This place I go
- James

Chapter Four
-The beginning of the end

*Paula: There are dreams, and there are nightmares. And then there are dreams that BECOME nightmares. Why oh why do they have to keep happening to me? I sort of let my guard down at the festivities and drank some extra happy soda. I didn't know about it 'till it was too late.

It gets worse. ANOTHER invasion started last night. Don't know where it is now—but anyway. Am I gonna let them trash my town just because I'm disoriented, bewildered, and have no idea what day of the week it is? Heh, heh, heh.....NOT. Old slang. From what I remember, I was doing pretty well before Ness arrived and finished those robots off. Then, he took me to the hotel in Fourside—so as not to endanger our families. But it's not as romantic as it sounds. I think I said some things...I probably wasn't ready to say yet. He eventually tried to put me to sleep with that hypnosis Psi of his, but I sent it right back at him with my advanced shield. I mean, I wasn't myself. So then HE'S goin' bye bye.

Ness and me...crashing, out of it, gone. I have no idea what happened after that, but I do know this: when my mom finds out about everything my butt is hers. I don't mean she'll spank me. I'm too old. Heh, that's the problem.*

*Jeff: And I'm telling can't be true. He's my friend. No way he could do that. But it would take someone really powerful, this IS his cap—I know it is, I've handed it to him—and Piper is not a liar. Half the school I essentially grew up in is destroyed. Staring at me and calling out for vengeance when I turn away. She says he led a group of robots. But why? Where did they come from? How could it have been Ness with them? It's almost as decision to quit mechanics caused this.*


The door to Polestar Preschool opens and closes.

"No Bill I'm....hold on a second please.........Bill? It's alright now, she's here! Yes. Thank you so much." Paula's mother hangs up the phone and heads for the daughter in the doorway. "What happened? Where were you?" she asks with relief.

"You called the police chief?" asks Paula with a bit of sternness, seeking to take control of the conversation.

After the hug, her mother's tone indicates that it's not going to work, "Tell me where you were."

"I, crashed with a friend," answers Paula, "I'm okay."

"What?" is her mom's reply.

"I'm sorry, alright," says Paula, "I just didn't think you'd get so excited."

"Why didn't you call?"

"I fell asleep."

".....Give me the number of the house."

"Why?" asks Paula sounding almost offended. "I can't be trusted now?"

"I want to speak to the parents and find out why they didn't call me," says her mom.

"They may be out of town—like Dad. Like a lot of parents."

"......What is going on here Paula?"

"Look I'm okay, alright? I thought that'd be good enough for you," says Paula.

There's silence as Paula quickly regrets her outburst and looks away for a few seconds.

"Mom, I'm sorry," she continues, "You want the truth? Someone spiked the soda bowl last night—I'm okay. That's why I was too out of it to just come home. This girl found me, and I told you the rest. I'm alright—and still kind of tired." She slowly heads for the stairs. "Can't we finish later?"

".....Alright," says her mom, "but I don't want you leaving again until we do—and no guests either."

Paula stops, but soon decides to take what she can get and escapes to her room. She plops down in bed and shuts out the world, as her conscience sneaks up on her.


"That's so, and I don't mean to be rude, but that's so interesting," says Tracy.

Prince Poo chuckles.

"I mean, to almost everyone else, if you're born royalty you're born happy. But I see now that you guys have to earn it as well. You have work and responsibilities too," she continued.

"You're mature beyond your years," said Poo.

"Well," said Tracy, "you may get some arguments on that one. Like from....."

Suddenly Ness arrived via teleportation.

"...My brother," said Tracy. "Off with you please," she said playfully, "I'm chatting with my friend...I mean...his royal highness, Prince Poo."

Ness looked at Poo, "......See what I have to put up with?"

Poo laughed again.

"Really," said Tracy, "can't I stay here a bit longer? This country rocks."

"It's okay," said Poo interrupting Ness, "I'll bring her back myself. Nothing on my schedule later."

