Part 3: The Introduction

By: Darth Belch


Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo were still asleep, and Jeff was still awaiting Merridew's speech.

"But before I start, I would like to ask someone up to the stage," said Merridew. There were a few responses, however, Jeff was the only one jumping up and down. "Oh yes, how about my friend Jeff over here." Jeff was happy.

Jeff woke the rest of the 3 up.


Ness was groggy. "Ok. ok.

"I am glad to be on the same stage as you sir," Jeff whispered that to Jack.

"Well Jeff, I want you to do the honors." Jack said that while he was pointing to a tube like structure covered by a white sheet. "I want you to unveil to this audience what I am working on."

Jeff had a big grin on his face. He was obviously happy to be such a big part in the show. "When shall I do it?"

"When I give you the cue. Walk over there and wait for the signal.....and nooooooo peeking!"

"Yes sir!"

Jeff walked towards the cylider structure and awaited for Jack signal.

Jack is now ready to talk. "Ok. Now it is time to get to the chase. Now, as you should know by now, I study various genes. About 3 years ago, I had a dream. What would make a "super being". What would make any living thing far superior than anything ever achieved by any life form. I then thought of the old phrase, 'Its all in the genes.' I quickly had the idea to make the gene, however, I knew it would be near impossible for me. I would be playing God, I would literally making a human or something else. However, I felt that this would be a break through. So I wrote down things that would make anything "super". I put down things like super speed, super strength, teleportation, transformation, telekenisis, and some other stuff. I rushed into a lab and I started work immediately. I worked day and night. I slept only 30 mins a day for the first 1 and a half years. One day...I had given up. I left the lab with nothing but failure. The only thing in the lab was a bunch of computers and the tube holding the gene I was working on. Then one day, not too long after I quit, I went back to the lab to format, or clear, the data from the computer so no one would know what I was working on just in case they decided to snoop. What amazed me would change my scientific life forever. I went into the hallway leading to my lab, but the hallway was glowing green. I followed the light and it lead to my lab. I went in and this is what I saw."

Jack signaled to Jeff to take the sheet off of the tube structure. The room was taken over with a green dull light.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jeff was speechless. He was simply amazed. He fainted.

"No way"



The crowd was curious on what it was, but they were simply amazed. Ness, Paula, and Poo were equally amazed to.

Ness stood up, "Wow, this is like a science fiction movie!"

Jack cleared his throat again. Jeff became consicence again and was ready to hear what this was.

"Ladies and gentelmen. This is what I found in my lab"

Jack pushed a button, and a dark tinted window went over the glass containing the "gene". The green glow was gone.

"Heh, the light is a little distracting. This was the gene I had given up on. It had evolved. It grew enormously, FAR surpassing any gene in size. It grew at least 10 million times the size of the gene I origionally started with. Apparently, I shut down the computers, but in some strange manner, the computer was still functioning and was performing experiments. I turned the screen on and it showed that the gene was almost upgraded to what I had wanted. All I had to do was to press the "ok" button. That's what I did. It was done. The gene was complete. I had no idea how it was being outomatically upgraded. I didn't care, the egene was done. I called it the Gene of........."

There was a buzzing noise. The loudspeaker came on. "The food courst is now serving food. Come and eat because im sure your hungry. As a matter of fact, I am. See ya later ill be chowing down in the food court!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Jack rubbed his head. "Well I guess that's the signal for the food. You people grab something to eat and meet me back here hour and I'll meet you here!"

Jack walked up to Ness, Paula and Poo and Jeff walked after him. "Hey kids, wanna go get something to eat? My treat!"

They all said together, "ALRIGHT"

After everyone left, the only person left was the "dark figure."

*end of part 3*