JAKOB'S EARTHBOUND ZERO FAQ --------------------------- NOTE- This file is best used when maximized on a 800 x 600 pixels screen. Otherwise, the file may and will appear to be stretched out at odd points and at others, have a very strange-looking syntax. Just keep that in mind. INTRODUCTION- Yes, I'm aware that EBounding made an EB0 FAQ, and I am also aware that it was done in Word. (I prefer Notepad, personally) I just planned to make an updated version of his, because a few of his answers were no longer true, (and I would add my own) but AmzRigh told me that he first needed permission from EBounding. Well, that apparently never worked out, because it's been months since then, so I decided to make my own one. Enjoy. THE FAQ- Q1: What's the best method of playing EB0? A1: I personally use NESticle, but I seriously don't want to. Instead of a mouse, you have to use a severed hand picture, and the program icon is...well, you'll see if you want to. Many prefer FCE Ultra, but it doesn't work on my computer. Q2: Is it really true that Beta cartridges of the game leaked out of Nintendo? A2: The skeptical gamer commonly believes that it is merely a ROM dump cartridge, therefore not made by Nintendo, simply a bootleg. However, there is proof that some of the cartridges are indeed real. For example, if it was a ROM dump, you would get a message telling you that the game will no longer function because it is a bootleg, at some point or another. Q3: Awesome! How do I get a real copy? A3: This can be quite a task. While every once in a while a copy of the game appears on eBay, I wouldn't trust these people. After all they may be selling you a fake, which is altogether too common. One of the people in the community that has a real Nintendo copy is ShadowX, but last time I checked, he wasn't selling it. =) Q4: Why wasn't the game ever released? A4: Eventually, after getting bogus answers a few times, Nintendo has responded to fan e-mails claiming that the game would probably not have made up for all of the costs it would have charged them. (Advertising, production, etc.) I find that a quite ironic answer considering they all ready had it translated, and had complete Beta cartridges all ready made. However, that's the answer straight from Nintendo's mouth, and since it was not a form response, it's the final word. Q5: Will the game ever be released for GBA? A5: Probably not. While it is ever-so-slightly possible that it would be released along with EB in a port package game, it's highly doubtful. And let me make this clear, THERE IS NO EB OR EB ZERO PORT/REMAKE GAME ANNOUNCED BY NINTENDO, so don't get your hopes up. Q6: Is the game illegal? A6: While many argue that since it was never released, and no one is profiting off of the ROM's distrobution across the Internet, it is indeed illegal. Any distrobution of Nintendo products, released or unreleased, without Nintendo's consent, is illegal. I hate to break it to you, but that's reality. However, feel free to play it. I mean, Nintendo isn't going to break into your house and stop you or anything. =) Q7: Why aren't there any EB Zero sites on the Internet? A7: While there certainly aren't many, there is one very nice one... http://wind.prohosting.com/magicant Q8: Where can I get EarthBound Zero/Mother doujinshi? A8: I would like to know. I have searched far and wide, eBay and Google, but my search has no results. Doujinshi are incredibly rare, and Mother doujin are as easy to find as the Sword of Kings. (Probably harder, actually.) If you know of any source, please tell me. I'm willing to pay quite a bit. =) Q9: What's a doujinshi? A9: Okay, it's basically published and sold fan manga. (Manga are Japanese comics, by the way) They are only found in Japan, and each have only about 1,000 copies made on average. The art can range from beautiful to third-grader scribbles. While doujinshi are certainly cool, I must warn you, some are hentai, and even more commonly yaoi. (I'm sure you know what those two things are) The most common form is shonen-ai, though, which is basically a boy-boy relationship, but PG. It's sort of annoying, but if the art is good enough, it's well worth it. Doujinshi are certainly not for everyone, and they are an acquired taste. Q10: Are there any codes for EB Zero? A10: Yes, there are indeed. Check out the 12th section of KindarSpirit's massive guide for details on that. Q11: Is EB Zero related with EB? A11: Possibly, though very doubtfully. Ness is NOT Ninten, nor is Ness his son. The baby in EB0 that teaches Ninten to Teleport isn't Ness either. There are many theories about this sort of stuff, though many facts dispell most of them. I personally believe that Giegue and Giygas are related somehow, possibly one and the same, though it's not too likely. Q12: What's better, EB Zero or EB? A12: That's strictly a matter of opinion. For my views, check out the EB VS. EB ZERO DEBATE file I submitted. It should be up around the same time this is. (At least, I hope.) That about wraps it up. This was a DARK STARMEN INC. production, created by Jakob Dorof. For more about DSI, check out the official (but temporary) website at... http://www.geocities.com/darkstarmen/Front_Page.html