with a slight grin.

-Fourside…eighteen years ago…

“A lucky jerk, that’s who I am!”

“What’d they say? What’d they say?!”

“They said…’Tell your girlfriend she has a lucky jerk on her hands.’ “

“I mean it Eddie! Just tell me.”

“Everything’s fine. They didn’t find anything wrong with me.”

“Ohhh…you lucky JERK you.”

“Ow! Heh, heh. Hey Monica really. I’m sorry I scared you. I promise to…find less exciting adventures from now on.”

“You’d better…oh…just give me my hug!”

-Fourside…present day…

“No matter what…we mustn’t let her involve herself in this madness,” said one woman to a younger one in the family language.

“I know…she’s angry enough now as it is. I can tell, even though she tries to hide it. If she goes out and uses this as a means of releasing that…” replied her daughter.

“She pushes us away…because she’s afraid and confused right now. She doesn’t accept that we’re older and we know what’s best for her.”

“I…just want her to go to this doctor just once mom—see how it works out. I think that maybe he could help us understand what this…power is inside of her. This thing.”

“But she still refuses?”

The younger woman nodded. “I haven’t been firm with her yet…but I was about to when suddenly…well, you know…this thing happened in Onett.”

“I have a feeling it’s not just limited to Onett. I hear that in Twoson everyone was so frightened that they hid inside during it.”

“Yes I know…soon it’s probably going to be everywhere. Just like 30 years ago. Oh I remember that. I was so scared. I was a kid.”

“I wasn’t,” said her mother.

“Wasn’t what?”

“Afraid…or a kid,” she smiled.

“Yes well…I am neither now myself. I am a woman. And if I’m brave enough to stand in the midst of an alien invasion…then I’m certainly brave enough to face my own daughter. Yumi is a kid. She’s on the verge of becoming an adult, but right now what I say still goes. And if I say she’s going to the doctor to be examined…well…she’s going to the doctor to be examined. Especially now with all this…and what happened in the past when aliens invaded. I want some answers.”

“Exactly,” said the woman beside her, “so do I.”

“Soon as I finish these dishes I’m going up there.”

“I’ll help you with them.”

Minutes later, a girl named Yumi scowled on her bed, and let out a frustrated sigh. She rolled her eyes soon afterwards…and then rolled them again a few seconds later. She focused…concentrated…and then frowned a bit, lifting up her legs…and then slamming them down on the bed in anger seconds later. She could telepathically “hear” the words her mother downstairs was preparing to use in an argument with her. She could also make out some of her grandmother’s thoughts if she concentrated hard enough. She wasn’t intentionally prying, the thoughts simply entered her head sometimes when she was relaxed.

“…Everything that’s going on out there…aliens are invading, normal boys are forced to be heroes, the cops are getting their butts handed to them…and all they can still think about is me. Just where is the grown-up in this house?”

She looked beyond her feet and noticed her shoes on the floor. She pulled herself up and sat on the bed. Then she sighed, and buried her face in her knees.

Minutes later, she came down the steps. She always enjoyed the way the carpet on them felt. She heard water running in the sink, sighed again, pulled her hands into the pockets of her black, silky pants, and walked over to the kitchen.

“Mom lets talk.”

“…Sure…I’m listening,” replied her mother at the sink.

“Grandma can I take your place?” said Yumi.

“I think I should be here for this,” said her grandmother.

She slowly lifted her hand. “…You see? It’s this. I feel like the two of you are suddenly against me…or don’t trust me…or may I be so bold—are afraid of me…now that you know I have these powers.”

“No, no Yumi,” said her grandmother, “we only want what’s best for you,” she said taking her daughter’s hand in the sink.

“No,” she replied, “you see…right there…you’re making me feel like it’s the two of you against me.”

Yumi’s mother gently pulled her hand free of her own mom’s grip, “If you feel that way Yumi…it’s because you’ve brought that upon yourself. Your attitude over the past month has been uncalled for. This rebellion ends now.”

“I’m not going to any doctor. I don’t need to,” said Yumi.

“You see?” replied her mother.

“I am not…some mystery and I don’t like you treating me like one!” said Yumi.

“Don’t raise your voice,” said the grandmother.

“Then try to hear me this time. Otherwise I have to get…”

Suddenly there was a lot of loud screaming coming from outside. All three turned towards the windows and saw several people running past their house.

