Earthbound S

By: Darth Belch

Part 1: The Devestation



            It is the year 199X, just a week after they beat Giygas. Ness and Jeff are hanging out in Onett, waiting for Paula and Poo to come back with food.

            Ness stood up and rubbed his stomach. "Oh man, I hope the line isnt too long in Mach Pizza!" The Mach Pizza place in Onett has finally opened, and of course, Ness  plans to be their best customer.

            Jeff was impatient. He stood up and said, "I think we should just walk down there and see what the heck is going on. MAYBE GIYGAS IS BACK AND HES STEALING ALL THE TOMATO SAUCE SO THEY CANT MAKE PIZZA AND EVERYONE IS REFINED TO MAKING GRILLED CHEESE."

            Ness stood up and whacked Jeff in the head. "We already took care of Giygas....and I happen to like grilled cheese! But I think we should go."

            They packed up their things and left Ness's house for Mach Pizza. On the way, snakes and dogs came out, but they ran away because they remembered what happened to them a while ago.

            5 minutes later, they arrived at Mach Pizza. However they noticed something was up. There was a large crowd of people standing in front of the building. They saw Paula and Poo standing there. Ness and Jeff ran up to them. They noticed everyone in to crowd was looking into the sky.

            Ness nearly fell over. "OH MY GOD WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?"

            Jeff was equally amazed. "That is huge. But what is that?"

            Paula was still looking up at the sky while she talked. "It looks like a huge space shuttle. Ya see those look like the wings and those......"

            Before she could finish, the "shuttle" went hyperspace and was gone. Everyone was amazed, and they talked amoungst each other. Leaving it up to the 4 heroes, they went inside Mach Pizza looking for some service. Ness looked around and yelled, "HEY! WHERE IS THE SERVICE? WE WANT PIZZA." All of a sudden a head popped in the entrance in front of the crowd. It was the manager.

            "Hey if you want pizza, you gotta make it yourself! We got a lot of stuff to talk about out here! If you do, its free. OK?"

            They actually took it into consideration.


            About an hour later, they were at Ness's house eating the remainder of thier pizzas and watched TV in Ness's room.

Out of nowhere, there was this big shockwave that shook the house like a giant picked up the house and threw it. They look outside and see most of the trees were cut down. There were many buildings damaged downtown. Things were all over the floor.

Ness said, "Lets check the TV. I want to know what that was…" Ness then started to flip through the channels until he saw a news channel.

            The reporter was in the middle of an article about the Mayor of Twoson and his obsession with lawn gnomes covered with mustard and cheese. He then cut off into a news briefing.

            "This just in! This just in! There was just a massive shock that has been reported around the world! The cause of this is unknown! The have a theroy that it may be som...." He was interupted by a man running up to  him handing him some papers. The reporter's jaw was nearley hitting the floor. "Oh my god...I was just handed a couple of sattlite pictures that show what has happened. This first picture shows a picture of a space ship that was seen over Onett earlier this day." They showed the picture.

            "That was the ship we saw!!"

            The reporter then went on to say, "And the absolute most devastating picture ever seen, is a picure i have in my hand. This is what is belived to be the effect of the ship firing a missle to the ground, and caused that quake. It is estimated....that....nearly 1/4 or the Earth has been completely destroyed."

            Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo were in a state of deep shock. It just got worse when they showed the satellite picture. Indeed, the Earth's south-western hemishpere was completely blown off.

            The reporter came back on. "We are all completly devestated. We also found this note." The reporter then read:


                        Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo, come to the non existent part of the   Earth that was formerly known as the south-western hemisphere.             You will get more details when you arrive. Look for the shining light, stand in front of it and wait for further instructions. Your precious world depends on it. Dont bring anyone. I will personally see to it that the Earth will be immediatley destroyed. Come alone.

                                                                        Your Nemesis.


            Ness and the others looked at each other. Poo stood up and shouted, "Giygas!!!". Paula shouted, "Why would he do this".

            Ness then stood up, but was thinking. "Its not Giygas....If it was him, he would blow up the whole Earth. It cant be him."

            Jeff than said,"Exactly what I was thinking...If it were Giygas, he would target us directly, and then take care of the Earth."

            They pondered


            Millon miles away from Earth, a ship hovered. A dark figure looked over the bridge's main view.

            "Quick, get my servant"

            A weak looking alien came up. "Yeesss...maaaaaaster?"

            "I am going to send you on a mission."


            "Dont give me that look! You will go down on the Earth and meet the 4 chosen." The dark figure turned away from the servant.

            "But sir!, I cant face them, I will die! I wont go!"

            The dark figure was enfuriated. "YOU WILL DIE ANY WHICH WAY. If you go, you risk being destroyed. If you do not go, I will kill you myself!"

            "I ccc..ccc.c.c..ccant go! I have a wife and some little Hatchlings!"

            The figure summoned some guards. "Hold this guy down, I will kill him. If you will not go down, I will go myself! I will face the 4 myself and present them with a challenge." The figure then raised his hand to the face of the servant......and was ready to kill him. "For your incompetence, you will die"

            The servant, now enfuriated, was prepared to die. "MASTER GIYGAS, YOUR EVIL. ALL YOUR ARE IS AN…AN…. OVERBEARING TYRANT!!!!!!"

            The figure now known as our favorite villan, Giygas, was smiling. "Overbearing Tyrant? It has a nice....ring to it!" Giygas launched a fireball that killed the servant immediately.

            "Take him away. I will proceed down to Earth. The 4 will be sorry. This new plan of mine will surely work!




Darth Belch’s Notes:

            -Yes Giygas is back.

            -Sorry I couldn’t think of a good intro.

            -Expect some REAL good stuff.

            -I haven’t forgotten about my other Fan Fic series, Fury of Giygas! Expect more chapters!