"...Alright then," said Ness as he looked to Tracy.

"What happened last night?" asked Poo.

".....What do you mean?" Ness replied.

"Duh. He means the attack," Tracy said. "I didn't ask because you seem fine," she eyed a brown envelope in his hand. "Is Paula alright?"

"Yeah," he replied. "I haven't seen any more of them since," he said to Poo.

"My morning paper didn't have a very elaborate report," Poo replied.

"I tried contacting Jeff a few minutes ago, but he hung up right after he answered and I couldn't get through again," said Ness.

"He's probably busy in extra credit summer school for geniuses or something, don't bug him," said Tracy.

Ness was quiet for a few seconds. "So, I guess that means we're just waiting," he said to Poo.

Poo nodded.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go drop this off, and I'll be back in about an hour," said Ness.

"Who's that for?" asked Tracy.

"Paula's mother. It ended up at our place by mistake." Ness teleported.


"That's so odd," said Paula's mom as she smiled at Ness. "Wait! It was probably one of those..."

"One per household orders," said Ness with a smile.

"She has been using your address for some of them so we could get two, I hope it's not too much trouble," she said.

"No no not at all," he replied, "she told me about that, but I guess the mailman finally got mixed up or something."

"Could be. This Sunday summer special is getting to some of them I hear," she laughed. "I'm sorry Polly can't come down now, but I want her upstairs because I didn't know where she was last night."

"Oh, well...anyway, I guess I'll see her later then," says Ness. "Bye."

He walks away.

Paula's mom seems a bit puzzled, then closes the door. Inside, she opens the envelope, then stops in her tracks.

Upstairs, the door to Paula's room bursts open, waking her quickly.

"Mom what the........."

"How dare you lie to me!"

"...I didn't lie," says Paula.

"What is this?" asks her mom as she brings forth a picture of Paula, sleeping in the Fourside hotel.

"I...WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?" asks Paula.

"Your friend just brought it over. Answer me this, how did he really get it? Or did he drink that soda last night too?"

"Ness? You mean Ness? Mom I...I don't know what's going on," says Paula.

"Well you had better figure it out young lady, and you had better explain it to me—NOW.”

*Ness: Some of life's questions just can't be answered. At least that's how it seems sometimes. This thing with me and her—will once again have to be dealt with later. I should be focusing on the situation at hand. But being alone with her.....I enjoyed it. Even under those circumstances. I want to see her. But she can't come out now. She's the one… trapped inside. Hmm—how's that for role reversal?*

The phone comes alive. Paula ignores it at first, but doesn't want to draw any further attention from her mom.


"Hey it's me," says Poo, making a long distance call. "Is everything alright, after the battle and all?"

"Just great," says a sarcastic Paula.

"Good, let me know the moment those things strike again...if it's in Twoson I mean. Anyway, is Ness there?"

"Nope," says Paula.

"Really, he said he had a package to give your mother."

"...So......Ness really did deliver that," Paula says.

"What?" says Poo.

"Nothing," replies Paula.

"Well if you see him could you tell him that Tracy wants to stay a little longer?" Poo chuckles. "She's having fun and meeting some of our girls who speak foreign languages."

"Oh, so you've got Tracy there," said Paula, "okay then."

"Talk to you later," said Poo.

They both hang up.

Paula holds the cordless in her hands. "......Ness....why would you take a picture of me sleeping......and bring it to my......she doesn't understand Ness. I'm....." Suddenly the phone rings again.

"...Hello," says Paula.

"Hey," says Ness.



"Why did you do that?" she asks.

"What?" he replies.

"The picture. Of me the hotel—hello?"

"Yeah I'm here," says Ness. "What do you mean? I don't remember anything after we fell asleep."


"When did you see a camera on me?" he asks.

"Look, my mom is beyond mad at me, I'm about to be grounded forever, and my dad doesn't even know about any of this yet. …I don't want you to call, I don't want you to write.....and please, don't come over either."