“What the…” Yumi opened the door, stepped outside, and saw around seven Starmen marching forth in the distance.

She stepped in and closed the door quickly, locking it afterwards.

“Yumi…what’s going on?” asked her mother.

Yumi said nothing, breathing a bit harder as she stared at her family.

“…Yumi? What is it?” asked her grandmother.

She still remained quiet.

“…Something IS wrong with her,” said her grandmother.

“YUMI! Oh…my dear sweet girl,” said her mother.

Yumi kept clutching the doorknob and breathing heavily, closing her eyes for a few seconds, and then opening them to stare at the ceiling.

“Yumi…” said her mother as she approached. Then she stopped, when Yumi’s eyes met hers, and a mystical flash of green seemed to cover the girl in an instant.

The grandmother pulled her daughter back, and they both watched the girl at the door. Suddenly, Yumi’s eyes widened, and she flung the door open.

The Starmen passing by were surprised into a halt…and utterly shocked when an attack known universally as Psi Freeze rushed forth and struck one of them. It was no novice level attack however. The blast was strong enough to eliminate the alien immediately. The others reacted in stunned anger, but before they could act on it, they were rushed by a girl who charged right into the middle of their circle. She stood motionless, getting wet while summoning as much courage as she could. They all reacted by raising their hands and firing on her. The attacks however, were returned directly to each Starman, as a green flash twinkled in the air.

“Yes…” thought Yumi, “the shield actually works.”

As each Starman fell to his knees, the girl quickly lifted her hand and summoned another attack. Bolts of mystical thunder came out of the sky and crashed down into the crowd, hitting each Starman and eliminating a majority.

“I can…I can direct it,” said Yumi.

Only seconds later, the two remaining aliens discovered that they were unable to move. Through a certain amount of concentration, Yumi had successfully used the Psi called paralysis. Upon realizing this, she wasted no time in rushing over and physically pounding one. A few punches and kicks later, the alien disappeared into thin air, much to Yumi’s surprise.

Aiming carefully at the last one, she launched forth a shot of ‘freeze.’ The Starman escaped via teleportation…and didn’t reappear. Yumi had ended the battle she begun. Her first one ever.

She stood where she was, calming down, before she actually began to smile. This soon changed however, upon gazing through the doorway of her home, and seeing the looks on the faces of her mother and grandmother.

Yumi stared back at them for a few seconds, and then looked at the wet ground.

-Fourside…eighteen years ago…

“What do you mean?!”

“They…apparently couldn’t see it the first time for some reason…but something’s there after all.”

“Oh…oh Eddie.”

-Fourside…present day…

“What do you mean something you’ve kept from me?” asked a teenage boy. “Dad…what’s going on?”

Chapter Three
-Revolutions and Revelations

About half an hour ago he had decided it was time for a bath. Staring down at the blue bubbles which floated perfectly on the water, the alien being named Kurtus threw his head back and sighed.

“What now Melva?” he asked.

The not-so-distant door slid open, and in walked a woman wearing white and gray.

“Picked me up telepathically? I thought I had reached a level where I could conceal my mind from you,” she replied.

“Is that your way of saying you’ve been standing out there for a while?”

“Ah…if only this were the time for humor.” she replied.

“Well then, need I repeat my first question?”

“…One of the search teams I’ve dispatched has been attacked…and eliminated.”

“By who?” he asked.

“…That’s the real bad news. It wasn’t by either of the two we’re searching for. It appeared to be the work of a human. A girl,” she replied.

Kurtus raised an eyebrow and shifted a bit, “…Psi powered…?”

Melva nodded.

“Oh…oh this is just wonderful,” he laughed.

“It’s gotten way out of hand, I know,” she replied, “but we have nothing to fear presently from the Earth’s military. The ship’s cloaking device locks out even their most advanced…”

“That was NEVER…supposed to even be a concern,” he replied. “This was supposed to be over with, and we were supposed to be on the way home right now. At this rate we’ll end up having to recharge the batteries.”

“Do you really think I’m not aware of that?!” she said coming closer. “I’ve had it with this! We’ve chased after this seemingly impossible dream for far too long. I am just as tired, and frustrated as you!”

Kurtus turned his head slowly in silent anger.

“But if we give up now, all of our efforts will have been for nothing,” she continued. “Without Peter…our race has no future.”

