Part 2: The Calm before the storm.
By: Darth Belch (aka NeoNess

Jack Merridew was in the middle of his speech.

"Well folks, its good to be here! I am exited doing public talks, but this probably takes the cake. This is my 2nd speech here, and this is certaintly a bigger crowd than last year!"

The audience started to applaude.

"Now down to buisness." Jack started to walk around the stage. "Ive come to talk about many things, and I have a special surprize to unveil at the end of my lecture"

Jeff whispers to Poo, "Oh man, I can hardly wait for it! I wonder what it is!!

Poo whispered back, "Ive never seen you so exited before."

"Jeff well is your favorite ninja walked in front of you, wouldnt you be happy?"

Poo started to smile. "My favorite ninja? O! Jackie Chong!! Jackie Jackie Jackie!!" Poo started to prance around the room and on the stage. Now, a crowd was forming around him.

"Poo, I think you should give it up" After saying that, Ness picked Poo up, lifted him over his head, and plopped him in his seat."

Jack started again. "Well we sure do have a bunch of enthusiastic kids here! What are your names?"



"Jeff, oh mighty Jack!!"


Jack looked at Poo funny. "....Poo."

"Yes its a Dalaamese name."

Jack looked with amazement, "Oh, you come from Dalaam? Ive been there before!"

"Ya, i live in the temple!"


Ness whispered to Paula,"I didnt know that scientists use the word "Cool" ."

Jack Merridew made his way back to the stage. Well I would like to talk to you about genology.


He went on for about 27 minutes. Jeff used his word processing program on his laptop to copy all the words Jack has said. Ness was half asleep. Paula looked bored. Poo, was quiet. All of a sudden Jack Merridew cleared his throat and sighed.

"Now its time to unveil my surprize."

Jeff smiled a grin from ear to ear and stated to wrigle in his seat.

"This I promis you guys, is a very big thing!"

The dark figure is the back row started to wake up; he was asleep, but told the man next to him to wake him up when Merridew was going to introduce his secrect project.

"Well, lets see what Mr Merridew has here," the dark figure said.

The man looked at his strangely.

"Whats your name?"

The dark figure looked at the man.

"My name is not youres to know."

The man replied, "Ok. Well atleast your name probably isnt a made up name, like Rooooyug, or Tresdfdf, or, or, even Giygas, or something like that."

The dark figure had a big grin on his face, but wanted to kill the man. The dark figure said, "HAHAH! YA GIYGAS!!!! WHAT A NAME!! ID HATE TO SEE THE LOOSER WITH THAT NAME! AHAHAHA!!!"

Everybody in the auditorium heard the dark figure, but convieniately, Ness, Paula, and Poo were asleep, so they didnt hear the dark figure's loud voice. Jeff was too involved in Jack Merridew's speech to listen to anyone else.

Jack Merridew cleared his throat. "Well i would like to introduce my recent disocvery and my secret project"

Everybody prepared for a long speech