".......That's the way it's got to be…and if you get anymore of our mail, just do me a favor and burn it."


Chapter Five
-Your friends don't live here anymore

"All in all it was a really bad night," says Jeff on the phone.

".......Again I'm so sorry to hear about your school, but the part about Ness doesn't make sense," said Poo.

"I know...I know that, I just..."

"You've got to talk to him. It's the only way to figure it out. He was just here and he seemed fine to me," Poo continued.

"Piper said he was with the you think maybe they had control of him or something?"

"I'm not sure...maybe I should go see him," said Poo.

"No, no...I want to confront him about this myself," said Jeff. "...My dad's here Poo, I'll talk to you later."

They hung up.

"Son," said Dr. Andonuts as he undid his coat.

"I know, I know..." said Jeff.

"The damage can be repaired," said the Dr., "the world has, and needs people who fix things....which is exactly why you should stay with mechanics."


Suddenly, Piper arrived from the lab's kitchen with a tea box in hand, "Uhhh, there's only enough for one," she said.

"I'll go get some more," said Jeff.

"I'll, go get some more," said his father.

"No I'll go get some more Dad....." he said quickly and boldly.

After a short silence, Jeff dropped his outstretched hand, "Sorry......I'll go get the tea." He bundled up and reached the door, "I'll be back in about half an hour." The door slammed behind him.

".….He's.......just taking it hard," said Piper.

Dr. Andonuts remained quiet and sat down at the table.

"...........O Kaaaaaaaay," she said. "Hey. Why don't I make this for you while we wait. Did I mention I'm a big fan?"

In the market a short ways up north, Jeff dials a number while waiting in line. For the third time today, Paula's phone rings.


"Hey why haven't you called to see how I'm doing yet?" Jeff asks teasingly.

"What do you mean?" asks Paula.

".......Something wrong?" asks Jeff.

"No. So what happened?" she asks again.

"Well, Snow Wood, was attacked last night. Half of it was destroyed. You can see the damage from the outside," he says.

"What? Jeff I'm....sorry. Was it the robots?"

"...You know about them?" he asks.

"They attacked Twoson last night too," she responds.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, fine, but tell me the rest. Was anyone hurt?"

"No, not really. But I did get some other bad news. …I know it sounds crazy...but Piper says she saw Ness...helping the robots."

"What? No way," says Paula.

"We've got his cap here, and yes I'm sure it's his cap," he replies.

"Jeff, Ness was with me last night. We checked into the Fourside hotel to avoid endangering anyone after we beat those robots."

"The whole night?" asks Jeff.


"Did he have his cap with him?" Jeff continued.

"........No," says Paula. "Jeff, Ness would never do anything like that...but he is acting weird. This morning.....he brought a picture of me at the hotel over to my mom, right after I had a cover story going."

Jeff is silent. "Oh, I've got another call Paula. I'll talk to you later."

After she hangs up, Paula thinks to herself. "Ness....what is going on with you?"

"Hello? Piper. What?! .......I'll be right there!"

Jeff drops the basket in line and runs outside. Trying to ignore Snow Wood in the not too far distance, he reaches the motorboat service and is rushed back to the lab.

Horror grips him as he sees part of it in flames. In a way, school and home have come closer than ever.

"I'll get the fire department," says the man in the boat as he speeds away.

Jeff prepares himself as he rushes toward the open door. From the doorway, he sees his father, unconscious and with his head on the table. He sees Piper, on the floor looking nervous. …And he sees Ness, who's reclaimed his cap, staring back at him. Jeff slowly walks in.

"Jeff...whoa..." says Ness.

Jeff has pulled out a small device, and is pointing it at the boy a few yards from him. "...Get out man," says Jeff.

"Jeff......what on Earth are you doing?" asks Ness as he holds a hand out in his defense. Suddenly, a brief white flash covers Ness, indicating that his 'shield of light' is up.

"…You did this. You did this here, and at the school," replies Jeff.