“Yes I’m…aware, of that dear,” remarked Kurtus with a slight smile.

“…So you’re mocking me now,” she replied lifting her eyebrows. “You think I’m not doing my part well enough?”

“Did I say that?” replied Kurtus as he relaxed his elbows across the edges.

“Fine then. You relax now Kurtus,” she said sarcastically while heading for the door. “Leave it to me. Mark my words, I’ll show you, that girl Nyne, and any more of those humans—be they Psi powered or not—just how big a mistake it is to cross me when I’m determined.”

“Don’t let us down Melva,” she heard him call from the tub.

She stopped at the door…then exited.

One hour later, the guests of the Fourside hotel were treated to some very unpleasant service. Another team of Starmen, larger than before, burst into the building and began kicking down doors. They searched every floor, examined every face, and terrified those standing by in the lobby—not allowing anyone to leave.

“What…what’s the meaning of this?!” asked an assistant manager for what was probably the tenth time.

“There’s a very simple solution to this, now that you can see we’re serious,” said the leader of the bunch in a menacing voice. He was decorated differently than the others. He was slightly bigger than the others. He was a Starman DX. “Tell me if this boy has visited your building tonight,” he said holding up a small device, which displayed a video image of the alien boy called Peter.

“N…no,” replied the man waving his hands, “never saw him…except on TV.”

“Sir!” called a distant voice. “We’ve got trouble! We…”

Suddenly the call stopped, and the Starman making it fell down the steps, hitting the floor in an icy coating.

“WHAT?!” replied the Starman leader.

“…I think you heard him,” said a teenage boy with a baseball bat as he walked down.

“…Get him!” yelled the leader.

Quickly, the Starmen in the lobby shot red beams at Rich. He dodged them all while running for the reception desk, summoning enough courage to actually stop and return fire just before ducking behind it. One Starman went down in a casing of psychic ice.

The people in the lobby took the opportunity to rush out the door. The Starman DX fired a shot of his own at them, which hit one of the front doors. Rich peeked from behind the desk and fired a powerful blast of freeze at the leader, before quickly seeking cover again. The leader noticed in time to summon a shield, which deflected the attack. One of his own men was soon hit by it and disappeared a few seconds afterward.

“Okay Rich…good buddy…nothing to be afraid of. You got yourself into this one…now get yourself out,” mumbled Rich to himself while clutching his bat.

“Attention all troops…come down to the lobby immediately,” said the Starman leader into the device he was holding. “…Come on out and face your punishment boy...” he continued while cautiously advancing toward the desk and making signals to the others. He warned them not to try teleporting.

There was silence.

“…Come OUT! NOW!” yelled the leader.

A few seconds afterwards, Rich sprung up from behind the desk and launched an incredible Psi attack. Two small, glowing blue orbs slowly advanced…and then rushed forward. The Starmen sent several shots at Rich, who again ducked behind the desk. The blue orbs continued their trip…and quickly struck two of the targets. They then bounced mercilessly through the air against every Starman in the area…including the leader…striking them over and over like a game of pinball…until most of the soldiers disappeared. The leader was knocked to the floor.

Rich then sprung up and propelled himself over the desk with bat in hand. He rushed the remaining soldiers, who were still dazed, and took a swing at one, stopping to avoid an attack from the other and retaliate with a quick shot of Psi hypnosis, dropping the alien in a quick sleep.

Just as the one he had frozen by the bottom of the stairs recovered, he was struck by a powerful shot of thunder, which appeared at the ceiling and shot down directly on target. The leader and Rich both noticed, and after the alien evaporated before their eyes, they looked upward and saw a girl in a green tank-top and black pants, extending her arm at the top of the stairs.

“…Watch out!” called Yumi as she brought down another blast of thunder…this time aiming for the leader. The shield protected him and faded.

Rich ducked where he stood and a red beam flew over his head. He swung his bat as he turned, hitting the soldier who had fired and causing him to fade as his comrade had just done. Rich then saw a greenish flash appear around him. He turned, and saw the girl running down the steps fire an icy blast at the sleeping Starman, finishing it.

Rich raised his eyebrows, then noticed the leader standing back up.

“You…will both…PAY! NOW!” he yelled.

Yumi eased backwards and stood near her partner in the battle. “Just relax,” she told him without turning around.

Rich nervously looked back and forth between both of the ones before him. Suddenly a few more Starmen arrived at the top of the stairs, and teleported down to stand by their leader.

“What happened to the others?!” yelled their boss.

Rich and Yumi stayed still…as he decided to trust the one who had just helped him.

Finally, the Starman DX screamed and fired a huge blast of Psi ‘Starstorm.’

Shocked, Rich prepared to avoid the attack, but was held in place by Yumi, who seized his arm. He looked on nervously as it rushed forward…and then something around him flashed, as the green shields protecting he and Yumi reacted. The attack flew back towards the one who launched it, hitting not only him, but his comrades as well. All screamed…before evaporating into thin air.

Rich let his guard down, and looked at Yumi.

“…I’m getting out of here,” she said before rushing up the stairs.

Rich looked around the barren lobby.

At the bus stop, one girl wearing a green jean jacket over her green tank-top, dropped her pack and interlocked her fingers. The boy sitting by her, again wearing his usual open long sleeved shirt over a T, did the same. They both also wore black pants, black shoes, and sad stares as they looked at the ground.

“So what are you so sad about?” asked Yumi with a slight grin.

Rich chuckled. “Nothing I…nothing”.

Yumi looked up at the night sky.

Rich remained quiet as he looked at the ground.

“…That move you did with the balls…that was really something,” said Yumi.

“Thanks it’s…from what I can tell it always sticks on whatever it hits first. Y’know like, if there’s something similar to what it hits nearby it’ll…hit the others continuously,” he said.

“Hmm, cool,” replied Yumi.

There was silence.

“You think they’re really invading us?” asked Rich.

“Don’t know…not sure,” said Yumi. “…But I’m willing to fight if that’s the case.”

He looked at her for a few seconds, then turned away.

“What?” she asked.

“Hmm?” replied Rich.

“You just looked at me.”

“Sorry I…”

“No it’s okay. I just…wanted to know why,” she said.

“No reason,” replied Rich.

“I have my ways of finding out,” she said.


“Just kidding,” said Yumi. “Telepath joke.”

“So you’re a telepath too,” said Rich as he leaned a little.

“Mmm hmm.”

“Well then…guess no one could hide their personal issues from you,” he chucked.

“I don’t…abuse my power like that,” said Yumi as she motioned with her hands.


“…’Sides…I’ve got big enough personal issues of my own.”

“…Sorry to hear that,” said Rich.

“Don’t be,” she replied, “I mean…it’s over now.”

“Oh. Well if there’s anything I can do to help…I mean I owe you.”

“No you don’t,” she said. “And I doubt you could make my mother and grandmother reasonable people.”

“Oh. What makes them unreasonable?” asked Rich.

Yumi paused. “It’s like ever since I realized my powers…they’ve been drifting away from me. It’s been like, them, and me. But it used to be an us.”

Rich turned to her a moment.

“I mean, they’ve always been sort of controlling, and adamant about stuff when we disagreed—and I would just have to live with it—but now it’s like…I can’t even talk to them without hearing another suggestion about going to the doctor to be examined,” she continued.
“They treat me like a…” she held her tongue, “they treat me like a darn alien.”

Rich looked at his backpack, then the ground again.

“I mean everybody thinks having powers would be so cool but…sometimes when reality kicks in you find out things aren’t as cool as you thought,” she said.

“…Yeah…I know that’s true,” said Rich softly.

“…Did I say something to upset you?” asked Yumi as a cool summer breeze swept through the night.

“No, no it’s just,” he paused, “…I’ve got some stuff going on too. I found out something today.”

“…Something unpleasant?” she asked.

“…Actually yeah,” replied Rich.

“…Are you going to be okay?” she raised her eyebrows for a second.

“…Today I found out that the man I’ve called dad my whole life isn’t really my dad…he’s my uncle,” said Rich.

“…Ouch,” replied Yumi as she turned to the side.

“Yeah…turns out my, my real dad was a crazy adventurer who took some samples from the old Onett meteorite just before I was born. Some pieces were left over at the site after they removed it…and one day he thought he might have gotten infected with something. Turns out he was right. I mean all those years, and they never discovered anything odd when they examined it. That’s because they were wearing protection. My dad wasn’t. So it seems whatever he had…which was apparently alien…got passed on to me somewhat, which is probably why I have Psi.”

Yumi raised her eyebrows a bit again. “Your uncle told you this?”