"I DID NOT!" says Ness.

"Ness," says Jeff as he briefly closes his eyes, "something's wrong. You’re not yourself lately. You need some help."

".....Nothing's wrong with ME, but I'm starting to wonder what's up with you guys. Jeff, this place was like this when I got here."

"NO," says Piper, "listen to your friend—you need help."

Ness looks down at her, "What are you talking about...?"

This however, makes Jeff a little too nervous.

"Alright that's it," he says. "This is my newest counter Psi unit Ness. I figured I'd need this someday. It takes away Psi for a much longer time than the old one. If you don't leave now, you won't be able to teleport home in a little while."

Ness looks at Jeff, standing his ground.

"I mean it Ness," says Jeff, "go get the help you need. Don't come back here, or to my home again without my permission. Period."



After a brief pause, Ness stares at the floor, then walks out of the lab. He fights the urge to look back, and loses. He turns to face Jeff from outside, who attends to his awakening father and looks back. For a few seconds, there is nothing but the two boy’s eyes.….and then Ness teleports.

Chapter Six
-Bad to worse

"Look, just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean you can take it out on everyone el..."

Ness interrupts her, "Will you be quiet?"

Tracy pulls away from him, "I thought you didn't care if I stayed for awhile," she protests.

"We're going home, now," says Ness.

"No. You go. Poo said he'd take me back," she says.

"I seem to remember this situation being reversed not too long ago, and I gave you your way didn't I?" said Ness.

"Well I seem to remember you taking your time...and look at what nearly happened as a result," she countered.

"Look, if you EVER want me to bring you back here, you'll quit acting up," says Ness.

"What is your problem?!" she says shoving him.

"I'd like to know that myself," says a calm Prince Poo as he approaches.

"Look, I'm just gonna take her back now Poo, we'll see you later."

Ness grabs for Tracy's arm. She pulls away.

"C'mon. Tracy c'mon!"

"Are your parents back?" asks Poo.

"No," says Tracy.

"And how do you know that?" asks Ness, waiting for a silly answer.

"I got to make a phone call just a minute ago," she says.

"...We're leaving," says Ness as he takes her arm, "now just relax."

Poo, however, gently breaks the hold. "Ness," he says, "you're not acting yourself. What's going on?"

"Nothing," says Ness, seemingly frustrated.

"Yeah right," says Tracy.

"Why don't you spend some time here?" offers Poo. "I'll translate for you. We'll help you jettison the anger, and focus on the positive."

"Yeah," says Tracy.

"No I don't want any of…" Ness stops. "Poo, I...I didn't mean..."

Poo stares at him, "Very well. Do as you like." With that Poo quietly walks away.

".....See," said Ness to Tracy, "if you had just come with me none of that would have happened." They teleport.

Later at home, Ness discovers that his sister isn't speaking to him.

*Poo: How did he get to this point? Why are people so wrapped up in fighting? So wrapped up in their emotions? I'm not sure. I've still got my own emotions to deal with and understand. And if a person can't understand himself, and can't understand just one other, is he fit to lead the masses?

What is my wealth of knowledge worth if I don't even understand my own emotions? The way I am and the way I'm supposed to be. There's the prince, and then there's Poo. Which should I choose? Which does she choose? Which is weak? Which is strong? Then, if knowledge is power I should be strong all around. So if that's true, why am I so frustrated all the time?*

"Poo," called a young woman rather loudly—the young woman who was closer to him than anyone.

"....Ada," he called back seeking her location.

There was no answer.

He shortly figured out where she was, but when he arrived, all he found were her shoes...and a note.

Poo picked it up and read: "This mysterious girl is ours your highness, but for a price, you may have her back. We will contact you soon."

The note crumbled in Poo's hand, as the emotion called anger took control. With a loud yell, Prince Poo projected a large, beautiful display of mystical stars into the night sky, gaining the attention of all who lived in his country.

-To be concluded