Rich nodded. “My dad…took off before I was born. He didn’t want to risk ‘infecting’ anybody,” he chuckled, “and he apparently asked my…uncle to play dad to me. My mom agreed to that whole…plan, of theirs.”

Yumi looked down.

“They lied to me my whole life…and I just found out today,” said Rich as he also faced downward.

“…I’m sorry,” said Yumi.

“…Don’t be…it’s over now.”

“…So besides the powers do you…feel anything else?” she asked. “I mean…”

“No, no. My whole life I’ve…never felt part alien or anything.” he laughed a bit. “The powers…that’s the extent of it.”

“Yeah I guess so…I mean those aliens back there didn’t…claim you as one of them or…oh let me just shut up,” she said.

They were both silent.

“Man when is this bus going to come?” Rich moaned.

“So when are you…going back?” asked Yumi as she looked a bit irritated.

“Don’t know. I don’t know when, or how I can get over this. Maybe I don’t,” he said.


“What about you?” asked Rich.

“…I don’t think I’m going back,” she said.

“Maybe you’re just angry.”

“…What’s your name?” she asked.

“Rich,” he said as another breeze blew some of his short blonde hair. Then he turned to her, “Yours?”

“Yumi,” the young woman replied.

“Yumi? That’s cute,” said Rich as he glanced up at the night sky.

“…So I’ve been told,” she said with a laugh as she nodded.

“Sounds like a cute little hybrid of ‘you and me,’ ” said Rich.

Yumi turned to him…and then noticed the bus coming in the distance.

“There it is,” she said.

They both grabbed their backpacks and stood. Rich adjusted his short bat so that it was strapped in perfectly behind the top of his pack. They boarded the bus, and the bus entered the tunnel.

“Peter…” called Nyne gently.

“…Yes?” he answered.

“Stay near me. Come here a minute,” she said.

He paused, then walked over to her.

“Come on lets sit. It’s comfortable here.” she said.

“…We just spent all that time sitting in the tunnel.”

“That was to avoid the enemy and the rain…and restore some Psi. Now we’re sitting to talk.”

“We talked a little in there,” he said.

“Not enough.”

Peter played with the grass a little bit.

“I mean, I’ve asked all the questions. Why don’t you ask something?” she offered.

“I don’t…really have much to say,” he replied.

For a second, Nyne stroked some of the light hair on his chin.

“If your mission was to find me and bring me back, why haven’t you done that yet?” he asked.

“Now there’s a start,” she smiled. “That’s actually because my ship needs to recharge its’ batteries before we can go. That’ll take three days here.”

Peter frowned.

“Also…I can use this opportunity to learn more about what Alpha wants with you.”

Peter was quiet.

“And we haven’t met our comrades yet. I was told there were four. I’m guessing we’ll rendezvous with another team being sent to Earth at some point.”

“…What about the one I came in? How long would it take to recharge?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” she said, “can you remember anything about it?”

“…No,” he said looking at the ground.

“Well why don’t we go over there tomorrow and find out. That is, if it hasn’t been removed yet…and I’m betting it has.”

Peter looked a bit restless.

“Unless you want to walk back to Onett now,” she said.

“No…I…I think I’ll just rest now. It was…a long day.”

“I know,” she said smiling at him.

He looked away.

Nyne paused, then looked up at the sky.

“…Thing is…I can’t even remember just how long it was,” he said.

“…I know…”

“…I don’t even know if I ever will.”

“…I know…”

There was a pause as Peter relaxed on the grass.

“…We should probably stay here for a little while,” said Nyne. “I’m pretty sure they’d expect us to show up at a hotel.”

“We’re going to end up endangering more people,” he said. “Maybe…maybe if we just talked to those Alpha people…”

“No!” she said. “If you can’t bring yourself to trust me yet fine, but you have to stay away from them.”

“I never really said I didn’t…”
He stopped, turned over, and closed his eyes. “I hope you sleep well.”

A sudden surprised look, then gentleness came over her face. “…I’ll protect you. Just let me. Peter…tell me you’re not going to try and see them while I’m asleep.”

Peter was silent.

“Peter. Promise me you won’t leave here,” said Nyne.

There was still silence.

After about a minute, Nyne rested next to him, and looked up at the sky. She stared at the back of his head before closing her eyes, hoping that something would keep him bound to the earth beside her as she slept.

-To be continued

By James